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I survived because I am loved!

calendar January 31, 2016

One call saves life!

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Price (Keep in mind):

1 call - ₾2 GEL

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You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS with any content to the number 97100 to donate ₾3 GEL


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We are launching a fundraising campaign for treatment of Beka and support of the friendly and loving Eloshvili family.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


A young girl Eka
Eloshvili applied to our Fund recently and asked us to provide help to her
husband Beka.

The story of
their young family is so terrible and sad that nobody will remain indifferent.

Beka and Eka got married recently and a
wonderful daughter Tamara was born in their family. To earn more money and
provide the new-born baby with all necessities, Beka started working as a taxi
driver after his main job hours.

Little Tamarochka had just turned one
week of age when Beka was in a hurry going home after a heavy working day and a
sleepless night to give hug to his beloved girls.

and suddenly there was a strongest
lateral collision … Beka’s car overturned in the air several times and and hit
the ground by the roof. He does not remember how he was removed from the pile
of metal, how the roof of the car was cut by autogenous cutting …

20 long days of desperate struggle with
the death, 20 endless days of being connected to the artificial life support
equipment, 20 sleepless nights spent by Eka in tears and prayers. Beka turned
24 in the intensive care unit.

A young, strong, self-confident guy who
had recently been a support of his family was totally paralyzed with multiple
fractures and spinal cord injury.

After her husband was placed in the
ward, Eka used to bring their little daughter and put her next to her father
every day.

When Beka was discharged and taken home,
he saw a poster painted for him by his wife. The young man experienced a storm of
emotions reading the poster: “I need you!”, “You are my
life”, “Beko, remember, I will always be with you, you will be
healthy soon and we will be happy together! The whole life, forever!”

In this most difficult moment for their
family Eka did not lose heart, did not break and did not show her
disappointment to her husband. She began to take care of him with all her love,
doing her best to alleviate his sufferings. Now Beka can already move his hands
and roll over but his lower extremities are still unmovable and he even cannot
feel them.

Love really does miracles but
unfortunately this is not enough for Beka’s recovery – he needs a complicated
surgery for vertebral recovery.

And this young family just cannot pay
the cost of such operation! All of their modest savings were spent on
treatment. And now nobody can work in their family. The head of the family and
the sole breadwinner is confined to bed and Eka takes care of her husband and
the breastfed baby simultaneously … They are in catastrophic need of the most
basic products, baby food, medications for Beka’s treatment and rehabilitation!

They have no other hope than of kind
people sharing the grief of other people in a subtle way! Our help is very
important, they just cannot handle it without us!

We are launching a fundraising campaign
for treatment of Beka and support of the friendly and loving Eloshvili family.
If you have any means to help, or if you can support Beka, Eka and little
Tamarochka in any way, don’t stay aside … Help!

Nobody is insured from such misfortune
and nobody knows what will happen to us tomorrow! 

You can transfer funds for treatment of
Beka into the account of the Fund: GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Beka
Eloshvili) or directly from the website of the Fund:

Dear Friends,

have helped many unfortunate people and changed their life for better with your
help! We believe that we will also be able to help this young family together!

Jan 26, 2017
Jan 26, 2017
Spine and spinal cord research
Jan 26, 2017
Sep 20, 2017
Jan 29, 2019

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
28.01.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.01.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
20.01.2019 22:59:05
Thank you, kind heart!
10.07.2018 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
14.05.2018 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
10.03.2017 12:30:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.02.2017 06:53:00
Thank you, kind heart!
12.02.2017 07:20:00
Thank you, kind heart!
10.02.2017 01:49:39
Thank you, kind heart!
07.02.2017 08:36:00
Thank you, kind heart!
06.02.2017 08:35:00
Thank you, kind heart!
04.02.2017 08:34:00
Thank you, kind heart!
03.02.2017 13:32:20
Thank you, kind heart!
03.02.2017 13:20:32
Thank you, kind heart!
03.02.2017 13:15:37
Thank you, kind heart!
03.02.2017 10:49:36
Thank you, kind heart!
03.02.2017 08:36:00
Thank you, kind heart!
03.02.2017 08:36:00
Thank you, kind heart!
03.02.2017 08:35:00
Thank you, kind heart!
03.02.2017 08:34:00



178 Donors

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178 Donors


They need your help urgently