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He is destined to suffer!

calendar April 27, 2023

One call saves life!

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1 call - ₾2 GEL

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When little David has seizures and starts foaming at the mouth, his mother Ruzana asks God that it not be the end! Doctors still cannot understand how David manages to live with brain damages incompatible with life. He cannot walk or talk, often cries and moans. Someone should be with him every second, holding his hand or talking to him. Recently, his eyesight has started getting poor, and his biggest fear is being alone without his mother, father, or sister.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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He is destined to suffer!


When little David has seizures and starts foaming at the mouth, his mother Ruzana asks God that it not be the end! 

Doctors still cannot understand how David manages to live with brain damages incompatible with life. He cannot walk or talk, often cries and moans. Someone should be with him every second, holding his hand or talking to him.  Recently, his eyesight has started getting poor, and his biggest fear is being alone without his mother, father, or sister.  

He cannot survive alone – he would not be able to cope alone for even five minutes. David is nine years old, and since birth, he has not lived a day without pain and suffering. 

“He has not lived a day without pain and suffering”

The Igityan family waited eagerly for the birth of their first child.  A healthy baby boy was born, but the family’s happiness did not last long. At three months old, the baby contracted bacterial meningitis, and since then the family has forgotten about a peaceful and happy life.

“A handsome David was born. A healthy and strong boy” – the doctors said

David grew up like any other child, but the insidious disease did not spare this little angel

– Ruzana, how did it all happen? 

Ruzana: It happened so that one day, our son got ill. It was God’s will. It was a shock for us!  They told us he could not live for several weeks because he had developed cerebral palsy. With time, his condition would become increasingly grave, and his every breath and every day of life would depend only on us.

– In such hard moments, fathers often leave their families unable to bear such a burden.  They believe that only a mother can cope with such a heavy load. 

Ruzana: I am lucky! Sergo is with me! If it were not for his support and hard work, I could not have coped. The “walkers” that he made from iron pipes because we cannot afford real ones are just an example of his dedication. The money he earns is barely enough for medications and food.

Dad made walkers for David himself

– Please tell me about David. What bothers him the most?

Ruzana: For the past two years, David’s seizures have become worse. Foam comes out of his mouth, and he rolls his eyes. His eyesight is worsening with each passing day.  Sometimes seizures occur several times a day, but sometimes, by the grace of God, he has a peaceful day. When he is not in pain, he is a very active boy, constantly moving around. I imagine that if he were healthy, he probably wouldn’t be sitting still, but jumping, running and being the life of the party. My poor boy. 

When he feels good, Ruzana takes him to school. He loves to talk to other children

If it weren’t for his illness, Dato would probably be the best student in the class

Despite his condition, I was allowed to take him to school.  You should have seen his happy face when he sees the kids, and the kids love him so much!  They start pushing his wheelchair around and playing with him, and David just sits there and smiles.  We don’t go to school very often – only twice a month – but it’s a big joy for my son!”

“When he is not in pain, it is jubilation for our family”

– Can his overall condition be improved in any way? What do the doctors say? 

Ruzana: The doctors say they’re surprised that David is still alive! Two years ago, they operated on the tendons in his legs and arms. We sold everything!  Kind people helped us little by little, and we managed to have the operation done… you can’t imagine the state of parents who have sick children… You believe everything the doctors say. A doctor from Turkey examined our boy and said, ‘after the operation and rehabilitation, there’s a chance for him to walk.’  But something went wrong, and his condition started to deteriorate.  Now he can’t do anything by himself.  He can’t even move one of his arms.  

Little David wouldn’t survive a day without his mom

Natalia (6-year-old): You know, Dato is my little brother!  He’s like a toy!  He sits wherever you put him and makes sounds like a doll.  He’s my sweet and good little brother!  I’ll tell you a lot about him!

An older brother is the most beloved person for a sister

– You call him your little brother, but he’s older than you, right? 

Natalia: (giggles) Yes, of course, he’s older, but I still look after him like he’s little! You know, we even went to kindergarten together?   To the same group.  Mom says that Dato needs to socialize with other kids.  He already goes to school.

– Does anyone bully him there? 

Natalia: What are you talking about?  Who could bully him? He’s so cute.  All the kids love him!  And he’s always happy!  He always laughs when nothing hurts him!  

“They say we look alike”

– And how do you play with him?

Natalia: Well, there are all sorts of games, like house, and I even let him hug my teddy bear… we play and it’s good!   Am I right, Dato? Do you like it, don’t you?  See?  He says he likes it!  Well, he doesn’t say it with words, but I understand what he’s saying.  Because I’m his sister! 

Ruzanna: I thank God for giving me Natalia!  You can’t imagine how much she helps me.  And it’s like David feels better when she’s around!  She just doesn’t leave him alone. She calls him her little doll. 

“I can’t think of anything but David”

– Ruzanna, what do you need the most right now, besides David’s rehabilitation? 

Ruzanna: We really need a wheelchair for David, in which I could strap him and take him for a walk. We are also in urgent need of diapers and foodstuffs. And that’s it! That’s my ultimate dream!

Natalia: No, mom! Tell me what you dream of every time you sweep and mop the floors. Mom has a backache and she really, really needs a vacuum cleaner!

– And what do you really, really need, Natalia?

Natalia: I didn’t think you’d ask!  I dream of a Cry Baby doll.  It has a pacifier and can cry. I also dream of children’s cosmetics, not the ones for adults.  That’s it! Oh, and I really, really want a unicorn! You know, unicorns can make wishes come true. 

* * *

Friends, we hope for your kindness, for the greatness of your soul, for it is the light of all virtues!  You have saved many children, and we hope that David will become close and dear to you as well!  Don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand to 9-year-old David and breathe life into him!   

By helping the poor boy and his suffering family, you will not only save another family, but you will also become closer to the Almighty!

The family is in dire need of food, hygiene products, a wheelchair, and a vacuum cleaner.  It would also be wonderful not to forget about little princess Natalia and give her some toys!   

We really hope for your help and know that Georgians never leave their people in trouble! 

If you are willing to visit this family and help them in person, here is their address: Tbilisi, 7 Akhmeta Str. 

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: The Igityan family)

You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank» (GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay terminals and PayBox (OPPA).  Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on 



Even if you dial once this special number: 0901200270 it might save someone’s life! God bless you! 

May 14, 2023
May 22, 2023
Vacuum cleaner
May 25, 2023
Jun 08, 2023
Jun 30, 2023
fund overhead
Jul 04, 2023
blender, microwave
Jul 10, 2023
Aug 02, 2023

Total expenses:



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373 Donors

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373 Donors


They need your help urgently