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“Mom, are you “dead” or just sleeping? Breathe, mom!

calendar September 5, 2022

“Mom, are you “died” or just sleeping? Mom, you won’t stop breathing, will you? If I behave well, they won’t cut off anything else from you, will they? If I hug you, won’t it hurt you?” – 5-year-old George walks around his mother’s bed and tries to cheer up his mother. She took a strong painkiller, but the nasty pain that is tearing her from the inside does not calm down. She worries because her children are witnessing this.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“Mom, are you “dead” or just sleeping? Breathe, mom!

“Mom, are you “died” or just sleeping? Mom, you won’t stop breathing, will you? If I behave well, they won’t cut off anything else from you, will they? If I hug you, won’t it hurt you?” – 5-year-old George walks around his mother’s bed and tries to cheer up his mother. She took a strong painkiller, but the nasty pain that is tearing her from the inside does not calm down. She worries because her children are witnessing this.

Ketevan is sick with cancer… It is creepy even to pronounce this word. She never thought that this could happen to her. So are all cancer patients who could never have imagined this.

“I never thought cancer would choose me”

Ketevan: I found out about this three years ago. I thought there was just stagnant milk after breastfeeding. I didn’t pay attention, and there was no pain. When the sensations became unpleasant and painful, I went to the doctor, I thought he would prescribe me an ointment, and it would dissolve. But no such luck. The doctor got worried and sent me to an oncologist.
– What did you feel at that moment?
Ketevan: Ground fell away beneath me. I started to cry, tears flowed from my eyes and burned my cheeks. I was scared: I was scared not for myself, but for my children. They are so young – it will be hard for them to live without a mother. This is the worst day of my life!

“I was scared: I was scared not for myself, but for my children”

– So, you visited the oncologist.
Ketevan: The oncologist said it was cancer. They ran some tests. The radiation did not help, so my breast had to be amputated. But it turned out that the worst was yet to come. After surgery and radiation therapy I started having severe headaches. I was ready to climb the walls with pain. Nothing eased it. The children were so frightened when I howled and cried … Then the pain moved to the joints, I could not even walk. In one minute – I asked God to take me away and save me from suffering, and next minute I asked him to give me as much time as possible to spend it with my children. 

“Watching how mother suffers is the most terrible punishment for children”

– It was probably a nightmare for the children to watch their mother suffer.
Sofio (11-year-old): It’s not scary anymore, but in the first months, when my mother began to cry, I pressed my hands so hard to my ears so as not to hear, and I cried with my mother. Then I started helping her. I cleaned the house, looked after the kids, even learned how to cook soups. Now I remember by heart all my mother’s medications and know what and when she needs to take. Which one she needs to take before meal, which one – after meal.
– Do you also give shots to your mom?
Sofio: No, I am afraid of that. I get sick when I see a needle. I will probably never learn how to give shots.
Giorgi (9-year-old): I think that my mom will no longer need shots soon, otherwise I would have learned ow to give shots. They should invent some medicine, that you apply to your hand and it tuns you to feel good.
– So, you will invent such a medicine when you become a doctor!
Giorgi: No, I have other plans. But I won’t tell you yet. 

“When I’m with my mom, it hurts her less”

Ketevan: I endure it all just because of them. There is no other way to endure such torment.
– How did you live before cancer? Do you remember?
Ketevan: Nothing ever hurt me. I was a very active person. I worked, did everything around the house, looked after the children. I had dreams, I had plans. My husband and I were going to save up some money and renovate our home. Arrange the bathroom and refurbish the furniture. But this is all in the past. Our allowance and my pension are not enough even for medications. Our kind neighbors help us with food. Everyone knows about our situation and helps us. I often say that God helps us through the hands of good people. It was our neighbor who addressed your Fund.

“I do everything instead of mom”

– Well, one thing is illness, and another thing is lack of money and terrible living conditions, which probably also aggravate your situation?
Ketevan: Sure. Imagine, we have neither a toilet nor a bathroom to bathe the children. We too, splash around in basins right here, in this room. It’s so hard! We have no beds – we lie on the ruins. Children have no phones, no computer, no TV. They stay all day at home and look at their sick mother.

When the pain gets stronger, the children do not leave their mother for a second

– What do you live on now?
Ketevan: We live on a social allowance – 750 GEL and my pension – 140 GEL. That’s it. My husband got his back injured five years ago. He had worked like dray horse, without sparing himself. At the collective farm, at construction sites – to earn money and do everything for the family. And now he can’t lift anything heavy, but he carries me in his arms when I can’t get up from pain. He gives me injections and helps me. I don’t know what I would do without him. Badri is the standard of humanity. I wish everyone to have such a caring person next to them.

“There is no toilet or bathroom in the house”

– Besides the things you have listed, what else do you need most of all?
Ketevan: We need medications, food, clothes for children. I do not ask money for my treatment – the state finances radiation therapy for me. If you will manage to help us to make our living conditions better, I will be happy.

“All the money from social allowance and pensions goes to medications”

– Maybe the kids also dream about something?
Nikoloz (5-year-old): Yes, they do! I dream of a big!
– Of a big what, Nika?
Nikoloz: I need everything big! Big car, big candy, big khachapuri. And so that mom also grows big and does not cry!

“Can I have something tasty, and not all that?”

Giorgi: And I want a bike and nothing else. I don’t like to eat – I can eat pasta all the time. There is no money for anything else.
– What if there were money?
Giorgi: I would go to the store and buy whatever I wanted. Now I don’t even know what I want. I would try all the chips and all the lemonades!

“Mommy, please, become beautiful and healthy again!”

Sofio: And I only dream of one thing: a phone and a hoverboard. This is a board with wheels. Now you will know!
Giorgi: Stop!!!!
– My God, what happened, Giorgi?
Giorgi: I want a TV! You got me confused with your candy!
Ketevan: Oh yes, TV would be a salvation for our family! Maybe some joyful sounds will also sound in these walls besides my crying!
Nikoloz: And I also want my mom to grow hair! 

“I hope that I can overcome the disease and live for my children”

It will be a crime to leave this unfortunate woman without attention, first of all, it will be a crime before our conscience! Friends, by helping a person in trouble, we make this world kinder and better. It is so important to know that there are good people. Life becomes not so scary, and there is hope for a miracle!
Help the cancer patient Ketevan! Give her a chance to survive and to rejoice together with her children. She needs medications and food. She really needs help with the arranging of the bathroom. Children need beds, clothes, toys, and tablets. The rest is up to you.
If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Gori, village Tirdznisi.
Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: Ketevan Bezhanishvili)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
Now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

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Total expenses:



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