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I ate cake once in my life! I will never forget it – it was so delicious!

calendar February 16, 2021

One call saves life!

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“I’ve never tasted anything tastier! Do you like cakes? ” – 6-year-old Vakhtang asks me with curiosity, standing by the entrance of a wretched ruin, looking like a bombsite. “Do people really live here? – I ask to myself, and answer out loud to the kid: – Yes, and what else do you like to eat?” – “Semolina and pasta … Mommy does not cook anything else. And I dream of a cake! Please come in, don’t be afraid!”

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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It’s easy to say: “don’t be afraid.” It’s an abandoned building, concrete is all around, and it’s terribly cold here. Three wonderful kids live in this creepy place: 4-year-old Nata, 6-year-old Vakhtang, 8-year-old Rostom and their loving mom and dad, Sofia and Shalva. A kind Georgian family ended up in the streets and found shelter here …

“And soon we will have one more sister, but she is still in my mother’s tummy. It’s good for her because it’s too cold here!” – says little Vakhtang happily. “We all already love her so much!”

The kids are still too young to understand what trouble they are in… God’s angels should not live like that!

  “Soon Kato, our sister, will appear – she lives in my mother’s tummy now, and then she will come to us. Do you think she’ll like it here? Won’t be she scared?” – Three cutest creatures greet me at the doorway: 4-year-old Nata, 6-year-old Vakhtang and 8-year-old Rostom.

  “Vakhtang will put her to bed, Natalie will amuse her and play with her, and I will feed her. Wow, I can’t wait to hug and kiss her!” – says Rostom.

The children are wonderful, they are as pretty as a painting. But where do they live? Oh my God! What is it? Where did we come to? It looks like ruins! The ruins turned out to be the former club. Only walls and the roof are left… It’s scary, creepy, and dangerous … I want to run away from here, forget it, and never remember… But a child’s voice distracts me from this horror: “Will you bring me a cake?”

“Stop,” I say to myself, “pull yourself together and don’t cry!”

– Sofia, how did you find yourself in this…well…I don’t know how to call it… How did you find yourself here?

Sofia: I know, this is not the place where people, especially children, should live, but it was not us who chose such a life. Fate decreed so.

– Have you always lived here?

Sofia: Of course not! My husband and I started a family for a huge love. We always used to live normally. My husband worked at a construction site – he has golden hands. We had enough to rent an apartment and to buy food. But one year ago, due to the pandemic, he lost his job. And he could not find a new one. Companies don’t want to hire him – he has hearing problems, he can’t hear. And he has no private orders at all either. We didn’t manage to pay for rent – so they let us out.

– And you moved to these ruins to live in?

Sofia: No. Not immediately. We thought that unemployment was a temporary problem. Our relatives sheltered us. But there was still no work. You should have a conscience and not abuse the kindness of other people. So, we found this building. There were walls, there was a roof, we started to live here. We made it habitable in few months. Everything you see here we either found in the dump or they gave it to us. We have nothing of our own.

– What is your income?

Sofia: 460 GEL for six people, 2.5 GEL per person per day. Foodstuffs from kindergarten help us a lot. It’s not too much, but thanks for that anyway. But I cannot use the social canteen. I cannot go there with three children for food; and have no one to leave children with to go there alone.

 – What is your kids’ everyday diet? 

Sofia: I try to invent some dishes. Today I boiled some pasta, added some matsoni and ended up with some kind of a soup.

Vakhtang (6-year-old): Do you know what is the most delicious dish that my mommy cooks? Semolina porridge! I love it so much.

  – What else yummies does your mom cook?

  Vakhtang (6-year-old): She cooks pasta. And I ate a cake once! It was so delicious! It smiled – it was a cake with a smile! Do you know what was the most delicious thing I ate? Banana candy, with banana cream inside! If you find it – buy and try!

– Do you like playing?

Vakhtang: I would love to play with boy toys, but we only have dolls. We play with them together with my sister. And there is also a Brain game on the phone. They ask you questions, and you should guess. Mom and I love this game! We also have a live real dog Jesy. It’s not a toy, but it’s like a toy! But I would like to have a self-propelled car.

– And you, Rostom, what do you want?

Rostom (8-year-old): Won’t you laugh? I like to paint. And my sister chewed on all my pencils! She is like that! She wants to chew something all the time! But she’s good.

– Do you want to be a painter?

Rostom: No! I want to become a military man! I will “save” Georgia! I will have a gun; I will be strong, and I will hunt!  

– Oh, what great plans! Well-done!

Rostom: You know, I used to go wrestling together with my brother and won everybody. And then I used to go to swimming, won everyone there too, but they kicked me out! Probably there was no need to fight there, I don’t know.

– What are you dreaming about? 

Rostom: I dream of one thing! I want a cake and an airplane with a remote control for my birthday. And girly stuff for Nata: a mirror with paints and a doll that cries. Do you know how happy she will be?

    – You know what your sister is dreaming about?

Rostom: Yes, of course! I love her so much! And I also love my sister Kato, who is in the mom’s tummy. She will be born soon, in May, probably. You know that I already love her very much?

  – Will you take care of her?

  Rostom: Yes, Vakhuna will put her to bed, he sings well, Nata will amuse her, and I will feed her.

  – Vakhuna, can you sing to us?

Vakhtang: Yes, of course, and I can recite a poem too …

Vakhtang started singing, Rostom and his mother began to quietly sing along with him, and little Nata opened her arms and began to whirl … Tears started flowing from my eyes, but now because of fear or despair, but from joy! The walls of this gray collapsed building suddenly stopped seeming to be so scary; it became warm, cozy, and comfortable here… I was in the most beautiful house, of the most beautiful and richest family – a family where love lives!

– Sofia, you have wonderful children! A real treasure! Now I understand how you manage not to lose heart!

  Sofia: Yes, they are my treasure! And our Kato will be a happy girl, everyone is so waiting for her birth. It’s true that I am malnourished, and my children are deprived of childhood joys, but we are together, and we have each other. And the rest is God willing!

– Sofia, what are you dreaming about?

Sofia: I dream that someday my children will have their own house, at least small, but warm and cozy … That they will have new clothes and they will not have to wear hand-me-downs… I dream that one day we will be able to buy toys without worrying that tomorrow there will be nothing to eat. I dream that they will forget about hunger; so that they can bathe at home, and not at the relatives’ place.

-What do you need most in your home?

Sofia: Foodstuff, foodstuff, and foodstuff again. Children are constantly malnourished. I dream of a refrigerator and a washing machine. Children dream of toys and a soft bed. I can’t say anything about our dwelling, it’s impossible to renovate it or built some extension here. Something is constantly falling down from the ceiling and from the walls. We cannot cope alone, we cannot provide even basic conditions to our children, so we had to bother you.


    These wonderful people are in dire straits, they really need our support. Sofia brings up three angels, future defenders of our homeland. Children are deprived of absolutely everything. They have no childhood and no opportunity to develop normally. But they love each other, they have kind hearts and eyes full of hope!

The family is in dire need of any help: foodstuff, beds, bedding, refrigerator, washing machine. And children just need normal clothes and toys. Also, these kids dream of a cake. It does not matter that a birthday is only once a year, we can bring them that joy without any reason!

You can visit this family in person and provide them help. Address: Tbilisi, 133 Beri Gabrieli Salosi Str, first entrance, 3rd floor.

Or you can call them and cheer them up with your kind words. Their phone is: 577 92 40 45.

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

    Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Sofia Saatashvili).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

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household appliances
Apr 29, 2021
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May 14, 2021
May 21, 2021
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Jun 16, 2021
Jun 16, 2021
Jun 16, 2021
Jul 08, 2021
Sep 09, 2021

Total expenses:



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14.06.2021 20:00:00
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14.06.2021 20:00:00
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12.06.2021 20:00:00
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12.06.2021 20:00:00
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186 Donors

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186 Donors


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