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I was kicked out into the street, like a dog with a three-month-old daughter in my arms.

calendar July 27, 2022

One call saves life!

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1 call - ₾2 GEL

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Not all people have the right to be called human beings. Moreover, not everyone can bear the title of a parent. When this sunny girl was three months old, her father kicked her out of his house. Lizi and her mother were left starving in the street. They wandered around acquaintances, knocked on all doors, begged for a piece of bread. Then one kind woman sheltered them. The story of Lizi and Teona could have ended very sadly if not for Givi – a man sent by God, who just by a chance appeared in their life.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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I was kicked out into the street, like a dog with a three-month-old daughter in my arms.


Not all people have the right to be called human beings. Moreover, not everyone can bear the title of a parent. When this sunny girl was three months old, her father kicked her out of his house. Lizi and her mother were left starving in the street. They wandered around acquaintances, knocked on all doors, begged for a piece of bread. Then one kind woman sheltered them. The story of Lizi and Teona could have ended very sadly if not for Givi – a man sent by God, who just by a chance appeared in their life.

Does anyone in the world have the right to offend this little girl?

“Probably, a person needs to go through hell so that a significant other appears in their life. If it wasn’t for Givi, Lizi and I simply wouldn’t have survived,” – Teona says and crosses herself!

– Teona, tell me everything in order. I see you are overwhelmed with emotions.

Teona: When everyone has abandoned you, and suddenly a person appears in your life who cares about your problems, this is like a gift from God. Do you want me to tell you how it all started?

– Of course, Teona, the story of each person is unique. We and our readers really appreciate when they reveal their secret to us, when they let us look into their soul!

Teona: I got married early, I did not have a happy family. In my understanding, we were not a family at all. My husband did not come home, and I was like a prop. I thought that after the birth of the child, everything would change, my husband would pay attention to the family. But how wrong I was. When Lizi was born with Down syndrome, he stopped coming home at all. I heard a lot of insults addressed towards me – his family did not want to accept a sick child. Three months later they just kicked us out. They said: “Go where you want, do what you want. We don’t know you.” That’s how I found myself in the street. 

“When your mother is by you, there is nothing to be afraid of”

– Do you have any relatives and friends to ask for help?

Teona: No. My father died when I was six. I remember I never felt happy again since then. There were always tears in our house. My grandmother died a few months later. My grandfather, having buried first his young son, and then his beloved wife, went crazy and started to drink. He used to leave the home and disappear. I remember how I was coming back from school and was looking for him. I was afraid of finding him dead. My peers laughed at me: “Granddaughter of the drunkard, is looking again for her stinky grandfather?” It was just awful. These words still ring in my ears to this day.

– It’s scary to even imagine what you had to go through.

Teona: I thought I would create my own family, we would live in peace, raise our children in love. But it also ended badly. But I am grateful to God that I met Givi. He is my significant other. He accepted me with a sick child, he takes care of Lizi as if she were his child. Of course, not everything is going smoothly for us, his relatives did not want us to get married. Who needs a woman with a sick child? But our love has withstood this test. And now we have three girls – three sisters, three beauties. Look how good they are. They love each other!

Sisters are joined at the hip

– You have two more daughters. How do you manage to cope? What is your income?

Teona: My husband’s grandmother died six months ago, and they suspended our social status. Due to some technical problems, we have not been paid allowance for six months. Our income is my husband’s daily earning, if, of course, he manages to find a job. Finding a job is difficult even in big cities, and even more so in our remote village. I hope we get our allowance back. It’s just hard to cope without it.

– Doesn’t little Lizi get a pension?

Teona: They promised to help us with this issue too, but no news so far. She was already qualified as disabled, so they probably will assign her a pension.

– What do you need the most right now?

Teona: We need groceries. This is the most important problem. At the grocery store, they sometimes give us food on credit, they know that when my husband gets a salary, he will pay everything. But you can’t live like this all the time and beg for alms. And kids need so many things!

You can’t even dream of candies and sweets

– How much money does your family need per month to live normally?

Teona: I don’t really know. If social allowance was restored, I would save money, but my children would be full. We don’t ask for more. The main thing is that we live in peace and love, and we will create the rest ourselves. 

The whole family – mom, dad and three daughters – fits on these beds 

– Okay. – In addition to food, there are probably household items that you cannot purchase by yourself.

Teona: Oh, of course, look at what we sleep on. We don’t have anything at home. There is no refrigerator, but it is very necessary. No gas stove. There are beds, but the bedding is very old, and mice eat it. 

“Today there will be porridge for lunch, and tomorrow too”

– What do your girls need? It’s a pity they can’t tell us about their dreams themselves.

Teona: They give clothes to girls. Look how they dressed up when they knew you were coming to take pictures. They need diapers. There are several toys, and we play with them very carefully. If someone gives us something, we take it, fix it and play.

Mom’s doll wrapped herself up like a baby doll

– My God, what lovely little angels they are. Probably there is a lot they want to say. Do you want to give them a brother?

Teona: Oh no, we won’t be able to raise one more child. But if my husband could find a permanent job, I would give birth to another child, because children are happiness. Especially if they are the fruits of true love.

“Will you come to me again?” 


Three angels need our help and support: four-year-old Lizi, three-year-old Linda and one-year-old Sophia. They are dressed up and waiting for guests. We know that they have the most important thing – loving and kind parents, but besides this, babies need so much more.

The family needs beds, refrigerator, TV, bedding. And most importantly, they need food and diapers. But we know seeing their faces and hearing their laughter will make you want to do more for them! And this is up to you! 

If anyone is willing to visit them and help them in person, here is their address: Lanchkhuti municipality, village Shukhuti. You just can’t imagine how light and joyful your soul will become when six little hands start reaching out to you and stroking you!

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Bzekalava family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram: Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

We were so happy that you came that we decided to have another baby!
Lizi, Linda and Sofia have probably never seen so many sweets in their entire lives. They do not talk, but they expressed how happy they were with their enthusiastic exclamations and gestures!

Linda shows how many cookies she can eat at a time.

Baby Sophia snatched off the largest box with bread rings. Who dares to take them away?

Lizi liked the colored cookies. They look like they’re from cartoons!

Would you pass by these angels?   For children who live in extreme poverty, who have never tried candies, any act of kindness is the path to a better future.
– Teona, how did your life change after we published a post about you?
Teona: I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not (call it what you want), but the next day after you visited us and promised to help us, we learned that great joy would come to our family – the girls would have a brother soon!
– Oh! Great news! When are you expecting a baby? 
Teona: I will have C-section in February. We have come up with a name already. My husband wants to name him in honor of his father, so that we have an heir to the family name – Tariel Bzekalava. After having three girls, of course, we were very happy that we would have a boy who would protect our daughters.
– Probably, now you will need so many things for little Tariel?
Teona: You are right! But now I want to thank you for the gifts that you have already brought! The fridge and oven have made my life easier.  The girls were blown away with joy from so many sweets! I even thought that so many goodies would be enough for them until adulthood. 

“The refrigerator is the most beautiful thing at our home”

 – Did anyone come to meet them in person?
Teona: No. But this is not that important, right? We are happy that someone responded and helped us.
– Theona, how else can we help? You will have more worries when the baby is born. As far as I see, you don’t have a washing machine. Do you need it?
Teona: I don’t dare even to dream about it. Of course, I need it. I probably won’t be able to buy disposable diapers for my baby, and you know how hard it is to wash swaddling clothes in cold water, especially in winter. Moms will understand me.

“We must gobble up everything faster, otherwise we’ll have to share everything with our brother” 

– Do you have a stroller or a crib?
Teona: No. We all sleep on two beds. I’d like to ask your readers: if someone has a stroller or crib that you do not use and can lend us for a while, I promise to return them to you in the same condition. We know how to take care of things. Girls sometimes find some damaged toys that others do not need, we wash them, fix them, and then they play with them. They are neat!
The fact that we have helped you this time does not mean that we will forget about you. We never forget our people! We will try our best to make your tomorrow better than today. Thanks to the faithful friends of our Fund, we can do everything, we will help you to cope with your troubles! Everything will be fine, as long as the Lord helps a person with the hands of another person.
Teona: To be honest, I got scared when I found out about my pregnancy. “How will we manage to keep another baby?” I thought. But after strangers responded to our problems, I became calmer. With God’s help and thanks to your mercy, I will manage to put my children on their feet. 
Friends, a long and cold winter awaits them. Children do not have warm clothes, shoes. There is no food. Mom does not have a washing machine, and Tariel, who is on the way and who will soon become a citizen of the most beautiful country – Georgia, has no stroller, no bed, no clothes. Let us do our best again for the sake of these endlessly warm kids and help them for the future of our country.
If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.
Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything.
Friends, thanks again to each of you!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: The Bzekalava family)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270 Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Sep 04, 2022
medical supplies
Sep 04, 2022
Sep 16, 2022
household appliances
Sep 30, 2022
fund overhead
Dec 23, 2022
washing machine
Jan 31, 2023
fund overhead
Feb 21, 2023

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
28.01.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.01.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
25.01.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
25.01.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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190 Donors

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190 Donors


They need your help urgently