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The eternal child! Luka is not destined to become an adult!

calendar April 4, 2023

21-year-old Luka is an eternal child for his single mom Irina. Irina got used to it and even thanks God that she had a chance to be Luka’s mother. When he was born, “good people” advised her to leave him right in the maternity hospital and forget about him… “You condemn yourself to eternal torment,” they said, but Irina was ready for all the trials, just to be together with her son!

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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The eternal child! Luka is not destined to become an adult!

21-year-old Luka is an eternal child for his single mom Irina. Irina got used to it and even thanks God that she had a chance to be Luka’s mother. When he was born, “good people” advised her to leave him right in the maternity hospital and forget about him… “You condemn yourself to eternal torment,” they said, but Irina was ready for all the trials, just to be together with her son!

“For me Luka is still a child who will never grow up”

Irina: Such trials have fallen to my lot over the years, that I thought I could not stand it. Only faith in the Lord brought me and Luka to this day. I think the rightest decision was to leave the family and devote myself entirely to my child. They said he wouldn’t live long… But I know that God carries my boy in His arms, and me along with him. He doesn’t let us die. 

“His hugs are more important to me than all the riches in the world … I want them to never stop”

– How is Luka’s condition now?

Irina: It’s the same as it has been since birth… he can’t move, he only lies down, he has no chewing reflex and can eat only pulped food. He can’t talk. He only expresses emotions sometimes. He cries when it hurts and smiles when it doesn’t. His smile is an indicator of my day. Parents sometimes say, “We want our children to babies little longer,” and that’s what happened to me. 

“For Luka, medication is more important than air; if he misses to take just one pill, he can have severe seizures”

– What difficulties do parents of sick children face?

Irina: Oh! I don’t want even to recall what I went through. I was alone, with a sick child, I could not leave him for even a second, and my allowance and pension were absolutely not enough for anything. Five times I changed apartments, moved to terrible rooms just to pay less. We couldn’t even afford to pay for life-saving epilepsy medication. How many hungry days we spent, how many times we were freezing cold, how many times Luka was writhing in pain in epilepsy attacks, because of the lack of medicine… God… I don’t even want to remember what we went through together over the years. 

Luka can hardly fit in the small bed, and it’s another challenge for his deformed body

– Has your life changed now?

Irina: After 20 years of wandering, the mayor’s office gave me an apartment that I don’t have to pay rent for! I finally have peace of mind that I won’t get thrown out on the street like a dog if I don’t pay rent – which has happened to us before. But now there is a new problem. The apartment has bare walls, there is no furniture, no appliances… my poor boy is lying in a bed designed for toddlers. He can barely fit. Even though his body is twisted, I feel so sorry for him when I see that he can’t straighten his deformed legs.

“Come on, baby, one more spoonful for Mom”

– What else can we help you with besides the bed?

Irina: Your Fund helped me eight years ago when we were living in a basement with no water or food. Do you remember that? The Chernovetskyi Fund brought me a washing machine, a refrigerator, food, medications… that’s when I realized that God would never leave me and Luka. You can’t even imagine what it meant to me. So, I want to tell everyone who is reading this now – don’t stop believing, don’t stop praying, God will send help through the complete strangers. The same thing happened now, because your call, your visit, is also from God, isn’t it? Just a few weeks ago I asked Him for a bed for Luka. And you appeared! 

“Mommy will never leave you, you’re my dear baby”

– What else do you need besides a bed?

Irina: We need a closet, a table, and a juicer. And diapers and special food for my boy. As Luca got older, his blood pressure started to fluctuate, and he really needs a blood pressure monitor, too. But other than that, I’m doing fine. My son’s pension and allowance are enough to buy medications. I get food from the social canteen. You know, it’s a huge relief that I don’t have to save every month to pay rent. I can even buy dairy products and meat for my son sometimes. I make soup and feed him. He has no other joy but food. I put a teddy bear next to him, start singing… he smiles, and I am happy, praying: “Thank God that nothing hurts him.” 

* * *

The Chernovetskyi Fund cannot leave this family with a severely ill child to their fate! Therefore, we are launching a charity campaign to raise funds for Luka and his faithful mom! God gives us “other people’s troubles” so that we could manifest our best qualities and become true Christians. Otherwise, He would never let people grieve, because He loves everyone equally!

They need diapers, medications, baby food, furniture, a juicer, and a blood pressure monitor. 

If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Tbilisi, Mukhiani I Microdistrict, Building B, Apartment 1507

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: Luka Navroziani)

You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank» (GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and  PayBox (OPPA). terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life:  0901200270! God bless you! 

I admire each of you good-hearted people for your loving hearts! This is a gift from our Lord! Look how much good you have done! We are happy! May you be happy too, people of God!


Mother Irina:  “I am grateful that there are extraordinary people in Luka’s life”

Even though Luka is twenty-one years old, he slept in a borrowed child’s bed – too narrow and cramped. If he could speak, he would surely express his gratitude for the relief his body feels.  However, cerebral palsy, microcephaly, and epilepsy do not let him talk or move. Only through his wide, happy smile can you understand how much he appreciates his new bed, the new furniture in their room, and the small music speaker you gave to replace the broken one. If you could see the pleasure and emotions music brings him, you would also be deeply moved!

“In three months, you’ve filled our empty home with lots of things,” says single mother Irina.  “I addressed the Fund and its readers during the toughest times of our life, and I always got impressed by how skillfully you solve problems. I am grateful to God for all of you!”

“You’ve put in a lot of effort to make Luka and me happy”

– Irina, I want to praise your taste: you managed to organize your bedroom very beautifully.

Irina: It’s my taste, but without the donations from the readers – from all of you – nothing would have ever been possible for us! We recently moved to this apartment provided by the city hall.  It was unfurnished. I had to figure out where to get beds, a table, chairs, and a wardrobe on my own. But you know that a mother of a seriously ill child doesn’t have the time or the means.  I have no way to go to work. I’m always at home with Luka, always on guard: what if he has seizures, what if he hits his head… In such a situation, you feel immense relief when someone takes on your problems, shows care. It’s a significant help from your side!

With the funds raised by the readers, I was able to call a craftsman and order furniture. Store-bought furniture wasn’t suitable for us. As you can see, it’s cramped here. The room is small: about 3.5 meters in length and 3.65 meters in width. The craftsman calculated the dimensions of the furniture correctly and made us two beds and a floor-to-ceiling wardrobe.

“All the furniture was custom-made according to our taste. For our small room, the craftsman found an interesting solution – a sleeping corner”

“Now we have a spacious floor-to-ceiling wardrobe with a mirrored door”

“Just recently, we also received beautiful chairs from you. You always do more than I dare to ask for”

“I am happy with the result – it’s modern and beautiful!  Luka’s bed has soft upholstery. My boy sighed in relief, finally able to lie down comfortably. Before this, he used to sleep in a cramped child’s bed.   He sleeps poorly due to epilepsy, suffers from insomnia, and his uncomfortable bed brought additional challenges. You gave us high-quality, comfortable mattresses.  Luka and I are absolutely happy!”

In the old bed, Luka lay as if in a vise, but here he is comfortable and cozy

If I play some music on the new speaker, will it bother our conversation? And you’ll also see how emotionally Luka reacts.

– Sure! Luka is the most important to us, and everything we do is for his sake!   What will Luka listen to? What does he like?

Irina: He enjoys children’s songs; he simply adores the piano. I often play classical music for him. And now we’ll listen to Richard Clayderman. (She turns it on.) Luka remembers how his aunt used to play the piano when he was a child, and that memory is somewhere in him. His response to the piano is extraordinary! Look how excited and happy he is!

Luka loves the piano – he has a very subtle sense of music. The new music speaker is a very important gift!

– Our readers will be happy that they managed to bring joy to Luka. And today is a happy day for us.

Irina: I personally got to know some of the readers, by the way. One young military man visited us at home, he brought gifts from himself and his colleagues-friends.  There are five of them, and each time they choose a story that is particularly close to them to help. The military man (I didn’t ask his name, probably due to excitement!) has a sick nephew. He can walk and talk, unlike Luka, but he has some mental disorders. Our guest asked me what medications I give Luka and how I care for him. We had a lot to discuss. He’s a very warm, attentive young man, just like his friends.

We are happy that Luka has found a new friend – one of our readers

You know what I’m thinking about right now? I want to write a letter of gratitude to all the readers. Or maybe your Fund has a book of gratitude, so I could come and express my appreciation? Because the readers and the Fund have provided me with immense support for the third time!

– We don’t have a book of gratitude, but we will consider this initiative. In the meantime, please tell us, and we will convey your wishes and emotions to our readers.

Irina: I perfectly understand that this care, this love, is a gift from God.  All of you are a gift to me from God. I look at each of you with admiration and respect for your gift of empathy, for the gift of being a true human being. I am happy that in our lives, mine and Luka’s, there are people with extraordinary souls. With all my heart, I wish that you never experience even a shadow of sorrow, that your kindness and generosity are rewarded.  I pray for your health and well-being every day. I am happy now because you have put so much effort into this. You have relieved me of many anxious moments. Luka has everything he needs at the moment – diapers, medications, a blood pressure monitor.

“You have saved me from worries. Luka has medications, diapers, a blood pressure monitor”

– Is Luka currently experiencing blood pressure issues?

Irina: When I see that he’s restless, irritable, and having trouble sleeping, I measure his blood pressure. This device is more for monitoring, to not miss any changes in Luke’s condition. His normal blood pressure is around 90-100 over 65-70. Most of the time, my boy is in a good mood, but if anything seems off, I check his blood pressure right away and take the necessary steps.

If Luka is restless, his mom measures his blood pressure. Mom Irina has everything under control now

– Irina, how else could we help?

Irina: There’s something I want to request from the local authorities. They said I could get help every few months.  It’s about time, and I’m going to take advantage of it. I’ll request a table for our home. I hope they’ll provide it. I know that you always help but let them make an effort as well.

When we write about sick children, you can be sure that your help is always relevant. Luka’s diseases – cerebral palsy, microcephaly, epilepsy – are incurable. At any time you can ask us for information about Luka and we will answer what he needs. At any time it would be appropriate to help with diapers, medications, food. You will make life very easy for Luka and his mom Irina and you will feel the jubilation that will fill your soul. By helping, we become much happier.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, and talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy!

Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:

In Bank of Georgia #GE64BG0000000470458000

In TBC Bank #GE15TB7194336080100003

In Liberty Bank #GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: The Navrozian family)

You can also transfer money from our website: TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life:  0901200270 ! God bless you!

Let’s believe that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

May 04, 2023
Jun 07, 2023
Furniture accessories
Jun 08, 2023
Jun 30, 2023
fund overhead
Aug 21, 2023
Aug 30, 2023
Sep 20, 2023

Total expenses:



16.09.2023 13:47:00
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'მარიამ დოლბაძე
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557 Donors

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557 Donors


They need your help urgently