Project reports Let’s give angels joy of childhood! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Let’s give angels joy of childhood!

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October 30, 2020
Friends let me introduce: Mariam (1-year-old), Barbara (2-year-old), Lika (3-year-old) and Giorgi (4-year-old) - kids, who can only dream about sweets and toys. They are still too little to realize how difficult their situation is, but they already have to endure hardships, and they know by heart: "Mom has no money now... She will buy it later, someday ..."
Charity number:
$ 1,417.8
( 209 Donors )
Project completed!

How much does a child's smile cost? One thousand, one hundred thousand, one million?

It depends on whose smile it is! If this is the smile of those kids that we will now talk about, then it is priceless!

Here is a conversation I heard when I came to visit them and brought them gifts - both to the children and their mother...

- Mommy, who is calling you? Let me listen, please! - asks four-year-old Gio.

- It’s a lady from Tbilisi.

- Will she come? Ma’am, will you come? (Shouts into the phone.)

- She will come, but not today, Gio.

- I want to talk too! - three-year-old Lika leaves her toys and rushes to her mother. - I have new dolls. (Speaks into the phone.)

Gio (speaking into the phone):

- I have a car with a remote control, and I want teddy bears too. Move away, Lika. (Addresses his sister.)

- Guys, I can’t hear anything. - laughs their mother Gvantsa. - Oh, Barbara is running here, she wants to talk too...

After the publication of the post about the Egikashvili family ( ) our wonderful readers started calling and visiting them. Complete strangers from different regions of Georgia called Gvantsa and offered her help. And people still keep calling them (it is wonderful!) Everything that happens seems exciting and unusual to the children - to four wonderful angels. They express their great joy and rush towards every guest.

- You have provided us with almost everything, - says Gvantsa emotionally. - With foodstuffs, medications, furniture, a complete set of home appliances. No one ever cared for us that much. My children have everything! I want to say thank you to the Chernovetskyi Fund!

- Gvantsa, it is not easy, of course, to remember the names of everyone who responded. But, perhaps, they will recognize themselves from your stories, and this will warm their hearts.

Gvantsa: You are right - it was so many people who responded that I won’t be able to recall the names of all of them. Nevertheless, I want to say that I am immensely grateful to all of you for your kindness. You can’t even imagine what this support means to me now. That’s a huge support!

The guys from Batumi brought us a washing machine and a TV! Such an act made me feel confused, it was a real shock for me - in a good sense. Then people from Gori visited us with bags of potatoes, and chickens. They said they would visit us again.

I would also like to mention two women from the Gori region, who provided us with canned food and compotes prepared by them. My children especially liked the carrot snack. They asked for it for lunch and dinner until it was over. Although we still have a small supply of carrots, but I hide it for now. Why should they eat it all the time? (Smiles.)

An employee of one company, a foreigner, encouraged his colleagues to get together and come to visit us. They gave us 300 GEL. They said they wanted to help us on a monthly basis and would figure out how to do it.

During the time that has passed since the publication of the post, we have received many gifts: children's clothes (both new and used, but in good condition), shoes, food, toys, dolls, balls, cars with and without a remote control, musical microphones. I got the opportunity to keep my children busy, because they used to follow me all the time. (Laughs.) Now, when I do the housework, they can entertain themselves. They entertain themselves perfectly! The four of them sit down, and get all their toys at once... But if they hear the doorbell, they rush as fast as they can. They want to know who else will come, they want to talk to the visitors. The children got a new kind of excitement in their life. Everyone likes attention.

They meet them right in the street, lead them home and then go around the guests, study them. Everyone wants to be in the center of attention. As for recent visits - a girl from Rustavi visited us about three days ago. She brought us clothes, toys. She caressed the kids, photographed them all together and one by one. Of course, the children are happy after such visits.

I want to say that now we live in Vaziani. In case if someone decides to visit us.

- Do they know your story in Vaziani? How was your acquaintance with your neighbors?

Gvantsa: Yes. We rent an apartment. But before we moved there it had to be renovated. So, local guys renovated two rooms for free. They purchased wallpaper, plasterboards, and other building materials at their expense. They reinstalled the electrical wiring in the house. Now the children have their own bedroom and a large new bed donated by the Fund. Only baby Mari (1 year old) sleeps with me.

I have the new refrigerator and I like it very much. But I still wash laundry with hands, even though we already have a wonderful washing machine. We need pipes, hoses to supply water. But it’s okay, it's just a matter of time. The owner of the apartment is now sorting out all the paperwork issues so that we can get gas connected. Then I can enjoy a civilized way of cooking on the new gas stove. While we are waiting, I cook soups and cereals on the stove. We have a large stock of cereals, pasta, lobio.

- A huge number of people decided to respond, to do something necessary and useful for you. And what about the local authorities?

Gvantsa: They helped us too. At that time, we still lived in Uplistsikhe. Gamgebeli (head of administration) of Uplistsikhe and Kvakhvreli came personally to visit us and brought us food. There was even talk about buying an apartment for us. But then they backed down. They found out that my husband was drinking and decided not to help us. The reason for refusal was that a drunkard can shift all the good.

- But the apartment supposed to be for children.

Gvantsa: I think I should be persistent on this issue, try to talk to officials again. Maybe it will work out. Who knows? If such an idea flashed once, it means that they are concerned about the fate of my children. They are somehow right about the drinking person. I had to take my kids and leave him. But even that didn't make him think. I am now condemned by my relatives and they don’t want to communicate with me.

- We will not judge you. You know, our readers are not judges but helpers. How else can we help?

Gvantsa: The Fund gave me everything that I asked for, and even that which I was embarrassed to mention. The children have everything, thank you very much. We are living better than before. Despite the turmoil in my personal life, I can say this: your help is ten steps forward. I am in an even tempered, calm mood and completely occupied with thoughts of children. When they go to kindergarten, I would like to get a job.

- What would you like to tell our readers?

Gvantsa: I feel your warmth and I believe that everything will be fine. You gave me optimism. Let everything go well for you. And your good will return to you hundredfold.


Friends, all together we managed to give hope to Gvantsa and her angels. Your responses have turned into a long chain of goodness. Everyone who helps this family tries to offer them something that others have not yet done. And this is a wonderful decision made by the heart. Young mother Gvantsa now experiences difficult period in her life, and she faces many trials. Stay close!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared... Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now... Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

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(Purpose: Egikashvili family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

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One call saves life - 0901 200 270.

Let's believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

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