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calendar April 18, 2023

One call saves life!

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“You’ll ruin each other! You can’t take care of yourself – how can you take care of a sick child? You won’t make it – you’ll die, and you’ll take the baby with you” – these were the “congratulations” and “encouragement” Ia received after her daughter Katie was born with Down syndrome.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“You’ll ruin each other! You can’t take care of yourself – how can you take care of a sick child? You won’t make it – you’ll die, and you’ll take the baby with you” 

– these were the “congratulations” and “encouragement” Ia received after her daughter Katie was born with Down syndrome. 

Ia: I got used to having such conversations. They judged me and persuaded me to leave both my first and second son in the maternity hospital. They were healthy and I wasn’t. You know, it’s hard to be a mom in Georgia, especially when you have health problems. 

“It’s hard to be a mom, especially when you’re confined to a wheelchair”

– It’s a miracle that you became a mother to three children despite this situation! Keti is a miracle! 

Ia: They are the meaning of my life and my greatest joy. And I am a burden to my children. But since God willed it to be so, how dare I complain. We’re used to doing everything together. They’ve grown up and now they help me. It breaks my heart to see Gabi or Keti washing dishes in cold water! I can only do things sitting down – cleaning is beyond me. That’s why all these things fell on my kids – they take care of everything and are always together everywhere.

“I love water! And my mom says she feels sorry for me”

– It would probably be a lot harder for you to cope without the support of your kids.  

Ia: We do everything together. We even go to school together. In our village, a child recently went missing, and now I’m afraid to let them go alone. That’s why I see them off in a wheelchair, and then wait for them there. I can’t go back and forth twice – I get very tired and my heart starts to hurt. 

Our roads are not very good, to be honest! When it rains, I don’t let them go to school: I’m afraid to let them go alone, and I can’t go with them either, because my wheelchair will get stuck in the mud.

Such simple things like rain and puddles make it impossible for Keto and Gabi to go to school

– Ia, at what point were you left alone? As far as I see, you’ve lived with your husband for a long time. You have three common children…

Ia: We were young, happy, and enjoyed every single day. I had a wonderful husband and golden mother-in-law. What do young people need? So, I lived like a fairy tale for two months, and then an accident happened. It took the life of my mother-in-law and made me disabled. After spinal surgery, I decided to stand up and asked my mother to give me slippers. And she burst into tears. So, I began to realize that I wouldn’t need slippers anymore…  In the first years my husband carried me in his arms, and then it became more and more difficult. He couldn’t take such a serious test – his nerves got completely shot. It was too hard for him, and we decided to break up. But I don’t blame him, I don’t condemn him, not many people could stand it. We have three wonderful children – and I am grateful to him for that. 

How much more must Ia endure to deserve a quiet life?

–  Ia, it’s insanely hard to spend an entire pregnancy in a wheelchair. And you dared to go through this three times!

Ia: Every woman deserves to be a mom, whether she’s in a wheelchair or not. That’s what I dreamed of. Children have been my greatest joy in life. Carrying a baby was difficult, very difficult, though. I had a very difficult pregnancy with Keto. And it didn’t get any easier after her birth: she was born with Down syndrome, and they didn’t want to give her to me. Keta was born with three kidneys, so I don’t know what they wanted to do with my little girl later on, and I don’t want to think about it. They were not going to raise and bring her up for sure! They tried to convince me in all possible ways to leave her. 

“Keta doesn’t like it when people say bad things about her. She’s a princess!”

Keti: No! Keta doesn’t have boo-boo! Only Mama has boo-boo! 

Ia: She doesn’t like it when people say she’s sick – she always gets angry. She wants them to think of her as a healthy, normal girl. But she has a tumor in her stomach, so we have to visit the oncologist once every 3 months. It seems they managed to stop the growth of the tumor. But Keta keeps defecating with blood. Her hair has already fallen out several times.

Most of all, Keti likes to ‘love’ her mom. She is the best at it!

Keti: Stop, that’s enough! You can’t say that! Keti is healthy. Princess Keti is pretty. I can write sticks and squares. I wash dishes very well, like Gabi. And I give my mommy her medicine. 

It says right here, “Mommy I love you very much”

Gabi: I saw a snake in the toilet bowl. Have you ever seen one, Auntie? And I’ve seen it, we hardly got it out!  But a snake is nothing. Rats – there’s nothing nastier! We had them here until we closed their hole in the kitchen. 

“We have snakes and rats… they scare us”

– You have wonderful children. And your relationship is an example of great and sincere love. 

Ia: That’s right, they are God’s gift to me. I taught Ketu to pray. Sometimes I go to church, and she always goes with me, she kneels and prays. Every evening, she reads the Lord’s Prayer. 

“I can’t eat these nasty potatoes anymore”

Keti: Lord, have mercy… May God bless you… 

– Ia, what do you live on?

Ia: Keti’s and my pension are not enough for us. We live on 300 GEL per month. Well, “live” is a strong word – we just survive. I need diapers, the kids need food… so we have to choose. We don’t have enough for everything. 

Help the mother of the prettiest girl!

– Is there anyone who can help you? The children’s father, or maybe your relatives?

Ia: Their father and our eldest son live now in a village, not far from Tskhinvali. He doesn’t help them. He probably doesn’t live very well himself. Their older brother still needs help himself, he needs to think for himself. He visits his little sister and brother sometimes. So, I don’t ask for any help from them.

I haven’t seen my mother for several years – she lives in the occupied territory in Akhalgori. It is very hard for her to get in or out. And she has diabetes, she needs help herself, I’m very worried about her, but I can’t do anything. 

– Did you address the mayor’s office for help?

Ia: I did – both the mayor’s office and parliament members directly. But it didn’t bring any results. There must be a lot of people like us. They don’t have time to help everyone. That’s why I want to ask you, maybe they will hear you?

“I would do anything for my mother and sister!”

– Ia, what do you need right now? How can we help you to make your life easier?

Ia: It would be great if you could allocate money for medicines and treatment for Keta – she needs a check-up every 3 months to control the tumor. I also need medications and I am embarrassed to say that, but I need diapers too.

In addition, my children do not eat well. Sometimes there’s not even stale bread at home. I will endure hunger, the main thing is they are fed. We have macaroni every day… Today I sent them to buy bread again, and there was no bread. So, they brought me money back untouched, they didn’t buy anything for themselves, although I know that they want yummies… I really need a dishwasher. I can’t wash the dishes myself, I want to, but I can’t. The kids keep their hands in cold water all the time. We need a gas water heater, so that the water at home was warm. I also want to re-lay the floor to hide these holes. The water is cold, the floor gives off cold – it all leads to diseases, and we don’t need these additional problems. 

* * *

Mama Ia, Gabi, and Keta protect each other with their love from all the problems of this world. But cold and hunger slowly but surely bringing them closer to tragedy. Their situation will not improve without outside help. They need a gas water heater so they can maintain basic hygiene, and a new stove so they don’t die one day of gas poisoning. Of course, Ia needs diapers, and both she and baby Keto urgently need life-saving medications. Keto’s tumor is not stable and can begin to grow at any time if not controlled with medication. Remember that little angel Keto is praying for you, asking that all good people get their good back a hundredfold, and asking God to protect them and not leave them. Don’t let this sweet soul be disappointed – become God’s helping hands for this family! 

Here is the address of the Kokashvili family so that you can visit them: Tserovani, Refugees Settlement, line 16, building 21.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: The Kokashvili family).

You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank» (GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on 



Even if you dial once this special number  0901200270  it might save someone’s life! God bless you!

May 04, 2023
May 14, 2023
Gas water heater
May 14, 2023
household appliances
Jun 30, 2023
fund overhead

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
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02.07.2023 20:00:00
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01.07.2023 20:00:00
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Thank you, kind heart!
30.06.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
30.06.2023 20:00:00
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Thank you, kind heart!
28.06.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
23.06.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
23.06.2023 20:00:00
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22.06.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
22.06.2023 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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233 Donors

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233 Donors


They need your help urgently