Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Saba has a new vroom

Saba has a new vroom

$ 69.43
(Donors: 31)
Bad ladies didn't give my mom a car!

Saba: Vroom... Watch out, there's a turn!

- What are you playing, Saba?

Saba: This is my car. For fun.

- What a car?

Saba: I know, it’s a broken chair. So what? It is my car for fun.

- Okay, Saba, let it be car. Will you take me with you?

Saba: Did you believe that? I have no car. I asked my mother to buy it, but the bad ladies did not give it to us, they said there was not enough money. How much money is enough? I don’t know. Is not it possible to give sweets and toys to children for free?

- It would be great.

Saba: Do you think I'd take it all for myself? I would leave for other children too. I would take only a car where you can sit in and one ball.