Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

My mom said my dream was a pipe dream, and you made it come true.

My mom said my dream was a pipe dream, and you made it come true.

Birthday: 31.12.2017
$ 140.04
(Donors: 44)

Mom says: "It's either food or a bike"

Giorgi: You know, there are many children in our family. There are days when we don't have much food, and we always want to eat. But I have a lot of wishes in my head.  I would really like to have a bicycle. I imagine myself riding it. And I also love toy cars. But my mom always tells me that I have to choose between bread or a bicycle... and I always choose bread because I'm always hungry! I dream about having plenty of food all the time, so nobody goes to bed hungry.  Oh, and I also wish for some pencils, markers, and paper to draw with.

My mom also tells me that dreams can come true. Whenever I think about my dreams, my heart feels warm. I know I'm strong, and I believe that things will get better.