Список поддержавших проект My Daddy was killed on the spot, and Mommy is a cripple! How can I survive?! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

My Daddy was killed on the spot, and Mommy is a cripple! How can I survive?!

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February 20, 2023
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Two years ago, Eka and her beloved husband Simon were hit by a car. The husband managed to push his wife away and took the hit on himself. When Eka came to senses, she saw a terrible picture - her husband was lying on the side of the road with his head split. His skull was crushed, and his eyes fell out of eye sockets...
Charity number:
$ 3,831.12
( 687 Donors )
Project completed!
'მაკა გურიელი
8 months ago
$ 0.37
'ლევანი ლომიძე
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$ 7.45
'ილია გოცაძე
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$ 37.23
ტატალაშვილი იოსებ
8 months ago
$ 1.86
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$ 1.86
სოლოღაშვილი გიორგი
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$ 7.45

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