Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

My dolls are old and not beautiful! And they are even naked. They are so shameless...

My dolls are old and not beautiful! And they are even naked. They are so shameless...

Birthday: 10.12.2018
$ 80.43
(Donors: 5)

My dolls are old and not beautiful! And they are even naked. They are so shameless...

Mariam: I already know what I will ask for! When I found out that you would come, I got prepared! I will ask for beautiful dolls. Mine are ugly, naked, and so shameless! I'll draw tears on her face as if she's hungry and crying. You know what kind of doll I want? The one that's dressed and sings! And I also want a bicycle. And a "non-birthday" cake. See, my birthday is in winter, but I want a cake now – it will be a "non-birthday" one, you got it? I am a very beautiful girl, but I have very ugly clothes. Will you bring me beautiful ones?