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Our house burned down! People!!! Please help!!!

calendar March 4, 2021

One call saves life!

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1 call - ₾2 GEL

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The loud cry of a 2-year-old baby saved the family from a painful death in the fire!
“Thank you, God, that you touched my Mariam with your hand and woke her up!” – the mother of a large family says, – “this is a real miracle … We were a couple of minutes away from a terrible death – to burn alive – and then … This loud cry of my baby was like the sound of a fire siren!!! We were already poor then, and now … Now our whole life has turned into a heap of ash and ruins! “

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


    “Mommy, why didn’t you pour water on our house when it caught fire, why didn’t you put it out?” – 4-year-old Alexi asks with interest, naively, because he knows from the fairy tales’ pictures that it’s fun when everyone runs with buckets and puts out the fire with water!

The child and his 2-year-old sister cannot even imagine that soon they will find themselves in the street without anything.

  Correspondent: I enter a room 3 by 4 meters and I see a little girl who looks like an angel sitting on the bed, bending her little fingers and counting: “This is Anna, this is Mariam, Taliko, Naira … much more … that much …” 

  “Everything is will of God!” Whenever sadness and despair creep into my heart, I recall how we almost burned to death! Do you understand? My baby and I would die in terrible agony! Every day I thank God for saving us.

  – Ineza, how did it all happen? Where have you been, how did you manage to survive?

Ineza: Everything is will of God! If not for coincidences, me and Mariam would not have been alive, we would have burned to death like Mari’s favorite dolls. On December 19, my husband together with our older children went to the village to visit his parents – his father felt sick. Mariam and I were left alone at home. It was cold, and we had no firewood to heat. They were going to bring us the firewood next day. I put my daughter to bed early and was planning to go to bed too. But at this time Mariam’s Godmother, who lives nearby, called me and asked me to come. I said that the baby was asleep, so I would come to see her tomorrow. If Mari had not woken up then, “tomorrow” would not have come for us!

– Like in a thriller! What happened then?

Ineza: Mari woke up and asked me to go to visit, saying that she got bored without her brothers. We got dressed up and left. 20 minutes later somebody called me – it was my neighbor who shouted into the phone. I could not understand what the matter was, but then I heard the words: “Your house is on fire!” With Mariam in my arms, I ran to the blazing house – it burned like a bonfire, flames reached the sky. I froze up with my daughter in my arms, then fell to my knees, and the only thing I kept repeating was:  “Thank you, God, that we’re not inside!”

– The main thing is that you are alive … How did you find yourself in this room?

Ineza: After the fire, we walked in the cold almost naked and barefoot, and looked for housing. Many refused to let us in – with three children and without money…They didn’t want to rent the apartment to people like us. Late in the evening, when Mariam got completely frozen and was bitterly crying, they finally let us in … Our landlady has made us feel right at home. When she saw our frozen children, she gave them her blankets, brought a stove, and gave them tea … Thank God that there are such people! They appear like angels when you are in trouble. So, we stayed here – it is not too much space here, but I do not complain. We don’t need more now – we have got nothing, not even clothes or kitchenware. Nothing!

– What do you live on?

Ineza: The social allowance is our only income. We get 360 GEL and pay 200 GEL from this amount for rent. I must keep my children for 160 GEL per month. I know that I cannot spent more than 5 lari per day! 5 lari for 5 people per day! Well, we have not starved to death yet.

Foodstuffs from the social canteen helps us a lot. When they give us a chicken, it’s a real holiday! We can prepare a sumptuous table then!

– How do you manage to keep your spirits high in your situation?

Ineza: Look at the children, they are playing, but they are still half-listening to what we are talking about. If they notice even the slightest alarm in my voice, they will just go crazy. Sometimes I also give slack – sometimes the tears pour from my eyes themselves. “Mom, is everything so bad with us? Mom, can’t we hold out? ” – the children start to ask me. I have no right to answer them that everything is worse than ever. I tell them that our problems are temporary, and we will break through! That everything will be fine!

– Ineza, what does your husband do?

Ineza: He used to work in a bakery before the pandemic, but then the bakery was closed. Many people were left unemployed. Then this fire happened … He just can’t find a job. Everything will work out but now we are in a very bad time. Now we really need support. We have nothing – no beds, no appliances, no kitchenware, no clothes, nothing!

How did you live before this tragedy happened?

Ineza: We were living the dream! We started our family for great love. 13 years ago, on my birthday, we accidentally crossed paths in a store. It turned out that Ushangi was my relative’s neighbor. Everything happened very quickly – we decided to get married a month and a half after we first met. This was the wisest choice we have made in our life and our children are proof of this.

– Yes, you are right, your children are just wonderful, beautiful, and baby Mariam looks like an angel!

Ineza: She is our angel! God heard our prayers and gave us a daughter!

– Let’s get to know them better! With whom should we start?

Mishiko (12-year-old): I am the oldest, let’s start with me. You know, these little ones sometimes behave so terribly … They scream, talk loudly, yell. I tell them that they must obey our mother, that they must feel sorry for her.

– Oh, you talk like an adult!

Mishiko: I am adult. I want to find a job, so that I can earn some money every day and help my mother.

Avtandil (4-year old): Nothing of the kind, I’m a good boy! And our house burned down!

– Yes, I know. And what do you miss the most?

Avtandil: I had so many “bang-bangs” there… A lot! I had my own bed! And we had a TV too.

– What do you want more – the “bang-bangs” or TV?

Avtandil: TV! Everybody can watch it! And there are cartoons there! But I want the “bang-bangs” too. At least one… Or three!

– What does Mariam want?

Mariam (2-year-old): She wants Anna, Mariam, Taliko, Naira, and “chichia” (that’s how she calls meat).

– Ineza, what do you need most of all?

Ineza: I’ll start listing like Mariam… but that’s impossible. We have nothing. I have no idea where to start from. We have neither fridge nor washing machine. No TV … no computer for Mishiko. No clothes … no kitchenware, no furniture … I’ll better stop because I am embarrassed.


God be praised! Do not say that you feel bad – you just do not know what bad is. Do not say that everything is lost – you do not know what it means to lose everything! Do not say that the situation is hopeless – there is always a way out, you just need to want to find it!

This family is in a dire situation, but they never cease to thank the Lord for everything they have! And we are sure that after reading this story the messengers of God like you will stand next to them. We are sure that God will help this family through you!

  The family will be grateful for any help: foodstuffs, children clothes and shoes, washing machine, refrigerator, basic utensils.

  You can visit them and provide all possible help to the Dolidze family.Their address is: Batumi, 20 Lomonosov Str.

  Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

  Friends, there is one more request : if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: the Dolidze family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

   We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Dolidze family too, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

We try to start our life from scratch, and we get reborn from the ashes like a phoenix!


Because now we are going to tell you the story of a true miracle, true love and hope.
  Thanks to God’s providence, they remained alive and did not burn down along with all their things and their house. The fire took everything of value they had, but God saved something priceless – their lives. Three little children and their parents ended up in the street freezing with no warm clothes.

  Here is their story:

Do you remember the baby Mariam, who listed all her burnt dolls in a sweet voice; and, when asked her what she wanted most, her answer was – “dodona”? (this is how she calls her doll). Take a look, this video will warm your soul! We watch it every day in our Fund.

Get ready now! You will read the story of the good that we lack so much in this cruel world. You will see that Georgians are the kindest people and that joy can come even to those who do not believe in it.

This is the same radiant Mariam, whom we call Dodona at our Fund.

– Ineza, how did your life change after publishing the post about you?

  Ineza: Not only our house burned down, in an instant we became people without a roof over their heads. There we left our possessions and our best memories. At some point, it seemed to me that my dreams had also turned to ashes… Where could we go being almost naked with three little children in our arms?! We addressed you for help, and you, together with dozens and hundreds of caring people, started to fill our void in the literal and figurative sense with your presence and help.

Look, how our wretched room has become much more cozier – now the children sleep on a new wide bed, and I while away the evenings on this beautiful sofa watching TV. My children dreamed of it so much! You know, we really live in need: we have 5 GEL for five people a day… This is how we live all this time, so I could only dream of an oven, iron, and refrigerator. You made that come true! I am grateful for everything – for medications and food. Our life began to improve little by little. God, thank you for giving us those good people!

“If you want to giggle, you can turn on cartoons – I can do it myself”

  – Ineza, we are so happy that we managed to help you! What did you remember the most? – Would you like to single someone out from your new friends?

Ineza: It is impossible not to tell you about Tamar and her four colleges. They came to visit us and brought us huge bags with groceries, household chemicals, hygiene products. Complete strangers in the midst of the pandemic have raised a large amount of money to help us! My children have not seen so much food for so long! And we missed someone’s care so much! God bless all kind and caring people! While they exist there always will be hope!

“One yummy for me, one yummy for you and it will be left for mom as well”

  – Ineza, was there any response from the local authorities after your story was published?

  Ineza: Unfortunately, no. We get a social allowance, and a social canteen helps us a lot as well. But we have so many expenses – we only pay 200 GEL for a room, and we have somehow to stretch the remaining money for the entire month. Well, you know how it happens, when you have three children – there are so many worries and unforeseen costs. We survive somehow.

“Look, it looks like a spacecraft!  Let’s fly!”

   – Ineza, did you expect to get such a support from the friends of the Fund? What does it mean to you?

  Ineza: You know, we probably would not have survived to this day, if not for the kind people who showed mercy and helped us in the most difficult period of our life. These are moments when we didn’t even have a penny, we had no place to sleep, we had no food and clothes for our children… Can you imagine what we had to go through? I heard a lot about your Fund, the help that you provided to those in need, so I really hoped that our story will touch the hearts of your readers and they will respond. At that time, I thought about clothes and dishes, about how to slightly improve the life of my children, to get at least some basic things. A fridge and an over were just dreams. How could I have thought that almost the entire country, everyone would send money to the Fund to give me everything I need? We had nothing, we had no idea how to live on, but as soon as you appeared in our life, we started living from scratch. Please forgive me for my tears – these are tears of joy you gave me with your love and care.

“My Dodona will fit here”

– We are so happy that the kindest people in the world live in Georgia, people who understand someone else’s pain and believe in God! Ineza, I would like to talk to your children. Mishiko, what about your mood? Are you preparing for the new school year?

Mishiko (12-year-old): Thank you, now I am in a better mood. You see, the house is not as empty as it used to be – I can at least sleep normally on the new bed. The main thing is that my dad and mom are in a good mood. The school will start soon, I miss my friends and hope that we will not learn remotely this time, because I have neither laptop nor mobile phone.

It’s so comfortable to sleep on our new bed and sometimes to jump on it

And even play!

We jumped on the bed, now we hug each other and relax on the couch!

  Avtandil (4-year old): I don’t want a notebook, I want toys! And many chocolates for me and Mariam!

– Avto, I promise you – we’ll bring you many sweets. Ineza, let’s continue our conversation. How else our readers can help you? What do you need the most?

  Ineza: My dear, I will never tire thanking you for everything you’ve done for my family. I am so embarrassed to ask you for anything else! Mishiko voiced our main problem: in the case of distance learning, he won’t be able to continue his studies. Maybe someone will have some old laptop or mobile phone? I would really like to have a washing machine, because it is not very easy to wash clothes for five with hands every day, moreover, in an ice-cold water. As I already said, we started our life from scratch, because everything we’ve collected for years was taken by a fire. Clothes, household chemicals, toys for children, everything you see in your home – we have none of that, and we will be grateful for any help! May God protect you and your homes. God bless you, my dear ones!


  Friends, our compatriots found themselves in a very difficult situation: their house burned down, and they miraculously managed to survive!
 A family with three small children barely makes ends meet, trying to survive on social allowance. Please, let us unite one more time and help these poor people, Ineza asked us for a washing machine, her eldest son needs a mobile phone or laptop to study, and the younger ones need clothes and toys. All together we will certainly manage to help them starting a new life

  If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Dolidze family).

  You can also transfer money from our website:

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: Https:// and Telegram:

  Even if you dial once 0901 200 270, it might save someone’s life. God bless you!

  Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them.

Mar 04, 2021
Apr 20, 2021
household appliances
Apr 23, 2021
May 31, 2021
fund overhead
Jun 03, 2021
Jul 03, 2021
Jul 08, 2021
Nov 04, 2021
Nov 10, 2021
table and chairs
Nov 12, 2021
household appliances

Total expenses:



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Thank you, kind heart!
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04.10.2021 20:00:00
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13.05.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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265 Donors

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265 Donors


They need your help urgently