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Getting through the death of a father, falling asleep to the barking of stray dogs and the noise of drunken fights – are these nightmare stories ? This is a horrifying reality for the children of the Khvedelidze family

calendar September 24, 2022

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“If someone tells me that I don’t have a home and I’m a garage boy, I don’t talk to him. Because I’m an ordinary boy, I just live in a garage. I already fought with those who laughed at me. How can anyone who lives in an apartment building make fun of me because I live in a garage?!” asks eight-year-old Rezi. He lives with his sister, mother, and stepfather in the garage. Instead of falling asleep sweetly, he falls asleep to the loud barking of stray dogs, the sounds of fights, and the screams of drunkards. Before going to bed, you need to breathe air in reserve, because there is no window in the garage and it is stuffy in there, like in a torture chamber. And it’s dark and scary, and there’s not a drop of light.

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Getting through the death of a father, falling asleep to the barking of stray dogs and the noise of drunken fights – are these nightmare stories? This is a horrifying reality for the children of the Khvedelidze family

Such a wonderful boy was “exiled” to an old dark garage.
“If someone tells me that I don’t have a home and I’m a garage boy, I don’t talk to him. Because I’m an ordinary boy, I just live in a garage. I already fought with those who laughed at me. How can anyone who lives in an apartment building make fun of me because I live in a garage?!” asks eight-year-old Rezi. He lives with his sister, mother, and stepfather in the garage. Instead of falling asleep sweetly, he falls asleep to the loud barking of stray dogs, the sounds of fights, and the screams of drunkards. Before going to bed, you need to breathe air in reserve, because there is no window in the garage and it is stuffy in there, like in a torture chamber. And it’s dark and scary, and there’s not a drop of light.
“It’s a pity to even put a car here – it’s so damp here and it pours during the rain,” says Veriko, Rezi’s mother. “And we have been living here for 10 years.”

Children live in this stuffy pit full of old rubbish!!!

“Do you really think I like living here? Rezi asks me. – I want to live in an apartment building too like other children. I saw how they live in an apartment building – I went there to visit. They bathe in the shower, and they can turn on light everywhere. And we heat water in a bucket to bathe. I even often do my homework outside, in front of the garage, to see better. It’s dark in here.  When I go to sleep, I close my eyes quickly so as not to be afraid of horrors. I’m scared – maybe there are monsters in the dark. You know, it’s so cramped here – I always hit against something. I can’t even run. There, in the apartment building, they don’t put on boots at home, their floor is not cold.”

You have only nightmares in this creepy bedroom!

Veriko warms water for bathing in a bucket

– Why is your eye bruised?
Rezi: They called me homeless again. So, I had to fight. I’m sick of them.

The bruise will heal soon, but the soul wounds will not

Veriko: I keep the dishes on the floor so that they don’t break if the cupboard falls apart. It is rotten, all the furniture got rotten because of dampness. There is no room to store clothes, everything gets wet, so I keep everything on top. There is no more room to walk.

There is no place to live! Cabinets are rotten, things are stored on the floor

“It’s a pity to put the car, it pours during the rain, and we live here”

– Veriko, why do you live in a garage, how did you find yourself here?
Veriko: This is the only space that belongs to us. In my entire life, my parents were never able to buy a house. My late father bought at least this garage so that my children would not be left in the street.
Rezi: My grandmother and uncle also do not live in a real house, but in a garage. I don’t like their place either, it is ugly. And they have nothing delicious.
– What yummies are you looking for?
Rezi: A burger!
Veriko: It is not a right place. My mom and brother are in the same hard condition as we. My brother has mental problems since childhood, he managed to finish only two grades at school. You can’t send him to work, he doesn’t like people, he’s afraid of them. He asks for food all the time – this is a disaster. He can even take away food from a child, he can fight for food.

Grandmother is very ill and lives in need

Rezi: He fought with me for a rice porridge.
Veriko: It’s just terrible. My mom has had a hard time with him for 30 years now, she looks after him like he was a little child, although she has problems herself. She often has erysipelas on her legs, with high temperature – about forty degrees.
Rezi: I asked my grandfather Suliko (this is my dad’s father) to save some money from his pension for a burger for me. But I will not see him soon, I will see him only when I go to his village and at my father’s grave. Why are you so surprised? I was still small then when my father crashed. He fell down the stairs. They didn’t take me anywhere. But I realized that something bad happened. Many women in black clothes came to us. And they took Maia, my sister, to the funeral, she could have been there.
Veriko: Here’s a terrible thing that happened. I was left with two little children in my arms. It was hard. But there was a person who supported me and became my soul mate, thank the Lord. We worked together in the hygiene service. You can’t judge a good person by his health, can you? My husband has a bad leg, now his problem has worsened. He cannot stand on his feet for more than two hours – he must sit down or lie down. No one will let you work at a construction site for only two hours a day. They don’t want it – they don’t hire him. My husband and I are uneducated, so we can’t come up with other earnings. We have always worked with our hands. I keep working like that: I go to the cleaning of apartments, wherever they call me. If they pay me 20-30 lari, I can make at least some simple lunch: soup, vegan borscht, or pasta. I clean someone else’s house, bring it to a shine and then come back to my kennel. (Sighs.) I will never get anything right.
– Why do you say that Veriko? It’s sad to hear it from you.
Veriko: Because from childhood I wandered around the rented apartments with my parents. I cried so much when the landlady was going to kick us out for non-payment. Only my tears stopped her. So, that’s how I finished school shaking from fear. And I haven’t got strength and means to become a nurse. Dad always drank, and I was an unhappy child.
Rezi: Mom, do you want me to eat your vegan borscht for the rest of my life? It is the most delicious. (He worries about his mom.)
Veriko: No, my dear. I ask God for you and Maia live better than me, in normal conditions. May the Lord show you the way. My children are deprived of everything now. They cut off part of the orphan’s pension to pay off the loan we took out to survive. Only the social allowance is left – 400 Lari. It’s impossible to buy clothes or shoes for children with that money, you won’t even be able to cure them if something happens. Thank God that my children are healthy, despite this dampness and lack of oxygen. But I’m worried all the time.

“Rice is delicious, mommy”

Rezi: And you can’t go to karate with that money.
– Do you want to go to karate?
Rezi: I really want! I also want to go to boxing, wrestling, football, and swimming.
– How can you do it all?
Rezi: I’ll go everywhere for one hour. And I won’t get tired, I’m very agile. I also think all the time, I want to invent something. I am going to become a scientist.

“Now you have to eat, since you said it’s delicious”

Will you help your family if you succeed?
Rezi: Sure! I will buy a house, a washing machine and a refrigerator, a lot of food, dresses for my sister, I will take everyone to the sea.

After cleaning in someone else’s house, you must hand wash at home

Veriko: Oh, he dreams generously. (Smiles.) He outlined everything that was in my heart. The refrigerator door does not close, our food spoils. It doesn’t freeze anything – it is like a cupboard. I wash with my hands – it is so hard.
– We managed to identify your main needs: washing machine, refrigerator, groceries. But our readers never stop there. Maybe they will decide to help your kids. Maiko, please tell us about yourself too.
Maia (11-year-old): I don’t have such nasty friends as Rezi. My people don’t laugh at me. But I’m worried that I can’t invite anyone to visit us at home. My biggest fear is when people ask about my house. I don’t want them to see where I live, I don’t want them to come to visit me. And I dream of not being embarrassed. I dream of my own room, full of light. Where nothing will drip on me from the ceiling. Maybe someday it will come true. But now it just hurts me and makes me feel embarrassed.
– Maiko, how do distract yourself, what are you interested in?
Maiko: I can make beautiful beaded bracelets. If there are all necessary accessories, beads, I can make earrings too. Sometimes they give me stuff. I am very happy when they give it. I like to cook food. Although we don’t have many ingredients, I can still make mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs. Perhaps I want to become a cook or a confectioner. I want to create beauty! I hope I can get out of this garage. I’ll go crazy if I keep living like this.
All children want to be cool, special, stand out among their peers. But no kid wants to stand out because he lives in a terrible house, wears old clothes and shoes, and has never had a hamburger in his life. Rezi and Maia have an unbearably hard time both at home (due to terrible living conditions) and among their peers. Since the death of their father, they have had many emotional wounds. They still dream and believe that they can get out of this garage! Let’s help them while the fire of hope is still alive in their souls! Children should know that there are many people who are willing to visit them, regardless of their conditions. The Khvedelidze family lives at: Tbilisi, Fourth microdistrict, Nutsubidze plateau, building 10a, garage area, 1st garage.
Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
Let’s show our mercy and make them believe that miracles happen, that they can live in a warm and cozy home and have a lot of food! They believe in us. Don’t let them down. Show her what generous people live in Georgia!
We are sure that all together we will manage to give them unforgettable moments.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: The Khvedelidze family)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Oct 31, 2022
Nov 29, 2022
washing machine
Nov 30, 2022
fund overhead
Jul 04, 2023
Construction Materials
Jul 04, 2023
Construction Materials

Total expenses:



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09.12.2022 20:00:00



187 Donors

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187 Donors


They need your help urgently