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Scar on a girl’s body is a real tragedy for a future mother!

calendar December 7, 2021

One call saves life!

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When 5-year-old Nini lit up like a torch, her mother lost consciousness with fear and fell down the stairs. Neighbors extinguished the fire on the girl and took off her burning clothes along with her skin… The emergency brigade from the city came four hours later, it was four hours of real hell! The screams and sobs of the baby reached the neighboring villages, and the lamentations of the mother – right up to heaven!

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Scar on a girl’s body is a real tragedy for a future mother!


  When 5-year-old Nini lit up like a torch, her mother lost consciousness with fear and fell down the stairs. Neighbors extinguished the fire on the girl and took off her burning clothes along with her skin… The emergency brigade from the city came four hours later, it was four hours of real hell! The screams and sobs of the baby reached the neighboring villages, and the lamentations of the mother – right up to heaven!

Nobody believed that she would survive… Even the doctors who had seen a lot of burns. She had skin grafts twice. A piece of skin was cut out from her leg to restore her foot.

  “The first thing I thought when I saw her mangled foot was – if only her older brothers were in her place, it will be a nightmare for my poor girl to live her entire life with such defect. Because she will not be able to wear beautiful dresses, she will not be able to get married and have a happy family and children,” – her mother Lela laments.

  And there is so much pain in her words, so much sorrow. Because she has no answer to the questions that little Nini has: “Will I be a beautiful girl? Will they want to be friends with me? Will you love me anyway, mom? Even when I’m so scary? Will I have children?”

“Everyone points the finger at her – like this”

Nini spent three months laying, she was not allowed to even get up and go to the toilet. More than six months have passed, but the baby still keeps having pains. Her every moan is like a knife in the heart of her poor mother. She is not able to buy expensive ointments. When the daughter’s skin cracks and bleeds, mom buys the cheapest hand cream instead of bread and puts it on her daughter’s wound.

 – Lela, I can’t even imagine how it was to get through such a tragedy…

  Lela: Was it me to get through? When I close my eyes I still see how my daughter’s skin slough off. How they took off the melted shoes from her feet along with her flesh… It’s just a nightmare. Now I know: you should never say that “I can’t bear it, I won’t survive it” – a human can survive everything! Our life never used to be easy, but now it became unbearable. If I won’t be able to bring her skin back to normal state, would I have the right to be called a mother?

  – How did it happen to Nini?

  Lela: The children were playing in the yard, they found gasoline somewhere, poured it on the rug and set it on fire. Nini thought that Gaby was sitting on this rug and ran to save him… And, apparently, she stepped on the gasoline, and the fire spread to her… I still hear her cry “Mom, save me, I’m dying”. I was at home, feeding little Lizi. When I went out to the balcony and saw Nini, I fainted!

– What do the doctors say? Is it possible to restore her skin?

  Lela: They say it is possible, but not right now. Time should pass. But the operation is very expensive, about twelve thousand GEL. Wish I had an opportunity like this. But I am ready to sell my kidney, to sacrifice myself, if only my daughter had a normal future. She is a girl, and you know that beauty is important for a girl. She is worried so much… She thinks that no one will want to communicate with her because of this. I have no idea where to seek for help, I beg everyone standing on my knees – please help me to cure my daughter!

  – Lela, our Fund and friends of the Fund will not leave your beautiful daughter without attention. We will track her condition, and as soon as she can have an operation, we will be with you! Now tell us about the rest of your children.

  Lela: I have six of them. The older boys – Giorgi and Mikhail – are the men of the family. They are 17 and 15 years old. They work after school. They help the neighbors: they chop wood, bring in water, they clean up the yard. They are given either money or just food for their work. They bring everything home. They often remained hungry, but they brought food for the little ones.

 – You wrote us that your only income is the social allowance. How do you manage to survive?

  Lela: Yes, I wrote to you and cried… out of despair. I don’t know how I manage to not let my children starve to death.
 Probably, all socially disadvantaged single mothers are magicians for a little bit. Calculate for yourself: the allowance is 560 GEL; I pay 200 GEL for the rent of this apartment. (I never had anything of mine.) I pay about 100 GEL for electricity and gas. What should I do when my kids are freezing? If one of them gets sick, I simply won’t be able to buy medications. Do you think the pharmacy will give me medications on credit? Of course not. Nini needs ointments, which are very expensive, and I can’t even buy them, although this is a must to restore her skin!

  So, you need to figure out how to keep your children for 250 GEL per month. The elders only eat bread. Saba is seven years old and goes to school. So many times, he came up to me, looked into my eyes and asked: “Mom, do you definitely have no money for at least one candy?” – and I had nothing to answer. He understands, lowers his head and walks away.

“Mom never has money for candy. I eat bread, but I imagine that this is a cake.”

Lela: Nini and Gaby go to the kindergarten. Nini is five years old, Gabriel is three. At least they eat there. Today I put wet clothes on them and let them go like that. We have no washing machine, and there is only one pair of clothes. It does not have time to get dry… And if they don’t go to the kindergarten, they will remain hungry that day. But I can’t let them go there in dirty clothes. Since we are poor, this does not mean that we should be dirty.

 – I don’t even dare to ask you, what this money is enough for?

  Lela: The elder ones only eat bread. If the neighbors bring us food, we’ll have a feast! There is a banquet hall nearby, if after a commemoration or a wedding there are some leftovers, the owner of the hall brings them to us. I freeze the meat broth and cook soups for children several times. If there is a lot of bread, I also freeze it and then heat it… This is how we live. One can say that my children grew up on leftovers.

“This shoe is leaking, this one has no sole, this one has a torn toe. There is no pair of the same shoes that are not torn.”

– Have you addressed the local authorities for help?

  Lela: Many times! But, you know, I have never felt so insulted and humiliated. They don’t reckon we’re people at all. They even rebuked me number of times: “Why did you give birth to them if they are starving now? Did you give them birth for us, didn’t you?” How can I communicate with them after that? They start whining, saying there is no money, saying that money for helping people like us is not included in the budget. That their salary is less than my allowance… Since we are beggars, this does not mean that we don’t have self-respect. I always tell my children that it is better to starve to death but remain human. Boys are of such an age that they can have their eye on what doesn’t belong to them. To take it without asking… You know what I mean.

“Mom says carrots are healthy. But I don’t really like them – I’m not a rabbit”

 – I see. You are afraid of them heading down a bad path.

  Lela: Yes. When they see that their one-year-old sister is crying all day long from hunger, and their mother cannot buy her milk or porridge, how can they not think about stealing something from someone?
 It turns out that my state itself pushes people like us to crime… I tell them that if they even dare to think about this, I will kill first them and then myself… My children are very good people, and I ask God to protect them from such thoughts.

“Old plastic matsoni cups are the only joy for children”

  – Lela, how can we help you so that you catch your breath a little?

  Lela: First of all, if you help me to get us through the winter so that we have food, if you can give me a washing machine and clothes for children, I would be just happy!

“My brother brought us bread. I will do my best to not eat all at once”

 – And what will the children say? What do they need the most?

  Saba (7-year-old): I will become Batman. I’ll have a bike and sweets!

“We will have such a big house”

 Nini (5-year-old): A doll. And matsoni for Lizi. She can’t eat anything else.

 Saba: And a car for Gabi…

“I want these tomatoes to turn into sweets!”


  Dear friends, six children, six God’s creations are waiting for our help: one-year-old Lizi, 3-year-old Gabriel, 5-year-old Nini, 7-year-old Saba, and their older brothers Misha and Giorgi. They have nothing to eat. They have nothing to put on. They will not be able to survive the winter without our support, without our participation!

  Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

  Let’s show our mercy and make the children believe that miracles happen! They believe in us. Do not let our little compatriots down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia

They really need food, hygiene products, diapers, clothes, a washing machine and a closet. But the most important thing is that they just need your attention and kind heart! Let’s help them, let’s show them our mercy, let’s give their children a chance to live normally. Let each of us imagine that these could be our children who are permanently short of food.

You can visit Lela and her wonderful children yourself and help them. Their address is: Sagarejo, 8 Satave Str.

  We are sure that all together we will manage to change their life.

  Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Lela Tetradze).

  You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram:

And Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. 0901 200 270! God bless you!

You gave happiness and warmth to six more children in Georgia


We want to remind you of the sweetest Tetradze family and their five-year-old beauty Nino, who miraculously escaped from the blazing flame, but still received a burn on her leg – a trace that will never disappear without medical intervention.

Actually, Nino’s operation is still in doubt, but you managed to make sure that now they have water flowing from the tap and there is no need to bring it by bottles from the yard anymore. With your unity, you managed to make their house warm. Thanks to the gas heater, they are no longer afraid of the coming of winter.

The willingness to help and kindness can always make significant changes to the world. That is why we ask you to share this story with your friends so that we can help this big family again.

“This is for me… This is for you… And this is for our little sister. We will save the rest for our brothers”

– Lela, how are you now? We want to know how your life has changed after we published a post about you.

Lela: One can say that our life is divided into two parts: before and after your appearance. Before you came, we were cold, hungry, we didn’t have enough clothes. I was unable to get the money once a month for Nino’s ointment to put it on her scar. We were very afraid and did not want winter to come, because we had to endure unbearable cold. Now our house is warm. There is no longer need for children to wear jackets at home and put on their hats and trousers when they go to bed. And most importantly, we have water coming from the tap, which made our life much easier. This is comfort for us.

I don’t know how to bless and caress you, but I want to say that in the face of our family you warmed, fed, and made happy six more children in Georgia.

“I want them so much that they reach the sky”

– Did you make new friends thanks to the Fund? Who do you remember the most? Maybe you remember some names?

Lela: You know, I was very touched by the attention that was shown to us, questions, and even verbal support. This once again deepened my understanding – not everything can be bought with money. It is something human that enriches and empowers you.

I especially remember Nanuka Purichamiashvili. She is a wonderful person – she never forgot to buy and bring an ointment for Nino which costs 100 GEL once a month. If not for her, I do not know how I would buy this ointment. I can’t express with words what a relief I felt when she helped us. I certainly want to mention Lika (I can’t remember her last name), who brought clothes to my children and made them immensely happy. I also want to mention Father George with great love and gratitude – he’s Nino’s godfather, who serves in the local church and never forgets my Nino. He brought ointment and shoes for her.

Moral and physical support is the most important thing for us now. I think, you understand that. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the joy of our family from the bottom of my heart, and I want to say that such a kindness is not very usual thing. It is thanks to such people that Georgia will bloom… Be blessed!

“Nini, what is this?” – “That is shampoo, and this, as my mother said, is what you should smear on your face so that your skin does not crack in winter”

“They will film me too in advertising”

“You know, now we will never run out of water, and there will be no longer need to go out into the yard to wash ourselves before going to bed”

– Was there any feedback from the local authorities to our post? Did they react in any manner?

Lela: To say briefly – no! Their answer is that there are no funds in the budget. They are not interested in what you say to them, they give you a firm refusal, and that’s it! End of story.

– Lela, what does this support and help mean to you?

Lela: This help means warmth, coziness, comfort, and tranquility to us. I can talk endlessly to express my feelings. Bringing us sweets, toys, and food, you gave us many quiet days. Though, as soon as we ran out of our supplies, our days immediately became sad, and I became sad too. Children often ask me: “Mom, when will we have a lot of food and goodies again?” They really liked it, they got used to it, and it’s hard for them to give it up. But what to do, there is nothing unlimited in the world, except for the world itself.

– What gifts did the children like the most?

Nino: I liked the doll with a pacifier the most. Since you brought it to me, it has been with me all the time. We walk by the hand, I feed her, bathe her, always carry her in an embrace and talk to her. We do not come close to the fire – I don’t want my doll to get burned.

– Nino, what did your brothers and sisters like the most?

Nino: My brothers liked chocolates and cookies, yum. And clothes too, and… We are so happy that it is warm at home.

“Quiet, quiet, so that no one would know…”

“Look what is inside. Mom said that this will make our house warm”

– Lela, maybe you have any unresolved problem that our Fund can help you with?

Lela: There is no end to the problems, dear, there are so many of them… But now it’s embarrassing for me to even mention them. How can I ask you for anything more after you have helped me so much?

– Don’t be embarrassed, tell me please. Our Fund exists to help you.

Lela: For us, the most important and critical thing is food so that we can survive and not starve. We need any kind of tableware and cookware. I will be grateful for anything. We also need clothes so that the children have something to change into. Honestly, we have already been given something, but I have six children, they are very active, and their clothes get torn soon. They often get dirty when they play. We don’t have enough clothes for six of us. Because of this, they often do not even want to go to school.

We have two beds and both are broken. If I don’t ask too much, maybe we’ll get a proper bed. Basically, these are our everyday problems that we struggle with together – both adults and kids.

“Mom, can I sleep here until we have a good bed?”


Our kind and selfless friends! They need your help like air. Imagine what it’s like to go to school with torn shoes or sleep in the same broken bed with six kids. It is very exciting to see their eyes resigned to poverty and not know where it will lead them.

The family cannot take Nino to the doctor, and only God knows when the piggy bank, into which they occasionally throw a single lari, is full … Their mother does not have the opportunity to feed, clothe, and put six children to sleep on a whole bed. That is why the only hope of the family is in your unity and good will. Friends! Try to pay attention to this family and help them with basic things, with whatever you can. Kindness is not something given, which is either great or small. The main thing is that it comes from a pure heart, and then it will certainly blossom. Buds will turn into leaves and their number will grow.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you opened your kind heart and helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

  Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Lela Tetradze)

You can also transfer money from our website:

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270!

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Jan 21, 2022
Water pump
Jan 31, 2022
Gas heater
Feb 28, 2022
fund overhead
Jun 30, 2022
fund overhead
Jul 01, 2022

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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197 Donors

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197 Donors


They need your help urgently