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“My dream is to become a doctor and to make my sister healthy!”

calendar June 9, 2020

One call saves life!

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These are little 5-year-old Salome’s words, whose biggest dream is to see her elder sister Mariam healthy! Mari has epilepsy and cerebral palsy, and she still needs diapers at the age of 8.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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These are little 5-year-old Salome’s words, whose biggest dream is to see her elder sister Mariam healthy! Mari has epilepsy and cerebral palsy, and she still needs diapers at the age of 8.

Poverty has become a permanent condition of the Khubashvili family. Despite the efforts of the adult members of the family, four little girls are starving there. From a very young age, they have known what hunger and poverty are, and three of them feel their sister’s pain as their own.

In the shack, called home by its inhabitants, two more “kids” live: 23-year-old mentally retarded Gocha and grandfather Merab, who has a severe sclerosis.

The family of nine persons, where four are little children live in a remote settlement outside of Tbilisi. There are no buses here. To reach the shack you have to walk uphill for about two kilometers. Finding this “house” was quite a challenge, so young mother Anna came out to meet me.

On our way she told me about all the family members: Anna, herself (26-year-old), her husband Vladimir (30-year-old), mother-in-law Marina (52-year-old), father-in-law Merab (56-year-old), who got concussion in the Abkhazian war, brother-in-law Gocha (23-year-old) and four daughters, Nino (10-year-old), Mariam (8-year-old), Anastasia (6-year-old)
and Salome (5-year-old). All of them are somehow fitting in a small two-room building.

 When it entered, the house became crowded. Three little beauties, who were running in the yard, looked at me with surprise, then hided in the bedroom. Gocha and Marina met us at the door. Marina’s eyes were full of warmth, so I could not to take my eyes off her. And I could feel her energy, when she started talking. Despite my plans I interviewed her, and not Anna, who was sitting next to her. Gocha was silently standing nearby.

– Marina, what’s the main problem your family faces?

Marina: There are two disabled persons in our family. My granddaughter Mariam (8-year-old) and my son Gocha. My son needs a special diet, it is vital for him to have meat and dairy products. It’s quite impossible with our modest income. But you know, what the most difficult thing is? To buy meat for Gocha and see how the other children are looking at him with hungry eyes, just eating pasta and buckwheat.

Marishka suffers cerebral palsy, and she permanently needs diapers, and you know how much they cost. We are doing our best, but sometimes she has to stay in the same diaper, for a much longer time, than she should to. I feel awkward even asking you this, but there is not enough space in our house, maybe you could help us to build at least one more room here?

– You said that there are two disabled persons here, could you tell me more about their disease. Can it be treated? What is needed, maybe some medications?

Marina: As I said before, Mariam has had cerebral palsy and epilepsy from her very birth. She was born at five months. She spent four months in an incubator, that’s why she is special. As for Gocha, he had food poisoning when he was a child, and improper treatment caused his current situation. We don’t need medications, we only need a walker for Marishka.

As for the treatment – both of them are incurable. But Gocha critically needs proteins, because he suffers protein deficiency and he needs a high-protein diet. I remember, when we had no money for a special diet for Gocha, he got swollen. He was on the edge of death. I did not know what to do, I kept taking side-jobs to buy some milk for him.

Mariam’s condition might be improved – she has been recently operated on, which was financed by the state, now her leg muscles have opened a little bit.

– What happened to you? How did you find yourselves in such a situation?

Marina: It happens. Our life went this way. We did not live in need before. My husband and me lived in the city center, in Rustaveli avenue. He had a good position in the ministry. But when the new government came as the result of the overthrow, he was dismissed from his post. We did not lose our apartment in Rustaveli at that time, but later we had to sell it, because we needed money for Gocha’s treatment. That’s when we found ourselves homeless.

My husband could not find a good job anymore, and he started having mental problems, but it happened before Gocha was born. You know, he used to be a gentle and creative person, but in 1992 he was sent to the war. In Abkhazia. I could not recognize him when he was back. Honestly, I did not turn off the light in the room for several months, because he could not sleep, he had nightmares and he shuddered at every rustle. Later he went to Tskhinvali. He had got concussion before – Merab is not a war person. But that’s not all. One night on his way home he fell into a deep pit, he got severe concussion followed by coma. He spent a long time in hospital being in coma, over time he began to stink of a corpse, and cadaveric spots appeared on his body, like those of the dead. The doctors offered to switch off the life-support, but I begged them not to do that – I believed he would be better. And he survived. Now he is almost OK, but he has occasional memory gaps, he often forgets basic things, nothing can be entrusted to him.

Is medicine helpless in Merab’s case? Can any medications help?

We did everything to help him to be back to normal life, we gathered our last pennies for his medical examination, he was prescribed the treatment, which he completely went through. It was the maximum of what could do for Merab’s treatment, nothing else can help him.

-You are nine people in the family! How do you fit in such a tiny house?

Marina: We do not fit, dear. We sleep one upon another, there is very little space here. But I’m not complaining, it’s a palace if compared with our previous dwelling. We moved here not long ago, we used to shelter in a tiny wooden shed before, where water flowed through the cracks. Every night children went to bed with a fear that the shed would collapse upon them.

We got this land as a gift from “Iavnana” Foundation. There was only this wooden shed, better say hut, nothing else. We worked a lot to build a brick house here. Well, it does not look exiting, but the girls sleep peacefully at night now. 

– Marina, Anna! You both have sick kids. What would you advise to mothers in the same situation as yours?

Anna: You should never complain, you just have to accept this and learn to live with this. Since it has happened, it should have happened – it’s the heaven’s will.

Marina: I will agree with Anna, but I will also add that you should never give up. You know, Marishka is like that because it is a result of miscarriage. When it happened, Anechka was taken to hospital and from the very beginning the doctor told us not even try to do anything. Just to get rid of the child, as if it were an unnecessary thing. After Mariam spent four months in the incubator and her diagnosis was confirmed, the doctor told me: “Leave her here, don’t torture yourself! We will move her to the right place!” My answer was: “If she dies, let her die at home!” I don’t regret, that we took Marishka home, we love her as all other girls. And girls love her, take care of her, play with her.

– You are very strong, Marina! – Does anybody help you? Maybe relatives?

Marina: Anna has no relatives, she was raised in an orphanage. I also have a daughter, she helps me from time to time, bringing us meat and food, whenever she can. If not for her, Gocha would…He would not be alive.

Did you address governmental authorities?

Marina: Yes, we get social allowance and disability allowance for Gocha and Mariam. Out total income is 640 GEL per month. My son Vladimir tries to earn some money. He is an electrician, but he cannot earn enough unofficially. And if he gets an official job, the salary will not be good for sure. However we will be definitely disqualified of social allowance. We will not survive without it. So we have to work somehow, I also try to do something. Usually I work as a cleaner. But Gocha might get sick anytime, that’s why I want to be by him.

  – Marina, Anna, now let’s talk about positive things. How did you meet your husbands? 

  Anna laughed shyly and began her short story, all lit up with happiness:

  – We met when I was still in the orphanage. His family had already sold their house and they were looking for a place to live. An acquaintance of Marina worked in the orphanage and sheltered them. That’s where we met and fell in love. I knew about their situation, but does it matter when you are in love? I don’t regret at all! We have wonderful children, and our big family is what makes me happy.

Now it was Marina’s turn. In the blue eyes of this petite woman, I saw the light that young girls sometimes have, she smiled and said proudly: 

– Me? As for me, I was 15 and he was 20. At that time I was in Russia, at my relatives’ place, and he also came there. One month later I ran away with him. I fell in love with him and still love him. If there had been a chance for me to run away earlier, I would have done it, but he was waiting till he had his own money – his salary (she laughed). We spent a great time at the seaside in Sukhumi and then returned to Tbilisi. It caused quite a stir in the family. Mom was shouting, dad did not want to talk with me. But love, is not it craziness?

– You are quite a rebel, Marina! Now I would like to talk to the kids, if it is possible.

  We moved to the room where tree angels were running around and one angel was lying in bed. As soon as Marina entered the room, Mariam grabbed her grandmother, began kissing her, hugging her and yelling happily. A wonderful child!

 Let’s start with the elder one, beautiful Nino.

– Nino, what do you, girls, like doing together?

Nino (10-year-old): We love watching animated films, but different ones. The films that Anastasia and Salome watch are not interesting, because they are for babies. They also play with toys, and I am too big for that. I like cooking and I always help mommy and grandmother. We also like drawing.

Do you have sketchbooks, paints and pencils for that?

Nino (10-year-old): We have some pencils and we draw with them. We don’t have sketchbooks, because they are expensive. We draw in old unused notebooks.

– Do you have a favorite fairy tale?

Nino (10-year-old): Yes, of course! “Little Red Riding Hood”

Anastasia (6-year-old): I like “Little Red Riding Hood” too!

– Anastasia, what is your favorite dish?

Anastasia (6-year-old): Probably rice. Or pasta. I don’t know any other.

– Do you like sweets?

Anastasia (6-year-old): Yes, especially chocolate. I don’t often have it, but I like it. We all love chocolate.

– Salome, what about you? What is your favorite toy?

Salome (5-year-old): That honey bee, because we are much alike, she is as kind as I am.

– You are a real angel! What do you want to be when you grow up?

Salome (5-year-old): I want to become a doctor, to make my sister healthy.

– Girls, do you love Mariam?

The little beauties say “Yes!” all together, and then little Salome adds: “But sometimes she hugs us too much”

  We could not talk to Mariam. Due to her illness, she does not talk. But the girls give her all their love, especially the eldest, Nino, as Mariam used to be her only sister for two years.  The girls spent a lot of time together, they have a special relationship. When Mariam tried to make her first steps, but burst into tears with pain, Nino rushed to her and started to shout even more loudly than t British football fans do: “Go, Mari, you can! I believe in you!”

… Marina: While we have no walkers, we are trying to do something ourselves so that Mariska could study. We hope that she will start to walk a little bit soon.

– Marina, let’s go to the past again. Imagine, you have one chance to fix everything. Would you use this chance?

She looked at me directly with her warm eyes and silently said “no”, and then continued:

We all dream about a big house, about wealth, and I did as well. By now I understand how insignificant my dreams used to be – a real dream is right here, next to me. It is Marishka’s first steps she is trying to make so diligently, it is my kindest Gocha, it is my whole family. This is happiness. I thank God for all this. I am a person who can adapt to everything. Who does not complain and is grateful. This is not a hard fate, but a gift from the heaven to have such a large and friendly family.

– “You are a woman who deserves admiration. You are so fragile, but so strong! – Do you believe in kindness of people?

Marina: Yes, for sure! Earlier, when I was still carelessly living in the city center, I always helped the poor. I remember our neighbor’s child starving. I made some food, but I did not want to show these people that I knew about their difficult situation. I went to the boy’s mother and told her that Lado does not want to eat alone, so I asked her to tell her son to come to our place and have dinner together with him. Some time later, we found ourselves here starving. So the neighbor came to my place and said: “Marina, I made too much borsch, we won’t be able to eat it all, have some, please.” Well, I knew she never made “too much borsch”… Life is an interesting thing, isn’t it?

Kindness comes back – there are kind people, I know.

– And what are you dreaming about?

Marina: I want people to value life and never fall into despair – that’s what I dream about. I remember I was told that Gocha was going to live not more than for 15 years. But I believed that he would live much longer and I will do everything for that. I’ve made a lot of sacrifices, I worked to buy him the food he needed. He is already 23, and I hope he will live much longer than that. He is a wonderful boy, believe me!

– Why did you decide to address our Fund?

Marina:  Because you really help! You are humans with a capital “H” Thanks for that, thank you for coming and listening to our story.

I hugged all of them and was about to leave when Mariam whined suddenly and reached for me. The girl hugged me and kissed me good bye.

The story would have finished here, but let me draw your attention to the most silent hero of this tragic story – to Gocha. A quiet guy, who did not say a word during my entire visit there, took to see me off. We got to talking on our way. He proved that it was absolutely true when Marina called him “a wonderful boy”. While we were walking, not a single car passed without honking him as a sign of greeting, kids ran up to him asking how he was doing. Everybody loves him there.

He said that he wanted to become a programmer and that not long ago he declared his feelings to a girl.

You declared your feelings? As simple as that? You were not scared?

Gocha: Why should I have been scared? I got feelings for her and I told her about it. But she did not respond. The most important, however, is that I did it.

This shy boy turned out to be such a real man. But besides the courage, there is something else … his biggest dream is to create his own charity foundation. Gocha helped his neighbors and those in need many times. Together with his friend he is planning to make this dream come true. 

– What does it give to you? What feelings?

Gocha: It makes me feel a real man. This is the best thing in the world, why should we live if we do not help those who need our help?

Friends, they are wonderful people, who keep hoping. Call them, visit them and you will see that.

The family needs food, especially meat – it is critical for Gocha. They also need hygiene products, diapers and a walker for Mariam. They have to fit in a two-room house, let’s help them to expand their house a little bit. Because the children need their private space.

All the furniture in the house is very old, but they do not complain. However, their washing machine barely performs its functions, let’s replace it with a newer one and make their life easier. The girls like drawing, but they don’t have enough means to buy drawing materials. We can help those girls to develop their talent.

 Friends, God gives us a chance to show our kindness and mercy – let’s do that.

Let’s pray for this big and friendly family, let’s ask God to give them a better life.

Let’s support them, show mercy, let’s give the children a chance of developing and having a happy childhood. You can visit the family in person and provide them help. Children will be happy, for sure!

Call Anna and ask her what her family needs, cheer her up and support her, let her feel that she is not alone and that we will not leave her in trouble. It’s extremely important!

Address: Tbilisi, Gldani village, Avchala, 2 Gorgasali Str Phone: 568-671-909

Friends, Chernovetskyi Charity Fund is starting a charity campaign to help the Khubashvili family. As you know, the Fund never stops on ad-hoc help. The country and its people have no future without children! Take care of the young generation! Let them survive! Count them as your relatives. And we are sure that God will bless you!

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Not all people are the same. Not all of them are as kind as we are. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are




(Purpose: Khubashvili family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link )

One call saves life – 0901 200 270

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we experience for others!

All the words of the kind gentleman came true! We are the girls from a fairy tale – with dolls now!

No one would have believed that the story we told you a couple of months ago would have ended in such a fabulous and enchanting way. Better say, this is not an end, but just a beginning! The beginning of a new beautiful and happy life! This is the end of suffering, the end of a dismal and hopeless life.

“You know, ma’am, I want to kiss this TV! They show so many cartoons here, which are so colorful! – 6-year-old Anastasia says. “Our whole life has become colorful, like in cartoons!”

And this is your merit, friends! You took the colors of kindness and painted the gray world of these wonderful children in the colors of the rainbow! Now even gloomy cold autumn days are not as terrible for them as they used to be!

 “Thanks to you, now we believe in miracles! – Marina, the grandmother of the four wonderful girls, greeted us with these words at the doorstep. – You pulled us out of poverty and gave my granddaughters the joy of childhood and hope for the better future. They did not even have dolls…It is your merit that they believe in miracles now!”

Recently, we told you the story of the Khubashvili family, and it was impossible to read it without tears. There are 9 people huddled in a tiny dilapidated shack! Three of them are hopelessly ill: grandfather Merabi, who has sclerosis, mentally retarded Gocha (23 years old) and poor baby Mariam (8 years old), who has been suffering cerebral palsy since birth.

Friends take a look at the photo, it is impossible to recognize them now!

Their life seemed to be hopeless, but their misfortune resonated with your hearts. Thanks to our joint efforts, we managed to make the life of another kind Georgian family easier. Thanks to all of you, friends, now they have smiles on their faces!

– Tell me, please, how your life has changed after we published an article about you.

Marina: Our life has not only changed it has become a hundred times better and happier! You made our long-cherished dream to come true and we managed to build an annex with a large kitchen! If not for you, I don’t know how long we would have existed like we used to! We had a toilet in the yard, without any amenities, and the girls would constantly catch colds …  Now our torments ended! We finally managed to build a bathroom and to live as other people do!

  Instead of the collapsed ottoman, a new bed flaunts, where my three granddaughters and me fit perfectly …The girls do not climb trees all day, like Mowgli, but watch cartoons or play with their dolls … Our new friends even brought us a new washing machine – the old one was just good for nothing… 

  Anna, the girls’ mother: I have no words to thank you, you have made all our dreams come true! And this was a complete surprise for us. We addressed you because of despair, like a drowning man grasping at straws … Maximum that we could expect was diapers and food. You exceeded all our expectations, you gave happiness to our long-suffering family!

How happy the girls were every time your employee David called! They immediately began to prepare, making each other’s hair and in a whisper discussing what gifts they will receive this time. There was so much joy and delight in their eyes! They didn’t even have normal dolls before! Thanks to you, they felt the joy of childhood!

  – What do you remember the most?

 Anna: I don’t even know … Every call from your employees turned our life into a real holiday! As for me, most of all I am happy that we managed to build an annex, which we had dreamed of for so long and which was vital for us. Just imagine how it felt when nine people huddled together in this tiny cardboard house.

  You gave immeasurable joy to our family! My little girls keep chirping happily, even Mariam, who cannot speak and is bedridden, seems to understand that happiness is in the air!

– Did the local government somehow react to our post? Did they ask you about your conditions and did they help you with anything?

Marina: They did not. Actually, some officers from the local government visited us, and gave us 500 GEL, but they did it because of the pandemic, they had no idea about your post. Anyway, we are very grateful for the help.

  – Tell me about your emotions.

Marina: Emotions? They cannot be expressed by words … As I already said, we did not expect such great help from you … We did not expect such a response … Of course, Georgians have always been famous for their kindness and empathy, but in such a difficult period, when so many people were left without work and barely make ends meet … Perhaps someone, having read our story, took it to heart and decided to share his last penny with us … So, I want each of your readers to know: we will keep praying for you!

 Good does not pass without a trace in life, and I am sure that you will be rewarded a hundredfold for every kind word, for every penny that you gave us!

– Can I talk to the girls, please? Nino, what gift did you like most?

Nino (10-year-old): We liked everything! Thank you very much!

Anastasia (6-year-old): We have the most beautiful dolls in the world!

– How did you name your dollies?

Anastasia: My doll has the same name as me, Anastasia! Nino’s and Salome’s dolls also have the same names as my sisters. It’s cool, isn’t it?

Salome (5-year-old): My doll is a doctor! We walk around and treat everybody. I wish to become a doctor!

– What else did you like, girls?

Nino: Tablets, of course! I am so happy that they gave them to us!

Salome: Yes, there are two of them. Nino and Anastasia said that we would take turns playing. But I don’t need tablets! I have a huge TV!

Anastasia (6-year-old): Yes-yes! This is Salome’s huge tablet! We have also a new washing machine, which doesn’t jump or rumble! 

– What does this support and help mean to you?

Marina: We once again have the incentive to fight for our well-being, for a normal human existence. As if we’ve got more strength … Now we know for sure: we are not alone, many kind people, our noble compatriots, empathize with us. Life used to be cruel to us. There are three sick persons in our family … But we are not broken, and we have our spirits up thanks to your support, the support of your wonderful Fund and your friends! Thanks to you, so many people learned about us and helped us!

– Marina, maybe you have some more problems that our readers can help you with…

Marina: You’ve pulled us out of a difficult situation. Thanks to all of you, our shack has gradually become like a home! Of course, there is still a lot to be done … Windows and doors are the biggest problem right now. We just don’t have them at the annex yet. It’s already getting colder, and it’s blowing very hard all the time…

We could not even dream about the things you did for us! What else can I say besides the words of gratitude? This feeling overwhelms me, and I want to repeat endlessly: thank you very much – to all of you! 


If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, so as a distraction, just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

 Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are: 




 (Purpose: Khubashvili family)

  You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

Jul 20, 2020
washing machine
Jul 20, 2020
Aug 11, 2020
Aug 11, 2020
Sep 01, 2020
fund overhead
Sep 04, 2020
the tablet
Sep 24, 2020
office cargo
Sep 24, 2020
Sep 24, 2020
Sep 30, 2020
Construction Materials
Sep 30, 2020
Oct 19, 2020
Construction Materials

Total expenses:



Kind Heart
30.12.2020 12:50:07
მაია ჩაკვეტაძე
10.12.2020 20:00:00
dato javaxishvili
07.12.2020 15:37:46
ლომსაძე ლევან
15.11.2020 20:00:00
12.11.2020 20:00:00
თამილა კოპერინა
11.11.2020 20:00:00
11.11.2020 20:00:00
გოჩა ამირანაშვილი
10.11.2020 20:00:00
ქებურია კახაბერ
10.11.2020 20:00:00
ორჯონიკიძე ეკატერინე
09.11.2020 20:00:00
09.11.2020 20:00:00
ქებურია კახაბერ
08.11.2020 20:00:00
დავით მარანელი
08.11.2020 20:00:00
თათია ბუხიაშვილი
08.11.2020 20:00:00
Kelendjeridze Nino
08.11.2020 20:00:00
Kelendjeridze Nino
08.11.2020 20:00:00
ზურაბ შაიშმელაშვილი
21.10.2020 20:00:00
მერაბიშვილი დავით
18.10.2020 20:00:00
გობაძე ლაშა
18.10.2020 20:00:00
შპს მაგთიკომი
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208 Donors

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208 Donors


They need your help urgently