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All of our “new” things are from the trash!

calendar November 3, 2021

All the dreams of mom Tamara get shattered when she brings a three-liter jar of soup from the social canteen. Three liters of soup and four loaves of bread for seven children. Sounds like a math puzzle? We have already given you such puzzles. It is not a fictional puzzle, but a real one. It is not aimed to train your brain, but to determine the kindness level of your heart. It is much easier to cross the river with a wolf, goat, and a cabbage so that each of them is left intact than feeding seven children with bread and one jar of soup.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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All of our “new” things are from the trash!

All the dreams of mom Tamara get shattered when she brings a three-liter jar of soup from the social canteen. Three liters of soup and four loaves of bread for seven children. Sounds like a math puzzle? We have already given you such puzzles. It is not a fictional puzzle, but a real one. It is not aimed to train your brain, but to determine the kindness level of your heart. It is much easier to cross the river with a wolf,  goat, and a cabbage so that each of them is left intact than feeding seven children with bread and one jar of soup.

Therefore, you have to come up with how to distract the children, how to entertain them to make them forget that they are hungry. The children love to draw, but they have to do it in turns: there are not enough pencils for everyone, and we have to save paper. Do you know how beautifully they paint? How do they dance? And how smart they are, how sweet, how loving and educated?

  And do you know what they want the most? They want to live like other children.

This is exactly that soup jar that should “feed” seven children for the whole day!

– Oh, there are so many of you! And you all look so much alike, my God!

Dato (13-year-old): Well, even we get confused sometimes. There are three of us and then two more pairs.

– What do you mean?

Dato: Well, look. Now here there are five of us, right? Five children.

– Yes, there are five of you.

Dato: I am the eldest. Well, Paata and Lisi are the eldest, but they are visiting my grandmother now. They are almost students – they are the smartest. And here there are five of us. Here are Diana and Gio – they are ten years old and they are twins. Luca and Nini are also twins – they are eight. Great, isn’t it?

“Two pairs of twins and me in the middle”

– Would you like to have a twin sister too?

Dato: No, mommy would go crazy! There are already a lot of us (Giggles.)

– I can’t even imagine how do you manage to cope, Tamara, especially in such conditions.

Tamara: I don’t want to even talk about the conditions. If you only knew what we had to go through, what hell we went through.

– Can you recall the hardest period in your life, the one you’d like to forget about?

Tamara: Oh, there was a time when I didn’t want to live. My husband had an accident and became unable to work. He spent six months laying in a cast. Dato was just a baby then – he was two or three years old. I left him with his father on the bed, and together with my elder children I went to collect scrap metal. Paata was eight and Lizi was six. We brought home the iron stuff we found, our daddy cut it into small pieces right in a bed, I put it in a bag and took it to hand it over. It was so heavy! But we managed to hold on. Then they kicked us out from the rented apartment. We lived in the car together with the children, we spent nights there. It was a nightmare! But this is not the worst thing…

“Real children live in this paper house.”

– I can’t even imagine what could be worse …

Tamara: Do you have children?

– Yes, I do.

Tamara: Imagine that you have no money to feed them, you have nowhere to live, and your children are taken away from you. You do not know where they are, and you cannot find them…

– I can’t even imagine that… My heart started pounding.

Tamara: This is how they took my twins Diana and Giorgi to a foster family. Do you know our laws? They tell parents that they cannot look after their children, and the children are taken to someone else’s family, and the family gets paid for that. If parents were paid at least half of this amount, do you think they would not be able to provide their children with normal conditions? Let’s better not talk about that. The main thing is that now we are all together, and we feel good.

– But conditions here haven’t changed, have they? Your house, one might say, is made of cardboard…

Tamara: Well, the kind people helped us, the priests, the flock. They brought brick by brick, board by board, and made these two rooms.

“After the wind, we have to reassemble our house”

– I must definitely note this – your house just shines. How do you manage to keep this building so perfectly clean?

Tamara: Being poor doesn’t mean to live in the dirt. The main thing for me is that my children understand this. Not everyone can be rich, but everyone must be human! Everything you see here has been picked up from trash. Someone throws it away, we take it, wash it, fix it, and now we have a wardrobe, bedside tables.

Luka (8-year-old): You know, some people even throw away toys. We have a collection of such toys. We pick them up, and they feel good with us.

“It’s good that people throw away even toys.”

“This is Oscar! It is given to the best actors. But probably, he is not real”

– So, you like to play with toys?

Giorgi (10-year-old): We even can make toys ourselves, let’s go, I’ll show you something. We made these rackets ourselves out of boards. We even had a ping pong ball, and we played – it was so much fun. But we lost the ball. And we can’t make the ball ourselves.

Homemade ping pong rackets

– What are you playing now?

Luka: We love active games – jumping, dancing. We are like parkourists. Do you know who they are?

– These are the ones who jump from a height, right?

Giorgi: Let’s compete for the best jump!

Luka: Yes, I’ll outstrip all of you now! Look, ma’am! Who’s the coolest? Take a photo of us while we are in the air!

“Ladies and Gentlemen! We start our competition for the coolest jump”

– Your wish will be done! Get ready on the count of three!

Nini (8-year-old): I will count! One, two, three!

Dato got 10 points!

Diana got 10 points too!

Luca tried so hard, but he got a bump. He didn’t even cry. He says real men do not cry!

The bumps on the forehead pass quickly, the main thing is not to hurt the heart of the children!

“A real man must be strong to protect his family and the weak ones.”

– I’ll tell you honestly – I’ve never met such cool guys!

Nini: Do not think that we only can go crazy. We also love to draw. And I want to draw you now.

Diana (10-year-old): And I will draw you! You have beautiful curls.

– Do you boys want to draw me?

Dato: They are embarrassed, but we all will draw you now!

“Don’t peep! I will show you later”

“I think, it is very cool!”

“And I think, they look very similar.”

– I just love it! This is a very valuable gift for me!

Diana: Will you show it to anyone? Did you really like it?

– I will tell everyone how smart you are! And I’ll hang all these drawings at the most conspicuous place!

Diana: Do you know that you made me very happy! (Comes up and hugs me.)

Giorgi: Come on, I’ll show you my other drawings.

“This one I like the most.”

– Tamara, now I understand who gives you strength, despite all your problems. These are not just children – this is happiness!

Tamara: Every single day I thank God for giving them to me. And let no one dare to say: “They are beggars, why did they give birth to so many children?” It’s true, we have no money even to eat normally, but tell me, which of them shouldn’t have been born? Which one of them is superfluous?

– They are just angels!

Tamara: Unfortunately, not everyone thinks so. Sometimes they even try to stay away from us. Sometimes other children don’t want to play with them. Anything can happen… I tell them not to get upset, because we have each other, and we are the most friendly and cheerful family! And even when we are really hungry and our stomach hurts from hunger, we turn on the music and dance!

“We dance to forget about hunger”

  No matter how they dance, no matter how good and positive they are, the fact is that a large Georgian family is in a dire strait. They live in a cardboard house, all the furniture is good for nothing, they have no appliances at all. And yes, the most important thing is three liters of soup for seven children.

“They say the pizza is very tasty”

When I asked the children about their most cherished dreams, little Nini said in a whisper: “Could we have pizza? They say it is very delicious!”

  Do you think that the children have no other desires besides delicious pizza? They have, but they are embarrassed because of them. “There are many of us,” – says David. “Even all good people don’t have enough money for all desires.”

  We will try, David, we will do our best to have enough for a bicycle, for a computer, for phones, and for new clothes. Although the children say that they do not need new clothes, that the old clothes they have are great, we know that this is not true. We know, we feel, and we will do again our best to make them also feel our love!


  Friends, we can’t leave this family in trouble. Tamara and her wonderful children really need lots of things, especially they need foodstuffs. The family also needs beds, linen, and clothes. A fridge and a washing machine would make their life easier.

Maybe a bicycle and phones are not vital for this family, but believe, the children will never forget this joy.

We’d also like to address the owners of construction shops – maybe brick by brick we will manage to build a good new house for them?

You can visit these people personally and provide them help. Their address is: Tbilisi, 24 Delisi third dead end,

We are sure that all together we will manage to change their life!

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Tamara Bidzinashvili).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

  We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

  We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram:

and Telegram:

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

As soon as I started talking with your fund’s employees, I immediately understood that your fund exists for happiness of others…
Favorite sound of Bidzinashvili’s family is the sound of their house being built. Mother of large family, Tamar, recalls how happy they were when they heard noise made by hammer. Sounds of construction work were like a melody for them, since it meant that they were going to have much bigger house. Brick by brick and their house had enough space for everyone. All thanks for your kindness, Bidzinashvili’s family has new gas stove and a fridge in their house, and kids have a bicycle and a laptop, so their childhood can be more colorful and happy.
Here you can see their cardboard house where they lived before:
– Tamar, please tell us how much your life has changed, after we published post about you?
Tamar: your appearance reminded me of many human qualities that are long forgotten; for example: how to support and care for each other, how to express warmth and be mindful of one another… when you are a mother of seven children, you need at least seven times more thoughtfulness from people around you. there are as many emotions and worries in the family ,as there are children. Each and every one requires special attention and approach. Sometimes I don’t just get tired, I get seven times more tired. However whenever I’m happy I also multiply it by seven. 
After you appeared in our life, I no longer felt like I was left without attention. I noticed Such a positive attitude towards my family from readers and team of your fund, that I put aside all bad things. I just have no right to feel upset anymore. You gifted kids so much motivation with the help of which you made them so much more happier. You gave them things that filled their hearts with joy. What can do except thank you?may god bless you all!
“Now you can even ride a bike in our house!”
Did you make any new acquaintances, Tamar?
Tamar:  so many people responded to your post! I really didn’t expect to get this much attention. They wrote such touching and heartwarming comments…I would read them every night and got filled with nothing but positive feelings
I especially want to thank the lady who contacted me and asked for a meeting. Unfortunately, I don’t remember her name, however, I remember well that it was raining , and she met me on the way back home. Do you know what I will never forget? She was with a tiny baby in a stroller. She said that there was no one to leave the child with, so she took him with her. she went to the store, bought groceries and handed them to me. It was really touching and makes me shed a tear . How she wanted to help with all her heart, that she didn’t hesitate to go on a such a lengthy road with in pouring rain, and on top of that with a little baby! This act of kindness will forever have a special place in my heart.
I can’t help but note the support of my wonderful neighbors who have recently moved and who gave me furniture and building materials. In general, they do not deprive me of attention. All the furniture I have in my house is all thanks to them.
I also remember Alexandre Gagua, who gifted us two pairs of new shoes. Children were very pleased with this gift. They even agreed on who would wear the new shoes on which day. They take good care of shoes, because they know that if wear them  down, I won’t be able to buy them a new pear. I don’t want to forget about anyone who offered us a helping hand… Guys and girls also came and gave us food.
Let’s look into the eyes of the Lord and say that our these people are a backbone of our homeland! Thank you to each and every one  of you for such love, understanding, support and respect. May the Lord appreciate your kindness tenfold!

“Look, aunty, I can do somersaults from joy!”

– Did the local authorities respond to our post? Did they in any way react to the post?
Tamari: I’ll tell you straight, no! I went to the administration, wrote a statement that during heavy rains the roof of our house was damaged and water was pouring directly into the house. Since the repair of the roof was associated with high costs, I was coldly refused. The roof is still leaking to this day, but no one reacts. Yes, it is understandable that we get paid social benefits. But how much can I do with this meager amount?! In addition, I am the mother of seven children. I was very offended as a citizen, but what can I do …
– What does the support of friends of our Foundation mean for you personally?
Tamari: The most important thing is attention and responsiveness I felt coming from your foundation, it makes sure not to let a person feel like the abandoned and worthless thing. From you I felt and saw exactly this sympathy. Thanks to you I now have hope, and I continue to live with this hope.
You know, I often read your posts before. And I often read similar words that I am telling you right now. To be honest, I was a little surprised from afar. I was wondering, how could I have hope for something. But, as soon as I started reaching out to your employees, I immediately realized that your Foundation really exists for the happiness of others. Therefore, with great love I greet to all your readers and employees!

“Now we can store more food in our new fridge!”

– Children and how are you? Did you like the gifts? Who rides the bike most of the time?
Dato (14 years old): What pleased me the most was, of course, my super-pupe-e-e-r bike. I ride it most of the time, but of course, I also lend to my younger brothers. But for them it is still big. I ride it both to the store and to the yard, and if we had school in the summer, then I would go there and show everyone my coolest bike. Do you know how smooth it rides? Do you want me to give you a ride? Careful, don’t break it though!
“Let’s ride to the store to get some bread”
– Thank you, Dato, you are a kind boy, but your bike is a bit small for me. Diana, what do you say? Maybe you can share your feelings with me?
Diana (11 years old): Me? I was most pleased that you brought me a laptop. Do you know why? Do you want me to tell? So that I grow up smart, see something new. Do you know how big and interesting the world is? How would I see world like that? I only knew what our yard was like. Now I know China, and America, and even Africa look like. I have always wondered what space was like, how many stars are in the sky. And now I’m trying to figure it out.
“Тhis laptop is my world!”
– Children, you filled my heart with joy, and I wish you to continue to live with the same enthusiasm! Tamar, I will ask you the last question. I’m wondering if you still have some unresolved problem that we can help you with?
Tamari: I don’t doubt for a second that I can rely on you. Since you have shown me such support and love, I know for sure that you will really take the rest to heart. Our problem now is that this extension we built consists of bare concrete walls. Inside of house is not renovated, water flows from the roof, utilities like gas and electricity are not yet installed. We got electricity from our neighbors, and we have electricity at their expense. Only this is not enough for us to live a full and comfortable life. I have a family and I can’t raise money. How can I earn it? And what I have is still not enough. I would be the happiest person in the world if these problems got solved. I have great hopes for you. You are the backbone of my family.
“Lets play football and make a team!”
Friends, Tamar’s big family really needs your help. They need you seven more times, they hope for you more seven times and are seven times more thankful for your help. It is summer right now and pretty hot, but winter is just around the corner that will creep to their house. And I hope that when this time comes, they will at least have gas with your help so they won’t be afraid of cold in harsh winter. Tamar and her family are counting on you, and these are very strong hopes. You have sown and grown a seed of light in them. Keep it up, friends. If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes!  Just thank the Lord for what you have.  You are the happiest person in the world!  Remember this and help those in need.Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them.  Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you!  For sure!  Go on helping these families!  This is the best service to the Lord!Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friends, do a godly deed, drop us an email at: kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!Friends, thanks again to each of you!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: The Bidzinashvili family)
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. 
Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
Now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram: if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! 
Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Dec 03, 2021
household appliances
Jan 31, 2022
fund overhead
Feb 14, 2022
Sep 04, 2022

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently