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One call saves life!
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You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS with any content to the number 97100 to donate ₾3 GEL
Nona (34 years old): I have been confined to a wheelchair since childhood. It’s so hard to talk about, but I can’t walk at all. Even with assistance. Not a single step, no matter how hard I try. I’m trapped within four walls and hardly ever go out. That’s why I decided to call your Fund. You have so many friends, and I want to befriend them and hope for help!
Bank of Georgia
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TBC Bank
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
Phone number:
0901200270Have pity on the elderly parents who have carried their severely ill child on their shoulders all their lives. Will they never see their daughter stand on her own feet?! Won’t we help?
– Nona, tell us a little about yourself. Why did you reach out to our Fund?
Nona (34 years old): I have been confined to a wheelchair since childhood. It’s so hard to talk about, but I can’t walk at all. Even with assistance. Not a single step, no matter how hard I try. I’m trapped within four walls and hardly ever go out. That’s why I decided to call your Fund. You have so many friends, and I want to befriend them and hope for help!
“My parents have been taking me to doctors for many years, but there is no result. But they don’t give up. And they don’t let me give up either!”
“Every day, enduring pain, I exercise at home. Standing for a few seconds with my mom’s support, bending and straightening my legs – these are my little victories and joys.”
“My legs are heavy, as if I’m shackled. I can’t keep my balance and immediately fall.”
SOS! Friends, Nona needs expensive medication and constant rehabilitation!!! SOS!
If we don’t help now, she will never take her first independent steps. And she’s 34 years old, and she has been striving for this for so long and so hard. The girl has undergone six major leg surgeries. The last one was performed by a surgeon from Turkey. He said that Nona would be able to walk if she undergoes rehabilitation. But the unfortunate girl is even afraid to think about rehabilitation because she knows that her family doesn’t have the money for it. And where would they get it from? Her father is a rural veterinarian, and her mother is a housewife. Besides Nona, there are four other children in the family.
Have pity on the elderly parents who have carried their severely ill child on their shoulders all their lives. Will they never see their daughter stand on her own feet?! Won’t we help?!
The future of this beautiful Georgian girl from Adigeni depends on regular therapeutic exercises.
Nona: You know, I feel so uncomfortable asking for help for myself when my father is seriously ill. He has a brain tumor (adenoma) and terrible headaches. After surgery, he is prohibited from any physical exertion, even exposure to the sun. But despite this, he continues to work as a veterinarian, saying he cannot leave us without a means of subsistence. Thanks to his colleagues who feel for him and help with his work.
“My heart aches for my daddy; I love him so much! He doesn’t think about himself at all!”
Ia (Nona’s mother): “When my husband and I were young, we carried our daughter in our arms. Now we can barely walk ourselves. If something happens to us, who will take care of her?”
– Ia, I don’t even know what to say to you! How to comfort you! When did misfortune strike Nona?
Ia (Nona’s mother): Nona was born seven months premature. She was very tiny – she weighed only 1 kilogram and 600 grams. The doctors said she needed to be put in an incubator. I regret so much not doing that. At that time, I had two other small children and no one to leave them with, so I couldn’t take her to the hospital.
How happy we were that we managed to nurse her at home. But our happiness didn’t last long. Nona was 1 year and 3 months old when she had convulsions from a high fever. Her arms and legs turned to stone. I thought she had died. The child could no longer hold her back, couldn’t sit, or turn from side to side. The doctors diagnosed her with cerebral palsy. Since then, we have been suffering. Ah, it seems this is the fate of my poor girl!
Childhood photos of Nona. Look how cute she was!
– Ia, how can we help you?
Ia: I appeal to everyone who reads our family’s story and takes it to heart: please help my daughter to stand on her own two feet! She is so young and beautiful, and she still has a chance to become a loving and loved wife and mother. Don’t deprive her of this!
The ability to empathize with someone else’s sorrow as if it were your own is a sign of true compassion, friends! At the foundation, we deeply care about Nona because, due to lack of money, she might spend her whole life in a wheelchair! This is so unfair! Together, we can change the fate of this beautiful and wonderful girl and help her to stand on her own feet! For her, it will be like a second birth!
If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Adigeni Municipality, village Kakhareti.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000
– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003
– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000
(Purpose: The Artmeladze family)
You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal
It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS to number 97100
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. It might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!
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