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The most valuable thing in the life of any woman is the health of her children. And imagine how deep the pain of a mother is to see the sufferings of her
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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most valuable thing in the life of any woman is the health of her children. And
imagine how deep the pain of a mother is to see the sufferings of her children and
not to be able to help them due to lack of money!
Fund “Social Partnership” would like to introduce you to you 17-year-old
young man Koba Svanadze and his devoted mother Ketevan.
were not very lucky in life: Koba has severe form of infantile cerebral
paralysis and hydrocephalus and he is totally blind from birth. To save the
life of her son, Ketevan sold all she had, and now she lives in a half-ruined
room without any conveniences in the suburbs of Tbilisi, in Gldani district.
the past 17 years, mother carries her sick son in her arms, as it is very
painful for Koba to sit in a wheelchair. Now he weighs only 14 kg! Only in
hands of his mother Koba feels himself comfortable, only in her arms he can
relax and forget about the hellish pain that torture him since his birth!
17 years I have not slept! When Koba is crying, I take him in my arms and walk
with him around the room, singing to him and telling tales. It calms him down,
and I’m happy when I see a smile on the face of my poor boy. He cannot tell me
what hurts, why he is crying, I just have to guess, “- says Ketevan
through tears of grief and despair.
the situation of these already poor people became completely hopeless! Ketevan’s
oldest son, 28-year-old Guram, who was the only support for the family, fell
ill. They had no money for examination and treatment, for all his earnings were
spent on medicines for his younger brother. Therefore, Guram neglected his
illness and his condition deteriorated so much that after several emergency
operations, he became bedridden. Now Ketevan has to take care of two sons at
the same time!
The family
is so poor that they do not even have furniture! Two bedridden sons and their mother
sleep on two broke down beds that kind people had lent them. But they are
grateful for it, because until then they had to sleep on a concrete floor! They
almost have no means to purchase products – tiny allowance is spent on essential
drugs for her sons! That’s why they are often hungry!
can we do for this poor family? How can these seriously ill young boys and
their mother be supported?
We call
on all good people not to stay indifferent to deep grief and misery of these
people! Any of your even smallest assistance (food, medicines, and hygiene
products) will help them to relieve the sufferings and give them hope for the
you have the opportunity to provide financial aid to this family, you can
deposit money onto the account of our Fund GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (Purpose:
Koba Svanadze) or pay directly from the site
Changing one life for the better, you change the whole
world for the better!
Total expenses:
113 Donors
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