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Only rats come here – people do not need us

calendar February 24, 2022

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The Kravchenko family lives in a nightmare! Atrophy and glaucoma took away the sight of Koba, the father of the family. Irina, his wife, lost two babies and has been grieving for them ever since. But the main pain of parents is two adult children who suffer from cerebral palsy! 20-year-old Diana has autism in addition to cerebral palsy. She can hardly walk. She was operated on her legs twice and she needs to be operated for the third time. The state of Diana’s brother – 13-year-old Igor – is even worse. He can’t walk. He entirely depends on his mom and dad.

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Bank of Georgia

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Only rats come here – people do not need us


“The stone floor is very cold, and the only footwear they have are slippers”

Lord how is it possible that so many misfortunes befell one family?! Is it really possible that someone can pass by indifferently, without taking the grief of these people to heart after that?!

The Kravchenko family lives in a nightmare! Atrophy and glaucoma took away the sight of Koba, the father of the family. Irina, his wife, lost two babies and has been grieving for them ever since. But the main pain of parents is two adult children who suffer from cerebral palsy! 20-year-old Diana has autism in addition to cerebral palsy. She can hardly walk. She was operated on her legs twice and she needs to be operated for the third time. The state of Diana’s brother – 13-year-old Igor – is even worse. He can’t walk. He entirely depends on his mom and dad.

But their parents can’t help them. They need to be saved themselves.  They do not know how to get diapers, medications, food, clothes, money for transport to take Igor for massage sessions. They only cry from impotence, because they can’t do anything else.

A relative gave them the hut where they live – otherwise the street would have quickly finished them off – they would have been lost without a trace and died. Two terrible, primitive rooms with nothing – this is a bedroom, and a living room, and a kitchen, and a bathroom. A damaged TV serves as a home appliance, and a broken gas stove – as a chest of drawers. There are plastic basins for bathing by the wood-burning stove, where they cook dinner when there is anything to cook. And if it rains or snows, then these basins serve for gathering water from the streams that pour from the roof! Their roof can be hardly called a roof. There are dozens of holes and cracks in the walls all around. Mice and cockroaches visit the unfortunate family more often than people do.

No one communicates with Diana and Igor. No one even comes close. They are the only friends to each other

– Koba, the poverty you live in is so striking that there is no need to ask questions. But I will still ask – how did you find yourself in such situation? Tell us about your misfortune.

Koba (father of Diana and Igor): You noticed that. Not only do people sympathize with us, but even the rats when they leave our house empty-handed. They can’t even find crumbs to eat. We are very afraid of them, my wife does not sleep at night, so that hungry rodents do not bite our sick children. Our life was very hard. We can say that we have never lived well. Problems, illnesses, death, misfortune always surrounded us… Even our childhood was terrible. And now my children are in a terrible situation. Do you see in what state my little, warm, and sweet boy is? He can’t even walk.

“My sweet Igor is the best boy in the world. You are my angel, son”

He needs massages, medications, diapers. He had several massage sessions. My wife collects either bottles or scrap metal – this is the only way we can get money for transportation. The state pays for these massages, but you have to get there yourself.

Irina’s condition is very hard too, she can’t put any stress on herself. Briefly – everyone in our family needs care. Before I went blind, I worked as a loader at a construction site. But a misfortune happened. A piece of iron fell on my head, and I spent a long time in the hospital. Because of this, I even tried to disappear, I did not communicate with anyone. I did not want to become a burden for my poor family. But my wife found me and brought me back home. And now I am blind… I look at the bulb and I only see some kind of flashing light. I don’t know what to talk about other than problems and diseases… (Tears flow from Koba’s eyes.)

Broken gas stove serves as furniture

“This is how we patch the ceiling. But for how long? When it rains, you can walk around the house only with an umbrella… “

You can hardly call this shanty a home. It protects you from nothing.

– Irina, what is the diagnosis of your children?

Irina (Mother of Diana and Igor) Diana has cerebral palsy and autism, and Igor has severe cerebral palsy. When we brought Diana home from the hospital, she seemed to be a normal child, but then we noticed some problems, and she was given this diagnosis. At first, she walked on tiptoes like a ballerina, and then it became very difficult for her to walk. She was operated on twice and she seemed to be getting better. But it is still hard for her to walk. She urgently needs to be operated on for the third time. Of course, we don’t have money for this.

What is the use of poor and sick parents like us? I feel so unhappy when I see that I cannot help my children in any way! (Cries) The state does not finance it, because Diana is already an adult. And Igor – you see, he can’t even talk. (Cries again) You, probably, don’t know about my misfortune – I lost two children. One was three months old, it happened 21 years ago, and the second one was seven months old, it happened recently. It’s hard for me to talk about it…

(I take her hand trying to console Irina somehow).

– Koba, you said you had a hard childhood. What did you mean?

Koba: Both my wife and I grew up in unhappy families. Here in Zugdidi, there are barracks, that used to belong to the cleaning service. We lived there. Our parents drank heavily. Since then, my wife and I can’t stand drunkards. A situation in this village was so bad that any normal teenager would dream of running away and being saved… Imagine, our best memories are related to our boarding school. We felt best with our teachers, and not at home. Our education is 4-5 grades, that’s it. The life taught us the rest – our parents were unable to give us anything. When Irina grew up (I’m 5 years older than her), together we decided to get rid of this nightmare and got married.

But we have not begun to live better – problems and misfortunes are stuck to us. It is so difficult to start from scratch in Georgia. We don’t have education. What could such unfortunate people like us do?!

“How have I not lost my mind after so many misfortunes…?”

  – Do you have relatives? Do they help you in any way?

Irina: What relatives are you talking about? No one needs me. No one helps me. Koba has a cousin, whom he considers to be his sister. She is a very good person. We are very grateful to her – she gave us this house. If not for her, we would have found ourselves in the street. That’s it.

Koba: I grew up in a large family, but I have almost no one left… I have had a lot of pain in my soul since childhood. My little brother and sister had an accident. They were crossing the road… It was the fault of the driver – he killed two children… Oh Lord, how many things I can recall. If I tell you, your heart will be heavy. But I can’t recall anything good…

Irina: Me too… I buried my two Angels. What could be worse? But I still have children, and I have to live for their sake. We try to pull ourselves together, not to show gloomy faces to Diana and Igor. They are so helpless – they need our help… (Cries.)

– Do you believe in God and in good strangers who do good selflessly?

Koba: Only faith will help us. I believe in God! (He takes out a cross from under his shirt and kisses it.) And I believe in the miracles that God does. I will tell you one story. Once they presented us two little ducklings. It was difficult for us to feed them, but we somehow got out by giving them leftovers found in the garbage. It was a cold evening and we didn’t even have bread. Both the children and we were hungry. At this time, a neighbor called us and gave us stale bread to feed the ducklings. We were so happy! What ducklings?! We fed our kids…

“I have nothing to hide from you – here is our dinner for today …”

Irina: How can I not believe in human kindness? There is another merciful woman – Salome Patsatsia. She helps us whenever she can. She gives us food and clothes. If not for her, our children would go barefoot and naked.

– Why did you address our Fund?

Irina: I have heard a lot of good things about your Fund. I believe you can protect us. You have many good friends. I hope for the help of such strangers. May the Lord bless those who help the poor and unfortunate. Sometimes even incognito. Help me find new friends. I want them to come visit us. I will open my heart. I will not load you with my sadness and grief, I promise, I just need support. If only I could help others.

– What do you need for your home? What is your permanent concern?

Koba: Medications, diapers for Igor, clothes. Diana has no shoes. I’m so ashamed, but I have to say this: is there anything that we have?

Irina: We have no TV, no gas stove, no fridge, no washing machine, nothing to put in the fridge. (Tries to be funny.) Diana needs a mobile phone so that she can at least learn something new. She went to school for only six years.

“Mom, don’t go anywhere.” Diana answered questions, clinging to her mother

– Can I ask her myself?

Irina: Sure! Diana answer to aunty.

– Diana, what present do you want us to give you?

Diana: Pencils, paper. And…

– Felt pens? Paints?

Diana: Yes. I want it very much!

Picture of 20-year-old Diana

Diana has no real friends, only drawn ones.

– Anything else?

Diana: Phone. (She blows me a kiss).

Diana is the best artist for her dad and mom

Koba: Dianochka loves drawing. She locks up and draws all the time. These are not scribbles. My daughter has her own world. Children with autism are like that. They see everything in their own way. I don’t see what she draws. But I know that my daughter draws beautifully. My dove.

– I really like your drawings, Diana.

(She keeps silent, looks at her dad.)

– Koba, do the local authorities help you in any way?

Koba: Yes. Our son is paid 200 GEL monthly, as a minor with cerebral palsy. And our daughter no longer gets this help, because she is an adult. If only you knew how we always wait for this money. They give us 25 GEL for firewood.  It is not much, but it is still better than nothing, thanks to them for that. Of course, we need much more firewood. We heat the room with a stove and cook food there.

We’ve run out of wood, so we’ll have to endure the cold

– Irina, you can address people who will read this post and decide to help you.

Irina: Save me brothers and sisters! Take our misfortunes to heart. Help my kids, don’t leave them hungry and cold. I beg you, for God’s sake! I love you very much and I really hope for you! Thank you for reading and helping people in need.


Friends, this story makes my heart cry! Suffering and misfortune are haunting Koba and Irina. Not a day goes by without tears and pain. Thank the Lord that your life is not that tragic, appreciate and rejoice in what you have. Let’s help this family, which has almost lost its last strength. Let us heal their wounded souls with our care and love. We are the only hope for their anguished hearts.

You can visit them and provide them all possible help at: Zugdidi, David Jikia, Second lane, building 6 (behind the church).

 Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

Let’s show our mercy and make them believe that miracles happen, that they can live in a warm and cozy home and have a lot of food! They believe in us. Don’t let them down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia

We are sure that all together we will manage to give them unforgettable moments.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Irina Kravchenko).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: Https:// and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

She talks to new things in a way like they are people
“My beauty has come! Do you know how long I dreamed about her? Do you know how she can help me now? Will you help me, honey?” In front of Irina was the washing machine of her dreams. She lisped with it, as with a small child, and waltzed. Still waltzing, she moved to the oven and informed the oven that she would bake delicious cookies very soon and that she will only need her “hot heart” and time control for that.
This is how Koba Kravchenko recalls the day when his socially disadvantaged family received gifts bought with donations from friends of our Fund. “At first, I thought that my wife went crazy. That she could not stand the joy that befell her after countless problems. Then I realized that in so many years of living together I had never seen Irina so happy. She expressed her emotions in such a peculiar way. I immediately ran for my phone to film it. But unfortunately, it was then that it did not turn on. It’s a pity that I couldn’t capture it all… ” – Koba told us.

“Thank you for giving us so much joy and so many gifts!”

Koba Kravchenko, his wife, their twenty-year-old daughter and thirteen-year-old son found shelter in a dilapidated hut of their relative. This is exactly the family that constantly needs the moral and material support of other people. None of the members of this family is really healthy: for some, health has been shaken over time, while others suffer from congenital ailments.
Our Fund published a post about the Kravchenko family on February 24, 2022. You can follow the link to read it: 
–  Koba, how has your life changed after we published an article about you?
Koba: Those people who shared even the smallest things with us cannot imagine how much joy they brought us. It is such happiness to realize that you are not alone, to feel so many kind hearts next to you. This feeling always reassures unfortunate people like us. And these gifts… These are things that we did not dare even to dream of.

“All the valuables in our hut are your gifts!”

Irina: Koba’s life has changed in the sense that his wife is now full of joy. (Laughs.)
Koba: And the kids are full of joy too! Diana has her own bed. It’s impossible to tear Igor away from the new TV. He watches cartoons all the time. This calms him down. If I suddenly switch to something else, he immediately starts screaming, crying, and getting angry. You know that Igor has cerebral palsy and cannot talk and move without assistance. He needs special care. In this sense, TV makes our life much easier. So, we consider the TV as a personal gift to him.

“He is in a great mood when he watches TV”

Irina: You should have seen how in the mornings, while Igor is still sleeping, Diana quietly sneaks up to the remote. She switches to the series and watches it, turning the volume down so as not to wake Igor. Because if the “dictator” wakes up we’re in trouble. There will be no way for us to watch TV!

Diana, who slipped in the morning, enjoys watching TV while Igor sleeps

– Irina, which gift made you the happiest?
Irina: We were happy with absolutely everything. My husband and I had not eaten for three days, and then you sent us groceries. And we didn’t eat to somehow feed our children. The medications that we took from the pharmacy thanks to the efforts of your Fund were also very handy. We are sick people – we need medications all the time. We were very happy with the beds – we no longer have to sleep on the floor or all together. The washing machine was my cherished dream. I think you can imagine the conditions where I did the laundry.
– According to Koba, you promised the oven that you would bake a cake. Well, did you bake it?
Irina: Yes, I baked my first cake with the ingredients you sent me. When I bake next time, I will certainly invite you.
Koba: And why did you forget about the refrigerator, Irina? It made us very happy!
Irina: Of course! Diana opens the refrigerator door, then closes it. Then she opens and closes it again… She does this a thousand times a day. She smiles so much doing that, as if this is not a refrigerator, but her best friend. She really likes our new refrigerator.

“Diana loves your gift so much that she opens the refrigerator door a thousand times a day”

– Koba, have you made any new friends? Did anyone come to visit you in person to help you?
Koba: It grieves me to say it, but no one comes to us, except for representatives of the Fund.
 And we love guests so much.
– After kind people read on social networks that it hurts you so much, they will certainly visit you!
Koba: From your lips to God’s ears!
Irina: We have a special friend – Salome Patsatsiya, who always visits us on holidays: Easter and New Year. May the Lord reward her a hundredfold for all the good she does for unfortunate people.
– What can you say about the support of local authorities?
Koba: They paid our utility bills for four months in the amount of 100 lari. That is 25 GEL per month. They promised to provide us with a psychologist, but he is not yet in sight. We need more help. I think this is clear to anyone who comes to our shack.
 Is there any special “investigation” necessary to get that?
– New things, although they brought joy to your life, but if taking into account all your needs, they are just a drop in the ocean. I am sure that our readers will support you more. Could you tell me what you need the most at this stage?
Irina: Mattresses, pillows, blankets, and quilts would be very handy. And also, clothes and shoes for my kids. Well, we always need food, medications, and diapers.

“Our children are people with special needs, so they need special care and attention!”

While we were talking with our parents, Diana blew us kisses and spoke in Mingrelian: “Ma si miork… Ma si miork…” which means “I love you”. These words of an autistic girl also apply to all of you who took the difficulties of this family to heart, who helped or will help them in the future.
Let each of us with our good deeds respond to the love of this wonderful girl. “Ma holo miork cira, Diana!” (“I love you too, girl Diana!”)
If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.
Our problems are noting if compared…  Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes!  Just thank the Lord for what you have.  You are the happiest person in the world!  Remember this and help those in need.
Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you!  For sure!  Go on helping these families!  This is the best service to the Lord!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!
Friends, thanks again to all!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: The Kravchenko family)
You can also transfer money from our website: 
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link 
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram: Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life:  0901 200 270!
Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!
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Apr 29, 2022
Apr 29, 2022
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Jun 09, 2022
Jun 16, 2022
Jul 19, 2022
Sep 04, 2022

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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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291 Donors

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291 Donors


They need your help urgently