Список поддержавших проект Georgia, wake up! Your children are dying! Due to lack of medicine and food! This cannot continue any longer! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Georgia, wake up! Your children are dying! Due to lack of medicine and food! This cannot continue any longer!

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December 1, 2022
Her hands shake like she's an old woman. Sometimes she is so restless that it is impossible to keep her in a wheelchair. And when she lies, she is not even able to roll over from one side to the other. 5-year-old Salome suffers a serious disease, the name of which is almost impossible to pronounce. Vitamins are not absorbed in the girl's body, and because of this, she does not develop - she does not walk, does not talk, cannot eat on her own. She already said goodbye to life 21 times, but the intensive care doctors brought her back to life. They could not diagnose this little beauty here in Georgia.
Charity number:
$ 6,297.46
( 1,324 Donors )
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
ნასყიდაშვილი ანუკი
6 months ago
$ 0.75
'ქეთევან დიასამიძე
8 months ago
$ 0.37
დანელია დავით
10 months ago
$ 3.74
'რობერტ გეორგიევი
11 months ago
$ 1.12
'ლელი აბესაძე
11 months ago
$ 1.87
გიორგი ავაზიშვილი
11 months ago
$ 3.74

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