I'm all alone, baby - there's nobody to give me water, nobody to cry with .. - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I'm all alone, baby - there's nobody to give me water, nobody to cry with ..

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September 28, 2022
“Don’t be afraid of me. I look like a horrible old woman from fairy tales, but I'm still young at heart Do you know how much torment and pain I saw during my life? In the end I could not stand it. I hunched over under their weight. I can barely walk. I don’t utter a word during the day. I am completely alone - there is no one to give me water, there is no one to complain to... "
Charity number:
$ 1,815.02
( 282 Donors )
Project completed!
I'm all alone, baby - there's nobody to give me water, nobody to cry with ..
If you feel sad because of your immediate problems - compare them with the problems of this poor and kind old woman!
“The 70-year-old Dodo is completely alone. You see only pain and despair in the eyes of this good Georgian woman. "
“Don’t be afraid of me. I look like a horrible old woman from fairy tales, but I'm still young at heart Do you know how much torment and pain I saw during my life? In the end I could not stand it. I hunched over under their weight. I can barely walk. I don’t utter a word during the day. I am completely alone - there is no one to give me water, there is no one to complain to... "
The fate of Dodo Kakabadze is a nightmare that lasts her whole life, Damocles sword of a lonely death. She has no bright memories, but only poverty and struggle for a piece of bread. From the 8th grade she went to work at a machine-building plant and completely forgot about happiness.
Let us support her, friends! It is a chance for us to get closer to God!
Dodo: I lived with my stepfather. We were very poor. My stepfather worked as a laborer at a machine-building plant, and from an early age I did all the dirty work at home, as Cinderella from the fairy tale. But my fairy tale has an unhappy end. There is neither a prince nor a palace, but only suffering and pain. But this is not the worst thing in my life. It is nothing extraordinary when you work to support your family.
- Did you also work?
Dodo: From the age of 16! And not just at the factory. I completed eight grades, and then my mother said that she could not cope alone with, and she needed my help. So, I quitted school. But I wanted to learn so much! I began to take care of my younger brother, home, livestock. When there was not enough money, they told me to go to work. I learned to be a secretary, learned to print a typewriter and got a job, where they paid me 80 rubles. My stepfather said that this was not enough, and he set me up with a job at the Kutaisi machine-building plant. I, a 16-year-old fragile girl, assembled the car parts, pistons. Do you know how hard it is? Everyone looked at me as I was crazy. I worked like a man. I earned 300 rubles. My mom and stepfather were happy because I gave all the money to them. When someone was sick or they needed someone to work overtime, I was indispensable. They said: “No one waits for you at home anyway, so you can work...”
“No one had been waiting for me at home before, and now I am completely alone. Apparently, I am doomed to loneliness"
- Your story put a lump in my throat. I can only imagine how hard it was for you. 
Dodo: If I only knew what an awful fate would wait for me - growing old alone, when there would be no one to give me a glass of water, no one to say a word for the whole day, I would probably have built my life differently.  I would have thought more about myself, I would not have left my studies, I would not work like a scrap horse. Sometimes I stole a piece of butter from the table and quietly smeared it in my hands: I had such terrible corns. They crackled and bled.
- What bothers you except for loneliness?
Dodo: My dear, everything, absolutely everything hurts! I don’t remember these clever names. Everything hurts me because of this hump: it is hard for me to breathe, my heart, stomach, legs - everything hurt, especially my soul. Because I am completely alone, and no one needs me. Sometimes I can’t even lie on the bed, and I sleep sitting. I have no strength to call for help. I'm afraid that I will die alone like this, and my neighbors will find me only the next day.
"She is completely alone - in an unfinished house, surrounded by piles of trash"
- Have you ever been married?
Dodo:  I suffered loneliness my entire life. No one loved me since my mom started a new family. I don’t know how it feels like. It seems that I was born to work. Nobody noticed me, and I huddled in the farthest corner of our house and cried silently, closing my eyes, in the hope that it was a nightmare, that I would open my eyes, and the nightmare would disappear. I grew up, I became strong, but was left completely alone. I have no husband, no children. I have relatives but they have their own life. No one needs a twisted old woman.
- So, it means there is no one to help you? How do you cope alone? Someone has to wash, to cook?
Dodo: I still cope somehow with the help of God. I wash with my hands in a cold water. I cook sometimes, but not often. My neighbors give me food - they are so kind. I lived with some relatives, then with others, and then I decided to move to my house. It is not completed: there are no windows, no doors. I fall asleep alone, and when I wake up - there is either a neighbor’s chicken or a homeless dogs sitting on me.   It was okay in summer. But when it gets cold? I will probably die. I don’t even have furniture. That's why it hurts me so much: I worked really hard for 35 years, but it turned out, that I worked not for myself, but for others. Well, God will Judge everyone.
"I worked hard, but got left empty-handed” 
- We are so sorry for you. Did you address anybody for help? Maybe, the local authorities?
Dodo: I wrote everywhere where only possible, while I still had strength and my hands were not shaking so much. They support me as much as they can. In our area, many young children are starving, how can I take bread away from them? My pension is enough for nothing.
- How do you manage to live here?
Dodo:  What else can I do? At least I have roof over my head. I have icons, I often address the Almighty, however, in my own words, but with all my heart. I beg him that no one suffers from loneliness.
“When I wake up in the morning, there is either a chicken or a homeless dog sitting on me”
- Do you believe in kindness of strangers?
Dodo: Of course, I do! I have good neighbors - they come to me, ask me how I am, share their dinner with me. There are still good people in the world.
- You said you never dreamed in your life. Do you dream about anything now?
Dodo: I am completely alone, dear. Do you know how scary it is?
- What, in your opinion, do you need the most?
Dodo: I hope you don't find this prurient, but I really need to fix my house by winter. I need windows and doors. You see yourself: I have nothing. I need at least some furniture. It turns out ridiculous: I have been talking about my unfortunate fate for two hours - it would probably be easier to die. But life is such a sweet thing! I don’t have long left - I want to live my last years decently. 
“Here is my entire wealth”
- I see you don’t have a fridge. Where do you store food?
Dodo: Nowhere. I have dishes stored on the lower shelves of this closet, and clothes stared on the upper shelves. If there is food, I put it there. It would be nice, to have at least the tiniest fridge. But I really need a washing machine: I no longer have strength. Who will wash my stuff? I have to wash sheets quite often. I just rinse them in cold water and hang them. What else can I do? I have no washing powder at all.
Dodo sleeps half-sitting because she cannot lie down
- It is good, that you decided to address us.
Dodo: It was my neighbor. I am happy that you came! No one has been talking to me for so long for a hundred years.
- Our Fund has many good friends. I am sure they will be happy to meet you.
Dodo: I will be happy if someone remembers about me. God bless everyone! I am calling you and I am waiting for you! My prayers are about you, friends of the Fund!
How can we alleviate suffering of this old lady?
Let's not leave the poor, lonely old woman without attention! Let’s all of us, the entire Georgia, become her children and grandchildren and take care of her! Lonely old age, helplessness - perhaps this is the most terrible fate.
All possible suffering befell Dodo. So, maybe we could bring her that long-awaited bit of joy? Old people are like children. They need affection and warmth, some communication, not to mention descent living conditions. Let's all together make the life of an unfortunate old woman better and remind her what joy is!
Dodo needs food, medications, household appliances, furniture, and she needs her house to be repaired. If not to install the windows and doors before the cold comes, she can just freeze. Would you be able to forgive this to yourself?
You also can meet her personally and provide her with all possible help. God will bless and reward you! 
Her address is: Tskaltubo Municipality, village Banoja.
Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone's prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save her from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at: office-fsp@fsp.ge.
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: Dodo Kakabadze)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under "Charity" section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link https://goo.gl/GY2Gus).
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chernovetskyi.fund/ and Telegram:  https://t.me/ChernovetskyiFund.
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone's life: 0901200270! God bless you!

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