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I am afraid to open my eyes. I live in a cemetery … It’s living among the dead! We have never seen anything like this.

calendar December 14, 2020

One call saves life!

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“My God, what a horror!” – is the first thought that crossed my mind when we saw this dwelling. A child lives among graves! You get stunned by the grief and despair you see! The gases from constantly decaying corpses can cause terrible diseases … Lord, do not leave these unfortunate people!
“I’m afraid to open my eyes, there are only crosses and graves around … Every day I ask the Lord only one thing: I want to live among the living and find friends … I believe that you are the answer to my prayers! ” – says Mariam with hope in her voice and her frightened little heart beating very fast.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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    Mom Larisa (56-year-old) is a widow who is trying with all her might to save her child from hunger, so she cleans graves on the outskirts of Tbilisi every day. They live right here, they have nowhere else to live. They have no relatives, no one at all… “What all mothers fear has happened to me. The darkest day of my life has lasted for years of pain and suffering … We live next to death, but we are still alive … My Mariam is the only living soul and joy for me, but she suffers so much. It’s only for her sake I beg for help, addressing all good friends of the Fund: please, help! 

   Larisa Sikharulidze addressed our Fund, trusting in the mercy of the Lord, hoping for human kindness … Obviously, their sad story, her and Mariam’s, cannot leave our kind compatriots indifferent.

– Please tell us about yourself.

Larisa: I was born and raised in the village of Tskhemliskhidi… Immediately after graduating from school, I began to work, to help my parents. Do you know what kind of work is there in the village? On tea plantations or in the field … Then I got married, and we moved here, to the capital. Here, too, we constantly had to search how to earn our daily bread …We didn’t have children for a long time, my daughter was born when I was 40. And my husband soon died. While he was alive, we somehow made ends meet, we rented a room, he worked as a yardman. He had a sick heart, and when he died, I was left with the baby in my arms, I had nothing to pay for the room, and I did not know where to go …

Kind people sheltered me for a while in a carpentry workshop, my daughter and I collect bottles, scrap metal, sometimes I work as a cleaner. All the neighbors here know us and treat us very well, sometimes they bring us food or give us clothes …

  – How did you find yourself here?

Larisa: We are completely alone in this world … Fortunately, there are a lot of nice people in the world, so they gave us shelter here, at the cemetery …

The cemetery itself is large, and this fenced-in area belongs to a private organization that makes gravestones. Its director took pity on us and gave us this room. My daughter and I are very grateful to him for this.

They say there were some workshops here in communist times. The room is tiny, only a stove and an ottoman fit here, but it’s better than nothing. There was an iron bed here before, but then my daughter grew up. There is no way to fit two beds here, so I had to bring an ottoman. Actually, it’s about to collapse, but I propped it up with bricks. I have to store my clothes outside in bags so that they don’t get wet in bad weather.

– Larisa, what do you live on?

Larisa: Oh (she waved her hand), we survive as best we can. I used to sweep the streets, collect bottles and scrap metal … Sometimes the neighbors call me to clean their apartments. We clean the graves too. A few months ago, I was lucky to get a job as a cleaner at school, where I had about 200 GEL salary. Now there is no school, no private cleaning, there is only social allowance – 120 GEL and a food coupon for Mariam – 30 GEL. In the spring she will turn 16, and this coupon will also be taken away. I have no idea what we should do… I wish this pandemic would end as soon as possible …

– What do you eat?

Larisa: When I get the aid, I buy pasta and potatoes, sunflower oil, sugar, tea. That’s all! It’s not enough for anything else. When I received the school salary, I used to cook soups, but now …

– Tell me about your husband, please. How did you meet?

Larisa: I used to go to the city, for shopping. There we met just by chance. It turned out that he was from a neighbor village. We got married very soon and moved to Tbilisi. If he were alive, it would be easier – Mariam would have a father … (tears appeared in Larisa’s eyes).

– Have you ever thought that such misfortune would happen to you?

Larisa: Nobody ever thinks about things like that. My husband and I wanted to work and live like all normal people do. We wanted to have our own home … But, as you can see, fate decreed otherwise …

– Does anybody help you? Parents or relatives?

Larisa: I have no brothers or sisters, my parents died about 20 years ago. My father had perforation of the stomach ulcer, he was operated on four times, but he did not survive. And my mother also died soon of a cardiac rupture. I lost all the contacts with our relatives. When I left the village, I never went back. I haven’t seen anyone since.

– We are so sorry! And did you address anybody for help? The local authorities, for instance?

Larisa: I’ve been to the Townhall so many times, I wrote so many letters and statements! All to no avail. They promised to put me on a waiting list for housing, but no one has contacted me yet.

– Do you believe in God? In what do you see the salvation?

Larisa: If it were not for my faith, I would have probably been dead for a long time … The Lord is always close to us, protecting us. And if he sends us tests, it means that we must endure them firmly. According to your faith be it done to you! I used to go to church quite often, but it is far away, so it is impossible to reach there walking, but transport does not work… I pray at home in my own words.

– Do you believe in the kindness of strangers?

Larisa: Sure! Neighbors help me so much! I know for sure they would never let us starve to death. Although they themselves do not live richly, they always help us at least with food or clothing. It was the kind people who advised me to contact your Fund. They say that your Fund has many good friends and you help everyone. You see, the Lord heard my prayers, and He has brought you here!

– Tell me about Mariam, please. Does she go to school?

Larisa: Mariam is my gift from the Lord … She is quiet, calm and smart. She helps me in everything and never complains … I am so sorry for her … Imagine how it feels when you wake up surrounded by graves, and you go to sleep, seeing only graves. I’m used to it, but she’s just a child. Of course, she dreams of a better life, but what can I give her? My heart bleeds …

– Can I talk to your daughter, please? Mariam, tell me about yourself. Do you study well? What is your favorite subject?

Mariam (15-year-old): I used to be an excellent student, but now I can’t study. I completely missed the last semester, and now I can’t attend classes either. We don’t even have a normal mobile phone, and I don’t want to disturb my classmates too often, I feel awkward… I try to learn my homework and study myself at home. But it doesn’t work out very well … Most of all I love mathematics and art history, I love drawing!

– Have you already chosen you future profession?

Mariam: I want to become an actress. It’s my dream.

– What is your favorite movie? Who is your favorite actor?

Mariam:  My favorite movie is – “Three Steps Above Heaven”. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp, I especially like him at Pirates of the Caribbean …

– What is your favorite book?

Mariam: The Three Musketeers. I have no books … If there were any, there is no room anyway to store them. Mom and I can hardly fit here. But I borrow books from my friends, I used to borrow them from the school library as well.

– Do you help your mother?

Mariam: Sure! I sweep, cook pasta, I can fry potatoes … And we clean the graves together …

– Tell me honestly, isn’t it scary?

Mariam: It’s not scary … I just feel somewhat uncomfortable … When I was little, I was afraid, but my mother always said that there was no need to be afraid of the dead, they would not do anything bad to me … In the evening, I still do not go outside our yard. Although I understand that no one will harm me, but still … From our window you can only see the graves and the TV tower on the mountain when the weather is good…

– What are you dreaming about, Mariam?

Mariam: Most of all I want my mother and me to have our own home. At least a small one, but our own … Far away from here. I don’t want to live here. And I would also like to have a mobile phone for study …

– Phone? Maybe a computer?

Mariam: No, phone. We have no room for a computer, but you can take your phone with you wherever you go. This is more convenient.

– What are you dreaming about, Larisa?

Larisa: So that my daughter had a roof over her head. So that if suddenly something happens to me she would not stay in the street … I don’t need anything else. I only pray to God that Miriam would be fine and that she would live like a human being.

– What do you think you need first of all? What kind of help do you need?

Larisa: It’s hard for me to answer your question …We have nothing at all.  These 10 square meters are our home, which does not belong to us. We badly need food, a refrigerator to have a place to store food when the pandemic finally ends and I get back to work. My daughter cannot study, we have neither a computer nor Internet, which are absolutely necessary today! It would be just wonderful to have a TV – we go to our neighbors’ place to watch it…

We will be grateful for any help! Thank you for coming and listening, thank you for your empathy!


  Larisa and Mariam Sikharulidze live in terrible conditions. These people are deprived of absolutely everything! Their shelter is a 10- square meter- shack surrounded by graves… Mother and daughter did not have a life for many years, they just survived, taking every opportunity to earn a piece of bread.

  15-year-old Mariam has no decent clothes, no food, no computer, not even her own bed! And from an early age, the girl, together with her mother, has been cleaning graves … But she is so beautiful and smart, she deserves to learn, develop and live a normal life!

  TheSikharulidze family urgently needs evry kind of help: food, home appliances, a normal bed and firewood.

  You can visit this family in person and provide them help. Their address is: Tbilisi, village Gldani, Gaz settlement (shed at the cemetery).

  Or you can call Larisa and cheer her up! Phone: 555 73 83 25.

  Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

  Friends, there is one more request : if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: Sikharulidze family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

  It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

  We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Larisa Sikharulidze too, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Back from the land of the dead

“While living surrounded by the graves, it seems that we began to bury ourselves alive too… Well, that was until you published our story, which reached the hearts of hundreds of people! I have no words,”- Larisa timidly wipes away her tears, hugging her daughter Mariam.

It is so scary around! The cold gets into the bones, and you keep thinking about that mother and daughter who are trying to survive in these unbearable conditions. Do you remember the story of the Sikharulidze family we published recently? And it’s even more surprising that these people look so happy now!

“Yes, I am very happy because my mother does not cry anymore. It has been a long time since she was so happy and contented. It was unbearably painful for me to see her crying, and now she smiles, as she used to smile many years ago, when I was little girl! ” – says Mariam.

– We are really happy that the life of your family has changed after a touching story about you was published. Larisa, please tell us more about this.

Larisa: Do you remember the day, when I told you about our miserable existence in this place surrounded by graves – I was devastated emotionally and life almost had no meaning for me? We asked kind people to share some bread with us; any help would have been a huge gift for me and my daughter. I could not even imagine the things that happened after that. Please, look around – we had no appliances at all here, and now we have a TV that a priest brought to us. We can spend lonely and cold evenings now watching TV together with Mariam. We love to watch movies and to imagine our future – that one day we will get off the cemetery and start living among good and kind living people. The washing machine turned out to be an extraordinary thing – now the laundry does not smell damp anymore and it dries quickly! Finally, we got a refrigerator, it’s so beautiful!

There are also gifts from the good man David – a new bed where my child sleeps, and a computer! I would never have saved money for these things in my life, I could only dream about that! You make the dreams come true! Our life is again filled with meaning and hope! God bless you!

– Larisa, thank you for your kind words! What did you remember the most? Maybe you remember the names of people, who helped you?

Larisa: How can I forget the names of people, who saved my child from starving to death? Dozens of complete strangers called me, asking about what we needed. Some people texted me saying they did not have the opportunity to help, but they supported me with their words, they asked me not to despair and believe that God would not leave us. So it happened, and it is very symbolic that the very first person who came to visit us was a priest – he brought us a TV and said that he would pray for us. Is not that a miracle? I also remember the girls who visited us – they work in some store. They got horrified when they read the story about us. They raised money and bought us some meat, pasta, and butter for us. Not long ago one man visited us together with his little son. They brought us foodstuffs, household chemicals, clothes and gave 30 GEL to Mariam. My girl could not believe her eyes – she never saw so much food in her life! I am so grateful that you appeared in my life!

– Larisa, was there any feedback from the local authorities to our post? Maybe you have addressed them again?

Larisa: There was no feedback at all, and there is no point to address them again.

– Let’s not talk about sad things, Larissa. Did you expect such support from the friends of the Fund? What emotions did you experience?

Larisa: Of course! My belief in good is unshakable – I hoped for the help of kind, caring, and empathetic people. How would my daughter and I have survived to this day, if not for their help? And furthermore, I had heard a lot about the Fund and the support that you provide to those in need. But I could not imagine that number of calls with words of empathy, the number of visitors sharing food and clothes with us. Mariam and I were shocked, and now our happiness knows no bounds. I am very grateful to everyone who showed compassion to us during such difficult period of the pandemic!

– Larisa, what does this help mean to you?

Larisa: What was my life like before you appeared in my life? The main purpose of my life was to find some food for my child for tomorrow, not to let her starve or freeze to death. While I was struggling for survival surrounded by graves – a lonely adult woman – I have completely forgotten how it feels when somebody takes care of you. When caring people began to call and visit us, I again felt like a beloved child. It’s an indescribable feeling! After dozens of years, I seemed to have returned to a carefree childhood, where there is no place for despair… You all became relatives to me and my child, you gave us hope for a better life. Thank you!

– Larisa, I’d like to talk to your daughter, you are so emotional while speaking about her. Mariam, how did your life change after our publication?

Mariam: With your help, we’ve got new home appliances, which made our life much easier. You also brought me a lot of beautiful clothes, and most importantly – now I have a computer, I can attend online lessons, watch my favorite films and TV series, search for the necessary information. I really want to change our life for the better and I hope that I will succeed. I will study and do my best for this … And I also want to thank you for the sweets, I haven’t eaten so much chocolate for a long time! It was so nice that complete strangers supported us so much!

– Dear Mariam, we wish you all success! Larisa, let’s continue our conversation. Do you have any other problems which we could help you to solve?

Larisa: I am embarrassed to ask for anything else – considering the crisis in our country, there are many people besides my daughter and I, who need help. Of course, the problems still remain, and it will be difficult for us until I start working… Most of all, I worry about Mariam’s health, she has bad teeth, she often has toothache… She needs some teeth to be filled, but I don’t have money for that. If anybody has chance to help us with that – I will be very grateful!

And the dream of my life is to get away from here with my Mariam, to have our own space – cozy and nice, like other people have! We will be grateful for any help, be it food, clothes, or financial support. I would also be happy to receive your calls and to hear your kind words of support! Thank you for everything!


Dear friends, these people huddle on 10 square meters, surrounded by graves… They are all alone and they need our help since we are their last hope for survival. Please, let us join again to support them! It’s in our power to save Larisa and Mariam from starving to death!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

 Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: the Sikharulidze family).

You can also transfer money from our website

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

Jan 14, 2021
washing machine
Feb 02, 2021
Feb 26, 2021
fund overhead
Apr 28, 2021

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Thank you, kind heart!
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115 Donors


They need your help urgently