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He is absolutely helpless and miserable. But Teimuraz is a human being and our compatriot! Doesn’t he deserve a life with our compassion and without pain?

calendar September 29, 2023

One call saves life!

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Teimuraz seemed to be tortured: they cut off his fingers one by one, then his entire foot, and then both legs… They don’t even torture like that in American horror films! Even the most dangerous prisoners. Teimuraz’s fingers were cut off first, then his foot, then one leg up to the knee, and finally his entire leg. Nine times he lay under the knife, and nine times a man with a heart condition had to say goodbye to his family, since each operation could have been his last! Natela (wife): We went through hell. For two years they tormented my husband, cutting off pieces of him. He has a bad heart and diabetes. And because of these damned anesthesia, his nerves deteriorated. I want to calm him down, but he gets even angrier. He was a healthy man, he always worked, and suddenly he found himself in a wheelchair. How can you not worry? Poverty and disease! Lord, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone! And most importantly, medicine so much, but there is no money!

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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He is absolutely helpless and miserable. But Teimuraz is a human being and our compatriot! Doesn’t he deserve a life with our compassion and without pain?


They don’t torture the even most dangerous inmates like this. 

Teimuraz had his fingers amputated, then his foot, then one leg up to the knee, and finally his entire leg… He underwent surgery nine times. Nine times, a man with a sick heart had to say goodbye to his family because each operation could have been his last!

Natela: We’ve been through hell.  For two years, they tormented my husband and amputated pieces from him.  He has a weak heart, diabetes, and those cursed anesthetics ruined his nerves.    He’s always cursing. I want to calm him down, but it only makes him angrier. He used to be a healthy man, always working, and suddenly he found himself in a wheelchair – how can you not worry? 

‘He can’t do anything without me, and he’s always looking into my eyes’

– When did his health issues begin?

Natela: He’s 69 years old now.  Diabetes was diagnosed when he was 66, and then things gradually took a turn for the worse.  He started having heart problems, and then gangrene set in.  Initially, they amputated one of his toes, then another… and finally, his foot. This relentless illness wouldn’t let go of him and spread to his other leg.  Now he has no legs, and he’s in a wheelchair, and I do everything for him.  Sometimes, I go without eating, leaving myself hungry, just to ensure he gets fed.

– How do you manage to cope, especially living in these conditions?

Natela: I’ve long forgotten about myself. As long as I’m alive, that’s what matters.  Whether something hurts here or there, I don’t pay much attention.  The last time I saw a doctor was probably 15 years ago, back when I had vision problems. Now, I’m completely blind in one eye, and the other eye can barely see. My main concern is my husband and his needs. Sometimes, I even go hungry to feed him.  But I understand that it’s essential for me to remain strong to support him, so I try not to dwell on my own problems.

“Those beds are ancient; I can’t even remember how many times they’ve been reinforced with welding”

– Natela, how does your husband cope with physical pain and stress?

Natela: It’s very challenging, not only for him but for me as well. It’s hard to watch him suffer, to see him get agitated over minor things.  The physical pain and stress wear him down. He’s a strong person, but he can’t bear all of this anymore. I pray to God that He won’t let us lose our human dignity. I ask Him to give me the strength to take care of Teimuraz.

“My heart aches when I look at him. He’s a strong man, and sometimes he can barely hold back tears from the pain”

– Does your faith in God help you cope with these difficulties?

Natela: Yes, our faith has always been an important part of our lives. We believe that God gives us the strength to endure these trials.  We pray and maintain hope for the best, which keeps our spirits up. 

– What words of support and hope would you like to convey to other people who may be in similar situations?

Natela: Don’t hesitate to ask for help and remember that there are always those willing to help around you. You know, it’s easier to ask strangers.  Acquaintances who know about your situation might help without even being asked. I would help in that way. So don’t be shy. As it’s said in the Bible: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” It’s shameful to be angry and engage in theft, but it’s not shameful to ask for help!

“Should a legless person lie on such a bed?”

– Natela, your story is truly touching and full of resilience. What could happen if we don’t provide help for your family?

Natela: It would be a disaster! My husband has already lost both of his legs due to diabetes and gangrene. His heart is weak, and every surgery is a potential threat to his life. If we don’t receive the necessary medications and food, all our efforts to survive could be in vain.

“My husband lost his legs, and I don’t want him to lose his life”

– Besides medications and food, you probably need many other things. Don’t hesitate to tell us everything!

Natela: Our beds are falling apart, we don’t have a TV, a refrigerator, or a washing machine… but I can’t even bring myself to ask for all of this. The wheelchair is in terrible state, and Teimuraz spends most of his time in it.

Sitting in this wreck is life-threatening

– I think, first and foremost, you should get yourself checked too! You must have your eyes examined! 

Natela: If I know that my husband is not hungry and has his medications, then I will think about myself. 

– Do you have children or relatives who take care of you?

Natela: I have a son and two daughters.  One of my daughters has health problems; she had a tumor removed. The other one is also struggling. Our son lives nearby and helps as much as he can, but he has his own family. In our country, you need to be wealthy to see doctors and get treatment. Otherwise, it’s impossible to survive on a pension. 

“Why do I need eyes if my Teimuraz will feel unwell?”

– Have you always lived in such poverty?

Natela: I can’t say that my childhood was carefree. We lived, barely making ends meet. I got married at 20. We’ve been together for 46 years now. I’ve cried so many bitter tears during this time – we didn’t have proper housing or financial stability.  We struggled like this until old age. And then this misfortune happened on top of everything. Take care of your health, my dear ones; everything else is trivial! Remember the words of a much-suffering person! 

This story is not just about one family – it’s a story about human life, suffering, and self-sacrifice for a loved one. What awaits us in the future if we don’t show compassion and help those in need? We cannot watch people in our country suffer and die from diseases that could be treated. God sees our actions and our inaction.

Natela and her husband need our support now more than ever. Food, medication, beds, a television, refrigerator, and a washing machine are what they need most. 

If you are willing to visit this family and help them in person, here is their address: Khashuri, 9 Tsikarishvili Str.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:

  – In Bank of Georgia GE42LB0115113036665000

  – In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003;

  – In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000;

  (Purpose: The Meskhi family)

 You can also transfer money from our website:  TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe),

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

 We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: it might save someone’s life:  0901200270 !  God bless you!

I have lost my health forever, and without you I would have lost my life!


“We haven’t saved up in our lifetime what you’ve accomplished during the project!”

“After nine surgeries, after my husband had both legs amputated piece by piece, I didn’t think anything could bring him joy anymore,” says Natela.

Natela: Teimuraz is always nervous, angry at his health, he scolds with me, everything irritates him. But you managed to find a way to his wounded heart, helped him forget about his daily torment for a while, gave him warmth.

When a stranger with bags of groceries in his hands appears at your doorstep early in the morning and says that he’s on an urgent errand from his brother in Holland, that his brother in Amsterdam and he himself in Tbilisi are very concerned about Batoni Teimuraz, would you want to die after hearing that?! My Teimuraz changed before my eyes, smiled, and began to communicate warmly. 

Many of you provided us with such meaningful moral support! And as for our changed circumstances, let me address that separately…

– Kalbatono Natela, what are the names of these wonderful brothers? We would be happy to hear the surnames of other readers who came to help immediately.

Natela: The priest from Amsterdam is Giorgi Nikoladze, and his brother is Zaza Nikoladze. I wrote it down on a piece of paper here, so as not to forget – Elene Rizhava. She sent us a new wheelchair from the Netherlands. We received it quicker from across the border than from our own government, believe it or no! Even though Teimuraz is entitled to one as a disabled person. We’ll unpack the wheelchair in the spring and try to take a walk down the street – it’s too slushy and muddy now.

Our emigrant friends were very proactive; many of them called and donated from Italy. They talked to us on Viber and Skype, supporting us. May the Lord and the Mother of God watch over you while abroad; may Saint George and Saint Nina give you strength and protect you from illness and misfortune. When the time comes, return home safely and happily.

Alexander Dzhodzhishvili and Nugzar Kopadze – they are locals, from Khashuri. Ever since the project started, they’ve been coming to us every month. They gather funds among acquaintances, friends, and then bring us groceries. Thanks to them, we’re trying things we haven’t eaten in years and have already forgotten: chicken, sausage, semi-finished meat products… We’ve become so close! They treat us like family. We don’t want to let go of warm-hearted people. We don’t want to let any of you go now. You give us the feeling and belief that we’re not alone.

Let me introduce you to a woman with a beautiful soul. Our Inga Beglarishvili. She came with a cake for New Year’s, sat with us, noticed how cold it was, and the next time she brought a new wood stove. She also organized a fundraiser. What a wonderful gift! Finally, my husband and I warmed up.

– And how is Batoni Teimuraz feeling today? Will he talk to me?

Teimuraz: What did my wife say about me?  Am I really such a mean man because of the illness that I can’t even talk to people? It’s just our domestic disputes, everyday stuff… What I want to say is: there wasn’t a single whole thing in our house, everything was old, broken. You could just load it onto the cart and throw it away. You got rid of our old stuff and gave us all new. 

“I got used to one weak burner. At least in my old age, I’ll try what it’s like to cook on a good stove.”

Do you think it’s just comfort that we never knew? No, it’s a big moral support for me. My health is forever lost, but without you, I would have lost my life too. Because I lost heart and gave up on everything. You gave me strength! And even with such terrible problems like mine, a person can experience a second birth.

– It’s great that you’re feeling motivated again and open to communication!

Natela: Just the fact that he sleeps peacefully is already happiness! Our old iron beds had torn mesh and were patched up with wire. Headboard was from one bed, mesh from another, everything welded a hundred times… It was torture for a disabled person! Now we sleep like humans: We have new spacious beds, soft and warm. Mattresses, blankets – all brand new, pleasing to the eye and body.

“You get tired during the day, and then you have this little joy – sleeping on such a bed. It’s spacious, soft, and warm. My husband sleeps peacefully – that’s happiness!”

“Mаtresses, blankets – all brand new, pleasing to the eye and body.”

As for Teimuraz, he’s at home all day… What can keep him occupied? He used to get on my nerves and get angry again. You know what’s good about television? After watching the news, he wants to scold so many people! So let him scold, and I’ll get my work done in the meantime. He also watches Georgian and foreign movies. He has eyes for that, but I don’t, I just listen to the sound. See, I tell him, what an advantage he has over me (smiles). 

Natela: “The television – it replaces me. My husband has something to pay attention to and divert his nerves.”

“I bought our old wardrobe for 20 lari, it was used. It didn’t have shelves – we nailed plywood. How many times it happened – bang, and they would fall off.  Now we have two new wardrobes, I took out all the clothes from the ottoman and bags and hung them  properly. 

“With the old wardrobe, all the shelves would fall, but the new one doesn’t play tricks, everything hangs securely.”

For our bath, you bought a new water heater. We no longer take contrast showers or, even worse, cold ones – this heater doesn’t let us down.  One of the wheelchairs donated by readers, a second-hand one, was suitable for the bath. I bathe my husband on it…

– So, if it weren’t for our readers, Batoni Teimuraz would have been left without a wheelchair. And what do the officials say, why don’t they provide it?

Natela: I wrote the application, of course.  We’re entitled to it 100%. I collected all the documents and sent them to the Ministry of Health. But getting it is not so simple. I call the hotline myself, worrying, getting nervous, but they don’t rush, they’re calm…

If it weren’t for the readers, my husband would have been left without his regular diabetes medication.  Without them, he wouldn’t survive. What they provide through the state program is only enough for three months. And how to stay alive then? Thank you for providing my husband with medication for diabetes, for the stomach, for thinning the blood for a year… 

Just as I pray for our family every evening, I remember and pray for you, asking for well-being, happiness, and health for you.  And I will remember and bless you until the end. We haven’t saved up in our lifetime what you’ve accomplished during the project!

“The old refrigerator didn’t freeze anything, but I can trust this one with gifts from the readers: chicken, sausage, eggs…”

– Kalbatono Natela, what other assistance do you need that can’t wait?

Natela: We still haven’t fixed our leaking roof, the walls of the house are damp, I keep placing buckets here and there again. We asked you for building materials, and you delivered them immediately. But we didn’t think about the beams, we were foolish.  And all the wood is rotten too, it needs to be replaced, the worker says. Could you please help us again, because we have neither the strength nor the means ourselves, we are lost…

“Half of the building materials for fixing the roof are already here, only the wooden beams are left…”

The selfless love of his wife prolongs Teimuraz’s life. Almost completely blind, Natela (one eye still sees at 2%) works day and night, caring for her sick husband. If it weren’t for your help, everything would have ended tragically. These wonderful elderly man and woman, these sweet old folks, need assistance to survive. Let’s relieve them of problems with the roof because each new day already demands courage from them.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy!

Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003;

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

 (Purpose: The Meskhi family)

You can also transfer money from our website:  TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe),

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: it might save someone’s life:  0901200270!  God bless you!

Oct 12, 2023
Oct 24, 2023
household appliances
Oct 24, 2023
Nov 13, 2023
Gas heater
Nov 25, 2023
Nov 28, 2023
Construction Materials
Nov 30, 2023
fund overhead
Dec 17, 2023
Dec 17, 2023
Dec 31, 2023
fund overhead
Jan 10, 2024
Blankets and mattresses

Total expenses:



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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
10.12.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
10.12.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
10.12.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
10.12.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
09.12.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
09.12.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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790 Donors

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790 Donors


They need your help urgently