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To sentence them forever to a supreme penalty of lifelong suffering!

calendar May 20, 2022

One call saves life!

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The building will be demolished… It will disappear soon. And the people living there, may disappear too. They have nowhere to go, no one is waiting for them. Not a single soul is behind them. If something happens to them, we will find out about it too late. Probably, on a payday, when Natia will not come to the store to pay off her debts.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


To sentence them forever to a supreme penalty of lifelong suffering!


  The building will be demolished… It will disappear soon. And the people living there, may disappear too. They have nowhere to go, no one is waiting for them. Not a single soul is behind them. If something happens to them, we will find out about it too late. Probably, on a payday, when Natia will not come to the store to pay off her debts.

She is a single mother. In Georgia, it sounds like a “sentenced” to capital punishment – lifelong torment!

  “I remember when I was seven years old, after school I bought candles and icons and sold them at triple price! I earned money to buy medications for dad and bread for my mother and brother. I ate in the street. I went to areas remote from my school, so as not to stumble upon my classmates. Stumbling upon them would be tantamount to death for me! -says Natia, smiles and adds: – It was the most happy and beautiful period in my life. At least my parents were alive then, and I thought that my dad would get back on his feet soon, that mom would stop crying, and we would live happily. But my dad never got back on his feet …  after a lengthy and debilitating liver disease he died. My mom “followed him” one year later. Her heart couldn’t take it. She cried every day, hugged his photo, and asked to take her to him! She just forgot about us. That’s why my children are the most important thing to me.”

“I might not eat for days, but I will never leave my children hungry”

  – Can you recall anything good?

  Natia: I don’t even know… probably no. Even when I gave birth to my children, I was nervous then. The father of the children promised me mountains of gold, but when I was pregnant with my second child, I accidentally found out that he had a family. I thought that an adult man, 20 years older than me, would be my father, my older brother, and husband. I thought I would be safe behind him as if behind a stone wall. I was 23 years old then! I was inexperienced, suffering, and exhausted by life. I thought I found my happiness, I found my beloved one, I thought my life would become easier. But it got worse! I had no parents, no home, no education – and had little children in my arms…

“This ruin is a palace to me!”

– How did you find yourself here?

  Natia: You won’t believe! One lady, the kindest Georgian lady, saw me in the street. I was pregnant, hungry, I was with my little child. I cried, I had no money and no hope to survive. She said that she lived in Borjomi in some building, the building of a former veterinary laboratory. I agreed. I just had nowhere to go, no one to ask for help. A complete stranger can become closer to you than your mother or sister.

  – Do you live together?

Natia: No. She recently left abroad to work and let me live here. She is just my Angel. And my Angel’s name is Marekhi. She even promised to help me too when she earns enough money. How can a person be so kind? I don’t know. I’ve never seen people like her. The fact that my children are now alive is only her merit. She left me everything that belonged to her: dishes, beds. Come on, I’ll show you.

“Everything you see here is not mine, it belongs to my Guardian Angel”

  – It looks like even your angel had a hard time living here …

  Natia: Oh! This is a real palace to my children and me. Although we so dream of a normal home.

– What’s a normal home to you?

Natia: One where you have a bathroom and a toilet. And you have water there. And there is no need to carry water from afar. To have a clean room and beds, a table and at least three chairs. This is the real palace.

“I want food to be everywhere. Here and there”

  Ilia (6-year-old): And so that there was food everywhere! You open the closet – there is food. You look at the table – and there is food! And under the bed – there is also food!

  Rati (2-year-old): And “kuki” and “rolly” everywhere.

Rati can investigate the refrigerator two hundred times a day in the hope that either “kuki” or “rolly” will appear there.

  – Pardon?

  Ilia: This is what he calls cookies and sweets. In the morning, he starts crying: “kuki, rolly… kuki, rolly”, and does not stop!

  – What about you?

  Ilia: I am not a little boy. Well, it happens sometimes. I cry because I want a toaster…

– Why do you need a toaster? I thought you also wanted “rolly” or toys, like other children.

  Ilia: When we got here, there was one magical thing. You put regular bread in there. If it is dry, then you can wet it and sprinkle with salt. Or, butter it up if you have butter. You put bread in there, close it, wait, wait, wait, and it becomes like real delicious food. So yummy! It will make your mouth water!

“If I had a toaster, I would “treat” you with bread!”

  – What do you dream about, besides a toaster and food?

  Ilia: I dream about becoming a car mechanic. They have cars and a lot of money!

  – Let’s suppose that you have already become the coolest car mechanic and have earned a lot of money. And now you’re going to the store. What would you buy first?

  Ilia: A toaster and dishes for mommy. And bread, and butter, and sweets. And that’s it, probably.

“We have neither gas nor water – we live like primitive people”

  Natia: I think they love cookies and sweets more than mom. It is something unusual to them. Very rarely, when I manage to save some money, I buy sweets. Because every day we have rice and pasta, rice and pasta, rice and pasta…  We’re sick of it. But what can we do?

– Children can have health problems due to inadequate food.

  Natia: A few months ago, Ilia started to choke. I was so scared! I took him to the doctor immediately. She prescribed him inhalations, she said that it was not asthma, but an attack of wheezing – probably caused by  the conditions in our house. Look at the walls – they’re covered with mold! I am grateful to God that nothing serious has happened to my children yet.

“One cylinder is barely enough for two weeks just to cook food. And to fill it, you need go far.”

  – You probably need a nebulizer and medications for your child?

  Natia: No, one good girl gave me a nebulizer, and fortunately he does not need medications. I need food most of all.

  – And what about beds? And bedding? You have nothing!

  Natia: No. All I need is groceries, clothes for the kids, maybe a table and chairs. There is no point to ask for a washing machine – we have no water. We don’t need fridge – we have nothing to store in it. There are the beds left from the previous owner. It would be great if you bring us cookies too… They do not spoil, right? So, I will give the boys one piece every morning! That would be cool! And I don’t need anything else. Really! Oh, I almost forgot, I need a table!

“Instead of a table, we have a rotten board that my mother put on a log”

  Ilia: While I save a lot of money, can you bring me a toaster? And for Rati, two cars and two “weapons”. We will shoot and play races together!

  – Maybe you want me to bring you some yummies?

  Ilia: I don’t know what food I like, I forgot it. Okay, bring me something. See you later!

“Bring me cookies and sweets! Please!”


  Single mother Natia has a hard life. She was left completely alone with two children in her arms. The poor woman clings to life, tries not to die from hunger and cold, but her meager social allowance is not enough even to provide her children with the most basic conditions. Her children – two-year-old Rati and six-year-old Ilya – live in a terrible, moldy, completely rotten room, which is about to be demolished! They sleep on a collapsed bed and are constantly malnourished. They have no clothes, no shoes. Friends, should Georgian children grow up in such conditions?

They really need our support. They will be grateful for any help: food, diapers, clothes and shoes. They also asked us for a table, chairs, and a toaster! There is no sense in helping them with renovation or buying them appliances. We need to make them feel that not only relatives can worry about their life but even the strangers can too.

  Their address is: Borjomi, Papa settlement. (The building of the former veterinary clinic.)

  Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

  We are sure that all together we will manage to save this family from imminent death.

  Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

  We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

  We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: Https:// and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

I never smiled when I was hungry… And now my mouth smiles by itself!

“When I’m not hungry, I even know how to smile”

The single mother of two little handsome boys could not even imagine what a sincere plea for help could do. Only Natia and God know How many tears were shed, what humiliations she had to go through! When, out of despair, Natia dared to address the Fund, she did not even believe that something could change her miserable existence. 
“The country is in a difficult situation – everyone thinks only about how to feed their children. Who needs us? The father abandoned his children, do strangers care about us?” – Natia said sadly when we told her that entire Georgia would stand by her side. 
– Natia, how are you doing now, what has changed in your life?
Natia: The most important thing for a single mother is always her children. It was very hard for me to watch them starve. Now I have so many things that make my life easier… I don’t even know what to start with. First of all, I want to tell everyone that this Fund really serves good, and you can all rely on them. It turns out that there are so many caring people who take your suffering to heart … It is incredible… Now I have food, a refrigerator, a washing machine, dishes, a new frying pan, a toaster and all this makes us so happy …

“The toaster is the coolest invention in the world”

– That’s what you asked for!
Natia: These things were luxury items for us. When my eldest son saw the toaster, he seemed to go crazy with joy. As soon as he saw it, he ran up and started hugging it, kissing it, saying that even at night he would sleep with it… Both his and my hearts were filled with joy … I can say that now I feel human. Thanks to everyone who made me feel human and a mother…

 Now you will be a neat boy and you won’t walk around dirty

– I’m glad to see you so happy. Have you made any new friends?
Natia: I would be very happy to be friends with someone. At this stage, I can single out one person who called me from abroad – his name was George. He asked how we were doing, talked to me about the problems and promised to help us when he came here … many girls called me, many single mothers. They supported me with their words, they said that it is better to be alone than with a person who does not respect you – these words cheered me up so much! I know there are thousands of women like me, and they somehow manage to cope, and I can cope too!
Whoever wants to be friends with me – do not hesitate. Call me, come to visit me, girls. You will make me immensely happy.

“My brother is already 3 years old, and we invited guests”

– Did the local authorities respond to our post? Was there any reaction from them?
Natia: The building, where we live now, will soon be destroyed. They will build an apartment building instead, where they will accommodate the refugees. They said they would not leave me in the street. In the meantime, the building will be built, they will rent an apartment for us. I have already imagined how in a few years we will live in a clean, comfortable apartment – these new things will fit much better there. 

I will eat it all… When you fall asleep, I will quietly sneak up

– What does this help and support mean to you personally?
Natia: It is more than help… Perhaps the poor like me will understand better what I’m talking about. Maybe someone will be glad that new things have appeared in the house, but this is not only about that – for me, it is more about the beginning of something new and good. For the past few months, we have not starved, thanks to you. We had a mood to think and dream. 

This is my favorite food – a will share a little bit with you.

– Ilya, I want to ask you one thing… As far as I know, the toaster has won your heart, have you already figured out how to use it? 
Ilia (8-year-old): Yes, it is very easy… You put bread inside, then take it out when it is already crispy, spread it with butter, sprinkle with sugar and you get the most delicious cookies you have ever tasted. My younger brother really liked it, and my mother too. Once my mother joked – choose: either this toaster or me? And I also jokingly replied – toaster. Of course, I love my mother more. 
– Natia, are there any problems left that the friend of our Fund can help you to solve?
Natia: I already have what I needed the most. The only problem left is problem with beds and a mattress. For us to be healthy, we need to throw away this damp and moldy mattress and bed and replace them with something new. But, if we throw them away, where to sleep then? I can sleep anywhere, but I feel sorry for my children, because they sleep in a half-wet bed. 
– The cold will come soon, it’s already cold here, how will you warm yourself in winter? 
Natia: I don’t have gas – it’s not installed. And it’s very hard for me to bring gas bottles from the city. You will do a great job if you help us with this.

Abracadabra – food appear!!

Friends, I congratulate you on putting another family on its feet. Only generous and strong people can take part in such a work. Natia’s little family has a few unresolved problems. The cold winter is approaching, and it is vital for them to sleep in a new, warm bed. To keep their house warm, they need to solve the problem with gas. There is very little left to do for another Georgian family to live as the inhabitants of this blessed country should! They are sure that you will help them again. 
        If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.         
           Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
          Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!
        Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything.
Friends, thanks again to each of you!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
You can also transfer money from our website: 
       It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
       We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Jun 01, 2022
Jun 09, 2022
Jul 01, 2022
Jul 21, 2022
washing machine
Jul 21, 2022
kitchen tools
Jul 21, 2022
Jul 29, 2022
fund overhead
Jul 29, 2022
Aug 12, 2022
Sep 12, 2022
Sep 19, 2022
office cargo
Oct 06, 2022
Dec 12, 2022

Total expenses:



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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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206 Donors

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206 Donors


They need your help urgently