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Can you be my mom?

calendar June 15, 2021

One call saves life!

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“I was little, but I remember my mother,” a little beauty Barbara tells us and brings us a portrait of her mother, holding it to her heart. – Isn’t she beautiful? Do I look like her? I remember how she was lying, and I stroked her hand, and she was happy. And now she is in heaven. And I draw hearts for her and write “love you, mommy.” My grandmother and I go to her grave, and make everything beautiful there… We even decorate a Christmas tree for her for the New Year.”

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“I was little, but I remember my mother,” a little beauty Barbara tells us and brings us a portrait of her mother, holding it to her heart. – Isn’t she beautiful? Do I look like her? I remember how she was lying, and I stroked her hand, and she was happy. And now she is in heaven. And I draw hearts for her and write “love you, mommy.” My grandmother and I go to her grave, and make everything beautiful there… We even decorate a Christmas tree for her for the New Year.”

These words can’t go out of my head… You forget all your problems, all the troubles, all the worries when the little orphan talks about her grief… She has no mother, her mother died. What could be more painful than this tragedy? “I really love my grandmother, but if I had a mother, do you know what a happy girl would I be? Do you have a mom?”

Friends, brace yourself, you will hear a terrible but a real story now. You will meet the unhappy mother who buried her 22-year-old daughter and little Barbara who was left an orphan. Wasn’t there enough grief in their life that now they found themselves on the verge of survival, with no funds, without any hope for a better life…

And now, we will tell you everything in order… According to all the rules and scenarios of life, they should have died long ago. Their cross turned to be so heavy, that it is not just hard to bear it – it is almost impossible!

Grandmother Mariam had a terrible family life – her husband beat her mercilessly. He was sent to prison for that. Then he got out and he beat her again! She had breast cancer, she was operated on several times, but she had already forgotten about it – it doesn’t matter, her health doesn’t matter anymore.

Six years ago, her daughter developed sarcoma and died in terrible agony in Mariam’s arms… “She literally rotted alive. Her body was covered with terrible malignant neoplasms, she screamed in pain, and I could not help her,” – recalls Mariam and covers her ears with her hands.  I still hear her voice in my ears… – “Mom, do something, I can no longer endure.”

– How did it happen to her? Was she sick?

Mariam: My Mari used to be a perfectly healthy girl, she never even had a flu. She got married at the age of 19, everything was fine but when she was three-month pregnant, she started having terrible headaches. We thought it was because of pregnancy, but… they discovered cancer. It was a shock! She was operated on urgently. Barbara was still in her stomach when they opened her skull and removed the tumor. But it did not help.

– But she managed to carry Barbare? Was she born healthy?

Mariam: Yes, beautiful Barbare was born like an angel! Mari believed that since God gave her a child, He will give her life to take care of her baby. But her condition was getting worse. Her husband left her at this time. Probably did not want to have a sick wife. He also gave up his daughter Barbare, thinking that a sick woman could not give birth to a healthy child.

– Mariam, I have no words!

Mariam: I can’t believe that one person can endure such things, that so many horrors can happen to one person… Unfortunately, our problems did not end there. I looked after my daughter and granddaughter. For one year my poor girl suffered from terrible pain. All her body was covered with sores. She was 22 when she died. Barbare turned 18 months that day. My life ended then. I banged my head against the wall. I went to her grave and sat there for days … But then Barbara’s words brought me to my senses. She took me by the cheeks with her palms, looked into my eyes and asked: “Granny, will you be my mom now?”It was like a slap for me, it felt like I had been doused with ice water! I realized that now I need to live for her sake, that Barbara has no one besides me, that I have no right to die. Do you understand me?

– I do not dare to say this, but I simply cannot find other words: Barbare is very lucky that her grandmother is a hero!

Mariam: I can do anything for her! They have cut gas to us for two months now. We have pretty large debt – 120 GEL. I cannot pay that money. In the morning I light brushwood to warm water or to cook porridge for her. But what can we do? Fortunately, spring has already come, there is no danger of freezing. Our house is literally falling apart. There are cracks and holes in the floor and walls… Snakes and rats crawl in… Oh, God give me the strength and patience to go through all this and not to lose human face!

– Did you address the local authorities for help?

Mariam: I asked them for help so many times!  I begged, and railed against them… But now I have no strength. I don’t even have the strength to prove anything to anyone… I’m tired of everything.

– Mariam, what do you live on?

Mariam: Social allowance is our only income. It is still far away when I start getting pension. I know, I look like an old woman, but I’m only 49 years old. I just went through so much torment that I even wonder how I lived to this age.

Barbare: Don’t listen to grandma, she’s not old! She is the most beautiful and cutest! I love her!

– Barbare, what else can you tell us about your grandmother?

Barbare: She is like my mom. She smells like mom. I love her very much! Do you know how she calls me? “My sweetheart, my life, my Sun”. And mommy called me “kudracha” – a widget. Do you know how I miss her? Do you know how much I want to hug her? When I come home from school, I look at her, talk to her, tell her what a good student I am. I even recite poems to her. Sometimes I draw big hearts for her, cut them out, and then my grandmother and I go to her grave and do everything beautifully for her. She sees everything, doesn’t she?

– Of course, Barbare… Good girl!

Barbare: And I also want such a phone so that I could call her. I know that it does not exist.

– Do you want anything?

Barbare: I dream about a beautiful dress and pink sneakers… That’s it! Well, I also want to become a policeman when I grow up, so that no one offends anyone!

– Barbare, you are just wonderful! Your mom would have been proud of you!

Barbare: I know that she looks at me and rejoices when I help my granny. I can wash dishes. I can swipe a little bit. But our home is not very nice. I want to have a house like other kids have – without cracks and with windows.

Mariam: Now you see, what gives me strength to live on? God gave me one more chance to bring up my daughter. She looks so much like my dear Mari.

– Mariam, I know that, unfortunately, we won’t be able to solve all the problems you have, but hopefully we will manage to make your life easier. What do you need first of all?

Mariam: First of all, please, help me to get gas back. I cannot build a fire every day to at least boil tea. It is very hard for me. Second – is a washing machine, food… Well, I am so embarrassed to ask… We have no fridge. Clothes and shoes for my granddaughter, a phone. I don’t have phone. That’s my ultimate dream. 

– I am sure you will get many new friends soon! I am sure your life will change! I am sure, they will notice your problems and pay attention to you.

Mariam: That’s why I addressed your Fund. I know that if you take someone under your wing, his life changes. Thank you for listening and inquiring. Any help will be like a breath of air for us.


What else to say? How can we support this family and alleviate their suffering? We can’t bring back the mother for daughter, but we can comfort these wonderful girls. The family needs food, household appliances, medications and hygiene products, and Barbara needs new shoes and a beautiful dress!

You can visit the family, hug them, talk, listen to them. This worth a lot too.

Their address is: Gurjaani municipality, village Gurjaani.

Friends! Friends, Chernovetskyi Charity Fund starts charity campaign to help this wonderful family. Count them as your relatives. And we are sure that God will bless you!

Please repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are: 




 (purpose: Kvatsashvili Mariam)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay, ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

You gave me life, and Barbara will not become an orphan again!


There are many sad stories in the world that can make one cry and feel heartfelt sympathy. But some of them are so deep and incredible that, having once got into our heart, they settle there forever, making us think about them day and night…

Probably, such was the story that we have told you – our dear friends – in our recent post “Can you be my mom?” It told you about the hard life of Mariam Kvatsashvili, who buried her young beautiful daughter and was left with her little granddaughter Barbare in her arms – the girl who is like as a two peas with her mother.

You took all the pain of this little defenseless family, all their hardships and problems to heart, you extended a helping hand to them! And you can’t even imagine how much happiness your kindness brought them, how many smiles! And most importantly – you gave them belief and hope that their life will change for the better!

Mariam believes that it’s only thanks to you, friends, she is still alive, because now she has medications to treat her terrible disease! 

Their humble abode got filled with lots of appliances, which will now make their difficult everyday life easier. It is much easier to live when you have a stove, a refrigerator, and a washing machine. You can notice so much joy of these incredibly beautiful and shiny new pots on little Barbare’s face! She was so excited telling us how she will learn cooking. And what a wonderful bedding you brought! “Just look, this is a bed for a real princess!” – the little girl exclaimed with her eyes shining, showing us the gifts, she’s got.

But of course, the most incredible thing was to meet new people with hearts of gold! 

So, a new friend Natia appeared in the life of Mariam and Barbara, and she became a guardian angel for them, helping them in everything!

Miracles have no end and limit, and it’s you and only you, our dear friends, who work them!

– Mariam, how did your life change after our publication?

Mariam (50-year-old): You can’t even imagine how happy I am for having you and how grateful I am to God for the miracles that he works with your hands! I am immensely grateful to all good people who took our story to heart, who did not pass by our misfortune and helped us to survive. Only my medications cost a fortune! Believe it or not, they are a matter of life and death for me! And the new appliances are absolutely incredible – I did not dare even to dream of it!

“Medications are my salvation! You just gave me life!”

I don’t want you to think, that I fear to die – I am ready for anything, everything is God’s will. The only thing I really fear – is leaving my Barbare an orphan. What will she do alone in this world? So many scary things are happening around. My hair stands on end with horror when I think about that. If only I had time to raise my girl! My God, if not for your help now, I don’t dare even to imagine what would have happened to us. The social allowance from the state is just a joke, it is not enough for food, leave alone the expensive medications.

You know, I’m talking to you now, but I recall the day when the Fund’s employees came to visit us and brought us gifts. Honestly, it was like a dream or a fairy tale. I look at all these appliances and can’t believe that we have our own refrigerator, and a new gas stove, and a washing machine now. It feels like miracle! We could never buy any of these ourselves. Many thanks to every kind person who found the opportunity to lend us a helping hand!

“Here it is – our fairy tale that came true! We don’t believe our eyes!”

How happy we are to all these changes in our life! However, it’s a pity that we can only use refrigerator right now.

– You mean you haven’t yet used either the washing machine or the gas stove? Why? What is the reason for that, Mariam?

Mariam: It’s all because of the terrible state of our house: there are huge holes in the walls, and water flows in through them during the rain. So, it is impossible to install either a washing machine or a gas stove – water can damage them. So far, I had to store my new appliances in a safe place until better times. I hope they will come someday.

– Mariam, it is so sad that you finally got your new appliances, but you can’t use them. Did you and Barbara get any help from the government after we published the post? Perhaps they could repair your walls? It is their responsibility, isn’t it?

Mariam: I have asked the local authorities for help many times; they are aware of all of our troubles. But I never got anything but promises. For example, two years ago they told me to tear apart one wall so that their workers could come and fill it with cement. Two years have passed, and the demolished wall is still waiting for them. But we live like in the street now – and it’s just unbearable.

The new appliances were stored in a safe place, away from wet, leaky walls.

– Alas, but this scenario is so common. But let’s still hope for the better.

Mariam: Well, we have to wait and see.

– Mariam, who would you single out from your new friends?

Mariam: You know, it’s just incredible! We met a wonderful girl – Natia Khunashvili, and she became a real guardian angel for us! Just imagine, this girl lives in Sagarejo, at the Red District. This is not even in our neighborhood – it’s very far away. But Natia comes to visit us every single day. She loves my Barbara so much! I am very happy that she also has two children – nine and ten years old. And my Barabare really made friends with them. You can’t even imagine how grateful I am to Natia for everything she does for us! This summer she even took Barbara to the seaside to Kobuleti, along with her children. She knows our sad story and is very worried about my baby. I would take Babi to the seaside on vacation myself, but I have neither health nor money for this. 

And quite recently, I got very sick, I could not even get out of bed and cook food. Thank God, Natia came and took Barbara to her place for two days. I felt so bad – I thought I was dying, but the thought of how my granddaughter needed me made me fight for my life. I called an ambulance, and they took me to the hospital. And meanwhile Natia was looking after my Babi like she was her own daughter. I thank the Lord for sending my girl such an Angel!

– Why did your health condition worsen? What was the reason for this?

Mariam: The thing is that the allowance that we get for two is absolutely not enough for anything, even for food. And you need so many things every day. Even despite the tremendous help that we got from you and from all good people after the publication of our story, I thought that school was coming soon and that I would have to buy so many things to my girl. So, I decided to earn some extra money by harvesting grapes, but I overestimated my strength, collapsed right at the vineyard and lost consciousness … I started having terrible headaches and chest pains. These are all the consequences of breast cancer surgery. The overburden caused a relapse of the disease, and the doctor in the hospital scolded me strongly for taking on hard work, which almost killed me. Of course, I understand everything myself, but it is almost impossible to find a job at my age, and I am still very far away from the retirement age.

I think you yourself know what unfair laws are in our country in regards of people whose health has failed. For instance, I have a cataract that cannot be treated or operated on. But I am not entitled to a disability pension, and I have to go completely blind to get it! I am not allowed to do hard physical labor, because it can lead to my death. But at the same time, I am not considered a disabled person, and I am not entitled to get a disability pension! Is this fair?

“I have survived cancer and surgery, I have cataracts, I cannot work and lift weights. But at the same time, I am not eligible for disability pension. Where’s the justice?!”

– Was there any response from the authorities after the publication of your story?

Mariam: No – we don’t exist for them. Nobody came to visit us, no one offered us help. 

– Mariam, could I please talk to Barbara? Barbare, honey, we all love you so much and we know that you are a very smart and good girl. Please tell us which gift did you like the most?

Barbare (7-year-old): Hello! I liked it all very much. But most of all I liked our new pots! They are so beautiful and shiny! Now we have a lot of pots! And someday we will have the same beautiful new kitchen and house as aunt Natia has. Do you know how beautiful her house is? I want to have a home and a kitchen like this too, so I can cook dinner in new pots at my beautiful kitchen!

“I love our new pots! They are so beautiful and shiny! And I can cook an instant soup in them”

 I really love helping my grandmother in the kitchen. I especially like to cook instant soup in our new pots. Someday I will definitely learn how to cook something else!

“Just look, now I will sleep like a real princess!”

I also liked the new linen for my bed. Ma’am, have you seen our new linen? It is as beautiful as a princess’s!

We also have a new refrigerator. Maybe we will install the washing machine soon and the gas stove as well. We cannot yet, because there are holes in the walls, and the rain can ruin them.

“We can’t install them yet, because there are holes in the walls, and the rain can ruin them.”

– You are such a smart and kind girl! You know that all our most cherished wishes come true? What do you dream about the most?

Barbare: I’ll tell you very honestly! More than anything, I want my grandmother to be healthy and smile and that we live in a beautiful house, and that aunt Natia will come to visit us and stay, like I stayed at her place. So that the walls do not collapse at night and that water does not flow into the house. But still, most of all, I want for my grandmother to not get sick! Honestly!!! She’s like a mother to me, I have no one but her in the whole world.

“More than anything, I want for my grandmother to not get sick and we live in a beautiful house”

– You have very good wishes, and they must come true! Thank you for your frank answers, Babi!

– Mariam, which of the unresolved problems is the most critical for you now? Maybe our readers could help you somehow?

Mariam: I am so embarrassed to go back to problems instead of just thanking you, but I would really like for our walls to finally become whole, and our house to become dry, so that we could install and use all the appliances that you gave us. 

“I pray not for myself, but for Barbare: I am so scared for her health and her future …”

Autumn and winter are ahead, and it’s impossible to avoid getting sick in such a room! Drafts, dampness… I pray not for myself, but for Barbara: she needs warmth and home comfort so much. She dreams of a beautiful home, but our walls are crumbling instead. 


Dear friends, it is impossible to convey in words the kindness and cordiality of these two wonderful people – grandmother and her little granddaughter. I want so much to see smiles on their faces and delight in their sad eyes! I would like fate to finally endow them with the happiness that they so deserve. Hopefully there will be someone among our readers who can solve their problems. We are grateful to everyone and everyone who extended a helping hand to this wonderful, but unhappy family. God bless you!

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: the Kvatsashvili family).

You can also transfer money from our website:

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link:

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Aug 04, 2021
household appliances
Aug 04, 2021
Aug 04, 2021
Aug 31, 2021
fund overhead
Aug 31, 2021
Sep 16, 2021
kitchen tools
Sep 16, 2021
bed linen
Sep 20, 2021
Dec 10, 2021
Dec 10, 2021

Total expenses:



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08.11.2021 16:36:49
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08.11.2021 16:29:06
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
07.11.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
06.11.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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They need your help urgently