Give the gift of life to Tornike...! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Give the gift of life to Tornike...!

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March 23, 2020
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We have nothing of our own. We sold everything we could sell to cure Tornike. We have been treating him for sixteen years.
Charity number:
$ 3,804.31
( 691 Donors )
Project completed!

Rarely, friends, but God Almighty does give us a chance to do what only He does. This is right our case. After all, every lari donated to this child will give him an extra second, minute, hour, month, or even a year, two or more of life.

Extend the days of this good boy's life, great God!

The story of Tornike's mother – Leila.

Leila: My husband and my sick son live in a relative's apartment. We don't have anything of our own. We sold everything we could sell to cure Tornike. We've been treating him for sixteen years.

The biggest problem we have is Tornike's disease. He is literally fading in our hands! Look at him... he's withdrawn and doesn't talk. He's in such pain that he can't open his teeth!

I am 59 years old, and my husband is 62. Tornike is 17. He is our joy! And his disease is muscular dystrophy.

Reporter: When did the problems start? Has Tornike been ill since birth?
Leila: No, no. My son was born absolutely healthy, he even went to school. Before the 4th grade, Tornike had no special problems. It all started suddenly...The child found it difficult to move. Over time, his health deteriorated. We were diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, which progresses and affects different organ systems. It was a sentence for the rest of my only son's life! My husband immediately had infarct. And I'm the only healthy person in our family now. But I suffer more than anyone else in the world. It hurts my heart when my boy screams, when I see my husband's suffering!
– What did the doctors say? What did you do to prevent the disease from progressing?
Leila: We needed constant medical and procedural treatment so that the condition would not become complicated, but we did not have enough funds... Complete recovery with this diagnosis is almost impossible. We knew that. We sold everything we had and treated the boy.
– What kind of person is Tornike? Tell us about him.
Leila: Tornike is a very cheerful and active boy. Sitting in a wheelchair, he participated in theatrical productions at Marjanishvili theater; he painted and participated in exhibitions. He also sings well. Wherever he saw a microphone, he picked it up and started singing. Now we sing together at home. We try to get out of this situation and live as actively and positively as possible. Hope has great power.

– Does Tornike believe that he will recover?
Leila: He believes; he says that God will not leave him. I often show videos of children who have gone through difficult times, but have recovered, were able to move independently and are now active. I keep telling him that if you believe, you will get better. The main thing is to try. He's been complaining of leg pains lately. He rarely contacts us. I keep telling him not to do it. On the contrary, he should actively engage in contact.
– Does Tornike have any friends?
Leila: Yes, certainly. His classmates are very supportive of him. They pay a lot of attention to him. They are very fond of Tornike, and Tornike is also crazy about them. I couldn't imagine how much warmth they could express. 

– What pleases him most?
Leila: He is very happy when someone brings sweets. He is looking forward to see us if we are not at home. He waits for us to bring yogurt or other sweets. I wanted to buy him some yogurt yesterday, but I couldn't. I had no money.
 – Why doesn't he talk to people now?
Leila: He's been very self-contained in recent years. It became difficult to communicate. But his friends do not forget, love and often repeat to him that he taught them to be kind, sensitive and friendly. You know, I understand him. He spends all day at home; when he broke his leg and had a very difficult operation, his character changed. Since then, he has not been able to go to school. The condition was so severe that he was immediately taken to Turkey for surgery. Since that time he has been at home and we all strive to do everything we can for him to get him out of this situation. Rehabilitation is not complete yet.
– How did Tornike break his leg?
Leila: He was taken to Bakuriani resort under the state program for recreation. During a walk, the wheel of the stroller broke and Tornike fell out of it. The leg was broken between the hip and the knee. The deplorable condition of his curved spine aggravated the situation. The operation was vital.
– You said that you have the status of a socially unprotected family. – Does the state help you?
Leila: Yes, for many years. In previous years, we had small points and received benefits. But now the social workers probably thought that we "got rich" and lowered our allowance. We receive scanty social allowance in the amount of 180 lari. The state partially finances expensive medicines and tests and medical procedures. Previously, we were given 50 lari to feed Tornike, but when he turned 16, this surcharge was cancelled.
– You do not work, your husband, as I understand, cannot always earn a living, so how do you cope with financial problems? Who helped you solve such big problems?
Leila: I don't work because of my son. When the son's diagnosis was confirmed, the husband had a heart attack due to a nervous breakdown. We managed to save him... Therefore, he can't handle hard work. He helps me take care of the child. I would like to note that your Fund has supported us for many years. I can't even find words of gratitude that really express my feelings about your work. Bow low to you.
– Does anyone of your neighbors or friends help you?
Leila: When your strength is running out and you want to cry from despair, that's when someone will come to help. Neighbors help us often. They know that Tornike likes sweets and if someone bakes something, one piece always goes to Tornike. Sometimes complete strangers come and support... They are all from God!
– What kind of help do you need at the moment?
Leila: Tornike's spine is in a terrible state, if you are not afraid I will show you... He needs a special bed and an orthopedic and anti-bedsore mattress which we do not have. And look at what he's lying on! This is an old dilapidated couch. We also need a wheelchair to bring him to the yard at least. There are special wheelchairs that properly hold the body and head, a normal wheelchair can no longer be used, it is dangerous!
– Are you a believer?
Leila: Yes, I am a Christian believer. I grew up in a very decent family in love and warmth. My love to God comes from my parents. I believe in Him! Tornike has more faith in God than I do. We used to go to Church for communion all the time, but now we can't afford it for 2 years because we can't physically get to the Church after he broke his leg. How nice it would be the priest came to us and gave communion to my poor son!

– Do you believe that the Fund will help you?
Leila: Yes, certainly. One hundred percent sure. We remember when we first asked you for help, your response was so important, and we feel that you are always there for us. Many thanks to your for everything! I am sure that along with you, others will help us in any way they can. Your word is worth a lot!
– What do you dream about, what do you need to make your family feel happy?
LeiIa: I was the happiest woman on Earth when God gave me my son. It was an incredible feeling when he said mama for the first time. I want him to keep fighting!
– How can I help you at this stage, what do you need most?
Leila: Tornike and I have a joint dream that we can walk the streets, but we need a special wheelchair. Also, I need a bed where my son and I can fit together, because he can't sleep without holding my hand and not feeling his mother next to him. You need a special mattress against bedsores and medications. We need a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals... he has become very weak. I'm very sorry to ask, but we can't solve the problems without your help.
Friends, as you can see, the Kikabidze family lives in extreme need. The family is in need of food, medicines, household appliances,  beds and a wheelchair.
   Let's support them, show mercy, give a seriously ill teenager a chance not to suffer from pain and have at least elementary joys. He just needs a comfortable bed, tasty food and a possibility to go outdoors. You can personally visit this family and provide assistance. They will be happy! Call Leila, find out about her needs, cheer her up, support her, tell her that she is not alone and that nobody will leave them alone in their trouble! It is very important.
This is their address: Тел: 555 22 37 46
 Dear friends, Chernovetskyi Fund initiates a charitable action: to help the Tornike Kikabidze. As you know, the Fund does not stop at one-time assistance. Without children, the country and people have no future. Take care of the younger generation! Help them survive! "Write them down" as your relatives. And we are sure that the Lord himself will bless you.
And be sure to repost our publication. Let all your friends know about the grief of this family! It is very important.
God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are not able to do it themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is as kind as we are. Please, do not pass aside the sorrow of others! Unhappy people are given to us from above so that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words but in deeds!
Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend, do a Charitable deed, write to us by e-mail:
Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Tornike Kikabidze). You can also transfer money from our website.
You can as well transfer money from the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in "Charity" section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link

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