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A starving and humiliated future of Georgia suffers in a damp and dilapidated house and sleeps on a single couch! Should any of the angels die so that the others can survive?

calendar April 20, 2023

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One-year-old Ani is burning with a fever, and her mother doesn’t have a thermometer or any medicine to relieve her daughter’s suffering. Ani has a fever, but they can’t take her temperature and there are no medications at home. There is only one way out: to call an ambulance or wait for the neighbors to wake up and ask them for fever-reducing medication.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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A starving and humiliated future of Georgia suffers in a damp and dilapidated house and sleeps on a single couch! Should any of the angels die so that the others can survive? 


One-year-old Ani is burning with a fever, and her mother doesn’t have a thermometer or any medicine to relieve her daughter’s suffering. 

Ani has a fever, but they can’t take her temperature and there are no medications at home. There is only one way out: to call an ambulance or wait for the neighbors to wake up and ask them for fever-reducing medication. 

Nia (6-year-old): Ani has a fever, and I have high blood pressure!  I always have high blood pressure when I am hungry.  My head starts to hurt, and I feel bad.

Nia feels bad from hunger and thinks she has high blood pressure

– Who told you that you have high blood pressure?

Nia: When my grandma feels really bad, she says her blood pressure is high, so when I feel bad, I must have high blood pressure too!

Tsisana: Nia has the hardest time with hunger; she feels bad, and to explain her condition to us, she says she has high blood pressure.Nia: I can eat more than anyone else! I have the biggest belly!

– What do you like to eat the most?

Nia: Pancakes! I probably could eat all the pancakes in the world!”

“I could eat all the pancakes on the planet, and if there aren’t enough, I’ll eat you too!”

Tsisana: Children only talk about food. We don’t manage to feed them properly. We don’t even use the social canteen – it is a disaster for us! There are six hungry children in the house!”

– Why don’t you use the canteen? 

Tsisana: We’ve been waiting in line for two years. I write to various agencies to get attention, but nothing happens.  They say if someone dies, we’ll put you on the waiting list…Imagine waiting for someone’s death just to guarantee your children a piece of bread. This is sacrilege.

“We have one chair that serves as a table for us”

– Seven children, in a dilapidated house, cold, hungry… how do you manage to survive? You’re also pregnant!

Tsisana: Yes… my husband left when he found out that I was pregnant again. It’s been six months and we haven’t heard from him since. They say he left the country – I don’t know. The kids miss him a lot. Especially the youngest, Ani. She goes looking for him. She’s a year and a half old and she says “Daddy, daddy.” I can’t work anymore because of my belly, and no one wants to hire me. The social allowance is enough for nothing – only for buckwheat and macaroni…If someone gets sick, we only hope to God that the illness will be mild, and no one will need medications. Our neighbors help us a lot. When they hear that children are crying from hunger, they bring whatever they have. Today they brought soup. Not to mention that the roof leaks, that there are no windows, that the toilet and water are outside the house… there are no beds – the children sleep on one folding couch. What else to tell you? We won’t finish till morning.

It’s David and Nia who miss Daddy the most

– Tsisana, how did you find yourself here?

Tsisana: “This is an arbitrary occupied building.  Many families who have nowhere else to go live on the outskirts of the city.  When I was still married and able to work, we lived in a rented apartment, but we could no longer afford the rent and were evicted. Now I live here with my sick mother. Pus is coming out of her head, but she can’t go to the doctor. I need to get an ultrasound, as they said I might be having twins – my husband probably ran away from this “happy” news. The joy of having a child is replaced by the fear of how I will cope. But then I think, God gave me the ability to raise six children, and we will raise the seventh. The older children help me a lot around the house and can even look after the younger ones.

During the rain, water leaks from the roof

We have to sweep it off the roof manually

The children don’t have beds, all five of them huddle on one single sofa bed

Elene (12-year-old): We have the smartest one among us – it’s Nino! She does everything around the house and helps the children with their lessons.

Nino (10-year-old): And are you not good? Elena draws very beautifully, but she doesn’t have anything to draw on. We are very good friends with her. And Mariam is the most restless one! Nia always wants to eat.

“We must help Mom with everything!  When she worked, Elene and Nino took care of the little ones”

– What do you like doing? 

Elene: Well, I love studying, I love drawing, and I also dream of becoming a doctor and of skating. You know, a skateboard is something not everyone lends you to ride on. But I’m sure I’ll be great at it. My friends say that everything will work out great for me if I really want it.

– What good friends you have!

Elene: They are the best!  When I was little, I had a problem with my finger.  Kids avoided me, thought I was contagious and wouldn’t play with me, but Nini and Nata became friends with me and played with me.  And I realized then that they are the most wonderful!

Nino: I also have friends, but Elene is a more ‘friendly’ girl.   I really love studying, but I have to skip school – when it’s cold, we can’t go because we don’t have warm clothes. When I become a dentist, I will earn enough for beautiful clothes and lots of food. 

Children have no toys and no future!

– Why do you want to become a dentist?

Nino: Since childhood, I’ve always wanted to. I want to fix my grandmother’s teeth. Soon, she won’t have any teeth left, and I want her to be beautiful.  And while I become a dentist, I dream of having a phone!

Mari (8 years old): “I don’t dream of girly dolls either – I want a bike!  A normal one, not with those “Barbies.”  I also don’t like studying, but my grandma says I have to! I don’t understand why.  When I grow up, I’ll become a math teacher and make kids study!  Then we’ll see who has fun!

Little David doesn’t know how many good toys and tasty food there are in the world

– Wow, how nice! 

Nia (6-year-old): And I don’t go to school. I don’t know if I’ll like it there or not. School – it can be both good and bad.  And I know a poem about a cat!  That broke a vase, and her grandmother scolded her.  But we don’t have a vase or a cat!  We don’t even have any toys! 

– Do you like dolls, unlike your sisters? 

Nia: Of course!  I’m a girl!  I dream about dolls and something else too!

– What about?

Nia: I don’t know how to explain it. A doll that has a house, and clothes. And her own things. And also, I want to have food at home! A looooot of food! So that there’s enough for me and everyone else. Otherwise, I’m always hungry, and Elene, Nino, and Mari say, “just bear it – we bear it, don’t we?” But I can’t bear it. My stomach starts hurting, and my blood pressure goes up! And a ball and blocks for David! Everyone forgot about him, but I remembered.

– We will ask your mom about what she is dreaming about. Don’t you mind?

Mari: My mom’s birthday is coming soon (Tsisana’s birthday is on April 24th,  – author’s note) and I want to get her a cake! 

“How many days in a row can you eat just buckwheat and macaroni?”

– Tsisana, despite such a hard life, do you have any dreams? 

Tsisana: No!  My only dream is to create at least minimal conditions for my children.   We don’t have water or a toilet at home.  I heat up food at my neighbors’, get water in the yard, and the toilet is in the middle of nowhere. If you could solve this biggest problem for us, I would be just happy. The baby will be born soon, and I don’t know how I will bathe her. Because of the conditions we have my children barely manage to bathe once a week, and when it’s cold, they go dirty for half a month! 

Getting water or going to the toilet is the biggest test for a family with young children

– I see that in addition to the lack of plumbing, you roof is leaking … and there are no beds and a table!

Tsisana: We have nothing! But plumbing is the first and the most important problem. Next is the roof, and furniture… and there is no washing machine, no clothes and shoes … 

Georgian children should not go barefoot because they don’t have shoes!

– Didn’t you ask the state authorities for help? Maybe they can provide you with more comfortable housing? Or maybe you are eligible for some benefits?

 Tsisana: I don’t even remember how many times I applied to them. I asked them to provide us with housing or pay rent. I have nothing to say – they can’t even enroll us to a social canteen. The assistance for having many children that I am entitled to is taken by the bank. A few years ago, we took a loan because of our child’s illness. Only God knows when I will manage to pay it off. While my belly wasn’t showing yet, I worked in a factory and earned a meager wage, but my children were not hungry. When I receive an allowance, I will pay off all the debts in grocery stores, pay utility bills and will have 300-400 GEL left for the whole month. What should that be enough for? I think with horror about the birth of a child. I don’t even have clothes for her. Therefore, I addressed you, in the hope that you will certainly help us, at least a little. I know that God sent me to you, and even if no one responds to my misfortune, it means that this is the Providence of God.

These are the children of Georgia. These are our children! They need to be saved. They should see a happy childhood!

* * *

Friends! This family has no one else to ask for help. We are their last hope.  We want to ask for help from compassionate people who will not be indifferent to the fate of six children. They do not even have basic and customary home appliances. Lord, help these poor and suffering people!

This kind Georgian family needs any help: first of all, they need to install water and arrange a bathroom. The roof needs to be repaired, beds, tables, and chairs need to be bought. The children need clothes, shoes, and school supplies, and the unborn baby girl needs clothes and hygiene products. The family is also in great need of food, and a washing machine. It would also be great if we could buy tablets, a bicycle, a scooter, and toys for children. Together, we will manage to help these unfortunate people, as we helped thousands of families in Georgia who were hanging between life and death.

If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Tbilisi, Lilo Settlement, 2 M.Glonti Street

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: Tsisana Tsitelashvili)

You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank» (GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay terminals and PayBox (OPPA). Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on 



Even if you dial once this special number  0901200270 it might save someone’s life! God bless you! 

From the very first minutes, Tatia felt your love – the love of the friends of the Fund!


Meet the new citizen of Georgia – Tatia. We hope everything will be wonderful for you, sweetheart

“Just look how tiny she is,” says six-year-old Nia about her sleeping little sister. “She’s so fair-skinned! Isn’t it funny how she snores? And her eyes are blue. She weighs only three kilograms, such a little one. And they gave her tiny things: a little sundress, a tiny shirt, an overall, a little jacket.”

In the large Tsitelashvili family, the beauty Tatia was born. All the readers of our Fund eagerly awaited her arrival, and they generously gifted the much-needed items to the large family: a crib, a stroller, clothes for the baby girl, formula, diapers, and toys.

And they saved Tatia’s mom – Tsisana – from serious health problems. To support her six children on her own, she donated blood for months and bought bread until she fell ill with anemia.

Such wonderful children should only dream about beautiful things, not about a bathroom, a toilet, or fixing the roof

– Tsisana, congratulations to you on behalf of all the readers of the Fund! May the little one be healthy and happy. How do you and the baby girl feel right now?

Tsisana: The little one is doing well. She’s a calm girl. She was born weighing 2900 grams and measuring 49 centimeters in length. Instead of my husband, from whom I separated, my friend accompanied me to the hospital. Of course, I burst into tears from emotions when I saw my princess… Although, before childbirth, I wasn’t feeling joyful at all.

This crib was gifted by you with great care and love. The little one is free and comfortable in it

A month before giving birth, I was brought to the hospital unconscious with severe form of anemia. My hemoglobin critically dropped, and my blood pressure spiked to 150. They discovered numerous health issues, and it involved significant medical expenses. Only you remained by my side at that moment, taking full responsibility for mine and the baby’s health. I needed blood transfusions and other medical assistance. The baby was treated for an infection two weeks after birth. Then, I needed medications for recovery. Every time I called you or my mother contacted you, we were guaranteed to receive help. Thank you for helping us overcome this situation and covering all the expenses related to childbirth.

Nia: “Tatia is like a little doll. So tiny and delicate”

“We are no longer little ones – we’ve moved to a different level; this is the bed that has arrived for us”

– Is anemia still a concern for you, or were you able to overcome it?

Tsisana: I didn’t go for a follow-up examination. I got caught up and forgot about the illness. I’m focused on taking care of the baby. Maybe I need another blood transfusion. You know why I became a donor? To buy food for my children. For 650 milliliters of blood, I initially received 35 laris, then 50. I donated blood often, every two months. Even though I knew my hemoglobin was low, I tried to raise it through various means, took some supplements, and then went back to donate blood. But my body couldn’t handle it. 

Zhanna, Tsisana’s mother: Please, continue to help us as you’ve done all these months. I’ll go crazy if my daughter goes to donate blood again. It’s not good for her.

Tsisana: I thank the readers and the Fund for the fact that during these few months when the project was ongoing, I could get groceries worth 300 lari from the store. Along with the social allowance, it was enough for us to get by. 

Nia (6-year-old): We also got meat-filled crepes and khinkali from the store. When will we be able to get them again? I really, really liked them.

Nia has wanted a dollhouse exactly like this one for a long time!

Nino hasn’t stopped hugging her new tablet out of joy!

A new bike is a huge pleasure and fun. Mariam loves it.

Tsisana: After your video, people started reacting immediately. One generous person brought several boxes of groceries by his car – grains, pasta, oil, pastries. Then, a whole football team came to visit us – the coaches, the kids, their parents. I hope I’m not mixing things up, and Ilya Bajelidze was their leader. They also came with gifts and groceries. They brought a soccer ball for my Datucha. They lifted our spirits, and the kids fondly remember them.

Nia: “Look at this adorable little jacket for my little sister”

“And the tiny sundress”

“And the itty-bitty sweater”

Tsisana: “No matter how much laundry accumulates from the younger and older ones, I no longer worry. We have a new washing machine, and it will take care of everything”

Thanks to your project, another important change happened: two days after the video was posted online, the children’s father reached out to me. He became responsive after seven months of silence. Now everything is okay. We’re not together, but he sees the kids, and they won’t have the trauma of their dad leaving them. Now I can ask him for help in taking care of the children.

Your readers never left me alone with my bad thoughts. Just when I started feeling sick and heavy-hearted, a call would come, and I would hear heartfelt words. This is how all of you helped me hold on before giving birth. You took care of finding a wonderful clinic and doctors, diapers, and extra nutrition for the baby. She’s on breast milk, but I supplement her with formula. May your hearts be filled with joy and tranquility. May the Lord grant you the greatest blessings. It’s just a pity that we have so many problems that can’t be solved all at once. (Sighs.) 

Tsisana: “I don’t have much milk, but we have the formula you gifted”

Nia: “It tastes good to her, right, Mom? She doesn’t let go of the bottle, she wants to eat it all!”

Tsisana: “An excellent stroller for walks, when she grows a little and learns to sit”

Ani (1.7 years old): “Let Tatia grow up, but for now, this stroller is just perfect for me!”

– Don’t lose hope, Tsisana. What can’t be done in one moment can be solved step by step. Let’s list the remaining problems that concern you.

Tsisana: The biggest problem remains the lack of a bathroom and toilet. Because of this, the children have to walk a long distance. (Sighs.) We still don’t have proper sewage. To set up even a small kitchen and bathroom, we need around 3000-3500 lari. The roof is leaking, and the house is constantly damp. This is causing things to deteriorate – the bed linens have rotted.

I’m also worried because I have four schoolchildren in my family, and I can’t provide them with even the basic things for school. Social workers who come to our home see all this, but they insist that I must provide the children with normal conditions. And I have just 1300 lari of social allowance! I’m supposed to use that for repairs. If I can’t manage that, they say they will handle that amount themselves. Please, I’ll give it to them and see how they can feed, clothe, treat the children, and make proper repairs with 1300 laris.

Letters to the local authorities go unanswered. I’m always writing to them, asking for help with fixing the roof or finding affordable rental housing. That’s why I donated blood, to earn a little extra. But I just can’t do it anymore…

It’s heartbreaking when these beautiful, innocent children dream of simple things like a bath and a toilet, or not having a leaking roof today. Should they have to dream about these things? Let’s guide them towards beautiful dreams, providing them with basic comfort. Thank you for staying by Tsisana during the challenging and crucial moments of her life – during her pregnancy and childbirth. For Tsisana and her seven little angels, your decision to continue helping will bring immense joy and support.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, and talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy!

Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:

  – In Bank of Georgia GE42LB0115113036665000

  – In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003;

  – In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000;

(Purpose: The Tsitelashvili family)

You can also transfer money from our website: TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link 

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life:  0901200270 ! God bless you!

Let’s believe that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

May 10, 2023
Jun 08, 2023
Jun 08, 2023
Jun 30, 2023
fund overhead
Jul 04, 2023
Jul 04, 2023
Jul 04, 2023
Jul 04, 2023
Jul 10, 2023
Jul 10, 2023
Jul 17, 2023
Sep 26, 2023
washing machine
Oct 14, 2023
diapers,children foods
Oct 31, 2023
fund overhead

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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381 Donors

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381 Donors


They need your help urgently