Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I even kiss this backpack every evening!

I even kiss this backpack every evening!

Birthday: 15.08.2012
$ 139.31
(Donors: 43)

I'm used to people laughing at me.

Mariam: You know, I have one dream that I think about every day. I really wish that everyone could understand that you shouldn't make fun of someone just because they're poor. Some kids at school make fun of me because of my clothes. They're torn and old, but I've gotten used to it. 

I would love to have a school bag so I wouldn't have to carry my notebooks in that old bag that looks like it was found in a garbage dump. It's just old; we've been using it for years.    I want a nice bag like the other girls have.  I also don't have any sports uniform or proper shoes.  I dream of wearing the same uniform as the other girls in my class. 

And I almost have no toys. I'm not complaining, but sometimes I wish I could play something fun, like other kids do. Maybe just one toy would make me happier? I don't even know.