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Mold and rot poison the children’s lungs!!!

calendar November 8, 2021

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Mom Irine and her three children – 12-year-old Saba, 10-year-old Togo and 2-year-old Mariam – live in unbearable conditions. The rotten walls of the shack are covered with mold, which floats in the air and then settles in the lungs. All their time the kids are in this room, breathing this air, stumbling over holes in the rotten floor. What will happen to their health? It’s scary to even think about it. But that’s not their only problem.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Mold and rot poison the children’s lungs!!!

Repost right away, my good man! Help your friends to get closer to the work of mercy!

Mom Irine and her three children – 12-year-old Saba, 10-year-old Togo and 2-year-old Mariam – live in unbearable conditions. The rotten walls of the shack are covered with mold, which floats in the air and then settles in the lungs. All their time the kids are in this room, breathing this air, stumbling over holes in the rotten floor. What will happen to their health? It’s scary to even think about it. But that’s not their only problem.

Trouble befell Irina when her husband went to prison, and his relatives instead of supporting the unfortunate woman simply abandoned her and her children. Irine was left alone with no livelihood, no roof over her heard, with three children in her arms. All that was left for her was to pray and believe that the Lord would protect her children and prevent them from perishing.

Irine tries her best, she does not spare herself at all, takes on any, even the most difficult work, just to keep her children.
 That has already destroyed her health: at the age of 33 she suffers from high blood pressure, her heart hurts, and sometimes severe headaches do not let her get up from bed. Saba, the eldest son dreams of the time when he grows up, makes money and can buy his mother many medications so that she will never get sick again.

In the meantime, Irine and her children have to live from hand to mouth in a rotten shack, where they have nothing. Her meager social allowance and tiny seasonal part-time job earnings are not enough even for the most basic things. That’s why, a mother of three has fallen into complete despair, and she has no other choice but to ask you for help, our dear friends, so that the Lord God will have the opportunity to give these unfortunate people a chance for salvation through your kind hearts!

– Irine, could you please tell us about your worries and troubles?

Irine: Look, that’s where we live. But I am happy that we have at least some roof over our head. I perfectly understand that in such conditions any adult can get his health broken, leave alone the children. Dampness, mold, leaking roof, rotten floor. How to breathe in such conditions? I’m scared even to think about what could happen to my children in such conditions. Besides they are constantly undernourished, and I am really worried about them. I’ve cried out all the tears I had. But we have no other place to go; I am exhausted; I constantly look for part-time jobs in the fields and plantations, but this does not change the situation, since the earnings are seasonal and tiny. All that remains is to pray to God for the health of my children and put trust in His mercy. I repeat it day and night like a prayer:
 “If only there was some food for my children, some clothes to put on them, if only they were healthy… Lord, give me the strength to raise them!”

Mold and rot had soaked into the walls, they float in the air and settle in the lungs

– Irine, what happened to you? How did you find yourself in this shack with three children in your arms?

Irine: It’s a sad story. So many things happened in my life. I don’t know what to start with. The only thing I can say, I got much more blows than gifts from fate. And the last, the most crushing blow was that eighteen month ago, my husband found himself in prison, and his family, instead of supporting me, kicked me out of the house with my children. It hurts so much to recall this… To be honest, I do not want to go into details at all. I can only say one thing:  we used to have an ideal family for several years. I thought that finally my life was getting better after all the sufferings I had! But, as it often happens, he started drinking, and it changed him beyond recognition… Oh, sorry, it’s so hard for me to talk about it. I did my best to get him released, but nothing worked out. His family made me guilty. Since then, we keep moving from place to place, we are so exhausted. I am thankful to my friend who sheltered us here for free. But this house is for sale. Any time we can find ourselves in the streets without a roof over our heads.

 “My dear daughter, I love you so much!”

– Irine, you mentioned that your life was hard. Could you please give us more details? Could you please tell us about your childhood and youth?

Irine: I got the first blow from fate when I was 13 years old. A landslide destroyed our house and all of us – my parents and my two brothers – had to huddle in two tiny rooms. Later we found ourselves in the streets. Because of all of these torments and hardships, our mother got seriously ill, and our entire family took turns taking care of her. From early age, I had to work hard in order to somehow help my family. After ninth form I had to quit school to be by my sick mom all the time. I recall with horror those unbearable times and this chilling fear in my heart every time an ambulance drove up to our gate. It happened almost every day. Then I met my first love, at least I thought so. Now I understand that it was most likely just a youthful infatuation.

– Did your marriage break up?

Irine: Unfortunately, yes. My first husband was eleven years older than me. He had been single for a long time, and he was used to living his own life. We had little in common, we did not see each other for a long time, and when we were together, we quarreled a lot. It ended when I left him with two babies in my arms. Saba was just four years old then. And Togo was only two. Back then it was so hard for me to cope! Sometimes I left my children with my dad, sometimes with my grandmother. I worked hard physically, and got my health destroyed, but there was no other choice – we had to live on something. I did not even think about the second marriage, I had no time for that. That’s why meeting my second husband was a complete accident. He took the initiative himself, he romanced me so beautifully, and then officially asked my parents for my hand, he promised that he would raise my boys as his own sons. What can I say! Everything happened as it happened – you see the result…

– Have you never been happy, Irine?

Irine: Why? There were happy moments in my life as well. My husband and I lived wonderfully for a couple of years, he loved me so much. After the birth of our daughter Mariam, something went wrong with him, he has changed completely. He started drinking, brawling, quitted his job. It all ended with an ambulance for my eldest son Saba – he got seizures from fear. The paramedics said it was their duty to report the incident to the police. Then social services intervened, and they interrogated the child. And I, as it turned out, got a concussion. So, my husband found himself in prison. I really tried to do everything possible so that he would not be imprisoned – I did not claim him, I asked my child to change his testimony, but everything was in vain. That’s why his family got mad at me. That’s it… Now we have to move from place to place – this is our fourth home. We can’t pay rent. It’s impossible. Social allowance is only 280 GEL and you can’t find an apartment for less than 250 GEL. God bless our landlady – she allowed us to live here for free until a buyer for this house appears. I don’t want to even think about what would happen then.

They have one bed for four of them. It is about to fall apart, it will collappse one day.

– Am I mistaken? Your entire income is just 280 GEL?

Irine: It is true. Sometimes in harvest time I get some extra money collecting fruits and nuts, but it does not help a lot.

– And you leave your children home alone unattended?

Irine: Yes, Saba and Togo are almost adult and independent, they perfectly take care of their little sister. Of course, I cannot leave them completely unattended, fortunately, wonderful neighbors live next to us, they help us a lot. I don’t even know what would we do without them. It happens that they treat the children to lunch, or they take them to their place to watch cartoons. I am embarrassed to say that we even go to bathe to their place, because we have no amenities here.

This is the front door. An icy wind from cracks and holes joins the deadly rot!

– Do you have anyone who could help you? Maybe your parents or relatives?

Irine: No, unfortunately – I have no one to count on. My parents are sick, both of them suffer diabetes. Mom has been bedridden for 20 years now, and dad has big problems with joints, and they do not have their own housing either. The state keeps promising to help us as we are victims of a natural disaster. But they haven’t given us anything so far.

– Did you address the local authorities for help?

Irine: Of course, but this is just a waste of time and nerves. When I took the documents and tried to describe my situation (I had nowhere to live, I have three children), they didn’t even listen to me, they let me out, and that’s it.

Saba: “So that no one trips over the holes in the rotten floor, I am repairing it as best I can.”

– Irina, what do you believe in? In what do you see your salvation?

Irine: I believe in God and ask him in my prayers to give me strength, and to give my children a warm home and food. I ask Him to help me make them happy so that they have a real childhood. I believe that God sends us good people and helps us with their hands. It has happened many times in my life when salvation suddenly came in a moment of extreme despair. Well, what is this if not the providence of God?

– Irine, what do you need the most of all right now?

Irine: I don’t even know what to say. Most of all we need foodstuffs and diapers. I can’t ask for more because everyone experiences hard times now.

– Please, speak up, don’t be shy – this is the reason why we are here.

Irine: We have nothing at all, neither a fridge, nor a washing machine. The bed where four of us sleep is about to fall apart. I am terrified of winter. I have no idea how we will survive it – my children have neither warm clothes nor shoes. Besides that, I take my middle son to his classmate so that he does not miss online lessons. And there is no one to take my elder son to. We have absolutely nothing. We will be grateful for any help.

– Can I talk to your children, please? Who will be the first?

Togo (10-year-old): May I?

Mariam (2-year-old): No, I!

Mariam: “I want a huge doll, bigger than me!”

Togo: Please stop, Mari, we always step aside!

– Really, Togo? What do you do when mom is not at home all day?

Togo: We play ball, knockers. I am already an adult – I can even change Mari’s diaper!

When mom is not at home, we play with our little sister all day long.

– What a good fellow you are! Do you help your mother?

Togo: Yes, of course. Saba and I tidy up and look after our sister. We really feel sorry for mom, she’s so tired all the time.

– What would you like to give her?

Togo: A washing machine! She always washes laundry in cold water, her hands get very cold. But I help her there as well: I pass her things from the basin when she hangs them on a rope.

Togo: “I try not to make my mother upset , I study well, it’s a pity that we don’t have a computer …”

We spoke with the boys’ teacher Irina. According to the teacher, both boys study well. Togo is very strong in mathematics, he’s talented and is ahead of his peers. The Georgian language and literature are more difficult for him. His brother Saba is better in humanitarian subjects, he learns Georgian well, but mathematics are more difficult for him. Both boys have a talent for Georgian dances, and it would be nice to send the children to the dancing school, if not for the financial difficulties of their family.

Mariam: I’m big too, and I’m a good girl, I obey my mother! And I’m going to the kindergarten!

 – Baby, what do you want the most of all?

Mariam: A doll! A huge doll! Bigger than me.

Mariam: “Will you buy me a doll?

– What are you dreaming about, Togo?

Togo: To have a warm and dry house which will not be about to fall apart.

– Maybe it should be a big house?

Togo: No, let it be small but cozy!

– Why do you keep silent, Saba? You are the oldest.

Saba: Well, Togo and Mari had already said everything.

– Do they obey you?

Saba: Sure. When mom is not at home, I am in charge.

– How else do you help your mom?

Saba: I can do a lot of things, peeling potatoes, for example.

– Do you have a dream, Saba?

Saba: I want to become a soldier when I grow up! Then I will be able to defend everyone – my mom, my sister and brother! I will earn a lot of money and buy them anything they want. I will also buy medications for my mom.

“It’s raining outside, but I want to walk…”

– Irine, what medications is he talking about?

Irine:It’s all because of the high blood pressure (Waves her hand.) It sometimes rises, so Saba thinks that I needed medications. (Laughs.)

– Would you like to address our readers?

Irine:  I also read your posts and I realize there are many families, who are in a more difficult situation than we are. Believe me if not for the dire need I would never have bothered you. God knows, I am not afraid of any job, I always do my best to earn some money. I spare neither strength nor health, if only the children had at least something. I am ready to do anything for them, but I am not able to give them even the basic things! I believe that the Lord Himself brought you to our home, and I am very grateful to you for listening to me.

“It’s scary to even walk on such a floor, let alone play!”


The life if Irine Vashakmadze, the mother of three, has quite a hard life. She was left completely alone with three children in her arms. The poor woman takes any opportunity to earn some money, but her meager seasonal income and miserable social allowance are not enough even to provide her children with the most basic conditions.
 Her children – two-year-old Mariam, ten-year-old Togo and twelve-year-old Saba – live in a creepy, moldy, rotten shack, sleep in a bed which is about to fall apart and are constantly malnourished. They have neither clothes nor footwear. Her older sons are deprived of an opportunity to study. Friends, should Georgian children grow in such conditions?

Irine, Saba, Togo and Mariam really need our support. They will be grateful for any help: foodstuffs, diapers, clothes and footwear. They don’t have even a basic home appliances, like a TV, fridge and a washing machine. Children need a computer to study.

You can meet their family in person and provide them all possible help. Their address is: Ozurgeti, 7 Guramishvili Str.

Please repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of Irine Vashkmadze’s family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Irine Vashakmadze)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. 0901 200 270! God bless you!

The day of happiness has come for my children!


Crunching on delicious cookies is so much fun!

Look at that pretty face! Blond blue-eyed beauty, a real little princess. When she laughs, it brings you desire to live! She is life itself! She is joy itself!

But reality is cruel. Until we published a post about the Vashakmadze family, this wonderful baby, along with her brothers and mother, was slowly dying in a miserable shack. She breathed mold, froze in the draft, starved, and slept on a broken bed.

It was you who gave them a normal life, which every child should have. You saved them from that nightmare!

The house where the family lives today does not belong to them. Their housing keeps being a problem. But now the children are not in danger, they are warm and comfortable. Irine says that she loves and hugs all of you. And looks at you with hope…

“Now try the waffle”

– Irina, we are so happy to see you smiling! And our readers will appreciate your attitude. What has changed since the good people took part in your life?

Irine: My children have changed a lot – they have become joyful and self-confident. I watch my children every day after you and kind people have provided us with support. They felt what kindness and support means. They saw that someone feels their pain, someone is happy with their happiness and that people need them. It makes me happy and fills me with hope for the future. I hope that human kindness will become a lesson for my children, and one day they will save someone in trouble too.

– We know that many people have expressed their desire to help. Is there anyone from these kind people who you remember the most and would like to single out?

Irine: So many people came to visit us! Many of them called and expressed their desire to help this way. Everything happened thanks to you. Everyone who helped us – you are the guardian angels of my children!

There were many women among our guests. A couple from Chkhorotsku brought us a bag of flour, meat, potatoes, and a large supply of food. Isn’t that happiness?! They treated my children as if they were their own children. It warmed my heart – they remain my friends for the rest of my life! Three guys from Batumi came with toys, children’s clothes, sweets, they spent a lot of money. They showed such a caring, sincere attitude …

Do you know about the nice girl who pays our rent? She is wonderful, amazing. Our new friend is an emigrant. In total, we pay 250 GEL for housing, but this kind girl pays a major part of the amount from her earnings. Can a person do something more merciful?!

I also want to name Lasha, he also became friends with us and treated us as if we were his close friends.

But I love everyone, I hug everyone! All together you saved us! Lord, you see everything! Give this good people happiness, give them health, give them a hundred times more. Save them, protect them.

– What makes you and your children very happy today?

Irine: Our daily routine used to be a disaster. We had nothing – no food, no home appliances. I did not care about myself, I was worried only about my children. Every day I was in a terrible expectation that they might get sick. In a house covered in dampness and mold, my children seemed to languish, and I felt like I was a accomplice of the horror that was happening. How can I compare today with that life?!

With the help of the Lord and good people, we now have everything that we lacked so much before. They brought us a fridge! They gave us a great washing machine! Furniture! TV set! And most importantly – we have a house, which, however, we rent, and it is comfortable.

One way or another, we have the necessary conditions for life. Children need a lot for normal development. The fact that we no longer live in that terrible house has saved my children from daily stress.

My constant worries and sadness naturally had an effect on the children. Do you know what is the most important thing in my story? With your support, my children have become interested and diligent. They are proud of the fact that, as it turned out, they can also live a normal life. They believed in that, and that makes me stronger!

 Irine: “My children started to live with dignity, to live good!”

– Can you describe your emotions and the emotions of your children when you felt the love of other people? In a previous post, you said that you do not rely on anyone. You said you feel alone in this world. What was your first emotion at the first call, at the first person who came to help?

Irine: I can tell a lot about my past and about that life, but even recalling that makes me feel terrified. I don’t want to get back there! I want my kids to be happy like now. I want to see joy in their eyes. They got many gifts. Children started to live with dignity, as all families should live.

Mariam and Togo also learned to express their love and support. Here’s an example for you. When children come to visit us, Mariam wants to give them toys. She never did that before. My girl remembers how sad and bitter it was without toys. She thinks that other children have no toys either. And she wants to give them toys as soon as possible so that they do not feel sad. (Smiles.) This is the love she learned thanks to you.

The first call sounded the day after your Fund published a post about us. They told us: “We saw your post and want to come to visit you.” It was just an indescribable joy! The very first call made me feel that the day of happiness for my children had come. Thanks to you, these kids have acquired such people who brought back joy to us. Good people did what I had to do, and I will be grateful to them my entire life. The blessings of my children will be more than enough for you and everyone who has supported us.

– How do you children greet guests who come to help you?

Irine: When Mariam noticed someone standing at the gate, she ran to me shouting: “Mom, mom! People have come again. Come out soon!” Every morning began with questions from my daughter: “Mom, is anyone else coming today? Is anyone coming to visit us?” I answered: “Yes, dear, they will come.” Then she asked me a new question: “What will they bring me?” “I don’t know that” – I said. (Smiles.)

– Did the local authorities do anything after our post?

Irine: Unfortunately, they did not keep their promises. They partially pay our rent for housing – 100 GEL, but even that they are doing with a delay. I went to the office after post was published. There they told me that they had read a post about Mariam and they wanted to send gifts to the child. They wrote down her name, but we have not received anything to this day.

I was very angry with the social service. They said that they would take the children, and I could take them back when I find a job and become stronger financially. It’s a madness! Would I ever be able to return the love of my children if I let that happen? The main thing to me is that my children are next to me, and I share everything with them.

“Here are my new clothes”

– Marie, you are like a baby bird nestled on your mother’s lap. What about gifts?

Mariam: Which one are you asking about – for children or adults?

– About all of them.

Mariam: Oh, they’re all good! I have many toys! I’ll take a small break and will play again. And then I’ll watch TV. The washing machine is mommy’s gift, but I also like it. It spins all the time. I’d be dizzy if I was spinning that much. (Laughs.)

– Mariam, I saw that you looked into the fridge. What are you doing over there? Aren’t you afraid to turn into ice cream?

 Irine: “Mari saw these things from others and so she took these gifts emotionally”

Mariam: I am not afraid! I won’t freeze, I’m warm. I also like my mother’s gas stove! There you can quickly cook food! I have a similar toy. I cook food there. Mom won’t let me here.

You’re kidding, I won’t turn into ice cream”

– Mariam, you dreamed of a big, big doll. Did you get it?

Mariam: I did! (Nods contentedly.) And little ones too.

Mari also has a four-legged friend

– You are a good and beautiful girl. You look like a little princess.

Mariam: Really? Good.(Mariam blows me a kiss with her small palm.)

 Mariam learns poems and songs from TV

Irine: Mariam, what poems did you learn from TV?

Mariam: A red apple rolled, Mariam ran to school. A mischievous and pretty bunny is running along the path… (So, she told us the rhyme to the end.)

– Now let’s talk about Togo. (As soon as I mentioned his name, the little boy immediately found himself next to me. Mariam did not like that her brother came, she wanted to keep on chatting)

– What did you get as a gift and what did you like the most?

Togo: I am glad that we have a house. It’s not cold here. They gave us a lot of things. We have a TV, and a refrigerator, and food, and a stove to warm it up. And I love the bike. But it broke.

– Why, what happened to it?

Togo: I gave it to one boy, and he broke it.

– Maybe you still have some wish? What gift would you like to get?

Togo: My brother Saba and I want a car with a remote control. Most of all I want to have such a car.

– Togo, what you think about those people who brought you gifts and changed your house? What would you say to the friends of our Fund who have become your friends too?

Togo: Thank you very much. I want us to have our house for a long time.

(These words confused Togo. Thrilled with the memory of his old experiences, he curled up on the couch and buried his head in the pillow.)

– Irine, we know that you have a pretty comfortable house, and kind people gave you household stuff. But the problem remains: the house is not yours, and after some time you will have to think about housing again.

Irine: I don’t want to worry, but you have a point. I am thinking about that. To have at least one room, but of our own. And the kids want it. Children understand that we rent housing. There are risks – sooner or later, our annual rent term will run out. And what will happen next? Will we find ourselves in the street again?


  Togo is a little smart boy. He understands that the house where he lives now, although it’s comfortable, but does not belong to him. He reads all his mother’s anxieties and is also afraid of the future.

“I beg you, do not let my children fall into poverty again,” Irine said sadly in the end. Yes, the single mom is right. We will not let that small holy candle that we lit blow out. Let our good deeds make it burn long and bright, so that these children have home, food, and life with a smile. Their happiness is in your hands, and yours is in the hands of the Lord, who is generous and just. The Lord surely rewards a person for kindness!

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Vashkmadze family)

You can also transfer money from our website:

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on InstagramHttps:// and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270!

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Dec 03, 2021
Dec 03, 2021
household appliances
Jan 31, 2022
Jan 31, 2022
fund overhead
Feb 08, 2022
Feb 24, 2022
Mar 22, 2022
the tablet
Mar 31, 2022
fund overhead
Apr 20, 2022
May 05, 2022
household appliances
May 25, 2022

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
27.08.2022 18:02:32
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15.05.2022 07:06:42
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13.05.2022 20:00:00
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08.05.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
08.05.2022 20:00:00
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Thank you, kind heart!
07.05.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
07.05.2022 20:00:00
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06.05.2022 20:00:00
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29.04.2022 20:00:00
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23.04.2022 20:00:00



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537 Donors


They need your help urgently