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Today his life is in our hands!

calendar October 15, 2018

What can a young guy feel like whose diagnosis looks more like a sentence? God forbid anyone to experience this.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


It is very hard to tell about a young
man who made plans for the future with his friends a couple of weeks ago, and
who now is struggling with death at the hospital.

Once there lived a smart, handsome and
kind boy… He did well at school, his parents were contented with his good
marks; then he applied to the University; he studied a lot and worked a lot…
He was not ashamed of any physical work. He wanted to graduate from the
University and to become successful in the profession which he dreamt of since
childhood. Two months ago he started his IT-career. He was so happy, he thought
of starting learning a foreign language to become a good specialist…

Now his only dream is to recover!

What is feeling a young man whose
diagnosis is more like a verdict? God save everyone from going through this!
Lately many young people have left us. Some of them learned about their illness
too late, some did not have enough money for treatment; some did not even have
time to start that treatment.

Before Luka learned about his disease he
never had anything hurting. On October, 1st he came home from work and found a
small hemorrhage on his back, but did not pay any attention to it… We never do
really care about such things. That night his stomach started aching, they
called for the ambulance… Overnight all his body was covered with hemorrhages.

We will not go into further details of
his illness. The thing is that after the 1st of October Luka’s life turned
upside down. Now his life is not within his power – his life is in our hands!

Today we must save Luka Alibegashvili in
the name of all those young people who left us forever! Today we must stand
next to his family! Today we must become Luka’s friends!

If statistics is correct, 8 mln. people
die of cancer every year! It is 13% of the population of earth! The numbers are
horrible, but today we struggle for the life of one boy. We struggle for him
not to become a part of this awful statistics!

We can save him, it is so important!

Dear friends, let us lend a helping hand
to this young man! do not stay idle, show the kindness of your heart and
your sympathy! Let us save one more life! You can transfer you financial
assistance to our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000
(Purpose: Luka Alibegashvili) or pay directly from our web-site

You can as well transfer money through
terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in
“Charity” section. (You can learn about the ways of payment by
following the link https://goo. gl/GY2Gus).

Life which changed in seconds.

When we are together, we can even defeat death! More than 900 benefactors took to heart the story of a young guy, Luka Alibegashvili, to support whom our Fund announced a charity campaign a few months ago.

11,712 GEL were raised in a short time! Friends, may God grant you health, good luck and happiness! You helped a lot a young guy whose life hangs in the balance!

Luca suffers from leukemia, which revealed itself last October when bruises suddenly appeared on the body of a 23-year-old boy…

Luka is now in hospital in Turkey, where he underwent a bone marrow transplant 50 days ago. This is a very complicated surgery! May God grant that everything end well for Luka! He has many fans among you and he simply has no right not to get better!

We called Luka’s sister, who asked us to send expensive medications, which she was unable to buy. We purchased the first batch of medications worth $2096, and we have already reported you about this. Now we have transferred $1340 for the purchase of medications, which Luka needs after the surgery. This is the second time that we have provided help to Luka, thanks to you, friends!

Luka’s sister sincerely thanks everyone who took part in saving her brother!

– Lana, what would you like to tell all those people who are worried about Luka?

Lana: Many of you know what difficult problems we had to go through, starting from October 2. It was hard both morally and financially. Together we managed to save my brother. The struggle for life always matters! When you have so many fans, it makes you feel that you just have no right to give up! Even death stands no chance when so many people support you! Happiness is in the little things, and we have already learned to see it in everything! I thank each of you, you have become the closest and dearest people to me! When we finally win, I will personally thank all of you! We will prove that leukemia is not a death sentence, and my dear brother, Luka Alibegashvili, will be an example of this!

We will continue to help Luka until his full recovery! 

Friends, if you want to help the young guy again, you can transfer money to the account of our Fund:




(purpose:  Luka Alibegashvili).

You can donate directly from our site

You can also transfer money from NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

Don’t miss the opportunity to do good deeds!

Jan 24, 2019
Apr 30, 2019
Apr 30, 2019
medicine for home care program
Jul 15, 2019

Total expenses:



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995 Donors


They need your help urgently