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“Mom, Dad, will I really die in 3 months?” – these were his last 7-year-old, beautiful baby George!

calendar December 3, 2019

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These were his last words of a 7-year-old handsome.

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Up to 7 years in Georgia, he fell ill with Rubella. Are you thinking to Enjoy the game? “George, come out, come to us.” But he did not want to. He does not understand why suddenly the chair began to fall, something “does not obey and passes” by the mouth.
Why do all night favorite dad and mom cry bitterly? He said that “the son has three months left to live”? These words scared the baby more than anything else …! And he cried out: “Mom, Dad, I don’t want to die in 3 months?!” And he was silent forever!
Today, George is 16 and 8 years old, he continues to not give up death! Literally die from the hot of his loving parents.
George sees, hears that he is suffering very much! I can’t say what moans, groans, groans!
Someone might think that this will all be at school. Who would have thought that this handsome Georgian youth would be both alive and dead at the same time …
It’s just awful to watch your child suffer. Mother condemns all the time …
She must be ready for any work, even to become a beggar, in order to get money for expensive medicines and special nutrition for a child.
Only officials are calm: they pay a pension of 200 lari and believe that they will be enough for medicines, and for food, and for diapers …
Talking about this tragedy with George’s parents turned out to be very difficult. The unfortunate people simply could not hold back their tears … they spoke, remembered, and wept bitterly.
The family lives in terrible slums near Batumi. There is no basic equipment, no TV, no refrigerator, no clothes for themselves, no food. Parents no longer pay attention to such “trifles”. To alleviate his inhuman suffering! Woe, woe, woe. What are the conditions there …
Jumber (father of the child): Oh, how happy we were when our son went to school! He is ready for this event … he worked so hard … he wrote letters so beautifully … my clever girl, my dear … and somewhere after 3 months, everything ceased to exist for me (crying)
– Jumber, tell us about George, was he born healthy?
Jumber: Yes, George, our firstborn, he was born completely healthy! How my wife and I were waiting for this day! December 4, 2003 I became the happiest person! I first picked up my son! At 5 months, he was ill with rubella, but his form was not severe. He recovered, forgot about it. He was such a smart girl, he started talking early.
– How did the disease begin to manifest?
Jumber: George loved when we did our homework together. Once I noticed that he somehow weirdly writes numbers … he will write one, and then he “heats up” then another one normally … I don’t understand what is happening. He thought he was tired. He told him to go play. He became somehow uncomfortable.
On the second morning, when he saw his notebook, burst into tears, did not believe. A few days later it repeated. During lunch, you have everything you need to be alarmed … no matter how he goes to the clinic.
It seems he felt better. I realized that things are really more serious than we can imagine …
“What have you done?”
Jumber: I do not leave the patient in whom they did not pay attention that, apparently, all the enemies think that this is a “psychopath”, that I provoke … these enemies say that this is intracranial pressure. with a child that he has 3 months left to live. She didn’t think. But can this be said? (Crying)
“Please calm down … it’s hard to remember, but then what happened?”
Jumber: Wandering around hospitals, doctors … we were told that we need to pump fluid from the head … my son and I came. He came with his own feet to the clinic! The doctor took him to the operating room … “Dad, I won’t die? I won’t die today? ” These are all the words that he intended to make with me … I already promised that after the doctor laid out everything necessary to quickly see the dolphins. I was not in the hands.
– “And after that he didn’t recover?”
Jumber: Once he smiled at me, or it seemed to me … I don’t know …
We could not continue the conversation with Jumber, he left the room, he was choked by tears of hopelessness, the understanding and realization that you can’t do anything …
“Mac, do you want to add something?”
Maka: Not just one mom wouldn’t wish to go through such a hell! When a child asks why he is sick and why the doctor said that he will die soon … experiencing such questions is a nightmare. While he could talk, he kept asking, “Mom, why am I falling? And why do I get enough food from my mouth? Why did I fall from a chair? What will happen to me? And three months is a long time ”- I haven’t lost my mind, I don’t know … probably our youngest son Beck gives us the strength to live … he loves his brother so much … he prays every night,“ God, heal George, I don’t want anything ”every evening the same words.
– What is the current state of George?
Maca: He’s been motionless for 8 years … his arms and legs refused, a year ago he couldn’t swallow … now I feed him through the tube that is installed in his nose. Every hour he needs to be turned from one side to another, and then the body becomes numb and in pain he begins to cry and scream … our living conditions do not allow us to properly care for him. We don’t have a bathroom, we bathe him holding over a basin … social benefits and his pension are barely enough for his medicines and diapers … but what to feed? He needs liquid food, he can’t get pasta and bread … if I can feed the youngest two or three days with one bread, George needs at least tea and crackers. We can’t even afford sugar (crying)
– What do you think can happen when we write about your family and people learn about your problems?
Mac: I don’t know, my boy will not feel better, but maybe even his existence will not be so miserable? Maybe they will at least help us with products? Or drugs? Pampers … I can’t list all our needs … it’s inconvenient to bother strangers. everyone has their own problems.
– Contact our readers! All Georgia is reading us!
Maca: I don’t know what to ask, at the moment we need food … I really need a washing machine … I only have 2 sets of clothes and they need to be washed every day … well, you know. I don’t have warm clothes for boys. Yes, George does not go anywhere, but it is very difficult to watch when he is dressed in torn clothes (crying). He is my son! I didn’t find it in the garbage dump … I still really need a blender and a refrigerator … sorry, I’m probably going too far, I have no right to ask so much … People, please help my children. It’s not their fault that they have poor parents.
Friends, the charity Foundation of Chernovetsky begins a charitable action. We do not intend to stop on one-time help.
To help these wonderful people survive, and takes good care of their seriously ill son, they need products, hygiene products, medicines, household appliances, clothes!
And also – call Mack or Jumbur, learn from their mouths about pressing needs, cheer up this family! You can also personally provide them with all possible assistance, and God bless you! And be sure to make PE EPOST of our post. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It is very important!
 God once again gives us the opportunity to take care of sick children, of his Angels on earth! Not all people are the same. And not everyone is kind, as we are with you. Do not expect someone else to help them!
Do not pass by someone else’s misfortune! Unhappy people are given to us from above so that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words but in deeds!
Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or acquaintance, do a charitable deed, write to us by e-mail:
Here is their contact phone number: 555 18 46 03 (Jumber) Address: Batumi, Khelvachauri, st. Pridon Halvashi 188
   Our fund account is GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000, GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: George Ninidze). You can also transfer money from our site.
You can transfer money from the terminals Nova Technology, TBCpay, ExpressPay. Find our foundation in the charity section. (Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at

Hooray! Hurrah Hurrah! Dad, I asked the Fund and you, friends, for diapers, but I received an apartment from the Minister !!!

“Mom, Dad, am I really going to die in 3 months?” This was the title of our post about a seriously ill Georgian guy – Giorgi Ninidze, who has been paralyzed for 8 years and is melting in front of his parents.

A few months ago, the boy’s father, Dzhumber, turned to our foundation for help, who was in despair and asked us to help him buy hygiene products and the necessary medicine for George, and buy even basic household appliances.

Let’s listen to Jumber, who will tell us what has changed in the life of his family after the visit of an employee of our Foundation.

Jumber: Before I applied to your foundation, my family did not have basic living conditions. Your employee couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the place where we lived with our sick son. We had no refrigerator, no washing machine, let alone a gas stove and heater. Thanks to you and hundreds of kind people, today we have it all. In addition, the foundation provided us with hygiene products, medicines and food.

– After hearing your story in the Foundation, were there people who wanted to contact you and offer help?

Jumber: Literally a few days after the story about our family was published on the page of your foundation, my phone rang personally from the Minister of Health of Adjara Zaal Mikeladze. He said he would help me with the issue of housing. Since I had previously applied for an apartment, but everything was useless, to be honest, I took it as another promise, but when a month later I received a call from the ministry and was invited to a meeting, then my heart began to pound with joy.

Can you imagine what happened to me when the ministry gave me the keys to a three-room apartment? I burst into tears like a boy!

– Has the fate of your family changed after the Foundation took care of your family?

Jumber: Yes, yes and yes again! I am well aware that it was with your help that we turned from invisibles, to which no one cared, into real people! You have brought spiritual joy and hope to our family, not to mention the help that I was given thanks to you.

– Jumber, do you consider yourself a happy person today and have your dreams come true, at least partially?

Jumber: One of my two cherished dreams has already come true and my family has their own apartment! My second dream is for my George to feel better. And for this we need such kind people as you and, of course, my compatriots, Georgians, to whom I bow low !. Only with the help of such people can my dream come true one day. Sorry if I’m not clear, I get so nervous every time I think about it!

– When you turned to our Fund for help, did you think that people would respond to your trouble?

Jumber: I heard that your Fund helped many people and many were very grateful to you, but somehow I could not believe it to the end, that someone could help another without any mutual benefits. To my surprise, there were people in your Foundation who helped me without any questions. Kindness, and this is the trait of good people.

– Dzhumber, have such people appeared in George’s life who are ready to help him systematically?

Jumber: You know, people I did not know, my new neighbors, helped me a lot in renovating our new apartment. And they promised to help George systematically.

– What would you like to say to the people who will now read this interview?

Jumber: I want to thank and say thank you to your Foundation for helping and not pass my misfortune and say thank you to all those people who have been there all this time and did not let me give up.

George’s story could not leave us indifferent. This is not only a problem for his family – it is a universal problem. It is very difficult for parents to deal with this alone. To cope, they need help and support from society, which is what George’s parents need today. People should definitely help each other.

And if you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, take a second and look at our posts in the FB. Better yet, dial the phone number of any of our beneficiaries. Call him and forget all your problems. Because they are “nothing” in comparison with those to whom you opened your good heart and came to the rescue in the most difficult moment of his life.

Our problems are nothing compared to …! Here it is – real grief! It is before your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, the problems of this and other families do not end, so from time to time look through the stories of unbeatable people on our website, talk to them. Every time dialing the next phone so much – on the back side you will surely feel God’s blessing! Necessarily! Help these families further! This is the best service to the Lord!

 Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund account is GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000. (Purpose: Georgy Ninidze) You can also transfer money from our website

You can also transfer money from OPPA, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Foundation in the “charity” section. (For additional rights and obligations of the Foundation, see the link

Your kindness is a chance for yourself and in everything to be happy!


Separately, the Foundation expresses gratitude to the Minister of Health of Adjara, Batono Zaala Mikeladze.

And also to the gentlemen who did not want to give their names: Zaza – for food. Flour, sugar, butter.

Nina from Tbilisi – diapers and fruits (10 kg of apples)

Students from Kutaisi (2 guys) were presented with 120 GEL, they said that they were collected by fellow students.

Geno Kakabadze – brought the family a full trunk of groceries and left money.

Thanks God! Glory to our Father for the kind Georgian hearts!

Feb 11, 2020
Feb 11, 2020
Feb 11, 2020
Feb 22, 2020
Gas heater
Feb 22, 2020
Mar 27, 2020
fund overhead
Apr 10, 2020
Jul 20, 2020
Aug 11, 2020
Mobile phone for Sofia Grigolia
Aug 14, 2020
diapers for Grigolia Sofi

Total expenses:



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