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All the diseases in the world have fallen on me …!

calendar August 7, 2020

One call saves life!

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“He isn’t long for this world!” – that’s everyone said. From the very birth, all the diseases of the world have fallen on me: dwarfism and cerebral palsy – what a cruel fate!

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“He isn’t long for this world!” – that’s everyone said. From the very birth, all the diseases of the world have fallen on me: dwarfism and cerebral palsy – what a cruel fate!

Giorgi (38 years old) meets us on crutches, looking exhausted, with his teeth clenched in pain: “Hurry, hurry, come here and you will see the miracle of God! Here is a healthy 6-year-old handsome Georgian man, a son of seriously ill parents. Great is the Lord!”

Giorgi could not stand longer and collapsed onto the bed. “Daddy, daddy, does it hurt?”- 6-year-old son Mirian rushed to his father.

“You see, he will go to school, but he has absolutely nothing to wear. My dream is new shoes for my son, and also nice notebooks and books, even the smallest stuff for school, but crutches, my damned crutches!
I believe there are great people in Georgia, and your Fund has proved it a thousand times!Whole Georgia is with you!”

“My mother went mad with grief, and left me. But I was adopted by kindest parents – mom Zhuzhuna Nemsadze and dad Mirian Mamaiashvili, great people, may them rest in peace! They had no children of their own, and when they saw me, all crooked, small, and frightened, they said: “He is Georgian, and now he will be our son.” They made me a man! Years of treatment, years of continuous work gave results! I started walking, talking, and surprisingly I happened to have abilities! I loved to learn! Mom was a school director for 50 years! Dad was a choreographer. If not them, I would have died! – it’s true! 

– Giorgi, when did your problems start? 

Giorgi: When I graduated from school and entered college – yes, I have a higher education, I am a lawyer – it started when my father died. This was the first shock for my mother and me. We have almost no relatives, and they disliked us – they kept saying to my parents that adopting me was a huge mistake. “You need a healthy child who will take care of you when you get old,” the well-wishers said. Mom and Dad never answered this and taught me not to get angry with people. “Not of the good life they are like that,” – my mother said – “only an unhappy person can be evil”.

Sorry, I talk a lot about my parents, and I haven’t answered your question yet. These people are most important to me! 

In 2000 my father died and my mother and I were left alone, without money. I decided to find a job by all means! 

– But how, Giorgi? In our country, it is a challenge even for a healthy person to find a job . 

Giorgi: Will is the main thing; athe responsible person won’t be able to watch his people starving! I was told that I would not succeed, that it would be better to ask for help … but I was young and I had a mother! I started to sell at the market place, helping my neighbors in the area. I used to earing some money and could buy medications for mom. But it was not enough. Over the years, we sold everything of value we had at home.

– When did you get married? Tell me about your wife.

Giorgi: When I looked at mom and dad, how they loved each other, how they supported each other, I always dreamed that I would also have a family. Lord heard me. 7 years ago just by chance I saw Mariam, this extraordinary girl. I will not hide from you, she has health problems, she is mentally retarded, she can neither read nor write, but she has a kindest soul! Nobody took her seriously, they made fun of her, and I decided that I would take care of her! That I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. I Introduced her to my mother, and she blessed us! When my mother died in 2018, Mariam and Mirian supported me so much!

– Mirian is your son, right? Did you name him after your father?

Giorgi: Yes, I want him to be like my dad! He’s just a miracle! He is my helper, he is my friend! He is my everything! He is a wonderful person. He is a great son of Georgia!

– Tell me about him. 

Mirian (6-year-old): let me tell it, may I? Daddy, may I? 

Giorgi: Sure you can, you are a big boy already! Look, you’ll outgrow me soon!

Mirian (6-year-old): yes, I am adult! I can even write and read! Daddy has taught me! This year I will go to school and I will please my dad with my good marks. I know I can do it! I will try my best!

Giorgi: I always tell him that knowledge is a ticket to a bright future! 

Mirian (6-year-old): You know, I want to be a doctor! Doctors are the kindest and most needed people in the world.

– In the meantime, before you become a doctor, what do you like to do?

Mirian (6-year-old): I like to ride a bicycle, but I haven’t got any. I like to play ball … it’s not very interesting to play alone, but I’m used to it. Children do not like to be friends with me. They point a finger, whisper. But I think I will have real friends at school! Dad says that I shouldn’t get upset because of them. I know that there are more kind people!

– How do you know about this? 

Mirian (6-year-old): It’s always like this in fairy tales!

– And who reads fairy tales to you?

Mirian (6-year-old): Dad reads books to me and mom. Mom cannot read but we listen to him and we like it so much! Daddy tells us lots of stories, it’s so interesting! About grandmother and grandfather – they are kind! And also, we enjoy watching photo albums together and listening to stories! And you know, dad writes poetry! Well, he used to write! 

– Giorgi, is it true?

Giorgi: Well, you said writing poetry … my mother always wrote down my poems, and once they even made a surprise to me and published my poems in a brochure. Mom was so happy! She even kept this book! 

Mirian (6-year-old): you see how brilliant my dad is!

– Mirian, what are you dreaming about? 

I know, it’s expensive and bicycles are expensive! I would like to have a sports uniform and trainers, but a bicycle would be like all New Year’s gifts for me! For all years! And I wouldn’t ask Santa for anything else!

– Giorgi! I have no words! Mirian is so nice! Now tell me about your problems. You addressed the Fund not because of good life.

Giorgi: I was used to do everything by myself not asking help from anybody. But now my health condition does not allow me to do manual labor I injured my leg about a year ago. People with the same diagnose as me – cerebral palsy, don’t live even that long! I am 38 now, but it feels like 80. It’s difficult for me to walk, I get tired soon. I can’t work even in the garden. I am afraid that the pension which I get is not enough, and we have no social allowance. I want to ask food, clothes for my son, computer and TV. My wife’s only joy in life is watching TV, I can’t always read books to them, my eyes already hurt … 

– Do you believe that your call for help will be heard? Do you believe that God will send you good people?

Giorgi: How couldn’t I believe? God gave me parents! Gave me Mariam, gave me Mirian. Do you think I have right not to believe that he will help me again this time? I know that the whole Georgia reads stories of the Fund, I know that kind people will want to make friends with us!

Friends! Giorgi is a small man with a huge kind heart, who did not get angry with the whole world. We found him for you! God found him for you! To do good through your kind hearts! Helping Giorgi you will save one more Georgian family and become closer to Lord!

The family urgently needs food, hygiene products, a TV and a computer. And it would also be great to give Mirian a bike! 

 We really hope for your help and we know that Georgians never leave their people in need! 

And one more thing, call Giorgi, talk to him, he is very exciting person to talk to. Phone: 595 17 83 19

Visit the family at the address: Kvareli District, village Akhalsopeli

Please repost our publication. Let all your friends know about the Mamaiashvili family and their problems! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove that we trust in God not by words, but in deeds!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbour or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at: 

 Our Fund’s accounts are: 




(purpose: Mamaiashvili family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link )

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Giorgi in taking care of his small family, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One calll saves life – 0901 200 270

I never thought that I would have such a beautiful TV … It’s plasma!

“Daddy, mommy, look, this is a real TV!  It’s real and new! It’s still dressed in cardboard clothes! Can I undress it myself? How awesome it is! Did you buy it in the store? Does it show cartoons? It is plasma, right? Is it like others have? Come on, daddy, let’s open it! Please! Can we open it while you’re here? Let’s see together, can we?” – little Mirian does not stop even for a minute.

  To say that you have made this family happy is to say nothing. Little Mirian’s eyes shine like diamonds! It’s beyond words. It seems to be a trifle, but the boy will remember this day for the rest of his life. And we are sure that this is what will change his future for the better! Because he knows now that even little people’s dreams come true.

  Giorgi takes a breath (he speaks with shortness of breath) and says: “I bless all those people who took our story to heart!You see how happy my son is! May God grant all of you, friends of the Fund, health, happiness, strength, prosperity! Let Him reward you for the good! Let you have a hundredfold so that you can help those in need.”

    Giorgi is a second category disabled, a dwarf, diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It is difficult for him to move, to stand on his feet for a long time. And no one works in the family – neither Giorgi nor his wife Mari (she has the status of a person with disabilities). But life demands its own. They must raise their little son Mirian. The Mamaiashvili family really needed support, and they get it. Dozens of people could not ignore the story of the little man and made their contribution to the noble cause.

    We talked to Giorgi to find out how they are living now.

– Giorgi, what has changed in your life since we told people your story?

Giorgi: We felt hope and care. If I say that I felt myself in seventh heaven, this will not be enough. I am a little man, but my joy is huge. I am so happy to know that we are not alone. Thanks to caring people, we have learned what comfort is. I myself would not be able to buy either a TV or a gas stove. And I would be happy to get even second-hand things. And here it is! Very necessary gifts for our family. My son is just delighted, and my heart warms and rejoices for him. 

– What does Mari cook for you on a new stove?

Giorgi: She uses the oven too, she bakes bread and cookies. We’d better bake bread at home, it’s cheaper. Because one from the shop costs 80 tetris. It turns out expensive. Mari is so pleased! New things have appeared at home! The old stove had only two burners working out of four, but even those worked badly. It is stored now in the cellar as scrap metal.

  Mari, who until that moment had only smiled modestly, joined the conversation.

Mari: Thank you very much from me too! I am very happy with the gifts.

Mirian wants to share his impressions.

Mirian: I eat whatever mommy cooks. You know, there are picky children, who are extremely particular and capricious. And I love everything that mommy cooks. Soups, pilaf, lobio. Mom gets up before us, turns on the stove. I feel delicious smells, and I don’t want to sleep anymore. I ask her: “Is it ready, may I come?” And mom calls us soon.

    But she does not make shawarma, although I often ask her. Probably it will be for a holiday? 

– Who most often uses the TV remote control?

– It’s a good point! (Giorgi laughs.) Everyone wants to see their own. For example, I really like to listen to news. Both morning and evening ones. Marie is crazy about her Turkish TV series, she keeps switching the channels. She also watches the Marao channel. Mirian wants to watch cartoons. Our TV is nice to look at – everything is colorful, the screen is large and good. Faces and objects are large, clearly visible. What else to do during the corona if not watch TV? They closed us at our homes again. But we are not bored. We have such entertainment! Thanks to the kind people. Those who help poor people like me not to lose heart, deserve the best. If I were able to help others, I would do the same. This is very noble, and it deserves respect.

– And you, baby, what do you usually watch?

Mirian: “Tom and Jerry”, “PAW Patrol”, sometimes I watch movies too. But only after I do my homework. Dad doesn’t want me to sit in front of the TV all day long.Have you watched “Tom and Jerry”?

– Yes, it’s a good cartoon. Whose fan are you?

– Jerry’s. But when he torments the cat severely, I am Tom’s fan. However, I would not like real Jerry to come to my place, no, no! (Laughs.) Once a rat used to come from the sewer side, and it ate the wires at home. This place is closed now.

– You know, baby, I wanted to watch this cartoon again, I will do it tonight. 

– Giorgi, was there any response to the post from the local authorities?

– Eh, the authorities remember me only before the elections. Our gamgebeli (chairman of the board) gave us a one-time 100 GEL aid. They cannot ignore me completely.

    I am still fighting to have social assistance restored. I have addressed all the authorities on this issue, even the prime minister. They do not hurry up, they seem to be promising, but … Only because I have a roof over my head, my home, they stopped helping. This house is a hundred years old, and it is my parents’. And what then? When we are hungry, should we eat our home? Our monthly income is 200 GEL. From here 50 GEL go for utilities – gas, electricity. The remainder is for the whole month. Sometimes, neighbors call Mari to gather persimmons.

– It is clear from your words that there are still many unresolved issues that you need help with. Can you specify what exactly you need?

Giorgi: I am grateful for everything that you did for us. Let help reach every needy family. My cry for help was heard. There are many good, warm-hearted people in Georgia.  However, this is what I want to ask for…

  It is very important for me that my son Mirian could attend all on-line lessons. Unfortunately, he learns intermittently. We don’t have Internet at home, I can’t pay even for the 2-GEL telephone Internet, so Mirian does not always get in touch with his teacher Marika. I am worried a lot about it. He is a first grader, and a lot depends on the beginning: whether he will take interest in learning, whether he will learn well. If someone gave him a used laptop … He’s a smart boy, he’s my hope. When he needs help with his homework, I usually sit with him. Mathematics, Georgian, Natural History. My Mari cannot read or write.

Winter is coming and it blows in the house. We need to change the windows. When it rains or snows, the whole balcony gets full of water. Metal slate could solve this problem. If we could get the material, our neighbor would help us with the installation in a friendly way. And one more thing … It’s embarrassing to ask, but since I have no money of my own and there is no way to earn money, I would like to ask for a warm sports uniform and winter boots so as not to catch cold.

  The Chernovetskyi Fund and its friends have done so much for us that I will never tire of thanking you. You are our guardian angels. I never thought that guardian angels can be seen by eyes. But here they are – so many kind people! And everyone is next to us!


Friends, if you personally could talk to Giorgi, Mari and their little son, you would want to hug them, hold them to your heart and do something good for them. Despite their hard fate and serious health problems, Giorgi and Mari are very lucid and positive people. They are as sincere, as children, and just as defenseless. Share your care and love with this nice family, help them go through the trials that have befallen them, and God will certainly repay you a hundredfold. New Year is approaching, and you can give them some miracles. There is a tiny heart in this family, which awaits miracles, despite all the difficulties. Little Mirian must be waiting for them!

  In our little Georgia, we are simply obliged to love and protect each other.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Mamaiashvili family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

    One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

Sep 09, 2020
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Oct 30, 2020
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They need your help urgently