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I am both their mom and dad. Old Grandpa is left alone with three orphaned children. Help take care of them!

calendar November 15, 2022

One call saves life!

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This story could have many names one worse than the other! For instance: “The father stole the allowance and left his children! Grandpa is a hero!”, or “Cruel and unscrupulous fathers! One of the most terrible stories!”, or “We will not let poverty humiliate three children and kill an old man!” Or better, come up with your title, friend, but be sure to read this story to the end and show it to your children! A normal person cannot treat children this way!

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


I am both their mom and dad.  Old Grandpa is left alone with three orphaned children. Help take care of them!


What a bastard, not a man you are, if you leave your children!
This story could have many names one worse than the other! For instance: “The father stole the allowance and left his children! Grandpa is a hero!”, or “Cruel and unscrupulous fathers! One of the most terrible stories!”, or “We will not let poverty humiliate three children and kill an old man!”
Or better, come up with your title, friend, but be sure to read this story to the end and show it to your children! A normal person cannot treat children this way!

The loss of his beloved wife was a heavy blow for him, and the death of his daughter in 2021 finally broke him…

   “If something happens to Grandpa, what will happen to us?” – the little orphan Elene asks me with a prayer in her eyes and continues – “I love my grandfather more than anything in the world, I cannot live without him”, then she clings to her grandfather’s sleeve and kisses him on the cheek. 

“Our Grandfather is everything for us, if not for him, who knows where we would be”

    Victor of Veshaguri is 64 years old. One year ago, the greatest misfortune befell him – at the age of 39 his only daughter died. It was very hard for the elderly Victor to cope with this grief, he’s hunched over and only half remained of him. His eyes learned to cry, and his heart learned to pray… Victor still secretly pours hot tears every day when he quietly and fervently prays at the portraits of his deceased wife and daughter. 
No! He cannot remain like this – he cannot be weak and helpless in the eyes of three orphans.  Having straightened his shoulders, he needed to engage in the upbringing of his little grandchildren. He should not make their pain caused by the loss of their mother more severe with his experiences, but on the contrary, he should be strong and become a mother, father, grandmother, and grandfather for children. Imagine how much strength you need for such an exploit… 

“The difficulties I am experiencing become stiffer because I am old, and there is not much I can do…”

Victor, is it hard to you to cope with everything?
Victor (64-year-old): It is hard to me to come into terms that my daughter is no longer alive. You have no idea how much it hurts! I can’t hide this pain! Sometimes I think I’ll go insane. Then I look at my grandchildren and realize that they need me. They have nobody else but me. In addition to all this, I can’t do much anymore… I lost my job. I worked as a guard. The guard should stay at work at night! But I could not leave the children alone. Now I am their mother too! So, our family started having financial problems, we only hope for social allowance. This apartment is also rented, it is not ours…  In the past 17 years, nothing good has happened, but I somehow coped. And now … Now I can’t even buy food for children, we are in debt from month to month.
What happened 17 years ago?
Victor:  My spouse got ill. I looked after her for 7 years. She was on dialysis. I sold everything I had, just to save her. But I could not… She died 10 years ago… We have been living in rented apartment for 11 years now. One year ago, the great misfortune happened to me – I lost my only child… Covid killed her… Why didn’t it happen to me, why it chose her… Why?  (His voice shakes. He tries to hold back his tears)
    Mari (12-year-old):  We had the best mother in the world. I find it very difficult to live without her. I often see my mom in my dreams, and she reminds me to look after my siblings, to look after my grandfather and to stand by him… I miss my mom so much… I miss her warm hands… (Cries)
Elene (8-year-old): I also miss my mother – she was very beautiful. I can show you her photos if you want…  (Shows me)
Your mother is beautiful, indeed. You look like your mom, do you?
Elene: Everyone says so. But she was more beautiful…

“This is how I caress my mother’s picture every day… I miss her…”

Mr. Victor, what happened to the children’s father? You didn’t say anything about him…
Victor: I don’t even want to mention his name, my children only remember pain and hurt from him. He left the family, and married another woman… He escaped responsibility. He doesn’t do anything for his children. This person was always only harmful, but I tolerated him because of my daughter. The children even had psychological problems due to his misbehavior. Mariam’s blood sugar raised higher than normal due to her nervousness. I don’t want to remember everything!
You are experiencing financial problems – it is hard to live on the allowance only when you must feed three children. How do you manage to survive?
Victor: Our income is very meager, 650 GEL of social allowance. It has been one year since the orphan’s pension of 300 GEL was assigned to the children and it is transferred to their father’s account. Their father does not give us anything – he says that the bank cuts off this money because of the loan he took earlier. I swear, he didn’t take this loan for his family, I didn’t even know about it. Now I’m trying to get custody so that I can help the children with their money. 

Children need normal beds very much

Luka needs to go swimming because of his spine. He needs to see a doctor. He has a weight problem. The child does not get normal food, but he still gains weight. I need to take care of that, don’t I? He has low immunity He catches colds all winter When one catches cold, then everyone catches cold too. But I can’t even buy medications… My heart hurts because I cannot cope with all the problems properly. I am old and many things bother me too, but thank God, I’m on my feet. I try not to collapse. 
Mariam: Our grandfather forgets about himself, he also has health problems, but he says nothing. He does not complain about anything if only everything were fine with us.
Your grandfather cooks food for you, does the cleaning, washes your things? Do you help him?
Luka (14-year-old): Of course, we do! I make tea for the children in the morning. I can also fry egg when we have them – I do it well. 
Mariam: I help to tidy up.
Elene: I also help – if something didn’t work out well, I tell them that mommy was doing it better…
You hurt their hearts with that, don’t you?
Elene:  Why? Because I am saying the truth?
Sometimes the truth hurts person’s hearts, you must encourage them and tell them that it is a very good job.
Elene: Sometimes I say that too!

“Grandpa, Pepi didn’t have a mother like me. But she didn’t have a grandfather either, right? But I have you!”

Mr. Victor, you need help with foodstuffs, and you probably need warm clothes for children – winter is coming. How else can we help you to make your life a bit better?
Victor: You are right – we need foodstuffs and warm clothes. We also really need a gas stove. Only one burner works on our stove, and it is also dangerous… Look – it hardly works.

“Only one burner works, and it works hardly”

 Mariam: I really want to have a gas oven so I can bake something…

“I want to become an actor. I like to read poems artistically. I also write poems… Sometimes I read them to my grandfather”

Luka: I will also help, and Grandpa will teach us recipes.
You can find recipes on the YouTube as well.
Luka: Of course, if you have a computer and Internet. And I couldn’t even attend online classes during Covid because I didn’t have it… I fell behind and now I study twice as hard to catch up with my class in everything.

“That’s how I look out the street – sometimes I think my mother will appear”

Elene: We also need a fridge, don’t we, grandpa? So that Elene could open it often… But a fridge should not be empty! Our fridge is old, malfunctioning and completely empty…

“This refrigerator is the only thing I have left from the past… And it got old like me… It doesn’t work anymore”

Victor: Winter is coming, I have no idea how to warm ourselves – we really need a heater. My little chicks have such a low immunity… They catch colds easily. The heater will be a real relief for us. Luka needs to go swimming. He has a curvature of the spine.  Swimming is so expensive… How am I supposed to pay for it when we don’t have money for food… I wish someone godly would accept him for free to the swimming lessons. I would be grateful to him for a thousand years.
Elene:  I want to go to singing lessons, but my grandfather doesn’t have money for that either. And I am so good in singing! Do you want me to sing “Slava Ukraine” to you? 
    Little Elene sang songs about the glory of Ukraine, about the mother. We listened to this little girl with tears in our eyes and thought that no child should grow up in poverty and hunger. They should have all the support to become successful people, and their country would be proud of them!
     Friends, be sure to take part in this good and great work, do at least something for the orphans. Let’s help the hero grandfather, who fights all alone with hardship and tries to save his three little grandchildren!
        Dear friends! If you decide to visit these extraordinary children, you will make them very happy. Here is the address: Tbilisi, 5 Gocha Onashvili Street Apartment 12. 
If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.
       Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need!
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! We are sure that together we can warm their hearts and give them confidence in the future!
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: The Veshaguri family)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
    We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram:
 and Telegram:

       Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!



Our wonderful children, Elenka and Mari, are warm and safe under the reader’s care and love

– I’ll make you brownies now, – says Mari. Want some? Of course, you do! You chat with Grandpa for a few minutes. Look, you take a few ‘chocopie’ cookies, put them in the microwave, and wait a little. They will triple in size, the marshmallow will become stretchy, and the chocolate will be hot. And there you have a treat. And you can wash it down with cold coffee from our blender; I know how to make it, I’ll prepare it now.

Wow-wow, and I’ll have a cold coffee too, – says Grandpa Victor.  You’ve given so many home appliances and other stuff, that my girls are buzzing around. Everything is in action – mixer, blender, toaster, microwave, refrigerator. I threw all the old stuff.  We’re using good things and enjoying them a lot.  New beds, TV, furniture, dishes… I’m very grateful to you for spending the entire past year with me and my orphaned grandchildren, supporting us, and helping us recover after the death of my daughter.

“We’re using good things and enjoying them a lot ”.

Mari (13 years old): Grandpa, I’ll pour you a smaller cup so your blood pressure won’t spike from the coffee.

Mari’s whipping up her special cold brew in the new blender.

Grandpa Victor: Cold won’t do that. The girls even brought the new blender to the village in Pasanauri. They’ve been making cold coffee all summer.

Mari: Was it bad? You said it was tasty!  You even asked to make more.

Grandpa: Everything from your hands is delicious, my sunshine.

Mari: Hey, how about the sandwiches and toasties I make in the toaster, huh?

Grandpa: Oh, it’s a feast!

Meanwhile, Grandpa is slicing bread for the toaster

The old refrigerator from the communist times just took up unnecessary space in the house. The new one is put to good use – storing cheese, sausage, eggs…

Elenka: “In the microwave, we make brownies, cupcakes, and all sorts of treats.”

Mari: We sometimes dine in the kitchen, sometimes in the living room, at the new table. Also, because here, we can watch TV at the same time. The TV is so cool, with access to YouTube. It has such a huge screen, people and things are almost life-sized!

Elena and I found our favorite series, ‘My Wife’s Friends,’ and we’re watching it again now.” 

Grandpa: Oh, this series (rolls his eyes).

– By the way, Grandpa Victor, there are a lot of funny episodes there, I recommend it.

Grandpa: I prefer it more when my Elena plays karaoke on YouTube and sings. That’s something I can listen to endlessly. 

Mari: Before going to bed, we all sit together here in the living room – me, Elena, Luka, and Grandpa. Whoever wants can watch TV, whoever wants can play on the phone. It’s nice and cozy to sit on the new sofa. Then Elena and I go to our room, and Luka goes to the loggia. Grandpa sleeps on the new sofa, but we don’t envy him at all. We have our own new cool beds. It’s so comfy to sleep there that on weekends, I can stay lying down until noon, especially in winter.

On YouTube TV, the kids pick what they want to watch: karaoke one moment, their favorite show the next…

The new sofa is for everyone during the day and in the evening, but at night it’s Grandpa’s.

Luka (15 years old): And I have my own separate nook. After they installed metal-plastic windows in the loggia, it became warm and incredibly cozy.

Metal-plastic windows insulated not only the loggia but the entire apartment.

Grandpa: Those old frames were letting in a nasty draft in the loggia; Luka caught a cold twice as soon as it got colder. I called the Fund, and asked for help with that too. Within a few days, the issue was resolved. And now, my grandson sleeps in warmth, and the entire house has a normal temperature. I haven’t turned on the heater yet, as you can see. No wonder they came up with this metal-plastic – it conserves heat.

Mari: ‘Sleeping on the new bed is so sweet and soft; on weekends, I can’t get up until noon.’

– Children, you received a bunch of gifts from the readers; what did you like the most?

Luca and Mari, laughing, wave their phones.

Grandpa: There’s your answer.  They have phones in their hands from morning till night. They don’t let them go for a minute.

Mari (keeps smiling): Sure! Grandpa’s saying true. We don’t let them out of our hands. Well, because here we have Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, TikTok… It’s incredibly interesting here. By the way, thanks to the phone, we could read all the comments from readers on our story.

– And what would you like to say to our readers?

Mari: That they are kind, cool, sweet, and caring. And that I feel warmth and happiness from these gifts. I needed this love, And Luka, Elenka, and Grandpa needed it too.

Grandpa: Thank you, Lord!  There are people in this world whom you can lean on when everything collapses.  You know, I have almost no one left. I buried my wife and only daughter, brothers… My immense respect and heartfelt gratitude that you are there during tough times, taking care of my orphans. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything alone; I had to leave my job…

– Have you personally met any of our readers?

Mari: Not just met, but we’ve been friends with some for a year now!  Ana, Giorgiy, and Beka were among the first to come. They brought hot khachapuri and lobiani from ‘Madart,’ so delicious!  Another time, they dropped by: they gave Elena a beadwork set, and headphones for me.  We had great conversations, laughed a lot, immediately found common ground. They are like us – young people.

Our new computer was a gift from Sophie Gogiashvili, she works at ‘BMW,’ if I remember correctly. We were also pleased that she decided to meet us in person. 

Grandpa: I went home to Tina Papukashvili myself for the gas stove.  Thanks to kalbatoni Tina, we now have a proper gas supply with four working burners. Before, we only had one.

The gas stove is a gift from our reader Tina Papukashvili. Thank you for your participation and care!

The kitchen cabinet is fully upgraded!

Since last New Year, we’ve been given so many sweets and candies that I had to hide them from the kids.  They can’t stop, so I did it for their health.

Elene (9 years old): Grandpa, if they bring them, we should eat them! Aunt Mariam also had delicious khachapuri, and she gave us books. Such a sweet aunt.

Grandpa: I even remembered her last name:  Mariam Kereselidze. May God grant absolute health and a long life to all our helpers.

Mari: Wait, Grandpa, it’s not the end yet! What about the group of friends who brought the giant bear? A massive thanks to them too! 

Sophie Gogiashvili gave the kids a laptop. Our immense gratitude to her!

Grandpa: I’m thinking, is there any area of life where you haven’t helped us?  We needed groceries – I stocked up using funds from the Fund, bought medicines several times.  I’m a hypertensive; I take pressure pills all the time. Finally, I have a quality blood pressure monitor that doesn’t lie to me with figures. It works on electricity, and I’m very satisfied. I also bought an inhalation device for Luka to prevent colds.

The new, modern blood pressure monitor doesn’t lie with the figures.

Both my granddaughter Mari and I underwent a massage course (I have osteochondrosis, and she has back pain).  A rehabilitation specialist from Kahovka came to our home; that’s the kind of attention and care we received. Bravo to the Fund!

Not to mention that the Fund took my youngest granddaughter and me to a restaurant. 

Elene: Oh, it was so wonderful!  ‘Grandpa and I went to celebrate at the ‘Mill’ restaurant. Other kids from the Fund joined us. They treated us with pizza, barbecue, khachapuri… They even showed us some dances.

– Did you join the dancing?

 Elena: Nope, I prefer watching.

– Batono Victor, have the local authorities shown attention to your family throughout our project?

Grandpa: I don’t even know their names, and I wish I did. The only achievement, and that’s thanks to my perseverance, is that I managed to restore the social allowance that my daughter used to receive.  Now I’ll be able to receive it, as the children depend solely on me.

Grandpa Victor has three grandchildren to raise – Luka (15 years old), Mari (13 years old) and Elene (9 years old). He needs our help on a daily basis. Luca has an overweight problem and needs to be enrolled in fitness, needs new clothes and shoes to fit. Mari has back pain, and needs a massage therapist. Grandpa Victor needs medication on a regular basis. Food aid is important too!

These are our common little ones, our responsibility!  And let’s give them warmth, affection, and all the benefits that the mother who left so early did not have time to give….

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy!

Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:

In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

In TBC Bank GE15TB71943360801000

In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: The Veshaguri family)

 You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal:

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and  PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link 

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

 Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them! 

Nov 29, 2022
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Dec 23, 2022
bed 1
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Jan 23, 2023
Jan 23, 2023
стол и стулья
Jan 27, 2023
Jan 27, 2023
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Feb 08, 2023
Feb 14, 2023
household appliances
Feb 14, 2023
kitchen tools
Feb 21, 2023
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Feb 28, 2023
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Mar 17, 2023
small appliances
Mar 17, 2023
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Apr 19, 2023
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Jul 17, 2023
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rehabilitation course
Sep 20, 2023
rehabilitation course
Sep 30, 2023
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Nov 01, 2023
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Nov 25, 2023
Nov 25, 2023
Jan 04, 2024
Jan 04, 2024
Jan 31, 2024
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Feb 12, 2024

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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851 Donors

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851 Donors


They need your help urgently