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They showed the mother the pile of bones and blood and said, “This is your daughter, medicine is powerless here. But God’s prayer is strong!

calendar October 31, 2022

One call saves life!

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When they showed Liana a pile of bones and blood and said – “This is your daughter – medicine is powerless here, you can only pray and ask God that Maka stay alive,” she learned all the prayers by heart in a few days and did not get up from her knees, praying to God to give her daughter for the second time.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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They showed the mother the pile of bones and blood and said, “This is your daughter, medicine is powerless here. But God’s prayer is strong!

When they showed Liana a pile of bones and blood and said – “This is your daughter – medicine is powerless here, you can only pray and ask God that Maka stay alive,” she learned all the prayers by heart in a few days and did not get up from her knees, praying to God to give her daughter for the second time.

“I can’t die now,” – Liana says, – “or will drag three more people to the grave along with me.”

“They showed me a pile of bones and said it was my daughter”

– Liana, could you recall the day when you almost lost your daughter?
Liana: It was October 6th, 2016. I was going to go to the social canteen to bring lunch from there, but I had a headache and asked my daughter to go instead of me. She was tired after the night shift – she worked in the store then, but she could not refuse me and went there. When she was crossing the road next to our house, an ambulance car driving at high speed hit her. They were transporting the patient. It must have helped my daughter survive that she received emergency medical care immediately.  I don’t remember what happened next. Blood, bones, flesh… all mixed up. I just prayed then. And my daughter is with me now.
– Maka, do you remember how it happened?
Maka: Maka had an accident!  I don’t know what happened afterwards. Maka loves coffee and chocolate, – the poor thing says, not even knowing that she talks like a little 3-year-old girl! This is terrible!
 Maka is just 30, but she has fallen into her second childhood. She doesn’t remember anything, she needs to be dressed, fed. “I can’t leave her alone”, – says Liana, a heartbroken mother. “My poor, poor girl. Maybe it’s a good thing she doesn’t remember anything from before the accident.”

“Maka had a tube sticking out here”

“They won’t survive without me if I die.”

– What happened?
Liana: We have always lived not very good. My husband left me when Maka was 7. I barely made ends meet. We had no money for food. I could stand without food, but what about my daughter? So, I made the harshest decision in my life – I temporarily sent my daughter to an orphanage to be brought up there. God is a witness of what a difficult decision it was for me. The orphanage was not far from our home, and I went there every day to visit my daughter. I worked all week to earn some pennies and take Maka home on the weekends. She realized that she lived there as in a boarding house, that her mother would never leave her, that her mother loved her, that being there she had a chance to survive and not starve to death. 

“Every day I ask my daughter for forgiveness for the years when I was not with her”

– I can imagine what you had to go through!
Liana: I’ve been dead all these years and Maka comforted me. She told me not to worry and to work.  As soon as I started working, I took my daughter back home. But the second problem immediately fell on me!
– What are you talking about?
Liana: My brother’s daughter. Oh, it did not sound pretty – Natia is not a problem, she is like my second daughter, she is actually Maka’s sister. She has cerebral palsy, she barely walks, she eats with difficulty, and she also needs a 24-hour care. Her mother was unable to look after her and brought her to me. She has been living with me for 20 years now. And so we live in 13 square meters, 4 sick people.

“Maka and Natia are like twin sisters – both stuck at the same age”

– And who else lives here? How do you manage to fit?
Liana: My disabled brother also lives with us. He can’t walk. He was a shepherd. Once he tried to rescue sheeps, which fell into the ravine, and he broke his spine. He could not leave them there – he had such a kind heart – and he paid for that. They barely brought him home. He could not even walk for several years. I looked after him. Now we are learning to walk together again. 
– Like an emergency unit…
Liana: Exactly! In this room everyone is sick. Only crying and moans from pain crush these walls.
Maka: Maka’s head hurts. There are no bones, only the skin. Everything hurts inside my skin. Poor Maka!

“Maka has a headache, poor Maka”

– How do you manage to care of everyone, what do you live on?
Liana: Maka’s pension 140 Lari, Natia’s pension 275 Lari, social allowance – 150 Lari … That’s it. I have debts in all stores. The neighbors help me. If not for the social canteen, we would have starved to death a long ago. Can you imagine how many drugs do my patients need? At least painkillers. How can I explain to my daughter that there is no money for medicine when she comes with tears in her eyes and asks me to “open her head and get rid of what hurts her there”? They also ask for food…
Maka: Maka loves coffee and chocolate but does not have it. At all. I don’t remember when I had it. Or maybe I never had it. Come to visit us, I will make coffee for you when I have it.
– Maka what do you like to do besides making coffee? Maybe you have a dream?
Maka: What do I like to do? Watch songs and sing. But there is nothing. Maka wants to watch cartoons. And coffee. And the bed that does not “hurt”

“It is impossible to sleep on this bed. Everything hurts and pricks you”

– Liana, how can we alleviate your life? What do you need?
Liana: we really need food, medications, and hygiene products. We also need a refrigerator, small table, and chairs. I don’t even dream about a washing machine. 
– What about a tablet for girls?
Liana: If this is possible, they will be just happy. 
Maka: So that it had Facebook. I will make friends. 

“One for Maka, one for Natia, and we will bite bread in turns.”

– Do you have friends?
Maka: Not yet. I think I had them before, or maybe no. But I will have them. 
Liana: Look at what we sleep on. We also need beds, but I’m embarrassed to ask for it. I wonder how we are still alive living in such conditions. It’s just God protecting us. Only He hears people like us. Only He can send good people to us. In my prayers I always pray not only for the health of my patients, but also for all those who will help my unfortunate ones. 
Friends, Liana and her little family are in trouble! Evil fate decreed so that everyone in her family is sick. But all of them want to live a normal life. And they want not many things at all – so that they always have food, so that there are normal beds, so that there are medications. If we give the girls a tablet, they will be in the seventh heaven with happiness. They may not be able to express it, but God will see it.
If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Rustavi, 7th Microdistrict, Block 1, Room 95. 
Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: The Osepashvili family).
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram
Even if you dial once this special number 
it might save someone’s life!
 God bless you! 
Dec 30, 2022
fund overhead
Jan 29, 2023
washing machine
Jan 31, 2023
стол и стулья
Feb 14, 2023
Feb 14, 2023
Mar 11, 2023
Apr 24, 2023
Jun 20, 2023

Total expenses:



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124 Donors

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124 Donors


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