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“Being poor – is when all your clothes are torn and you have no toys”

calendar May 19, 2022

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Ten-year-old Venera has no friends. She is sure that she will never have them. Nobody wants to be friends with beggars. “I feel like I’m being avoided. They don’t sit next to me, they don’t want to play with me. They don’t say anything, but they behave in such a way that it hurts here,” – Venera says and puts her hand to her heart.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“Being poor – is when all your clothes are torn and you have no toys”


Being poor is when all your clothes are torn

Ten-year-old Venera has no friends. She is sure that she will never have them. Nobody wants to be friends with beggars. “I feel like I’m being avoided. They don’t sit next to me, they don’t want to play with me. They don’t say anything, but they behave in such a way that it hurts here,” – Venera says and puts her hand to her heart. 

No friend will come to visit you in such a house, even if you have a friend.

Venera (10-year-old): If I have a beautiful house and a car, I think many people will want to be friends with me. Believe it or not, I can drive. My relatives taught me. I even want to become a racer. But no one believes me, they say: “You are poor, you will never have a car and you will not have a house…” As if the poor cannot have a dream…

“Everyone stays away from you when you are poor. No one will be friends with you when you have no money!”

 – What is it like to be poor?

Venera: When you don’t have clothes. When there is no food. When there is no bed. When you don’t have your own glass. This is what poverty is.

Poverty is when you don’t have a bed of your own, and you sleep together with others.

– Fatima, have you always lived like this?

Fatima: While my husband worked in the mine and had a salary, we did not live in poverty. But now they do not want him because of his age – he is 65 years old. So, the allowance is our only income. We get 850 lari. It seems that this amount is quite big, but it is not enough for seven people. My husband and I, and five children. David is 12 years old, Venera is 10, then comes Tsitsino – she is 7 years old, Zaur is 5, and our youngest child Degol – he’s 2 years old. With this money we also buy medications for Zaur that he absolutely needs. Without them, he may have attacks.

“Unfortunately, a wonderful husband and wonderful children are not enough for complete happiness”

– For how long has he been having these problems?

Tsitsino (7-year-old): Do you know how scary it is? He starts to move in a terrifying way. He does his head like this, twists it back. And then he doesn’t remember anything. 

Fatima: He had the first seizure at the age of three. The doctors said it was because of heart problems. We had no chance yet for him to get comprehensively examined. There is never enough money to bring him to Tbilisi.

– How often does he have attacks?

Fatima: I can’t say it happens often, for instance, this year he had them twice. I was told that some children might have several attacks per day. But the medication he is currently taking is calming him down. It is very expensive – we pay up to 40 lari per bottle. He takes nine drops every morning and evening. He needs four bottles per month. 

“Zaur could have an attack at any moment. You can’t leave him alone.”

– Are there any other complications of the disease? 

Fatima: Yes. He is very impressionable, he worries and gets nervous about everything, he can cry over nothing.

Zaur (5-year-old): I love when they play with me a lot. I love playing tag and hide-and-seek. Tsitsino is the best at hiding. She knows some secret places.

“We come up with some new games to keep from getting bored and keep warm”

– Will you show us these places?

Tsitsino: You want too much! Where will I hide then? Come on, I’ll show you something else. But do not tell anyone!

“This is my place to hide. Do not tell anybody!”

– Wow, no one will find you there. 

Tsitsino: You know, I want to become a policeman so that I can put everyone in jail. This is my biggest wish. And the second is that Zaur no longer gets sick. And the third is to fix a roof. It’s good to hide here, but when it rains it’s bad.

– Well, get down from there, policeman! Let’s ask the rest about their wishes.

Tsitsino: I can speak for everyone! Everyone wants a roof so that the rain doesn’t get inside! And I want to put everyone in jail!

“Prison is a right place for all  bad people!” 

– If you don’t put me in jail, I’ll better ask them myself. Can I?

Tsitsino: You can ask them if you want, let’s go and ask.

“We are all very friendly. Why should we fight? We have nothing to share.”

– Datuna, let’s start with you as the oldest. Tell me about your dreams. What do you do, who do you want to be?

Datuna (12 years old): I go to school, and after school we all play together. We don’t have a TV or computers, so we invent different games ourselves. I also go to church often. I “work” there as a novice. When I grow up, I think I will become a priest. 

“I love to work and help, so I decided to serve in the church”

– It is so interesting! So, spiritual life is very important for you?

Datuna: Yes, but there are some things that would make me very happy. This is a computer with a steering wheel and an inflatable pool. Sometimes I close my eyes and think how cool it would be if we had one! It would bring so much joy to children.

– What food to you prefer?

Datuna: Well. To be honest, I don’t like eating. I am fasting now. I broke it only once by chance – I ate some cheese. That’s what I really like!

“Will you really bring me a ball?”

Degol (2-year-old): I want ball, and also “socolate”!

Tsitsino: He said he wanted a ball, and a chocolate bar, and a small car, and a bicycle!

– Are you sure he said that?

Tsitsino: Yes! I’m his sister. I know him. 

Mom is the most delicious – like a “socolate”

– You are so serious kids! One wants to become a policeman, the second – a racer, the third – a priest! 

Tsitsino: Why didn’t you ask me about food?

– Oh, you chatted me up, I forgot to ask you!

Tsitsino: – So, ask me! What are you waiting for?

– What food do you like, Tsitsino?

Tsitsino: I love eating! But most of all I like chocolate with hazelnuts and ice cream. And also tomatoes and cucumbers. But mom is still the most delicious thing!

“Our sides hurt because of this bed”

– Now, with your permission, I will talk to your “delicious” mother. Maybe she also has something to say?

Tsitsino: She will also talk about the roof!

Fatima: She is so mischievous! And she tells the truth. Indeed, we have a lot of problems, but the first thing we can never do on our own is the roof! It would be great to fix it! And it looks like there will be fewer problems then. If we had roofing materials, my husband would do everything himself. He has golden hands.

The family does not have furniture and appliances.

– Tell me about all the problems that you remember.

Fatima: Beds! We only have three beds for seven people. My husband sleeps on one, and my children and I sleep on the other two! You can’t imagine how it feels! It’s terrible! Probably, I ask a lot, but we really need food, clothes and shoes, a washing machine, and beds. That’s all I can think about right now. 

Tsitsino: And don’t forget the roof! And what I told you!

“Degol, his brothers and sisters are waiting for the kindest people!”


The children said that they would be waiting for new friends every day. Although the children said that they no longer believe in friendship, maybe we can convince them otherwise. It doesn’t matter to us how the children are dressed to hug them and press them to the heart. We do not care what house do they have to come to visit them. The only thing that matters is that they exist, and they are waiting to us!

If any of you can visit this family and get to know these charming children personally, know that you will not regret it! Their address is: Chiatura Municipality, village Perevisa. 

At the moment, they need to fix the roof, buy beds, food, hygiene products and a washing machine. They certainly need clothes and shoes. If you wish, you can bring them sweets and toys to make them happy. 

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Kvantaliani family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you! 

Jun 22, 2022
Construction Materials
Jul 19, 2022
Jul 29, 2022
fund overhead
Sep 16, 2022

Total expenses:



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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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171 Donors

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171 Donors


They need your help urgently