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17 years of terrible suffering caused by a single injection

calendar November 28, 2020

One call saves life!

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17-year-old Buba has been confined to a wheelchair since he was 5 years old … He doesn’t know what it is to run, jump and play football with boys … He could only dream about it.
The ruthless diagnosis made by doctors is – cerebral palsy. Does it sound like a verdict? But not for Buba’s brave mother, Lela (47-year-old). These words sounded like a call to battle for this kind true Georgian woman. From that moment on, all her efforts have been focused on putting her son on his feet. And mother’s love has no limits…

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“My only dream is to see how my dear son makes steps on his own!” – says Lela, hiding her tears. Only God knows how much suffering she and her son had to endure over these 17 years … But they are not planning to give up. The fate deprived Buba of the ability to move independently but endowed him with a sharp mind and the ability to easily acquire any information. He is eager to apply his knowledge, to live a full life and to be useful to his Motherland …

    At the moment this wonderful Georgian family has exhausted all the resources for treating a sick son and had to address their kind compatriots for help in the hope that people living in our little Georgia have a big and kind heart.

– Lela, tell me please about your son’s illness. He has been sick since birth, hasn’t he?

Lela: Buba grew up a healthy baby. But at 1 year and 3 months, after a routine vaccination, his legs began to give way … I immediately realized that something was wrong with my boy… Lord, we started visiting countless doctors! Some said that the reason was overweight, they prescribed massages and some medical procedures. But nothing helped, the situation worsened, my son could not walk.

At the age of 5, he was operated on the tendons, and we also sent tests to Germany. The verdict of the German doctors just killed me: cerebral palsy! Chronic … Disability …  We shed so many tears … But my son and I did not give up. Buba is very buoyant and purposeful. He is eager to walk and believes that he will be able to!

Last year, not a long time ago, he was operated on both of his hips, and the government also funded orthoses for Buba. He pinned all his hopes on this operation. He believes that it will help him to get on his feet. But this is a long-term process, he needs to have a course of rehabilitation, physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic exercises. All this costs a lot of money, and we are very limited in funds …

– What do the doctors say? Is there any chance for his full recovery?

Lela: As a deeply religious person, I can tell you: there is always a chance. My son and I know for sure that our efforts will certainly be crowned with success. Buba will be able to walk. Maybe with the help of orthoses, but he will definitely be able to!

– What do you think is most difficult in your situation?

Lela: The hardest thing is that I can no longer lift him. He is quite an adult, tall – I physically cannot cope. But he needs to be bathed and much more … Buba wants to be independent, he just can’t come to terms with the fact that he can’t even get dressed without my help…

– What would you advise mothers in the same hard situation as yours?

Lela: I would like to wish them patience and endurance! And lots of strength! We should support our children. Help them, not to lose their heart. If we ourselves give up, what will happen to them, to a piece of our soul?

– What is the main problem of your family at the moment?

Lela: In order for Buba to have a chance to move independently, he needs to use orthoses on both legs, he also needs therapeutic exercises, massage and physiotherapy for a long period. All this costs a lot of money. And our only income are the social allowance and my son’s pension, in the amount of 370 GEL. We had to take cash in advance from the allowance, which we are paying out now… Each therapeutic exercise session for Buba costs 30 GEL, plus 20 GEL for taxi. Without these exercises, his muscles will be completely weakened. And all efforts will go to waste. I cannot allow that!

– How do you manage to live on this money?

Lela: Somehow … I don’t even know how … My husband is helping out at a parking lot, but it’s only a penny. And I cannot leave my son alone, because he is completely helpless. Thank God, at least there is a roof over our head …

  How did you find yourself here, in the hostel for socially disadvantaged people?

Lela: I am from Abkhazia. I was born and raised in Sukhumi. Then I lived in Senaki, in Western Georgia, with my parents. My husband is also from there. We came to Tbilisi for the treatment of our son, because the level of medical services in the region, is much lower than in the capital.

Since we do not have our own housing, we had to settle in a dilapidated building of a former hospital. Many socially disadvantaged families live there. Thanks to the town hall, they gave us accommodation here, in the hostel. It’s only one room, but in any case, it is better than nothing … And we are grateful to the authorities for that.

– How did you meet your husband?

Lela: Just by chance, at my brother’s work. He did not dare to tell me about his feelings for long… It’s a pity. We lost so much time! Besiki is the most sensitive and caring person in the world, and I am happy that we are together. He supports me in everything.

– Have you ever thought that such misfortune would happen to you?

Lela: God forbid! How can one imagine such a thing? Moreover, at the beginning, our son did not have any health problems. The first signs began to appear later … We did not think that everything would be so complicated. But what can we do? All is the will of God. So, we are destined to go through this.

– Does anybody help you? Parents or relatives?

Lela: My father passed away 10 years ago, my mother is a pensioner. Besiki’s father also died a long time ago, and my mother-in-law helps us, whenever she can, she sends us flour and cheese from the village… And we raised money for Buba’s operation from the whole world. The state financed 3000 GEL, another 2000 we had to pay by ourselves, but where could we get so much money? Kind people helped us…

– You mean, complete strangers?

Lela: Well, they raised some money at Buba’s school, and even far relatives and friends helped us despite the world crisis, which made everyone experience hard times… I believe in human kindness, the world bases on it. Mutual support is very common for Georgians … People with big, kind hearts live in our small country.

– What do you believe in? In what do you see the salvation?

Lela: Faith keeps me alive. My son and I often go to church. Imagine, Bubu has even started serving as an altar boy! And he takes part in the church service. I am so happy! Of course, we have a confessor who is always happy to give my son good advice and who never lets him become discouraged …

– It’s so wonderful! Lela, please tell me about your son.

Lela: My son is a wonderful boy. I am proud of him! He’s a fighter! He never whines. Steadfastly, with his teeth clenched, he goes to his target. Buba goes to a regular school, he is very diligent and capable … Actually, he had to leave school after the 9th grade, because the operation was scheduled last year, and we simply could not attend classes. But he is going to enter a technical school, he even chose a profession – computer programming.

– Buba, tell me a little bit more about yourself. What is your hobby? Why did you decide to choose programming as a profession?

Buba: One of my main hobbies is table tennis. I play really well, I even have awards for winning competitions. As for programming, this is only the first stage. I want to be well versed in computer programs. I think this is an interesting and useful profession … But in the future, I see myself as a physiotherapist. I want to help children in trouble, like me … But for this I have to get on my own feet first.

– Do you have a best friend?

Buba: Yes, her name is Lika, she understands me like no one else. She is always ready to listen to me, to give me advice … Well, she also shares what is in her heart with me…

– What do you like more: reading books or watching movies?

Buba: Although I love reading, I still prefer watching movies. My most favorite movie is “Me Before You”. It’s about a paralyzed young man who fell in love with his nurse… It’s a cool movie!

– I will definitely take note of your recommendation. Buba, what would you wish all the children of Georgia?

Buba: I wish them success in everything so that their dreams and ideas come true. And also, so that they steadfastly go to their target, despite anything!

– You have wonderful plans for the future. Dreams always come true, you only have to believe! I would like to ask a question to your mom too. Lela, what is your biggest dream? Probably a rhetorical question, but still?

Lela: To see my son making his first steps independently! I am dreaming only about that, and all my thoughts are focused only on that. We have been fighting the disease for so long. Even in my thoughts I cannot admit that these efforts may not be successful!

– What do you think, you need most in your home?

Lela: The state gave us orthoses, which are too heavy and too large for Buba. He can only stand with them, and then with my help … First of all, we need light orthoses that are of a suitable size. We can’t do without them.

Besides that, as I already said, Buba needs constant exercises in the rehabilitation center, which we cannot afford. After we received funding for the operation, the authorities refused to help us anymore… This prompted me to address you. I was guided by enormous desire to put my son on his feet – that was the only reason!

My son and I are following your Facebook page, you have made so many people happy! Thanks to your Fund, kind people learn about the trouble of their neighbors and can provide all possible help.

Any mother will understand me. My son Buba is 17 years old. He really wants to live a full, normal life … Please, give him this chance!


  Friends, our compatriot Buba is in trouble! He is only 17 years old, he is full of strength, dreams and hopes for the future! Because of a misfortune he is deprived of the opportunity to move independently. But at the same time, the Lord endowed him with a sound and sharp mind and ability to learn. Buba really wants to live a full, normal life. And he really deserves it! His poor mother’s only dream is to see the first steps of her 17-year-old son.

  Buba really needs orthoses for his both legs, long-term remedial gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy. Due to a lack of funds, he may lose the only opportunity to get on his feet! It is in our power to give him this chance!

  You can visit the Rusia family in person and provide them help.Their address is: Tbilisi, 12 Mukhadze Str. Shelter for socially disadvantaged people.

Or you can call Lela and cheer her up with your kind words! Phone: 571 16 50 39.

   Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend, do a godly deed, drop us an email at:  

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: Rusia family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

  We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Buba too, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Jan 29, 2021
Jan 29, 2021
fund overhead
Feb 02, 2021

Total expenses:



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12.01.2021 20:00:00
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04.01.2021 20:00:00
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18.12.2020 05:50:33
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13.12.2020 20:00:00
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10.12.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
10.12.2020 13:20:54
Thank you, kind heart!
08.12.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
07.12.2020 21:59:04
Thank you, kind heart!
07.12.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
07.12.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
07.12.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
07.12.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
07.12.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
07.12.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
07.12.2020 20:00:00



83 Donors

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83 Donors


They need your help urgently