Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The happiest birthday ever!

The happiest birthday ever!

Birthday: 30.01.2015
$ 181.55
(Donors: 67)
This wonderful Georgian boy is from a needy family, and in all eight years of his little life, no one has ever congratulated him. Congratulate the angel, friend! It will be the kindest deed you can do at such a difficult time for Georgia.

January 30th is Mate's birthday! He will turn eight!

Dear friends, recently our Fund published the story of this unfortunate family and many of Mate’s dreams came true ( ). But is this a reason not to congratulate such a kind and good boy? Children always have lots of dreams.

All the money that you transfer to this child on his birthday will go to his account in the Bank of Georgia and will be inviolable until the age of majority. You can always track your transaction. It will be done for the first time in Georgia!

We believe that this is important, since this wonderful child who today lives in such a dire poverty will get a significant amount of money by the age of majority! 

Who knows, perhaps your money will allow him in 10 years to start his life not in poverty. He will become a completely independent person, and he will remember you as his savior!

It would be dishonest not to congratulate such a wonderful, such a gentle and loving child - dishonest in relation to all the disadvantaged boys living in our Georgia!

It's up to you to just call Mate on the phone or give him something, but if you find it difficult to decide, you can donate money to him, and we will ask Mate over tea and cake what he needs to be truly happy and give you a wonderful video with his thanks!