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old lady with ill daughter live in a shed!

calendar January 3, 2017

n these holidays we would like to tell you the story of a person who unfortunately is in nonfestive mood… This is a beneficiary of our Fund, Zaira Gogibe

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


For already more
than 5 years, in weekdays and on holidays Chernovetskyi Charity Fund helps
feeble and miserable people who merely cannot survive without people’s help!

In these holidays
we would like to tell you the story of a person who unfortunately is in
nonfestive mood… This is a beneficiary of our Fund, Zaira Gogiberidze. Lately
this poor old lady survived so many severe shocks that it is even difficult to

Zaira’s husband got
severely ill. They had to sell their apartment and move to a shed to pay for
his operation and treatment. Unfortunately they did not manage to save the
husband… But that was not the last misfortune that came to them! In some time
her son-in-law suddenly died, her daughter was diagnosed with an incurable
disease and she herself fell down and broke her leg.

Heavy stress and
anxiety undermined the health of the poor old lady. Now she can hardly move in
her shed… And there are no conveniences in this shed: neither water supply,
nor heating! There are even no windows – window openings are boarded up with
plywood to protect from cold and wind at least a little.

Poor old lady Zaira
with her daughter warm themselves and cook on the wood stove and only when good
people bring some firewood. Sometimes they have no firewood, nor even bread,
and then all day long they have to lie in bed under a pile of blankets in order
not to be frozen or not to fall down of hunger …

Zaira and her
daughter acutely need food products, medicines and firewood. Any help will be
vitally important to them!

the Christmas Eve we urge you to show kindness and sympathy and help these poor
women to survive, as they are living in inhuman conditions without any means of
subsistence. You can transfer money to the Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003,
GE64BG0000000470458000 (Purpose: Zaira Gogiberidze) or pay directly from our

with you we have already helped many miserable people! Let us support this poor
old lady Zaira who is too modest to ask anyone for anything ever.

We assure you that
she would be happy to accept any of the help you can give her and she will have
heartfelt gratitude for any warmth and care from other people!

Gagnidze Family doesn´t know how to survive the winter!

Charity Fund would like to tell you about the family of Gogita and Katherine
Gagnidze who are bringing up 6 wonderful children.

This family got
into a very complicated situation. The father of the family cannot any more do
physical work, earn the family´s living or feed his children because of the
dramatic worsening of his health… A while ago he used to work at a building
site and earned enough to support his family. And now they left without any
means of subsistence.

Now they have to
survive with the scanty allowance which is less than 3 lari per day for one
person! Could you just imagine that? This money is not even enough to cover
utilities! Due to the debts for power supply there is no light in their house
for several weeks, and the children have to do their homework in the slight
glimmer of candles …

The family eats
short commons brought from the social canteen once a day. Not always they can
even buy the essential products (bread, cereals and flour), and they even don´t
dream of making their children happy with some sweet things for holidays!

The premises where
this miserable family is dwelling now is completely unfit for living. The walls
cracked, rain water pours from the ceiling, and some windows have cardboard
sheets instead of glass.

Despite the horror
and poverty which surround them the children in this family are very nice, kind
and well-bred.

Nika, the eldest
son, dreams of entering a culinary school in order to learn how to cook and to
give food to his smaller brothers and sisters to their heart’s content.

Gabriel has 12
years old; the boy swims perfectly well and wishes to become a rescuer.

11-year old Miriam
dreams to become a teacher. She adores reading and the best present for her are

7-year old Luka and
6-year old Saba want to become football players and make their country famous
when they grow up!

The youngest
Barbare dreams to have a Barbie doll which she saw her friends had. And also
wants so much to get a cake for her birthday! As during the 4 years of her life
the poor girl has never blown out candles on her birthday cake…

We earnestly ask
you to provide help to the Gagnidze family: at the moment the state of these
poor people is absolutely horrible! They acutely need any assistance: food
products, hygiene products, medicines for children, clothes for children, shoes
and bed clothes!

Their only hope is
for the good people! You are their only hope!

Please, on the New
Year and Christmas Eve show kindness and sympathy and help these poor children!
Because there is no one to give presents to them or to make their dreams come
true. They even have only one New Year wish, they want Father Frost to bring
them food!

are starting a charitable fund rising action for the large Gagnidze Family. Any
help you give, even the smallest one, will help them to survive! If you have a
possibility to render financial aid to these poor people, you can transfer
money to the Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (Purpose: Gagnidze Family) or pay directly from our

Don’t remain
indifferent, do good for the poor kids and it will return to you and your
children for sure!

Apr 18, 2017

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently