Список поддержавших проект To sentence them forever to a supreme penalty of lifelong suffering! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

To sentence them forever to a supreme penalty of lifelong suffering!

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May 20, 2022
The building will be demolished… It will disappear soon. And the people living there, may disappear too. They have nowhere to go, no one is waiting for them. Not a single soul is behind them. If something happens to them, we will find out about it too late. Probably, on a payday, when Natia will not come to the store to pay off her debts.
Charity number:
$ 1,336.98
( 206 Donors )
Project completed!
a year ago
$ 3.72
a year ago
$ 7.45
a year ago
$ 1.86
'ბერიკა მემანიშვილი
a year ago
$ 1.49
ზუხბაია ალექსი
a year ago
$ 18.62
'ზურაბ შაიშმელაშვილი
a year ago
$ 0.37

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