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If thief will come here, he will cry with pity

calendar August 20, 2021

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Vaziani. People move here when everything goes too bad and you need some place to live, when you need to have just a roof over head. Zhanna and her two little daughters found themselves here, on the edge of life. Luck of love brought her here.

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Vaziani. People move here when everything goes too bad and you need some place to live, when you need to have just a roof over head. Zhanna and her two little daughters found themselves here, on the edge of life. Luck of love brought her here.

The story began long ago, in her childhood. The closest and dearest people made it start. Most terrible memory from that time is a stick over her head.  One drub, another drub, third one, forth one…

“Mom, please stop!!!” – eight-year-old Zhanna screams. But nobody listens to her. Another blow and one more.

She got used that nobody loved her. She got used to strokes of fate. She considers this dying village to be her salvation. She considers this box with shabby walls and a low ceiling with jungle of wires on it, which is about to crush you, with a toilet with no door – her home. A plate with food from her neighbor – dinner. She would never have addressed the Fund herself – her wings are clipped.

“The most important thing is that we are alive” – keeps repeating Zhanna, she believes that good people will not let her, and her two little angels die.

“It is so sad, ma’am… Why are we so poor?!”

Seven years ago, Zhanna moved to this place, which only figuratively can be called house. Everything here is figurative: walls, floor, wiring, toilet. It is impossible to bring this figurative house to some basic order, even if you really want to.

We will start today’s story with describing this “cave”. We can’t call this place home.

Right by the entrance you realize, that you need to be brave, that something really terrible awaits you.

My foreboding had not deceived me: there is nothing whole in this room.

There is no mattress on a bed, no chairs around the table, no glass in the windows, no door in the bathroom, no smiles on the children’s faces. Should I go on?

Words are unnecessary, just look!

Little Elene is sitting in the hole of the sofa as if it was a nest.

You can only have meal standing by the table, in case if you have any food, of course. Today mom poured boiling water to instant noodles.

There is no glass in the window, Elene just rides a window frame.

And this nice fluttering curtain is not a curtain at all – it is a bathroom door.

– Zhanna, how did you find yourself here? What is your fault, why do you have to live here?

Zhanna: I think my fault is that I was born. I had no childhood. Mom left us with our relatives – she started a new family. I always was a burden for her. When I got married, I thought that finally someone would take care of me, but I was wrong. He mocked me, beat me, and then left me with two children in my arms. My mom bought this flat for me. Probably, she tried to make amends this way. It is what it is – no one will let us out from here.

– Is it not scary to live here, with two little daughters?

Zhanna: I have experienced so much in my 28 years – I am not afraid of anything. What should I be scared of?

“Some people are born to live in misery.”

– You can’t lock your door, there is no glass in the windows. The wiring is out of order…

Zhanna: Do you think we would be safer in the street? I have good neighbors here. When I am out of social allowance and have no money left even to buy bread, they give food to my children. They sometimes even allow me to use their washing machine – I don’t even have a plastic basin to wash linen.

– Zhanna, I think it will be much easier to list what you have, than what you haven’t…

Zhanna: You noticed it right. We have a bed, but it is shaky. We use towels and clothes instead of pillows. The girls are not happy with that – they say their heads ache after that. We have one blanket for three of us. We have a table, but we should not touch it – it often collapses. Now I fixed it up somehow, I prop it up with a wall. We have two plates, a fork and a spoon.

Cavemen lived in better conditions

Elene (6-year-old): I want a pillow – brown and blue.

– Don’t you want toys?

Elena: No, I’ve got some. Do you want me to show? Someone threw it away, and I found it and brought it home.

“Someone threw this bunny right on the road. And I found it. I am treating her now! It’s a pity, is it not, ma’am? It is not her fault that someone tore away her ear. It hurts her so much!”

– What is her name?

Elene: Bunny has no name. Come up with something yourself. I can’t.

‘”I don’t know what a Barbie-doll is. What is it, why everyone knows her?”

– Do you have any other toys?

Elene: Yes, but they have no names either. Let’s go, I will show you.

“I will assemble a girl now”

– These are pegs. Do you use them instead of blocks?

Elene: I don’t know what the blocks are.

– Have you got a doll? There are wonderful Barbie-dolls, with colorful dresses.

Elene: I don’t know what it is. I want a pillow, a bed, and a cup.

– What does your sister want?

Elene: I don’t know, she does not talk. She probably wants cartoons.

Prisoner without a court sentence. View from the so-called house. Maybe it used to be a little prison? But what has a child to do with that?

Zhanna: If we only had a TV – it would have brightened up the daily routine of my girls. At least they would look at something beautiful.

– Zhanna how can we make your life a little bit easier?

Zhanna: I don’t really know. Look, I cannot tidy up my home. Whatever I do it still remains dirty. I would have changed windows; I would have installed a bathroom door. If only someone could fix the wiring and to attach the wires to the walls, so that it were not so dangerous to be here. It is impossible to clean this floor even using bleach.

I would have put everything nicely in a wardrobe. If there were any foodstuffs, I would have cooked something instead of giving my kids just noodles.

“Ma’am, you should not touch anything here. Something can fall apart, or you can get electrocuted”

– Have you ever lived nicely? Can you recall at least one joyful day in your life?

Zhanna: I can’t. I don’t even have any photos. They never took me for walk in a park. They never gave me toys. I’ve never got toys. And they always bullied me at school. I never had friends. Well, the birth of my children is probably the happiest moment in my life. When I was pregnant for the second time, everyone told me to have an abortion. But I gave a birth. And I am happy I have two kids. How can one kill a child? She has a dimple on her cheek. You know, what does it mean? She will be happy! That’s it!

– Zhanna, I don’t even know what to ask you about. Maybe you want to tell something to our readers?

Zhanna: Yes, of course! The only thing I want to ask everyone – please don’t leave your kids! Kids should be together with their parents. No uncle and aunts, no other relatives can give them what their mother can. Maybe I am not a good mother, I can’t raise my daughters like princesses, but I love them! I will never leave them. Despite all the hardships, I will never leave them. You know? Never!

– I though you would ask for something else.  Almost entire Georgia will read this interview.

Zhanna: Oh, well. We need windows. We need beds, pillows – at least two. I am used to sleeping without a pillow. I need something to lay on the floor. And a washing machine. A TV for the girls. But it is not that important. Some foodstuffs. A bit of them. Because I have no fridge either.

– It means that you need a fridge too.

Zhanna: Oh, no! I can’t ask for so many things!

– Well, Zhanna, we will do it for you. The entire Georgia will learn about your living conditions and your needs. Since this day you are not alone anymore. Be sure, you will get many new friends!

Zhanna: I hope so! To be honest, I don’t believe in anything good. Sometimes it seems to me that some people are born to suffer, that they have no right to be happy. I have no right either… But my girls should be happy!


Here we will end our story. It is simply impossible to convey in words all that pain and horror. It is impossible to show it in pictures. You can visit this family yourself. Their address is: Gardabani District, village Vaziani. Caution: it’s better not to go there if you have a weak heart.

Zhanna and her daughters need our help and support. We must save them! They are perishing slowly but surely.

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Not all people are the same. Not all of them are as kind as we are. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Zhanna Kokoeva).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have good news for you: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on

Instagram: and


One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

I asked for bread but found love!

Elene hugs fruit cereals
Nine months ago, Elene and Anastasia did not want to talk to us. They only looked sullenly as their mother Zhanna was crying non-stop. When they had only two spoons of jam left at the bottom of the jar for breakfast, and their house looked like after a demolition (they had no windows, no doors, no things) – they did not want to talk at all. Misfortune has made them silent. 
We so wanted to disenchant them so that they too could laugh like other little girls! They needed a lot of love, warmth, and care. Efforts of all of you were necessary for a miracle to happen.
Try to stop Elene now! She makes split, and shows us the backbend, and recites poetry in Georgian. She does not run away from visitors anymore. Do you want her to explain why?
“I’ve got toys. And new backpack. And a pillow. And a TV. And sweets. And I also have a dad, like other children!”
Friends, we have another incredible news! Our project helped Zhanna find a husband, and Elena and Anastasia found a dad. The story of salvation also became a love story.

Anastasia liked the cookies with a cherry

– Congratulations, Zhanna! What unexpected news! I remember your words: “I was not born to be happy.” What do you think now?
Zhanna: I am happy, indeed! I met a wonderful person who supported me and promised that I would no longer be struggling alone against the cruelty of life. He accepted my children as his own, my fate as his own. We temporarily live with my mother. Besik goes to the old apartment every day to bring it back to normal, he makes renovation himself. I will introduce him to you.
Do you remember, you came to visit me last summer? I was so upset, my children were crying. I completely lost my heart. I could not even imagine how much my life would change! I swear to you, I could not even imagine that! I thought that I would be a beggar until the end of my life, I would be unhappy. And you turned everything around! This is no longer just help, this is a fairy tale!
Can I say something to the other poor people who lost hope? You must be patient. You shouldn’t expect the worst. Miracles happen! Such a miracle happened to me after I met the readers of the Fund.

“I also found a box with such things”

Anastasia: “Give me one, come on!”

– Zhanna, what a heartfelt confession! The post about you and your little daughters had a huge response. We all want to know how it happened, how people helped? Who do you remember the most?
Zhanna: A lot of people helped me and my daughters.  They transferred money to the Fund’s account. I saw how our figures were growing, and I was about to jump and scream like a girl! This meant that we were no longer hungry, not abandoned, that they would buy everything for us. My children were happy too.

Zhanna: “We’ve got a new fridge”

A big sofa for the entire family

Beds for children…

And such a gas heater! 

They brought us things, food, toys, kitchenware. Many people came along with their families and children. Big thank you to each of you! As big as our joy is! I saw how friendly and caring Georgia is. (Smiles with wet eyes.)
Someone called only their names – others did not. Will there be enough space to write about good people? I really want to say something.
– Of course, there will be! 
Zhanna: First I met Natia Zazikashvili. I just stood there with my mouth open and watched her unloading gifts for us. She brought us a washing machine along with a large supply of detergent powder, an oven for baking, bags with groceries, bags with children’s clothes, hygiene products. How generous she is! Oh, there were books too!
One day Temo Zaburashvili came and took me to Carrefour. I haven’t been there for many years. What to do there when you have no money? Temo said: “Get whatever you need!” I took groceries, and the children took everything they wanted from the heart.
I remembered Khatia and her boyfriend. We had a good conversation. They spent a lot of money on us – they bought us food and hygiene products. Suddenly, when they were about to leave, they noticed that we didn’t even have light bulbs. They ran to the store, brought them in and screwed in the light bulbs all over the house. Such a good couple!
And Lika? She is an athlete – a gymnast. She is so cool! She invited Elena to her studio for free. My girl has been dreaming of this for so long. She knows how to do a backbend and split. We’ll go to see Lika soon.
They learned about us even in Greece! Elene went to school with a new backpack. The emigrants sent several backpacks and everything girls needed for school. When we finish our renovation, I’ll put up our new curtains. They are very beautiful.
Soldiers from the Vaziani military unit helped us – they are our neighbors. When we watch TV, I remember Keti. This is her gift. I remember Maya and her husband, I remember Levan, Ucha, a girl from Rustavi…
One woman came with a child, she also brought us gifts and encouraged me: “The main thing is not to be afraid. I used to be in the same hopeless situation, but today I help others.” Her words gave me strength.
Thank you that there are so many of you! I will never forget how you tried to give us everything, how you tried to save us. I am very happy, thank you! You have succeeded!
Besik, my future husband, was also one of those people who decided to help us.
– How it was, Zhanna?
Zhanna: When I got the building materials from the Fund, I immediately started the renovation. I dreamed about this for so long. But it was hard to keep living in the same apartment with children. Besik offered us to move to his house in Ozurgeti, in the village of Konchkati, while a renovation was underway at our home. That’s how we met. And then we looked at each other … (Smiles.)
He is a former athlete, taekwondo teacher. He also went through a lot in his life. Once he crashed so badly that no one thought he would survive. But he did. Besik says that he opened his eyes to find his destiny and start a new life. And he found! (Smiles.)
Our kids got along too. Beso’s daughter, she’s 12, is friends with Anastasia and Elene. One must see how happy he is when three children at once say to him: “Dad!” tailing him.
Anastasia and Elene opened up, started to communicate with everyone.
– We’ll check it out now. Elene, will you talk to me?
Elene: Yes, I can talk to everyone now.
– Why didn’t you talk to me before?
Elene: I did not want to. Children did not play with me, they laughed at my toys. I didn’t have ice cream, and beautiful shorts. I didn’t have a dad. And they talked about their dads.
– And what about now?
Elene: Now I have beautiful dolls. And a sofa, and a TV, and pillows. And I have a dad! I can talk about him too. (Zhanna is about to burst into tears of emotions.)
– That’s it! Our girls will have everything. The Fund has so many friends, they took care of everything.
Anastasia: Children started playing with us, they come to visit us. But they say: “Your house is ugly!”
Elene: It is not beautiful yet, Anastasia! But it will become beautiful soon!
–  Sure, Elene! The renovation will end, and everyone will see what a beautiful house you have. Zhanna, did the local authorities somehow react to our post? Did they do anything?
Zhanna: Yes, they came too. They said – if you need anything, write an application, and we will help.
But I don’t even know where to start the list of my problems. My apartment is not registered on me. First of all, I want someone to help me register my apartment. It takes so many efforts to arrange everything here. If one day someone comes and takes it away, I won’t survive it … I’ll probably need the help of a lawyer. There is so much to do, but the main thing is that we started.
Here is Besik. (Joins our conversation.)
Besik: Zhanna’s story shocked me. I really want to make her happy. I will not spare myself, I will work hard so that our children feel themselves full-fledged people and grow up carefree.

Children say: “Our house is ugly”

– We are very happy for Zhanna, happy for your new family! Zhanna said that you are trying to make the renovation with your hands. We know that there is a lot of work, everything has to be done from scratch.  What do you need most right now?
Besik: We already installed the windows that were donated by the Fund. Now it looks completely different! The Fund helped us with building materials 2000 GEL worth. Thank you! Now I am combating with walls and ceiling. We need to finish them with plasterboard, and then I will paint walls or put on wallpapers. I clean floor to lay at least linoleum. Ceramic tiles and laminate are expensive. It would be great to build one more small room to arrange nursery there. Our neighbors said they would help us. If only there were building materials – I’m not lazy to work.

Kids used to ride the frame without window. But you won’t be able to ride such a window.

It looks good from outside as well

Zhanna: I am determined that everything will be fine with us, everything will work out.
– Would you like to address our readers? What did this help and support mean to you personally?
Zhanna: Sometimes it happens that no one and nothing destroys your childhood and life as much as poverty does. Poverty is a terrible enemy of a human being. I don’t want anyone to experience it. You helped me start fighting with it. You shook my life, helped me raise my head, and look forward to happiness! So many people took care of me and my children! They called us and came to visit us in person so many times, hope flashed in my heart so often. You gave me energy, gave me the strength to live. I believe that my life will not be the same as it used to be.                           
Friends, you inspired Zhanna to start a new life. And they gave a lot for this new life. All this time Zhanna and her daughters felt your love. It remains quite a bit – to help them complete the renovation. To get rid of the traces of horror that used to be here. It will be a new, happy home. And it will be so nice to know that you took part in creating this happiness. Many thanks to each of you for your response.
Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!
Friends, thanks again to each of you!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: The Kokoevi family)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Sep 20, 2021
Sep 20, 2021
Sep 20, 2021
Oct 11, 2021
Gas heater
Oct 29, 2021
fund overhead
Nov 10, 2021
Service and installation
Nov 10, 2021
materials for windows
Mar 07, 2022
Mar 28, 2022
Apr 20, 2022
Construction Materials
Jul 29, 2022
fund overhead
Sep 07, 2022

Total expenses:



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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
27.07.2022 20:00:00
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19.07.2022 20:00:00
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18.07.2022 20:00:00
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17.07.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
17.07.2022 20:00:00
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Thank you, kind heart!
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They need your help urgently