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Mom! Hurry, hurry, come here! He is crying again, it hurts him!

calendar September 24, 2020

One call saves life!

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– Maka (13-year-old) calls her mother for help, she can’t stand to see her one-year-old brother Nika suffering. The baby was born premature, he spent two months at an intensive care unit, he has two hernias and a neurological disorder. His mother Lela (30 years old) has no means for his treatment and is ready to die of her own helplessness!

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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       – Maka (13-year-old) calls her mother for help, she can’t stand to see her one-year-old brother Nika suffering. The baby was born premature, he spent two months at an intensive care unit, he has two hernias and a neurological disorder. His mother Lela (30 years old) has no means for his treatment and is ready to die of her own helplessness! 

 – Oh God, why should he suffer? Give his diseases to me! Let me be sick, and not him, he is such a baby! – poor single mother Lela sobs.

 Lela Gulishvili is completely alone in the whole world, and she raises her daughter Maka (15-year-old) and son Nika (1-year old), who needs treatment, but she has no means even to buy proper food for her children. They permanently move from one rented apartment to another, do not get enough food to eat and are deprived of any amenities. Poor woman is ready for anything to somehow feed her children and not leave them homeless. 

 Nobody, no one else cares about the life of these children! They are hungry and cold, and they are overtired of seeking shelters at someone else’s place.

 Look at Nika (1-year-old), doesn’t he deserve to be healthy? Doesn’t he deserve a decent life?

 Georgians never leave their compatriots behind, and we all know there are no “someone else’s children”.

– Lela, what trouble made you address us?

Lela: We always used to live a hard life, but during the last year the life turned into a nightmare. My younger son Nika was born premature with a lot of problems, he spent two months at the intensive care unit! You know, I visited him every single day, and all the time I was afraid to hear that my son was gone!

But with the help of God he survived. Moreover, he does not suffer any serious pathologies. Thank God!

But still, there are some problems that can cause serious consequences in the future unless we take care of the child now. The treatment requires quite serious funds. But we can only afford to have bread and water… (She sobs)

– What specific problems does Nika have?

Lela: He has two hernias: an inguinal hernia and an umbilical one. He suffers so much, my poor baby. The hernia swells up when he cries. We have no money for a scheduled operation, and the state only finances the urgent ones. 

Besides that, the doctors diagnosed him phimosis, and Nika needs urgent surgery, which costs 60 GEL. But we have no money and the state does not finance that, I have no idea what to do! He is very nervous and irritable and does not sleep well. Doctors recommended us to take cranial ultrasound scan again, to make sure he does not suffer any neurological pathology. He does not eat well, he is one year old, but his weight is only 7 kg. Besides that, he cannot sit well, he needs to have a massage course. All the costs are unfordable for us, and I don’t know how to help my baby.

My elder daughter Maka (13-year-old) needs to have her tonsils out, and the state covers only a half of the surgery costs. I keep seeking for the remaining money, because the state financing deadline will come soon, and nobody will allow me to re-appeal.

– Lela, how did you find yourself in such a condition? Do you raise your children alone?

Lela: Yes. I was only 17 when I got married. My husband kidnapped me, and I was afraid to return back home. You know, the traditions… He is 7 years older than me and we hardly knew each other. At the beginning everything was okay, I was dreaming about a big and strong family. But quite soon my husband started having problems with alcohol. He became aggressive, and I was not able to tolerate our permanent baseless squabbles. So I took my children and left for Tbilisi. In the nowhere. My husband has never got interested in our life.

My brother and my sister-in-law sheltered us for a while. They are socially disadvantaged, raising two children and barely making ends meet. I found a job and moved to a rented apartment. I used to work in a night shift at a dry cleaning, and as a saleswoman – at a marketplace. I did manage to survive somehow together with my children. But I have a health issues too. Several years ago, I had two operations: spine hernia surgery and an ovary removal surgery. 

– Do you parents or relatives help you?

Lela: I lost my mom, the dearest and most caring person in the world, 11 years ago. It was heart attack. After my mother’s death my father broke up, he got sick, he had a stroke, he can only walk with walking stick. He himself needs care. I have nobody to count on.

 How did you imagine your future? What plans did you make together with your husband?

Lela: I wanted to live a quiet family life, to have children. My husband used to work. He promised me that everything would be okay. But apparently it was not supposed to happen. So, I decided that it would be better for the children to grow up without a father – rather than seeing us squabbling. 

– We are so sorry! And did you address anybody for help? The local government, for instance?

Lela: I appealed to many organizations. I wrote to all kind of authorities begging for help! My baby needs medical aid, and can you imagine, that everyone refused to help us! I also asked to help me with the rent, I asked for dinning in the social canteen, but nobody paid attention to me! The only thing that I managed to achieve, was getting financed for my eldest daughter’s tonsils surgery, but only for a half of the cost. And where can I get the rest of the money? It’s an incredible amount of about 400 GEL!

– What do you believe in, Lela? What can be the salvation? 

Lela: Only faith! You know, every time when I find myself in a hard situation, I always manage to find a way out. I believe that God is merciful, he would never leave his child. For instance, now when I almost lost any hope, Lord has brought you to my home. 

– Do you believe in the kindness of strangers?

Lela: Yes, for sure! Maka’s classmates, who know about the hardships we face, collect clothes and toys for my children. Another time when we had no money to pay the rent, they just gathered some money for us!

– Tell me, please, about your children. Do they go to school?

Lela: The eldest, Maka (13-year-old) is my hope, I am proud of her! She is very talented, she is good at drawing, and she even writes poetry. She wants to attend drawing classes, but I cannot pay for it. She helps me with the baby a lot. Feeds him, bathes him. I have one more son, Nugzar (11-year-old). It hurts so much to talk about him. He got tired of misery and refused to live with us. He left for the village to his grandmother’s place. Well, the child has a right to choose where to live – where he feels better. I want him so much to forgive me for not being able to provide a decent life to him, and to his sister and brother. God can see, I am doing my best! Nikusha (1-year-old) is still a baby. He needs medical aid now, to grow up and to become healthy. He needs adequate food for that, but meat, cheese, vegetables is luxury for us, which we cannot afford.

– What do your children eat? What is their everyday diet?

Lela: I make soups for them, porridge, pasta. Sometimes I borrow dairy products in the shop, but I have no place to store them, I have no fridge here. 

– Have you got a flat of your own?

Lela: No, it’s an unachievable dream for me! Since I left my husband, we have had to move from one rented apartment to another. And as far as I am unable to pay rent on time, they permanently let us out. My poor girl keeps changing schools. As soon as she gets used to one class, she has to move to another.

We used to live in a terrible shed before, with no amenities there. It was so dump there, that even clothes and toys got rotten. This place is much better. It’s enough space here, two rooms and a kitchen. But we have no appliances, no TV, no fridge. Nothing! We have no room to store food, I am not talking about a huge volume of washing you have with the baby, which I have to wash by hand, but it’s a hard job for me because of my spine.

– What is your income? What means do you live on?

Lela: I used to work, before Nika was born so that we at least were not starving. And now I can’t leave him for a long time with his elder sister, she’s still a child too. Sometimes I have some side-work as a cleaner, plus we get 200 GEL of social allowance and 60 GEL food coupons for the kids. That’s all! We have to pay 300 GEL for the rent, plus we also have to pay utility costs and buy food. You see, we have no means even for the basic stuff.

– I would like to talk to your daughter, if it’s possible? Maka, tell me a little bit about you. Where do you study, what are your hobbies?

Maka (13-year-old): I think the most interesting subject is history. I always enjoy learning it. But when the quarantine started, I missed almost the whole semester. I tried to study at home not to get behind. But I had no chance to attend the lessons. The school tablet went out of order long ago, and mom’s phone is too old. Actually, I’d like to become a painter or a famous writer. I like to draw, everybody says, I’m good at that. I also write poetry, do you want me to read? Hope you will like it! 

– You are a very talented and wonderful girl, Maka! I’m just sure you will succeed, and you will achieve a lot in your life! The employees of the Fund will be excited of your drawings and poems! What is your favorite book or movie?

Maka (13-year-old): Recently I took a book at the school library, it was about Sherlock Holmes. I liked it so much! Incredibly much! I’d like to watch a movie too, but we have no TV.

– What do you need to feel happy? What would you like to have most of all?

Maka (13-year-old): A computer, for sure! I want to study. And besides that, you can find so many interesting things, any books, any information, films and videos. And also… I want to stop moving from one home to another. Mother says, if we only had a tiny room at least with one bed of our own!

– Do you have a best friend?

Maka (13-year-old): We constantly move from one place to another, so I have no time to make friends with anybody. But we are very close with my former classmate Mariam. She is a very kind and a very smart girl. But my best friend is my mother. I tell her everything, she is the best mother in the world! She always understands me.

– Do you take care of your little brother?

Maka (13-year-old): Yes, of course! He is so sweet! When nothing hurts him. Good and cheerful. But when he starts crying and gets cranky, I know that his tummy hurts again.

– Maka, what do you want to wish to all children of Georgia?

Maka (13-year-old): I wish them all their dreams come true! I wish them to be healthy and happy, and to be never in need! Dreams come true – you only have to believe!

– Maka, all your dreams will come true for sure! And we will try to help you with it. 

Lela, what do you think, you need most in your home?

Lela: We need any kind of help. If it were not for my son’s illness and the desperate need, I would never bother you! The most important now is medical aid for Nika, the surgery, cranial ultrasound scan, massage. It’s about 1000 GEL in total. 

My children are undernourished, I have no money either for food or for diapers. A washing machine, TV – we can only dream about that. My daughter needs a computer. She is a very talented girl, I cannot deprive her of an opportunity to learn. 

We would be glad to see anybody who visits us, because we are almost alone. Maybe some good friends of the Fund would like to meet us.

– Lela, what is your biggest dream?

Lela: I pray day and night only for the health of my children! I don’t need anything else! I want them to be happy and healthy. I want them to have a roof over their heads. I want them not to starve having just pasta and buckwheat.

– Why did you decide to address us?

Lela: Everybody says you really help people, and it gave hope to me. I saw your Facebook page, you’ve made so many people happy! You are doing a good deed and God will bless you and all the friends of the fund! 


Lela Gulishvili and her children urgently need help of their compatriots, of all of us, friends! Nikusha (1-year-old) and Maka 13-year-old) are growing up without their father, and their poor mother is unable to give them a decent life. 

Little Nika (1-year-old) urgently needs medical aid, but his mother has no money for his treatment, and all state authorities just closed their doors in front of her. 

The children are undernourished, they are deprived of all joys of carefree childhood. The family needs all kind of help with Nika’s treatment, food, diapers, a washing machine, a TV, a computer for Maka (13-year-old), who cannot study without it!

Can we pass by this trouble? When we are helping those in need we open our hearts to God and come closer to him!

Call Lela, cheer her up and give her a hope for tomorrow. Phone: 557 477137  Lela Gulishvili.

Visit the family, their address is: Tbilisi, Gldani, II Microdistrict, block 29, apartment 44. 

Please repost our publication. Let you friends know about the Gulishvili family and the challenges they face! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at: 

 Our Fund’s accounts are: 




(purpose: Lela Gulishvili) 

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section. You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Lela Gulishvili and her children, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270

She helped us and the Lord gave her a child!

– Mommy, do we have “guti”?

– Get up, dear! We have banana and chocolate “guti”.

– But my ducky hasn’t woken up yet. Will you give her “guti” too?

– I will give “guti” to you and to your “uti”. Get up, Nikusha.

Now we will translate it from Nikusha’s language. “Guti” is yogurt, his favorite food. He pronounces it that way because is more convenient for him. Nikusha is 2 years old. Well, “uti” is his plush toy, which one of our readers gave him. Nikusha has new toys, his sister Maka has beautiful new clothes, and their mom got new home appliances. But there is one priceless gift you made – it is a contribution to their health!

  Let Lela tell you how their life has changed after the publication “Mom!  Hurry, hurry, come here!  He is crying again, it hurts him!”

She received so many calls from kind, amazing people, she got tremendous moral and financial support, and priceless gifts for her children!

Nikusha – the examinant of the new refrigerator and happy Lela and Maka

– Lela, what happened after the post was published? Readers are eagerly awaiting for news from you.

Lela: I am lost. It’s so hard to me to find words of gratitude. How to express gratitude to each of you who helped us? No matter what I say, it will still be not enough! God bless you all! How would we have endured autumn and winter without you?! My children had no clothes, I had no washing machine, I had to wash things with my hands, and my back hurt. You probably remember – I have problems with my spine, it aches. Sometimes I was even about to faint. You took care of my kids and me.

Most importantly, there are no more health risks for my children! Finally! My son Niko had been operated on an inguinal hernia. Then he had three massage sessions. My poor one, he couldn’t walk normally. Now there is only one massage session left and then he will be operated on an umbilical hernia. Maka will be operated on her tonsils at the Iashvili clinic.

This is how we are doing. Thanks to you, so many good changes happened to us, we feel only good and lucid vibes coming from you.  You made me feel that I am not alone in this world… It was very important. Of course, there are still some unresolved problems, but I believe that with God’s help and the help of kind people, perhaps we will sort them out someday. But you already can call it a miracle – the things that happened to us!

– Would you like to single someone out from your new friends?

Lela: Immediately after the post was published, two sisters – Salome and Tamuna (I don’t know their last name) – called me. They read about us on Facebook and decided to call us. As it turned out Salome used to be in a similar situation: her child spent some time in an incubator, like Niko. Salome said that she knew very well what I had to go through. She and her sister organized a fund raising among their relatives and friends – they brought clothes for children, toys, a stroller, a highchair, and donated us some money. They called us almost every day, asking about our health and our needs. They helped us immensely! When Niko was operated on for the first time on his inguinal hernia, we had to pay some extra 50 GEL at the reception (It popped up somehow.) It happened so that I had no cash, and Salome paid for me. I will always be grateful to the sisters – I will never forget their kindness and responsiveness!

All the time, since this project began, we have been surrounded by amazing people. Many called us just to say warm words, because not everyone is able help and support financially. I clearly understand, the time is not easy now… The phone did not stop calling! I received about 80 calls! I am surprised, I am happy!

I remembered the woman who was one of the first to respond – she transferred me some money. But I can’t remember her name, let her forgive me! A few days later, she called me again.  She was very excited. She cried and laughed at the same time – she was overwhelmed with emotions. As it turned out – she had dreamed of a child for many years but all in vain – she could not get pregnant. But after a routine visit to the doctor, she found out that she was pregnant!!!

She was very happy! And I was happy for her! We cried together! It’s a miracle! The Lord heard her prayers and gave her a child she wanted so much. My son Niko was born in September, and this woman is expecting her first child in September too…

I’m not going to lose my new friend. I have her phone number, and, of course, I will call her to find out about all the news.

Many readers have helped us. How to mention all of them and not miss anyone?

– Thank them all at once. Tell them what you feel and think, tell them what their help and support mean to you. And everyone will realize that you are talking exactly about them.

Lela: My dear new friends! I addressed the Fund when we were sinking. It was very scary – there was nothing to eat, nothing to live on, the children were ill, I lost my job (my cleaning job), I did not know what to do. Helplessness was choking me. I was already going crazy. You pulled us out of this hell!

Many thanks to you! I will never forget that till the end of my life. Thanks for everything you’ve done! Thank you for your prompt

response, for your support, love, understanding! Thank you for being responsible!

Finally, we learned what a normal life means. I couldn’t buy or borrow dairy products for Niko – yogurt or a jar of matsoni. We had no refrigerator, there was nowhere to store food. And he wanted it so much!

Look how many “guti” I have!

 It’s a pity that we can rarely afford it. He fell in love with the new refrigerator, all the time he is looking for “guti” there. Niko is a baby, but he understands that the refrigerator is a useful thing.

“And I am no longer a crybaby”

And I’m just happy of my new washing machine. My back is happy, it does not rebel anymore and does not arrange pain attacks. I have problems with my spine, the distance between the vertebrae is 8 millimeters. Nikusha used to be afraid of the washing machine, especially when it was buzzing! (smiles) He ran away and covered his ears. Obviously, my child has never seen such a thing before. Now he got used to it and sometimes even puts something inside, helps me to load it. (smiles)

Mom Lela: “My boy really got calmer now.”

God bless all the people who helped us, may their life path be easy and bright! Health to you all!

– Nikusha, will you show me what do you have in your hand? What kind of toy?

Lela: Come here, sweetheart. (Niko walks up to us.) Look what a ducky we have! Oh, he does not part with this duck, he even sleeps embracing it. As soon as he wakes up, he will first check if the duck is nearby, and only after that he gets out of bed. The child missed toys; he had not had such a fest for a long time. He also has a truck, and he drives it around the house. My daughter also liked the gifts you brought her but let her tell herself.

Maka: Most of all I was glad that my brother was operated on. This was the greatest gift for us. We were worried about him. And now Niko cries rarely and walks better than he used to. Thank you very much for everything! And thanks that I will be operated on! They will cut out my tonsils – they bother me a lot, I have sore throats all the time, and I get tired quickly. My legs ache.

I really liked the new clothes that you gave me. My mood changed completely! My classmates always came to school wearing different clothes, and I used to wear the same clothes all the time. I didn’t want to go to school anymore and was glad that everything was online and no one would see me. The girl must have nice outfits.

“I’ll help my mom and go for a walk. I’ll show my new dress to my friend”

– Sure, dear! Everything will suit you, Maka, be sure! Well, have you any fear before the operation?

Maka: A little bit. But my mother says that I will rest, I will get rid of my problems. And I will not be such a sissy – my throat will not hurt after a glass of cold water. I will have to endure a week after the operation. I will be operated on in the Iashvili clinic.  I think everything will be fine.

– For sure, how could it be otherwise! We all really liked your drawings and poems. Have you created anything new?

Maka: I need a mood to write poems. I’m not in a poetic mood right now.

– Why?

Maka: I miss my second brother, I want to see him and hug him, but he lives with our grandmother – the mother of our father. Sometimes he calls us, we talk. He says that he feels good there, but if he comes to visit us for a while, our grandmother may not accept him back. He called me on my birthday and said that he wanted to be with me that day. I dream of the time when we can all be together.

– Everything will be alright. We really wish it!

Lela: I miss my son. I hope the day will come soon when I can kiss all three of my children goodnight. I live in hope until then.

– Lela, was there any response to the publication from the authorities? Did the officials start doing anything at all?

Lela: There was no response either before or after. We simply do not exist for them. People help us, not the authorities and official organizations. I will tell you one case. We don’t have a home, and we move from one apartment to another. Once, a landlady kicked us out from her home. I didn’t know where to go with little Niko and Maka in my arms. Out of despair, I went straight to the Tbilisi City Hall. There I told them about our situation – that we have nowhere to even spend the night. Their response was that they could not help us in anything, although there are some programs for the homeless people. But to get to the shelter, you need documents, time, etc.

I left the building, sat on the curb, and began to cry. And then the guys from the city hall security suddenly came up to me. They took money out of their pockets and tried to comfort me:  “Maybe this will help in some way?” That’s it! And officials never help you.

– Lela, are there any unresolved problems that bother you? Trust our readers again. How can they help you?

Lela: I am embarrassed to talk about my problems after you have done so much to us. I am so grateful to you, to every person who did not pass by our troubles! Unfortunately, there are still unresolved issues left. Partly it is because of the pandemic. They no longer call me to work – to clean the apartments, and, alas, we cannot live on social allowance. Our landlady has our social allowance card. Everything the state pays to us goes to cover our housing costs. I told you about the sisters Salome and Tamuna, they helped us a lot and paid the rent for several months.

Our landlady tries to put herself in my position, but I can understand her too. It is difficult for everyone now, that’s why everyone is fighting, first of all, for themself. She wants to rent the apartment to someone else. She spoke to me many times: “I feel so sorry for you! But what can I do?” I’m afraid that we will have to move again, to look for housing, to start all over again. It’s a pity for Maka, she doesn’t stay long in any school. Niko, of course, feels better, much better than before, but he does not eat well. He only loves formula from a pharmacy, which is expensive – it costs almost 15 GEL. We do not have the opportunity to cook diverse lunches. His weight is too law for the boy of his age. Niko still needs to be operated on an umbilical hernia. The pediatrician also recommended us to take scalp electroencephalography, but where to get the funds for that? That’s all I’m worried about. 

I no longer think about myself. I had to pass tests, which, alas, are not funded, but I did not manage to. But I believe and hope that the Lord will not leave us, He has saved us many times. And I dare to believe that good people will not leave us either. Only God and good people. I will fight for the health and happiness of my children with all my might. Someday I will hug all three of them before going to bed!


Friends, Lela is open and frank with us. She speaks straight forward as it is. Both about joy and fears. People speak this way only with their loved ones, with the ones they trust in everything. This is the role you are already playing in her life. This is the way how they take care in Georgia!

We know that you feel Lela’s mood without words, and you will continue to communicate with her and help her. You are the most responsible and reliable. And you are carrying out a very important mission.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Gulishvili family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on 

Instagram: and 


One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

Nov 02, 2020
household appliances
Nov 30, 2020
fund overhead
Dec 21, 2020
Dec 25, 2020
Nov 10, 2021
diapers, baby food

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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147 Donors

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147 Donors


They need your help urgently