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“Do not let me die, I want to live so much!”

calendar April 17, 2019

49-year-old Nino Beselia is a cancer patient. Her state of health is extremely grave, and every day things are getting worse.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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      This woman is desperately knocking on all doors, but there’s no help from anywhere. The heartless officials brought the unfortunate mother to a catastrophic state. Then only – death.
     49-year-old Nino Beselia is a cancer patient. Her state of health is extremely grave, and every day things are getting worse. She does not sleep at night, groans from hellish chest pains, one arm is almost paralyzed, and her body is covered with ulcers. Nino is unable to leave the house, constantly crying and rests only on pain medications. And when they run out, and there is no money to buy new ones, then her terrible cries are heard to the neighboring house.
      What cruel and callous one needs to be in order not to see the suffering of a poor woman, whose life is about to come to an end, if help is not given in time. And the whole thing is the lack of funds necessary for the biopsy (approx. – examination), after which the stage of cancer will be determined and appropriate treatment prescribed.
     We talked to Nino Beselia and asked her to answer a number of questions:
     -Tell me to whom did you ask for help?
     Nino Beselia: I applied to the mayor’s office, the administration of the Isani-Samgori region, the city health service and social services. Everywhere they say that they do not fund free diagnostics. And where can I, a sick and weak woman, take money for this ?!
      -Are they told you that they are financing exactly?
     Nino Beselia: I was told that the operation and treatment will be funded. However, how can I get to surgery if I die before it?
     -What do you live?
     Nino Beselia: I receive a social benefit of -100 GEL. Here is all my income. I rent this room, where I live with my daughter, a 9th grade student. I already have a debt for non-payment and I am afraid that we will be expelled. Then we will stay on the street, and will have to spend the night on the bench. But I can not stand it …
       -When did you divorce your husband?
       Nino Beselia: in 2008 he drove us out of the house. It was already unbearable to live with him. These were constant beatings, swearing, humiliation. I am a victim of violence. Here since we wander in rented apartments.
       – It turns out that you are a “double victim” – a victim of violence from her husband and heartlessness on the part of officials! Who helps you? After all, living on 100 GEL is simply unthinkable, besides a sick woman?
       Nino Beselia: I have very good neighbors. They also rent rooms in this room. They bring food, clean, on my behalf appeal to the authority, because I am no longer able to move. When at night I have terrible pains, the neighbors do not leave one. They come and reassure, worry with me. But they cannot help financially, they themselves are in dire need. Thank you, Lord, that these people appeared in my life. I would have disappeared without them for a long time!
     – Ask these lovely people to ask for help from a local deputy. Very often, our beneficiaries neglect this. Many do not even think to turn to their “chosen one”. In order to do this, we elect them to solve various acute problems of society, including social issues. It is their duty and duty! But from our experience we can say that very few people “bother” the deputies and this is a fundamentally wrong approach! Be sure to report your problem to the deputy of your district, and if he refuses, we will write about it on our page, because more than half a million people read us!
      Nino Beselia (crying): Thank you so much for visiting me. A neighbor told me about your Foundation, who advised me to contact you. Good people, I beg you, help me, give hope for life !. Do not let me die, I want to live so much!
       – Your daughter is probably very worried?
      Nino Beselia (crying): very worried. She is at school now. Thank God, the school is close and you do not need to pay for transport. When I have seizures at night, she also does not sleep and cries. “Mom, mummy … just don’t die, just don’t leave me …” – when I hear these words, everything burns inside.
– You should not despair. If a person believes in God sincerely, then he will surely overcome all obstacles.
     Nino Beselia: I constantly pray to God, I cry for help. I believe that He will send me relief. I want to live, just want to live and this is my most cherished dream.
       So, officials with fat rage, cars change like gloves, and the people in distress! Someone may pay 500 GEL for a gorgeous dinner, and someone wants to get this amount to survive! We have to once again state that the system of social protection in our country is so absurd that together help people get hurt!
     Leave this unfortunate woman without attention – it will be a crime, first of all before your conscience! Friends, helping a person who is in trouble, we make this world kinder and better. How important it is to know that there are good people. Life is not becoming so scary, and there is hope for a miracle!
    Help cancer patient Nino Beselia, diteShe has a chance to survive and enjoy life. It needs urgent diagnosis, as well as medicines and food.
       Here is the account of our Foundation GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: Nino Beselia). You can also transfer money from our site.
You can transfer money from the terminals Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. In the “charity” section, find our foundation. (Additional rights and obligations of the Foundation can be found at
He who does good is of God; but he who does evil has not seen God!

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They need your help urgently