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Fate robbed her of sight. How can a solitary blind woman navigate through perpetual darkness? Is she consigned to this fate? Yet, she could have been a grandmother to us all.

calendar October 2, 2023

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Blind, sick, and lonely, but very, very kind and good-hearted, 82-year-old grandmother Shura needs compassion and help!
If we don’t lend a helping hand, friends, one day she will quietly pass away, and no one will know! Will we really leave her without assistance? Shura wouldn’t treat us this way! And after all, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable.
Shura: I sit here and think about how to get up and reach my bed… (Tears stream down the face of the blind old lady.) Give me your hand, help me get up. It’s good that you came, sometimes a whole day goes by, and there’s no one to talk to. I constantly need medications, dear, to stay alive. Nutritional supplements for my heart and brain, blood pressure medication, eye drops. I think I won’t even be able to stoke the stove anymore. I’ve become very weak. I’ll probably freeze this winter if the stove goes out, and no one comes to check on me in time. It would be good if I had a gas heater.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Fate robbed her of sight. How can a solitary blind woman navigate through perpetual darkness? Is she consigned to this fate? Yet, she could have been a grandmother to us all.


Blind, sick, and lonely, but very, very kind and good-hearted, 82-year-old grandmother Shura needs compassion and help!

If we don’t lend a helping hand, friends, one day she will quietly pass away, and no one will know! Will we really leave her without assistance? Shura wouldn’t treat us this way! And after all, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable.

Shura: I sit here and think about how to get up and reach my bed… (Tears stream down the face of the blind old lady.) Give me your hand, help me get up. It’s good that you came, sometimes a whole day goes by, and there’s no one to talk to.

– How can we help you, grandmother, so that your soul can smile again?

Shura: I constantly need medications, dear, to stay alive. Nutritional supplements for my heart and brain, blood pressure medication, eye drops. I think I won’t even be able to stoke the stove anymore. I’ve become very weak. I’ll probably freeze this winter if the stove goes out, and no one comes to check on me in time. It would be good if I had a gas heater.


Grandma Shura lost all her family members a long time ago, and ten years ago, her health deteriorated – she lost her eyesight. Now, she navigates her ancestral home by touch, and maybe it’s a blessing that her eyes no longer see where she has to live! Cracks in the walls, a collapsing roof, furniture from the Soviet era – such old things…  The blind old woman sits and touches the photos of her deceased relatives, even though she can no longer see them.

For 18 years now, the blind grandmother Shura has been living alone

 This is the reality for many elderly individuals in our country today: hunger, cold, and poverty. Who, if not us, will reach out to provide them with support and care?  “May God protect you all from a lonely and helpless old age…”  Today, Grandma Shura is awaiting support and assistance from us, our Fund, and our loyal friends.

 – Grandma Shura, can you share how you found yourself in this situation, completely alone, in this dilapidated house?

 Shura: Well, you see, dear, I lost all my family members, my mother, and then both of my brothers…  After that, I lost my eyesight, and there was no one to look after me. Everything hurts, legs, heart, and soul. I sit here all day in front of the house, while the weather is nice, and I listen, maybe someone I know will pass by, talk to me, or ask something…  But only cars go back and forth. 

Unfortunately, Grandma Shura, cannot see the images in the photographs to remember her youth

 – Do you have any close relatives?  Have you ever been married?

 Shura: It all depends on fate, dear. I couldn’t create a family. I had a brother who also fell ill and died of gangrene 18 years ago. Since then, I’ve been living alone. I hope for kind neighbors. They visit me and even bring food.  They are very kind people. But everyone has their own family, their own worries. I do have relatives, but this family lives quite far away. They do their best, pay attention to me, and even send food. If it weren’t for them, I probably wouldn’t have been alive for a long time. I am very, very grateful to them and my neighbors, but, you know, life today is harsh, and everyone is in need. How can I burden them, a lonely, blind, helpless woman?

“I can’t go beyond the doors of my own house – if I fall in the yard, there’s no one nearby to help me get up”

 – It is so hard! How do you live here alone, how do you manage to cope? You are almost blind, aren’t you?

 Shura: I was born here, in this house, grew up here, and lived my entire life. I know by heart where everything is in the room, so I can at least make it to the balcony. I can’t go beyond the doors – I’m afraid of falling somewhere. I’m afraid of everything, dear, it’s hard to be blind. Well, I can still find things by touch. You know what I fear most? I am afraid of a stink bug ending up in the food,  because I won’t see it, and I might eat it!  You know, there are a lot of these nasty insects here…

“My pension is not enough even for medications”

 – It’s terrifying when you’re afraid even to eat! As far as I see, nothing has been changed or repaired in this house for a long time.

 Shura: This house was built 90 years ago.  Everything here was done by my mother’s hands. Since her death, nothing has changed. This furniture is also from the Soviet Union era, and the roof was last repaired 70 years ago. I haven’t been upstairs for many years. I guess everything there has already rotted. And here, there isn’t even a floor; linoleum is laid directly on the ground.

This house was built almost a hundred years ago; the walls are crumbling, linoleum is laid directly on the ground, and the room is “decorated” with furniture from the Soviet era

 -Tell us about your childhood and youth. Do you have any fond memories that bring warmth to your heart now?

 Shura: Oh, dear, do I even remember?  I was born in 1942, right in the thick of the Great Patriotic War. My mother was pregnant when my father went off to war and never returned. We don’t even know where he’s buried. I had two older brothers. Our childhood was tough too – war, hunger, poverty. Just imagine how hard it was for a single mother to raise three kids. I remember her crying all the time, always feeling sad, grieving for her husband who went missing in the war.

 – Have you ever experienced happiness?

 Shura: I can’t recall, maybe only briefly. Back when everyone in the family was alive and well, I worked as an accountant at a factory for 32 years. My mother used to tell me that since I hadn’t married, I would need care in my old age, so I should save money. I deprived myself of everything, managed to save a bit through great effort, and lost it all during the Shevardnadze era. You’re probably aware of the chaos during that time. So, I ended up completely alone, without a penny, in despair, dealing with health issues, and utterly helpless.

Very long ago, Shura was briefly happy when everyone in her family was alive

 – You mentioned that starting a family is a matter of fate, but I still must ask, what prevented you? In your youth, there must have been someone you liked.  Besides that, you are such a beautiful woman.

 Shura: Beautiful, am I? My dear, even girls much prettier than me remained unmarried. Our mother raised us on her own and was very strict, always keeping a close eye on both me and my brothers.  In our time, things were different, and even a slightly bold look was considered shameful.

This wonderful woman is Grandmother Shura

 – When were you diagnosed with glaucoma? Are there any other health issues bothering you?

 Shura: It all started 10 years ago… I gradually and imperceptibly lost my vision, and after some time, I was diagnosed, and they told me that surgery was not an option.  I can’t see anything with my left eye, and with my right eye, I can only see light.  I have high blood pressure every day, and my heart valve is damaged, requiring surgery. But even if I have the surgery, who will take care of me afterward? It’s better to ask, dear, what doesn’t bother me. It’s hard being old.  My legs hurt, and I can barely walk. I pray to God not to abandon me, not to let me die in agony.

Should the elderly in Georgia really have to live in such conditions?

 – Do you often turn to the Lord? What do you pray to Him for in your prayers?

 Shura: Every day!  It’s only thanks to my faith in God that I’ve lived until today. What do I have to ask for? I pray to Him not to let me die in agony and to let me live a little longer. You know, life is sweet, and even if a person lives for 500 years, they still don’t want to die.

 – What is your dream, Grandma Shura?

 Shura: A dream?  I dream that my legs and heart will no longer hurt. That one day I’ll wake up and no longer feel pain.

“There’s no one to take her blood pressure”

 – What do you think could make your life easier now? How can our readers help you?

 Shura: Dear, I live just on my pension and social assistance, which is only 400 lari. It’s barely enough for medications, and I constantly need eye drops. If my neighbors don’t bring me something to eat, I’ll just have tomatoes and a piece of bread. But I need medications constantly; they are vital. Medications for my heart, brain, blood pressure, and eye drops. Besides, I’m so weak that I don’t think I can manage to keep the wood stove burning anymore. If I had a gas heater, I wouldn’t have to worry about running out of firewood or the stove going out, and I wouldn’t freeze before someone comes.  You know, when you’re alone and can’t do anything anymore, you’re afraid of everything…  Right now, as I talk to you, I’m thinking that I might not even be alive tomorrow. May the Lord protect everyone from lonely old age and helplessness!  Believe me, such a life is not something you’d wish even on your wort enemy! 

Grandma Shura is eagerly awaiting our help with all her heart!


Friends, a lonely blind grandma Shura is eagerly waiting for our assistance and support.  She is utterly helpless, old, and sick, with all her close ones having passed away.  Her only hope lies with us, complete strangers, God’s people, who care about the fate of their neighbor.  She blesses all of us and asks the Lord to spare us from lonely old age, and it is our duty to extend a helping hand, prolong her life, and bring comfort to her old age.

 Grandma Shura is not asking for much. All she needs for happiness is medicine, food, and a gas heater. Despite having to live in dreadful conditions, in a house that was built almost a hundred years ago and is falling apart!

If you are willing to visit this family and help them in person, here is their address: Chkhorotsku, 32 Leselidze Str

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:

  – In Bank of Georgia GE42LB0115113036665000

  – In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003;

  – In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000;

  (Purpose: Shura Bebia)

You can also transfer money from our website: TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and  PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

  We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Oct 12, 2023
Gas heater
Oct 20, 2023
Pressure apparatus
Oct 20, 2023
bed linen, pillows, blankets
Oct 25, 2023
Oct 26, 2023
Nov 25, 2023
Dec 31, 2023
fund overhead

Total expenses:



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22.10.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
21.10.2023 06:16:47



215 Donors

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215 Donors


They need your help urgently