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I ask God for only one thing – let my mommy stay alive!

calendar July 14, 2020

One call saves life!

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A life full of hardships! “I don’t need anything else, besides my mom would stay alive.” – the handsome boy Giorgi says directly from the entrance, looking with care at his beloved mom.

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A life full of hardships! “I don’t need anything else, besides my mom would stay alive.” – the handsome boy Giorgi says directly from the entrance, looking with care at his beloved mom.

What are the 16-year-old Georgian boys dreaming about? Of course, about driving cool cars and pleasing the most beautiful girls. But all this is not about Giorgi. His biggest dream is that his mother was healthy and lived for a long, long time, and his younger brother Beka (9-year-old) and sister Amelia (11-year-old) were never hungry again.

During his short life, young Giorgi has already suffered a lot. The boy had to witness how his villain father used to beat mother, he faced hunger and hopeless poverty 

What could be worse? Misfortunes never come singly. Two years ago, his mother, Ia, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer … Bone-chilling fear crept into the boy’s heart and settled there – fear to lose the closest and dearest person in the world.

All this horror and fear of tomorrow is the daily life of the young Georgian boy… Tears keep pouring from his eyes …

Giorgi wants so much to look strong! But in reality, he is still quite a child, a frightened, weak child, deprived of a carefree childhood …Oh, God! Let this cup pass from all children of Georgia!

Giorgi (16- wrong year-old): I ask God for only one thing – let my mommy be healthy! Better something wrong would happen to me but not to her. … She tries to hide from us that she has cancer, and she is very scared, but I understand everything …I am afraid of only one thing – that she will be no more. Mom is the only person in the world who loves us! We have no one else … Only mom and us.

She worries that we have nothing to eat … I do not want her to worry and feel guilty. Nothing is her fault, I saw how much she suffered …

I know when she decided to leave our father, she did it for our sake. She cried, not because father beat her, but because she saw us locking at it in tears and waiting for this nightmare to end 

I would really like to feel someone’s support, we are all alone, no one needs us … When I found your page on Facebook, hope, and belief that you would not leave us in trouble lit up in me, hope and belief that people would accept us, that we would not be alone 

-Giorgi, what should Chernovetskyi Fund friends know?

Giorgi (16-year-old): I am already 16 years old and I want to work! I have to provide for my family, because I am the man in the house. There is no time to study, I need to feed my brother and sister, and to take care of my mother. Now my main goal is to start working as soon as possible, at least as a consultant in a store.

– I see, Giorgi. Let me address all our friends on your behalf: 

Friends, let us help Giorgi to find a job! Let’s help the Aragvishvili family breathe freely and look forward to tomorrow!

– I hope that your words and our appeal is heard, and soon you, like a true Georgian man, will be able to take care of your family. Tell me, what are you dreaming about for yourself, for Giorgi?

Giorgi (16-year-old): All my life I used to dream of becoming a football player, and even now I keep on dreaming …I wanted to be famous, to be demanded, and to earn a lot so that my mother would never worry about money. To buy her everything she is dreaming about.

I love football and can play it very well, but I understand that my dream is not destined to come true … I have never learned to play football, and I will not become a professional, who needs me now? Nobody in the football world even knows about my existence …

But now I have to be a model for my brother, sister and even for my mother … I have to prove that I am a real man, not like my father! Mom says I look a lot like him. But I don’t want her to see this terrible person in me. I am different … I will never offend her, and in general I will never offend a woman.

Most boys want to be like their fathers, but I want to be strong and loving, as my mother … She did everything for us and does everything to this day, I am very worried about her …

– Giorgi, you are a real man! We will try to make all your plans and dreams come true. Just believe.

Now I want to talk to your mother.

– Ia, as far as I know, you have cancer. Tell me in more detail about your disease. How can we help?

Ia: No, dear! I did not address you for this. I don’t seek aid for treatment from your Fund. We have the status of socially disadvantaged, which means that I am eligible for absolutely free treatment and medications. Every second day I visit the doctor to be tested before the operation. It’s coming soon. I hope that after it, I will finally start working and be able to do everything for my children …

– I believe that it will be so! Is there a chance for a full recovery? What do the doctors say?

Ia: Yes-yes! Sure! And I want to be healthy with all my heart, for the sake of my children. And I can overcome the disease, I know! I have ovarian cancer, and the whole tumor will be removed during the operation. Then I will stand on my feet … for the sake of my children, I will withstand it all! They are the meaning of my whole life. For them I am a mother, a father, a grandmother, and a grandfather. I replaced them all … You know, I tried to hide my illness from them, but they still have found out all about it . I did not want the kids to get scared. Especially Gio (16 years old), he is already quite an adult, he is so worried. He doesn’t show it, but I can see .

– Ia, what do you expect from the Fund? How can we help you?

Ia: Please, help my children… We have nothing to eat. Thank God, they are not picky. They eat everything I cook and they don’t complain, they understand what situation we are in … Besides the fact that we don’t have our own home, we don’t even have a refrigerator and a washing machine in our house … I have to wash things by hand, but it’s so hard for me due to my illness …Every ten minutes I have to rest, my whole body aches …

– And what is your diet? What do you usually eat?

Ia: Just pasta and potatoes. It’s our usual food. What else can you afford when your income is only 350 GEL of social allowance? I am so sorry that I cannot treat you with something. I was brought up according to Georgian traditions, I know how important hospitality is, but I lack the capacity. I have not got even a cup of coffee for you.

I used to work a lot before. As a cleaner, washed dishes – I took any job. I was afraid of no work. But after cancer was diagnosed … After that we found ourselves in such poverty … Of course, even before that, we did not live richly, but we never felt hungry.

– I know that speaking about the father of your children is a painful topic for you. But still, tell me the story of you love…How did you meet him?

Ia: Love…(she smiles sadly). There was no love at all. He just kidnapped me.

– Did you know him before?

Ia: I did not – that is the point. Once I went to Gori to attend the wedding of my relatives. In the middle of the party, I got outside … I swear, I was pushed into a car like an animal and taken away by some unknown people. The unhuman, who arranged all this, became my husband … I was thrown to some basement, with no water, no light, no food … Such a “happy” marriage. I was 22 at the time … I had dreamed not about that, but I was unable to go back to my parents due to Georgian customs … I gave life to three children, and it was the best thing that happened to me in my life.

He used to beat me, and it was not only he but the whole of his family. … The children sseing this, cried; it severely impacted them … Likewise all women, I just wanted them to have a full-fledged family. But how wrong I was, I only harmed them, making them watch how their mother was beaten … Only six years ago, did I finally decide to leave my husband, and we moved to Tbilisi and have been living here ever since that.

– Does he help you in any manner? Does he come to see his children?

Ia: He has not paid alimony for children for a long time, he does not care how his children live. Children do not miss him… Now they do not have to see him beating and humiliating their mother …

– Tell me, whose the apartment is? And how do you pay for utilities?

Ia: It’s my relative’s flat, he sheltered us. And he pays for utilities, but we are trying hard not to consume much because I feel awkward. He knows that we have no means to pay … He wants to sell this apartment now, so we will have to move, and I don’t know where to go. We will have to ask some relatives for help again … I feel sorry for the children, every time going to a new school …

– Do you parents help you?

Ia: My mother died, and my father does not communicate with me … He thinks that if I had not left my husband, there would be no problems … My mother felt sorry for me, but my father – never.

– Now I would like to talk with Amelia (11-year-old) and Beka (9-year-old).

– Amelia, what’s your hobby?

Amelia(11-year-old): I love dancing, I think I’m good at it.

– You have two brothers, do you get along with them? Boys are so mean!

Amelia(11-year-old): Oh, no! (starts laughing). It’s not about my brothers.

We are always together.

Gio is the eldest, and he is a real man, he always protects me and Beka(9-year-old) and never lets us get hurt. Beka copies him in everything, Gio is his ideal.

– And who is your ideal?

Amelia(11-year-old): My mommy, of course! She is afraid of nothing and I want to be like her!

– Do you help your mother?

Amelia(11-year-old): I know that mommy is ill now, so we all help her, trying to make her rest. Me and my brothers tidy up, wash the clothes and even cook sometimes.

– Well done, guys! -You go to school, right? What is your favourite subject?

Amelia(11-year-old): I like Georgian and I have very high marks in it. I also like math, but honestly, sometimes it seems difficult to me, but I do my best. Math is a difficult, but an interesting subject.

– Do you have a dream? Who do you want to be?

Amelia(11-year-old): I want to dance and to become a world-famous dancer! To earn a lot, a lot of money so that my mother would not suffer anymore. I will buy her everything! And to my brother too! We will never be in need!

– You will succeed, Amelia. What about you, Beka? Do you like going to school?

Beka (9-year-old): I like ing to school on the days when we have sports classes! It’s my favorite subject. I love sports and we always play football there.

– Who do you want to be in the future?

Beka (9-year-old): I want to be a cool footballer! Me and my brother Gio often play in the yard, however, we don’t have a ball. But our neighbor boys always call us to play, we have many friends. Hopefully, when mom starts working, we will be able to go to a football school. Mom says that she will do everything for us! Because our mom is the best mom in the world!

– For sure! And sure you will go to a football school! Do you have some favorite food?

Beka (9-year-old): Oh, have you ever tried barbecue? I have tried it once, my neighbors treated me. It is the best food in the world! It smells so good and tastes even better! I like barbecue so much, I would eat it every single day!

-Guys, do you like to draw? Have you got any drawings? Show me!

Amelia(11-year-old): I used to draw when I was a little girl, but I haven’t got those drawing anymore, they are lost because we were moving all the time. I don’t draw anymore, now I am more interested in making homework and learning.

Beka (9-year-old): I don’t like drawing at all, when I have free time, I play football with my friends. It’s my favorite thing to do.

Correspondent: Guys, you are so nice! Now I want to ask some more questions to your mom.

– Ia, do you believe in God?

Ia: Sure, my girl! I do believe! God exists, he protects us, and he will not leave my children without a mother, I know that. That is why I believe so much in my recovery and am not afraid of anything!

– Do you believe in the kindness of strangers?

Ia: How could I not believe? There are many good people, I know it. And I also know that goodness comes back… I remember I had a neighbor, he was ill with cancer … I often looked after him. I used to visit him, tidy up there, cook for him. It was a joy to me. I believe that goodness comes back!

– Why did you decide to address our Fund?

Ia: Because you have already helped us once. My children can attend online lessons because of you! The computer that you saw in the bedroom is a gift from Chernovetskyi Fund. You really help people and I know it from my experience. And now, I believe that you will not allow my children to starve.

Friends, you know that Ia is right? Goodness exists. And you are the best example of it! Despite all the horror that happened in the life of this woman, she remains a true Georgian woman – good-natured and open. In terrible circumstances, when she was a subject of moral and physical abuse, she managed to raise amazing children who now need our support.

Let’s help Giorgi find a job and to improve the financial situation of his family, to let him feed his younger brother and sister, and support the seriously ill mother. He is so eager to prove, first of all to himself, that he can be a man in the house and become a support for the whole family.

The family critically needs food. Kids are often starving, they need clothes and footwear. Amelia dreams of learning to dance, and Beka dreams of going to a football school. Let us help them since children are the future of Georgia!

Also, to make the children absolutely happy, let us try to make life easier for their mother Ia. The ill woman has to wash clothes manually and she does not have space for food storage. Let’s give her a washing machine, so even if not her soul, then at least her hands would rest! Let’s make sure that children have something to eat and a place to store food! Remember that you will be doubly rewarded for your good deeds!

Call her, cheer her up and give her a hope for tomorrow. Phone: 574 89 72 13 Ia Aragvishvili

Visit the family at the address: Tbilisi, Gldani, 8th microdistrisct, block 30, 1st entrance, apartment 2.

Please repost our publication. Let all your friends know about the Aragvishvili family and their problems! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove that we trust in God not by words, but in deeds!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbour or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Ia Aragvishvili).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link )

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support ,Ia, Giorgi, Amelia, and Beka, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One calll saves life – 0901 200 270

Thanks to you, these children have learned to smile again!

Recently we witnessed a very sad scene in the Aragvishvili family: three hungry and frightened children next to their mother suffering from cancer … At that time, the fear of losing their only loved person overshadowed all other feelings and needs. Of course, good friends of the Fund could not pass by their heartbreaking story:

  You can’t recognize them now! 9-year-old Beka, 11-year-old Amelia and 16-year-old Giorgi smile again, and their mother Ia is on her way to recovery. Your help and support instilled hope in them and gave the poor woman strength to get on her feet and resume her fight for the well-being of her children!

“Now mom can bake patties for us! – 11-year-old Amelia rejoices. – Or just toast bread in the oven! Do you know how delicious it is?! Come to have patties with us! “

One more kind Georgian family felt happier thanks to your compassion and mercy, friends!

  – Ia, how has your life changed after we published the article about you?

Ia: Changed? You are probably joking! You have absolutely transformed our life! I don’t even know how to thank you. I was so exhausted by the illness and constant worries that my children were deprived of everything … In the depth of despair, I addressed your Fund for help. I could hardly hope that we would receive such wonderful gifts, that the children would eat that delicious food and I would not have to worry about their winter clothes…

We just couldn’t believe our eyes when your employees brought a refrigerator, a gas stove, a washing machine, the food! There was no chance for us to buy all these things by ourselves … And now! Oh Lord, thank you! All this is ours! Before I got ill, I managed to cope somehow, at least we did not starve. It was because of cancer, this terrible disease, that we found ourselves in such poverty – it’s impossible to keep the children when the allowance is all you have… And when you brought groceries and food, I even managed to bake patties for my children!

God, you can’t imagine how happy they were when the house was filled with delicious aromas – they hadn’t eaten normally for so long …

You gave us exactly what we needed most, because due to my illness, even the simplest housework became unbearable for me… All the work fell on the children… I felt guilty that they did not have a normal childhood, it depressed me. The washing machine solved one of the main problems, because I am not capable of washing by hand … And when I managed to cook soup for the children, it used to spoil soon without a refrigerator even in winter. It’s needless to say, that you made our life much easier and gave us a lot of joy!

– What do you remember the most? Maybe you remember the names of people, who helped you?

Ia: I am grateful to everyone who responded to our grief. To everyone who did not pass by our misfortune … Thus, you made my children feel that we are not alone, that the friends of the Fund take our fate to heart.

A wonderful woman came to visit us, but I was so excited that, unfortunately, I could not remember her name. She brought clothes to my children and gave them 50 GEL! We are immensely grateful to her for this.

A young man, Giorgi by name, also came to see us. He said that parishioners of a church had collected money for us, he brought some food, felt-tip pens, coloring books, toys and sweets for the children, and most importantly – warm jackets and shoes for them – brand new, high quality! It was a load off my mind. Dressing three children for winter is not an easy task, and even more so – in our situation. Unfortunately, I did not remember on behalf of the parishioners of which church we received these gifts, but believe me, I will pray every day for them! Because along with these things, people gave us a piece of their emotional warmth, their attention and care! I want to thank all of them! God bless your children!

– Did the local government somehow react to our post? Did they ask about your condition and did they help you with anything?

Ia: You know, since the state fully paid for my operation, treatment and rehabilitation course, I can’t really complain. Many thanks to them for that! Now, when I am better, I can already think about getting back to work, so that I could keep my children independently, provide them with at least the basic stuff – food and clothing.

– It’s great to know that you are getting better, Ia. How do you feel yourself now?

Ia: Thank you, the worst is over. The operation went well, now I am taking a rehabilitation course. Although I am still quite weak, I am already determined to recover, return to work and fight for the well-being of my children! Moreover, you and the friends of the Fund gave us a lot of positive emotions, and this also played an important role in my recovery!

– Tell me about your emotions, please…

Ia: You know, when we addressed your Fund for help, I felt myself very bad and scared, my disease almost broke me … And the children were very scared too, because they had no one but me. Desperate and realizing that there was nowhere to wait for help, I decided to write to you in the hope that you would bring at least some food to my children. We certainly didn’t expect to get so many gifts and such support! You made my children smile again, and I don’t know how to thank you for that!

– Can I talk to them, please? Giorgi, as the eldest, tell me, which of the gifts you like most?

Giorgi (16-year-old): I am happy that my mom and my younger brother and sister are happy. Mom was so exhausted, she suffered and worried about us, and now she is smiling! I even tried to find a job to help her somehow…

Ia: I cannot allow my 16-year-old son to work … He should study now, he already helps me a lot with Beka and Amelia, just like an adult! I will get stronger soon and will become able to provide my children with the basic stuff…

– Gio, was there anything that particularly pleased you?

    Giorgi: We had absolutely nothing to wear, so clothes and shoes were probably the best gift.

  Amelia (11-year-old): And I liked the toys most of all, the teddy bears … And also, a gas stove. When you brought us groceries, my mother baked patties and promised me to teach me cooking!

    Beka (9-year-old): I also liked the toys and coloring books! We haven’t received anything for so long! My sister and I have new felt-tips, and we can draw all day long!

    Amelia: By the way, now, if there are no ingredients for patties, mom simply toasts Georgian bread for us in the oven. Do you know how delicious it is?!

  – Ia, what does this support and help mean to you?

  Ia: You stood by our side when hope seemed to run out. Since we are completely alone in this world, we have no one to address for help… And you have responded. Thanks to you, people learned about our trouble and became able to help us. I am immensely grateful to you for this! You cannot even imagine how important it is to know that there is someone who is not indifferent to your pain … Probably, this is the most important thing in life – to realize that you are not alone. I know many are going through hard times right now. Many, even well-to-do families, found themselves in a difficult situation because of the pandemic … And I am grateful to everyone who, despite this, shared with my children, perhaps, their last piece of bread, saved a penny for us and did not leave us to our fate. May God grant all of them happiness and health!

  – Maybe you have some more problems that our readers can help you with? 

  Ia: You have already done so much for us, how can I ask for more? My conscience wouldn’t let me to… But since I’m still completely weak and can’t work, I want to ask you again not to forget about us … You know, there is always lack of food … And children also dream of a TV – ours does not work at all – and they are locked up at home due to coronavirus. But this is just a wish. I perfectly understand that it is a very difficult time for everyone now.

  Once again, I want to thank from the bottom of my heart your Fund and all your good friends for taking our misfortune to heart and treating my children as if they were yours. God bless you all, and you will be rewarded for giving us happiness and hope!


If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

 Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:


(purpose: Aragvishvili family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

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Kind Heart
23.12.2020 17:21:38
გოგოლაძე შალვა
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მერებაშვილი მარიამ
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ელისო აბულაშვილი
21.12.2020 20:00:00
ლალიაშვილი მაკა
20.12.2020 20:00:00
ტატა თევზაძე
20.12.2020 20:00:00
გიორგი ლორთქიფანიძე
18.12.2020 20:00:00
Kind Heart
17.12.2020 11:07:34
ქებურია კახაბერ
16.12.2020 20:00:00
ჯიჯელავა გიგა
15.12.2020 20:00:00
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30.10.2020 20:00:00
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ნონა კვიჟინაძე
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They need your help urgently