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Tsiala: My memory is almost gone due to diabetes… I only recall being an orphan. I remember my father’s death, burying my mother, husband, brother, and his son. I remember my daughter being diagnosed with cancer at a young age and undergoing a mastectomy… And now they’re operating on me too! And all of this in such dire poverty!

calendar November 10, 2022

Tsiala: Probably I have. But my illness is insidious – I began to forget everything. Or rather, I forget all the good things that happened in my life… But I remember the bad. Sometimes I think: maybe there was nothing good? I remember I was an orphan. I remember how my dad died, how I buried my mom, and my brother, and his son. I remember my daughter was diagnosed with cancer at a young age and her breasts were amputated. My son has diabetes too. They cut off my legs in 2011 due to diabetes. When they cut off one leg, my husband, my dear one got so worried, that he died of a heart attack – his heart could not stand it. And then they cut off my other leg too.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


Tsiala: My memory is almost gone due to diabetes… I only recall being an orphan.    I remember my father’s death, burying my mother, husband, brother, and his son. I remember my daughter being diagnosed with cancer at a young age and undergoing a mastectomy… And now they’re operating on me too! And all of this in such dire poverty!


– You cry all the time! Don’t you have good memories?

Tsiala: Probably I have. But my illness is insidious – I began to forget everything. Or rather, I forget all the good things that happened in my life… But I remember the bad. Sometimes I think: maybe there was nothing good? I remember I was an orphan. I remember how my dad died, how I buried my mom, and my brother, and his son. I remember my daughter was diagnosed with cancer at a young age and her breasts were amputated.  My son has diabetes too. They cut off my legs in 2011 due to diabetes. When they cut off one leg, my husband, my dear one got so worried, that he died of a heart attack – his heart could not stand it. And then they cut off my other leg too. 
Just try to stand on your knees and do the simple things that you do every day… pour yourself some water, cook dinner, go outside. It’s hard to even imagine, but Tsiala Abelishvili lives like this. After her both   legs were amputated above the knees, her life turned into a nightmare, although it had not been sweet before. She developed diabetes because of a hard life and endless experiences, that finally broke this unfortunate woman.

“To move around, I put this boards under my legs: first one, then another”

– You live alone now? 
Tsiala: Yes. My daughter is sick, she has cancer. She needs help and care herself. She has no job, no money.  She lives in Tbilisi, and we see each other rarely. I can’t go to visit her – she can’t come to visit me. When she has money on her phone, she calls me, says how much she loves me, how she wants to hug me. And we cry into the phone together. My son comes to see me, but I see how unhappy he is. He can’t work because of diabetes – he can’t even keep his family.

“I get out of my snail house, wash my face, breathe in the air – and come back …”

– How do you manage to cope alone having such disabilities.
Tsiala: Human is a creature of great endurance…  I got used to, I crawl on my stumps. I put a piece of wood and crawl on it, then I put another piece – and I take the next step. This is the way I reach the washbasin in the morning, and then I move to the stove – to cook something. But I not always have foodstuffs.  My neighbors come to see me and bring me bread. When I have flour, I bake bread myself. But my oven went out of order recently, and my fridge does not work well, and the TV… One very kind girl that lives nearby, in the neighborhood, always asks me what to bring when she goes shopping. Sometimes she brings me bread without asking.
Here in a small box where I store potatoes and onions right on the floor – I store all the foodstuffs on the floor. When it’s warm I even manage to sweep my yard. There is a nail in the wall by my bed – a hang comb and scissors on it. I have everything close at hand.  I am like a snail in its house: it crawls – and so do I!
– What can make your old age sweet?
Tsiala: I love so much the phrase – sweet old age.  I wish it to everyone. I don’t need much. Everything in my little closet, is arranged so that I feel comfortable. If I had a gas stove with oven, I would bake bread. I also need a tiny fridge. And a warm blanket. That’s it. Oh, I want to ask for one more thing – I need warm trousers. I will cut them to fit my size and will crawl without getting cold. They get torn in a short time, and I wear rugs then. I feel very embarrassed when someone comes to visit me. Buy the cheapest ones, don’t spend too much money on me.

“A person can survive and get used to any physical pain, but the loss of his dear ones is a real torment”

– You are such a strong woman! What helps you not to fall into despair, become discouraged?
Tsiala: I pray. My soul finds peace at least for a few minutes then, my fear recedes… I light candles, I pray to God that everything will go well in the life of my children, that everything will be fine with them.
–  Tsiala, what do you live on? What is your income?
Tsiala: My pension is 300 GEL, and my social allowance is another 50 GEL. What can be this amount be enough for? A major part of it goes to pay bills. It is not life! But I want so much to live a sweet life before I die.

Tsiala in her snail house

Our compatriot Tsiala Abelishvili found herself in a terrible situation.  She lived a hard life, got orphaned early, widowed, lost her loved ones, her legs were amputated because of illness. Everything in this life was given to her through unbearable efforts.   And now the unfortunate woman ekes out her days, lives in the cold and in hunger. Terrible memories do not let her sleep at night. We are her last hope!
This poor woman needs any help, especially she needs foodstuffs, a gas stove, fridge, warm clothes, and a blanket. Her snail house – as she calls it – also needs to be fixed, so that crawling would not bring her such severe torment.
You can call Tsiala and cheer her up with your kind words. We will PM you her phone number.
If anyone is willing to visit and help her in person, here is her address: Gurjaani municipality, village Kardenakhi.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save her from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: Tsiala Abelishvili)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Dec 12, 2022
household appliances
Jan 31, 2023
fund overhead
Feb 14, 2023
Feb 14, 2023
Mar 01, 2023
Plastic windows / doors
Mar 17, 2023
Construction Materials
Mar 17, 2023
Construction Materials
Mar 28, 2023
Construction Materials
Apr 10, 2023
Construction Materials
Jun 07, 2023
Water drain
Dec 31, 2023
fund overhead
Jan 28, 2024
Construction Materials

Total expenses:



Levan Sharvashidze
11.02.2024 15:17:32
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2055 Donors

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2055 Donors


They need your help urgently