Список поддержавших проект There is nothing more tasty than bread... - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

There is nothing more tasty than bread...

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December 30, 2020
“There is nothing more tasty than bread...” says Tinatin, a wonderful brown-eyed girl (5-year-old), clutching and kissing a loaf of bread given to her by her kind neighbors ... She is right, a loaf of bread is a festive dish in this dilapidated house, which is about to collapse and bury its unfortunate inhabitants alive ... Because, all their modest income is spent on medications... “I can't help buying medications. This means that the grandmother will die! - says mom Maya. - I cannot watch a person suffocating in front of my eyes!” Evil fate confronted this kind Georgian woman with a terrible choice: buy medications for a seriously ill old woman and leave her little daughter hungry, or buy food for the child and leave the old woman to fate... In the hope of the mercy of Lord and good people, the poor woman addressed our Fund. Because Georgians will never leave their neighbors in trouble.
Charity number:
$ 1,903.27
( 389 Donors )
Project completed!
ჩაჩუა თამთა
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$ 0.37
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