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These are the words of a young woman, Natia Toliashvili, the mother of Alexander, who can’t find a moment of peace due to his hunger. He hasn’t eaten for days, and to curb his hunger, his mother feeds him tea! Yes, you heard that right – tea is the only edible thing they have. Well, there’s also the bread from which Natia scraped off all the mold, and the bread doesn’t seem as daunting now. But the smell and taste don’t vanish. And the little one clings to it and bites it fiercely. This will be his only treat until they receive assistance. For the next few days, his mother will prepare porridge, boil pasta, maybe even manage to make soup with cabbage and greens… and after that, it’s back to bread and tea… and his mother’s songs, an attempt to shift her son’s attention even for a brief moment.
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270How long can one survive on moldy bread and water? We have nothing to feed our son! The worst trial is to watch your child cry from hunger!
“Can you believe it, will my son survive? I fed him bread covered in mold… there was nothing else. I tried my best to remove all the mold, soaked the bread in tea, and fed him… he was crying so much, struggling, I feared he might suffocate… I fed him, but now I’m worried. He won’t die, right?”
The little one clings to the old bread. He can’t chew it and doesn’t let his mom soak it in water
These are the words of a young woman, Natia Toliashvili, the mother of Alexander, who can’t find a moment of peace due to his hunger. He hasn’t eaten for days, and to curb his hunger, his mother feeds him tea! Yes, you heard that right – tea is the only edible thing they have. Well, there’s also the bread from which Natia scraped off all the mold, and the bread doesn’t seem as daunting now. But the smell and taste don’t vanish. And the little one clings to it and bites it fiercely. This will be his only treat until they receive assistance. For the next few days, his mother will prepare porridge, boil pasta, maybe even manage to make soup with cabbage and greens… and after that, it’s back to bread and tea… and his mother’s songs, an attempt to shift her son’s attention even for a brief moment.
Natia: Just last month, my little boy had a severe sore throat, with plenty of pus. The doctor prescribed so many medications that we couldn’t even afford to buy them all. We managed to buy only the most essential ones, and then our assistance ran out. And Alexander gets sick very often. How could he not? He grew up eating only bread.
“When my husband hears the word ‘mom,’ tears well up in his eyes”
– And isn’t there anyone helping you? How do you even survive?
Natia: There’s no one to help us. My husband grew up in an orphanage. He doesn’t have any blood relatives in this world. He was left at an infant home, and he doesn’t even know what it’s like to feel parental warmth. And when he hears the word “MOM,” tears well up in his eyes. He has told me many times that he would be the happiest person if he simply knew who his parents were. He doesn’t even know their names. It’s as if everyone conspired not to tell him. For him, family is sacred. Do you know how much he loves us? He works physically day and night to buy diapers and bread… but there isn’t always work available. That’s why we sometimes have to go hungry.
“We all fit on this broken bed, the three of us”
– And your parents?
Natia: I have a mother and a sick brother – he’s in a wheelchair. They’re unfortunate. They can’t help us in any way. They can barely make ends meet themselves. We lived with my mother for a while, but she also has just one room. And living there became unbearable. It’s hard for my brother to hear the baby cry all day long. That’s when God sent us this kind person who allowed us to stay in this building for a while. Sometimes strangers do so much good for you!
“This building serves as our toilet, and for that, we’re grateful”
– It’s good that you have a roof over your head.
Natia: Exactly. We have a roof and nothing else. No toilet, no bathroom… Look at where we sleep. We don’t even have chairs. But don’t think that I’m troubling you about furniture. I need food and diapers for my son. That’s it! If I have a few months’ worth of food stocked up, and he won’t cry from hunger, I’ll be the happiest woman.
“My little bread, and I won’t give it to anyone”
– Natia, you’re still so young! When did you become a mother?
Natia: You’re right! I was 19 years old. I met my husband at a boarding school. He was studying there, and so was I. He’s 7 years older than me. We became very good friends. When I first heard his sad story about his family, or rather how he was abandoned, I felt so sorry for him. I wanted to hug him and never let go. So he could feel some warmth at least. Our friendship turned into love, and then we started a family. At first, my mother was very against it. She said I’d ruin my life, but then she saw how hardworking Georgy was, how skillful he was with his hands, and she blessed our union.
“I didn’t think family life would be this tough!”
– Did you imagine your life this way?
Natia: No! I thought everything would be different. I thought I would start a family and live like in a fairy tale. But it turned out to be much more complicated. Love alone won’t provide for you. And you can’t cure a child with it. I really wanted to become a stylist, to work, to create even a small corner of happiness for myself… but it wasn’t meant to be.
“When you look at this little angel, how can you regret anything at all… just look at how beautiful he is when he’s not crying”
– Do you have regrets?
Natia: Sometimes, when my son goes hungry for days and there’s nothing to feed him, when I have to wash dirty diapers… that’s when I wonder if I rushed into things. But then I’ll hug my son and my husband, and I realize that this is my life and we’ll definitely get through it. I dream that when I can take Alexander to daycare, I’ll still study to become a stylist and work. I’ll help my husband, and life won’t be so difficult. But those are all dreams… before that, we have to somehow survive… that’s why I reached out to you.
“Why did they put my bread so far away? I want to eat it”
– How can we help?
Natia: First and foremost, if you could help us with food for my child, so he doesn’t have to eat whatever he finds. I want to be at ease, knowing he won’t die of hunger. We also urgently need diapers. We need a bed, even just one chair. I can’t think of anything else. The refrigerator isn’t working properly either. But none of that matters as much as making sure my son doesn’t cry from hunger and I don’t have to feed him moldy bread.
It’s hard to comprehend someone else’s suffering if you haven’t experienced it yourself. But God forbid, if your children were hungry, what would you feed them? Just think about it for a moment. How would it feel to see your little son or daughter crying from hunger? Imagine your children drinking tea and eating the only thing in the house – moldy bread that you have to scrape the mold off of. How long can one live like that?
Our children have a chance to grow up healthy and strong with access to proper nutrition. What wrong have the thousands of children done who don’t even have the slightest chance at a happy life?
This is the story of Natia and her son Alexander – a story of pain and suffering. Let’s not remain indifferent to this plight. Natia and Alexander are not just names, they are living destinies that can change thanks to us.
As it’s said in the Bible, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” By contributing, this terrible story can become a tale of hope, support, and the chance for a new life. Thank you for your compassionate heart, open to God!
If you want to visit the family and provide assistance in person, here is their address: Gardabani, village Krtsanisi.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
– In Bank of Georgia GE42LB0115113036665000
– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003
– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000
(Purpose: The Seleznev family)
You can also transfer money from our website: TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!
Alexandre also welcomed the New Year with happiness – with a tangerine and gifts!
The fair-haired little angel Alexandre could have advertised porridge or diapers, but he lived in inhumane conditions. Instead of diapers, his poor mother Natia, crying, used to put rags for him; instead of porridge, she gave him moldy bread soaked in tea. Mice took the last remaining bits of food from the old refrigerator. The baby had countless illnesses…
Due to hunger and ailments, Alexandre was torn apart by crying!
Over one and a half thousand of our readers rushed to save the young family! You brought them bags of groceries, supplies of diapers, flu medicines, and toys. Our Alexander started eating properly and gaining weight. He’s chubby now, with rosy cheeks. The little guy is really happy with his new life and beams like sunshine.
He likes his new life: his Mom laughs, jokes around, there’s porridge to eat, and toys to play with!
Natia: Many families came with diapers, food, and clothes. They still call, asking: “How is the child? What else do you need? Are you okay?” Among our readers, we’ve particularly become close to Natalia from Tbilisi. She’s well-informed about all our news and often passes along things for Alexandre. Another new friend of ours is Achi Vashakmadze, also from Tbilisi. When Alexandre bumped himself, injured his eye, and his eyelid swelled up, I got very scared, and I sent Achi a photo of the child. He immediately helped us, without hesitation. And the readers were just as concerned as I was. They sent us money, gathered funds for medicines, and thank God, his little eye is now fine.
I now have a complete stash of children’s medicines – for the throat, nose, inhalation solutions. Alexander has a delicate throat. And, whenever needed, I promptly treat him to prevent complications.
When my husband had pneumonia, you saved us again. You’ve been involved with us all the time. Thank you so much!
My disabled brother, Levan Toliashvili, is also under your care. You’ve dedicated a separate project to him and pay great attention. For our family, you are protectors and patrons; I’m always grateful that you are with us!
– How did our little one react to the gifts? What did our little bunny enjoy the most?
Giorgi: I’ve never seen my son so happy! He was jumping, shouting, and laughing when they brought in the tricycle. I almost teared up from the emotions. I never had one in my childhood; I grew up in an orphanage. Let him have one. He’s so thrilled about the building blocks and toy cars that it brings tears to my eyes. Thank you, people!
Mom is steering the bike, and Sasha is beeping!
Natia: Alexandre used to just watch others play. Now, he spends the whole day riding his new tricycle. He can’t ride by himself yet, so I pull him along, holding the handlebars. He screams, squeals, laughs – a million emotions.
Sasha used to only watch others play, and now he has a bunch of toys of his own!
– Those little cheeks, you just want to give them a kiss! He gained weight, right?
Natia: Thank God, he started gaining weight! I was really worried about it. Alexandre weighed 11 kilograms from 11 months old and didn’t gain a gram. It was terrifying, how afraid I was. The Fund covered our examinations, and it turned out there were no pathologies or serious problems. It was because of poor nutrition. They said there was a deficiency in vitamins D and B.
As soon as you started feeding him, he immediately started growing in both weight and height. Now, Alexandre weighs 13 kg, and his height is 78 cm (for comparison, it used to be 70 cm).
Every month, I buy groceries worth 300 lari, everything necessary for my son.
For chocolate yogurt, Sasha uses a big spoon!
– Let’s show and tell the readers how your living conditions have changed.
Giorgi: I borrowed the old refrigerator from my boss, where I work part-time on the farm. I returned it to him. No one steals Sasha’s food from the new refrigerator. The door fits so tightly that not a single mouse can sneak in. And if by chance it does, it will freeze in a minute; that’s how well it cools the products (smiles).
Not a single mouse will steal Sasha’s food from the new refrigerator!
Natia: We didn’t have diapers, and I constantly washed wet and soiled diapers for Alexandre by hand. Now, we have diapers and a washing machine. My hands are no longer something to be ashamed of – my fingers are no longer swollen, and the skin is not scraped, as it used to be (she shows her hands).
Natia: “Before, I walked around with swollen, red fingers from washing. The new machine spares both my hands and my energy.”
I baked these potato patties today in the new oven. Alexandre has already eaten three. Readers brought me groceries: lots of flour, potatoes, onions, and yeast. I cook khachapuri, patties, and lobiani on the new gas stove. On the old tabletop, two-burner stove, I always cooked the same thing. And there was no mood.
Now there’s mood and inspiration to cook: patties, lobiani, kofta…
Before, no matter where I looked in the house, my spirits would drop. Clothes were lying in bags on the floor, the bed was broken, and there were mice in the fridge… I often cried, was nervous.
I am so happy that now our family has so many new things, and Alexandre, Giorgi, and I have started living a bit differently. I love the new wardrobe and the double bed. It’s just fantastic. We find ourselves smiling and laughing more. If it weren’t for these challenges, nothing would be bothering us. Our love for each other is strong. We place our little one right in the middle of the bed, between us, and it’s the best evening for our family.
The whole family relaxes on the new bed in the evening.
Natia: “We’re all smiling and laughing more.”
Giorgi: “Let’s fly, let’s fly!”
– Did you manage to get rid of the mice, Natia?
Natia: Oh no, there are still plenty of them. They’re still bothering us. I honestly don’t know how to get rid of them. I’ve put some special glue for them, that my husband’s boss gave us.
– Natia, what would you like to say to our readers?
Natia: For saving my Alexander, I’m giving you all a big, tight hug! Wishing you all the joys in the world for bringing happiness to my family! For looking out for my brother Levan, I’m asking the Lord to bless you with good health. May this New Year bring you prosperity and well-being. Our little family wishes you nothing but success! We wish all of Georgia prosperity! And, honestly, we adore you! You’re like family to us!
After a spin in the new stroller, Sasha nods off much quicker.
– Natia, that’s a very heartfelt wish! Let’s all work together to uplift our small and beautiful country. Here’s a question: Did the local authorities help you to sort out your problems?
Natia: We submitted an application to the city hall regarding the apartment. They say it’s “under consideration.” I have a feeling it’s not going anywhere. We’ll see. As for firewood, the district administration said, “Don’t even bother writing. There’s no such program anymore.” That’s why Giorgi and I went to the forest for firewood. We were tired of searching or chopping firewood every day, and suddenly, we received a New Year’s gift from you – a gas heater!
– Natia, what needs do you still have, and how else can we help?
Natia: Could I ask for a small folding table and a few chairs from you? We have our meals sitting on the bed. Also, can we request some porridge for our son? Thank you for being so kind to us!
Mom has her TV show time. In the harsh life of the family, there’s at least a bit of comfort now: a TV and a heater.
This young family doesn’t have a place to call home. Even the temporary shelter in the village of Krtsanisi, where they’re allowed to stay while Giorgi works as a shepherd, isn’t truly theirs. But their love is stronger than hunger and cold. Let’s lend them a hand with food and clothing so they can weather these challenges. Let’s stand together to ensure the resilience of our community and see Georgia thrive!
If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.
Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, and talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy!
Friends, thanks again to each of you!
– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000
– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003;
– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000
You can also transfer money from our website: TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
Let’s believe that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!
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