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A fairy tale is a riddle for adults in the New Year … God forbid – do not tell it to your children at night! Shhh …

calendar December 30, 2019

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What do you think, friends, where better is the beautiful angel-child of this Georgian beauty – Vera: in her tummy or when will she be born?

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A fairy tale and a riddle for adults on the New Year eve…
God forbid you to tell it your children by night! Hush…

What do you think, friends, where is the best place for the
beautiful angel, this Georgian beauty, Vera: in her Mom’s tummy or when she’s born?

Vera thinks that in the tummy. And how do we solve this
“horror puzzle” ourselves?

An old holed mattress in a damp and cold garage is a bed,
chairs, table, sofa, and any other furniture in the apartment for this
beautiful family. Imagine, it can hold six people: Vera and a baby in her
tummy, and four of her beautiful children! The only thing missing is a
husband…But he escaped abroad at night and is probably already basking there
in bed with another beauty. And he left Vera and her children to starve to
death. With one mattress … Well, at least you didn’t steal the icons, you
scoundrel! How can he sleep at night? Forgive me, Lord – adds Vera after the
curses in the address of her ex-husband.

This is because of him, children are constantly ill and cannot
go to school and kindergarten. They do not have any toys, or even normal shoes
and clothes…

“Help, help!” – The deeply unhappy mother calls out
to us. And raises her hands to the sky. If a miracle does not happen, they can
be taken from me to some foster home. And there they will be tormented! And I
want to give my treasures to Georgia. Not to my monster husband. But to you
people! My children are so good, they are the most beautiful and smart in the
World. I didn’t kill anyone with an abortion! The fifth is about to be born. It
is warm for him in the tummy. And his mother hugs his little body from all
sides. But to be honest, even though I want more than anything to see his eyes
and hold him in my arms, sometimes I think he’s better for him in my stomach:
it’s warm and satisfying. And there is no such terrible mattress inside. Mother
Vera is crying bitterly!

An old abandoned garage became an apartment for four Georgian
angels and their pregnant mother! The kids are always hungry! The biggest treat
is food from the social canteen. If you can call it food…

(Poor things, they are hugging cans of food from the social
canteen. None of you, friends, have ever tasted such beastliness… They would
rather have candies…! )

– Vera, tell us, how did you end up in this garage, who owns

Vera: We lived normally in a rented apartment. My husband
kept promising to buy his own. But there were more and more promises, and life
was getting worse. The husband was a slacker. And I, the fool, still believed
him. I was waiting for some luck. And was constantly cheating me. My grief was
not enough for him! And then everything went wrong… there was nothing to pay
for the apartment… we were kicked out, I stayed with the children in the
street. The neighbors felt sorry for us, God bless them, so they settled us in
this garage. There are no windows, it is damp, but I can say that I have a roof
over my head. If you find it funny – you do not understand anything in life, –
she told our operator.

“No, no, Vera, it is not funny. On the contrary, we are
terrified! – We calmed the crying woman. There is nothing to laugh at, there
are only reasons to cry! Vera continued: It’s really better here than in the
street! At first I slept on the floor, then I found this mattress; someone threw
it out… Now we sleep on a mattress.

– Vera, I’m going to ask you a very awkward question, but you
can leave it unanswered if you wish. Why don’t your relatives and friends help

Vera: I have a mother, Iza, if it wasn’t for her, I and my
children would have been dead a long time ago. She lives with us. She doesn’t
have one arm, she is a disabled person of group I, and she still manages to
take care of my children with one hand. She is not a mother, she is an angel! I
have another brother, but he is in prison… I am ashamed to say this, but he
was imprisoned because of my children (crying) when they cried because of
hunger, his heart failed, and he brought food to them…

– Perhaps, only faith in God keeps us you this earth.

Vera: Yes, our faith and help of other people. The fact that
my children are still alive, and that in the most difficult moments in life,
complete strangers come to our aid – is it not from God? All that you see here
was brought to us by good people!
– Can I ask the children a few questions? Do not hesitate to tell us what you
dream about.

Tamara (13 years old): I love math and chess, I dream of
becoming a great chess player Nonna Gaprindashvili and glorifying my country
and my mother!

Tiko (11 years old): And I know that for the New Year
everyone is having fun and I want my mother to have fun too! I want her not to
cry… I want my brother or sister to be born healthy and bring happiness and
joy to our lives.

– You’re a smart girl. And what do you dream about, little

Nino (4 years old): I want notebooks and pencils, and
something delicious, like candies or cookies, or bread and butter…

– Vera, you know that the articles of our Fund are read by
almost all of Georgia. They are read by officials from government agencies.
What do you expect, do you think there will be a resonance?

Vera: The only thing I fear is that the children will be
taken away from me by social workers… If anything, they immediately threaten
that they will take the children away! I’m also afraid for the unborn child, I
have nothing to pay for childbirth… And I don’t know how and what to do…
maybe someone will help me with this issue.

Reporter: Don’t worry, Vera. The Fund will pay for the
doctors. And we will give clothes to the baby things and a stroller. The main
thing is that the child is healthy. I wish happiness in the New Year to you and
your children.

– Address our readers!

Vera: I know you can help me! Good people! I know more than
one happy family that you have opened up new opportunities for. You saved them
from destruction, pulled them out of the hopeless darkness! Merry Christmas to
you, may God lead you on the right path!


Friends, the Chernovetskyi Charity Fund launches a campaign: to help the
Shashiashvili. As you know, the Fund does not stop at one-time assistance.
Georgians should live as the proudest nation on earth – Georgians!

To survive, the family is in dire need of food, hygiene
products, medicines, furniture and clothes! Children must go to school and
kindergarten! Help them survive! “Write them down” as your relatives.
And we are sure that the Lord himself will bless you.

And even more: call Vera, find out about their needs, cheer
them up, support them, tell her that she is not alone and that nobody will
leave them alone in their trouble on the New Year eve! It is very important.

You can personally know them, provide assistance to this
family, and God will bless you. And He will reward You! Here’s their contact
number: 598 27 25 21 Address: Tbilisi, Guramishvili Avenue no. 176a. Garages.

And be sure to repost our publication. Let all your friends
know about the grief of this family! It is very important.

God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are
not able to do it themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is
as kind as we are. Please, do not pass aside the sorrow of others! Unhappy
people are given to us from above so that we can prove our faith to the
Almighty not in words but in deeds!

Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the
misfortune of a neighbor or friend, do a Charitable deed, write to us by

Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003,
GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Shashiashvili
family). You can also transfer money from our website.

You can as well transfer money from the terminals of Nova
Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity”
section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund
by following the link

And more, friends, be sure to find an opportunity to
congratulate disadvantaged Georgians on holidays with kind words or postcards.
And give toys or candies to the children, and in return they will send their
smiles to you. We are all one family. These people must know that we are
together and always close!

Mar 17, 2020
Mar 17, 2020
Mar 17, 2020
Apr 09, 2020
Apr 23, 2020
fund overhead
May 04, 2020
fund overhead

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
07.05.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
22.04.2020 10:32:52
Thank you, kind heart!
09.04.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
31.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
31.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
30.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
30.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
30.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
30.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
30.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.03.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
26.03.2020 20:00:00



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