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Prisoner of eternal torment. But, thank God, we are given a chance to perform a miracle! To bring happiness to someone during their earthly life!

calendar August 3, 2023

One call saves life!

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The Greek mythical hero – Sisyphus – was punished by Zeus for robbing the travelers! Essentially, he was a dangerous criminal, a scoundrel, and a killer! But he was from a family of gods and incredibly strong! However, even he couldn’t have imagined the suffering that our own, without exaggeration, Georgian Sisyphus – Levan Toliashvili – is condemned to for a lifetime by the callous indifference of local officials.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Prisoner of eternal torment. But, thank God, we are given a chance to perform a miracle! To bring happiness to someone during their earthly life!

The Greek mythical hero – Sisyphus – was punished by Zeus for robbing the travelers! 

Essentially, he was a dangerous criminal, a scoundrel, and a killer! But he was from a family of gods and incredibly strong! However, even he couldn’t have imagined the suffering that our own, without exaggeration, Georgian Sisyphus – Levan Toliashvili – is condemned to for a lifetime by the callous indifference of local officials.

Every day, in order not to die trapped like in a prison cell within four bare walls, this severely ill heroic man crawls down to the first floor on his knees from the fifth floor! And then back up… But we were no longer capable of filming this..!! And you, dear friends, are better off not witnessing this horror!

Levan’s mother – Tamara – also lives in constant suffering. Here’s her story in brief…

From the age of 20, your life turned into pure hell! She lost her parents at an early age, and she sought solace in marriage, but even there, she faced unhappiness. Her husband’s family was so impoverished that during her pregnancy, Tamara suffered from hunger, and at times, she even fainted from exhaustion, yet no one cared about her. 

For 30 long years, this devoted mother has been carrying her son in her arms… she never leaves his side, as in this harsh world, there is no one else they can rely on

Tamara: My difficult pregnancy became the reason for Levan being born weak. Suffering from asphyxia, he couldn’t even cry  or swallow. The doctors barely managed to save him, initially giving little hope. They said, “Prepare a coffin, not baby clothes.” 

– Indeed, not every woman would be able to hear such words without losing her sanity.

Tamara: Fate dealt blow after blow to me from the very beginning. I got used to it. My life is a struggle for every morsel of bread, and each day turns into a test of endurance. But, perhaps, since we are still alive, I can dare to say that God loves us. After hearing these words, I decided that against all odds, I will be strong and show everyone that my son will live! That I will be a young, inexperienced but the best mother!”

Any mother can go crazy just from hearing the words: “Prepare a coffin for your son, he doesn’t have much time left to live..”

– How do you cope with the difficulties you have to overcome every day?

Tamara: I don’t even know where to begin telling you about our problems.  My son’s illness?  Hunger? Living in such difficult conditions?  I don’t know how to endure all of this anymore.  That’s why tears choke me. 

– What was the most challenging moment in your and Levan’s life?

Tamara: First, it was the words of the doctors saying that he didn’t have much time left to live. Second, it was when I almost lost him when he was two years old. As I mentioned, we lived in extreme poverty and very cramped conditions.  We used the stove to heat water for the family’s needs. Levan fell off the bed and accidentally knocked over a bucket of boiling water, scalding himself.  His little body melted like a candle.  He cried in pain… without waiting for emergency, our neighbors rushed him to a burn center, where they literally pieced him back together. It was such a shock for him, and the unhealthy boy turned into a disabled child.  Even his tendons were damaged, which eventually made him unable to walk.  He couldn’t put weight on his foot, couldn’t bend his knee, and then he stopped walking… and now, for years, he’s been confined to a wheelchair, struggling to move like half the boy he once was…

28 years have passed, and the scars from the burns still cover the crippled body of the young man

Levan: Oh, dear God, I’m so tired of sitting on these wheels! I have only one dream – to walk! I’d throw this contraption away and run… join a sports team… and be happy… and my mom wouldn’t suffer.  And I wouldn’t suffer. 

“Only faith in God keeps us afloat. Every day, Levan kisses the icons and asks for the strength to walk”

– How do you feel when you see your son’s suffering?

Tamara: I experience a sense of helplessness and deep emotional pain. My heart aches when I see Levan struggling every day, and I wish I could take away his suffering. Just witnessing him crawling down the stairs devastates me. When he was little, I used to sit him on the floor, lower the wheelchair and then go back up to carry him on my back or in my arms to bring him down.  And we live on the fifth floor! But now, I can’t even get the wheelchair down, let alone my son. And how can I keep Levan indoors? He takes matters into his own hands and crawls to the yard. He takes a ball and waits for the neighborhood kids just to have some fun. And yet, his problem could be solved by a modern wheelchair designed to navigate stairs, both descending and ascending. When I saw this technological marvel, I sighed with bitterness. I could never afford to buy it, even if I were to sell a kidney!

“Even sitting on this old wreck of a wheelchair is painful, let alone moving around. A new wheelchair would change Levan’s life”

Levan: Sure! Guys of my age don’t want to play with me.  But the younger ones – 11, 12 years old – have a lot of fun. We throw the ball to each other. Not everyone understands me.  Some laugh, some say certain words – probably hurtful ones. 

“This is how I go down the stairs to play with the kids in the yard”

Tamara: I wish people would try to put themselves in our shoes. Having a child who constantly needs assistance is an endless trial. Please, be more compassionate and understanding towards those facing difficulties. I have no family left – my parents and husband passed away.  My younger daughter got married and found herself in a very difficult situation – sometimes she doesn’t even have enough money for food.  As for relatives… they all have their own problems. Sometimes years go by, and they don’t even ask if we are alive or already gone. 

“If people knew how to put themselves in others’ shoes, they wouldn’t be so cruel”

– How do you find the strength and motivation to keep fighting?

Tamara: My love for Levan gives me the strength and motivation to keep fighting every day. I know that his needs are paramount, and I am ready to do everything possible to provide for his life in any way. When I am no longer here, I want him to have a chance at survival.  With God’s and your help, I want to bring him to a state where he can take care of himself.

“When my son prays to the Lord and tells Him that he believes he will be able to walk, tears well up in my eyes”

– What moments bring you joy and satisfaction, despite the difficulties?

Tamara: Every time I see a smile on Levan’s face, feel his warm embrace, or hear him telling someone that he wants to stand on his feet and will definitely do it, it brings me joy and satisfaction.  In those moments, I feel that all the difficulties we have to overcome are worth it.

– What kind of support do you hope to receive from people around you?

Tamara: We need any kind of support, whether it’s financial assistance, medical help, or kind words. We will be grateful for any help!  Please help my unfortunate son take a rehabilitation course. It will help strengthen his legs.  Maybe he will be able to take a few steps on his own? I’m not asking for food – we manage with meals from the social canteen. But what we don’t have and really need is a refrigerator!  I feel ashamed to make requests when my son is unwell. 

“We get food from the social canteen. We know we won’t die of hunger… but my son needs so much more than just food”

– What dreams and hopes do you have for Levan’s future?

Tamara: My ultimate dream is to see Levan living a fulfilling life despite his disability.  I hope he will find his calling and discover joy in each day. I read about how you helped a boy without arms find his purpose and his place in this life. He even won some competitions. (Note: referring to a beneficiary of the Fund – Goga Khakhalaishvili   I can imagine how happy his mother is. I can imagine how happy the boy himself is now.  He probably once dreamt of death, and now he travels to different countries and participates in competitions. 

– Sure! Goga’s story is a source of pride!  Stories always find their readers! What would you like to say to those who are willing to help you and your family?

Tamara: I beg everyone to work a miracle for us!  I beg all the mothers – those with healthy children, and all the young people – who can take care of themselves, to help!  Your support can change our family’s life.  You have changed the destinies of others; please help my son too!

The story of the family of Levan and his mother is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. They remained alone… or rather, they had always been alone, but now this loneliness has become unbearable.   But, by our joint efforts, we can change their destiny. Perhaps we may not be able to completely rid them of their problems and suffering, but every help and support we provide will be a small brick in their lives. Let us be generous in heart and generous in our actions, helping them financially, emotionally, and morally. We can raise funds for treatment and provide them with the support and care they so desperately need. 

If you are willing to visit this family and help them in person, here is their address: Tbilisi, Avchala, 11 Zarzma Str, Apartment 14.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:

  – In Bank of Georgia GE42LB0115113036665000

  – In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003;

  – In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000;

  (Purpose: Levan Toliashvili)

You can also transfer money from our website: TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Thank you for giving us a break from our joyless lives!


Levan: “Thank you very much for treating me with respect,”

 “I’ve always been alone,” says Levan. “People avoided me because of my disability. No one cared how I crawled down from the fifth floor to the ground, cutting my knees in the process. How I survived, what I ate… I’m very pleased now that I’ve seen a completely different attitude. Your readers cared – they treated me with respect.  They sent a bed so that I wouldn’t sleep on the old sofa with its prickly springs, a refrigerator so that my mom and I wouldn’t eat spoiled food, a TV so that I wouldn’t go crazy from boredom… I’m very grateful for this respect.”

– Sometimes the day would pass so that I didn’t even have a spoonful of soup to give my son, says Tamar. 

“We are still very poor, but, thanks to you and the Lord, our situation is no longer catastrophic. Joy and hope have entered our hearts that Levan will be able to walk.

‘Thank you for sharing hope and happiness with us!'”

– Tamar, what have the readers managed to help you with, and which problems have already been resolved?

Tamar: I am very grateful to the Fund for the attention they have given us. I no longer keep clothes in the old kitchen cupboard, next to the salt and vegetable oil.  Oh, do you still remember that nightmare of ours… And on top of the cupboard, we used to store food from the social canteen because we didn’t have a refrigerator. On the very next day, the food would spoil, and we would remain semi-hungry.

Come with me, I’ll show you how everything is neatly organized (opens the closet). Our clothes, Levan’s and mine, are now in their rightful place – in the closet. Food is in the new refrigerator.

Now everything is in its rightful place: food in the new refrigerator, clothes in the closet.

The new closet, considering the limited space, fits perfectly in the corner of the room.

And it’s no longer just meager cafeteria food. Thanks to your contributions, I’ve been able to switch Levan to normal meals.  I’ve even dared to buy chicken, butter for sandwiches, pancakes, and other semi-prepared and frozen foods. With 300 lari, two people can eat quite well. I really hope this program continues. These four months have been such a relief, knowing I didn’t have to worry about food. 

Thanks to your generous contributions, I’ve stocked up on semi-prepared foods that Levan loves like dumplings, pancakes, nuggets, and more. 

 I was happy to get rid of my tabletop gas stove, which did not work properly and leaked and the faulty washing machine. Now, all the appliances are working well, and nothing stresses me out. The new washing machine does such a good job spinning the laundry that it’s almost dry, and it dries quickly. 

Tamar: “My role is quite simple: add detergent and hit the ‘start’ button, and the rest is automatic.”

“It washes exceptionally well and leaves the clothes almost dry.”

And with this brand-new gas stove, I feel like a master chef, even when I’m making a simple soup or frying pancakes for Levan (laughs – editor). I’ve never had anything so beautiful in my life. It keeps my spirits high, and I want to cook with love, even when I’m tired. Then I polish it until it shines, so there’s not a single smudge on the surface. 

“I feel like a master chef with this brand-new gas stove.” 

 While waiting for lunch, Levan asked for a sandwich.

By the way, this frying pan was a gift from one of our readers. She hit the mark perfectly – on my old frying pan, food didn’t fry; it burned and stuck.

– Do you remember your guest’s name? Did you make any other acquaintances during the project?

Tamar: Our guest turned out to be quite modest, she didn’t mention her name. She is a very pleasant woman; she came with her husband. They brought a mattress and clothing for Levan, including sports pants and T-shirts. I thank her for finding the time and opportunity to help us.

I’d like you to mention the Arabuli brothers.   They also brought me a refrigerator. So now I have two refrigerators, as happened, and I can help someone in need and pass it on. Folks, thank you so much! Levan and I are thrilled to have met such wonderful people.

We haven’t met any of you who have supported us in person, but let my prayer be with each of you. May your life’s journey be filled with joy and success, prosperity and well-being. Health to you and your families. Thank you for allowing us to breathe amid our difficult and joyless life! Thank you for sharing hope and happiness with us, for not turning away and for taking on our problems.  Thanks to you, our lives have also begun to change, bringing good news and positive events.

– We look forward to hearing good news from you!

Tamar: I am happy that the Fund was interested in Levan’s situation and told the representative of the Turkish clinic Kalbatoni Natia about him. She contacted us and requested X-rays of Levan’s legs and pelvis so that the doctor could assess the situation and determine if they could help Levan. She also showed the video you took of Levan to the Turkish doctor.  Naturally, I didn’t have the means for any X-rays; the Fund took care of that.

“The Turkish doctor looked at the X-rays and said that they could help Levan.”

We have received hopeful news from Turkey that has deeply excited both my son and me. Levan will be able to walk normally if he undergoes five surgeries: on his pelvis, his foot, tendon grafting, and others. Kalbatoni Natia says it’s possible to get state funding from the Tbilisi City Hall and the Ministry of Health. She has promised not to leave us alone in this matter. Perhaps the Turkish clinic will also offer discounts.

We couldn’t even dream of anything like this until we met you! My little son has regained hope. Lord, maybe it will work out for us too? We see the miracles you work. We were so happy for the little boy, for Lazare Jibladze. He’s also under your care.

 – The news is indeed excellent. How’s your mood, Levan? What are you thinking about now?

Levan: I really want to walk – I want it so much!  It would make me the happiest. I don’t know when or how it will happen but thank you for giving me hope. I’m grateful that you’ve taken care of me. I sleep on a good bed and can watch my favorite rugby on a plasma TV. I’m a rugby fan, crazy about it. I also listen to music and enjoy comedians.

Our new TV has internet, so I mostly watch my favorite rugby and play music.” 

“The old couch made my entire body ache because of the springs and metal parts. But on this bed, I sleep peacefully.”

When I know that your team from the Fund is coming, I’m ready to descend from the fifth floor on my knees, even if it means hurting my legs, to meet you at the entrance. You stand for me, and I stand for you in the same way!

– May God grant you 100 years of health, Levan! Tamara, has the state in any way been involved in addressing your issues?

Tamar: It’s hard to understand them. For instance, they refused to provide an electric wheelchair for Levan. The Ministry of Health said, “Even though he is a pensioner, he is still young. We only provide wheelchairs to elderly patients.” At the same time, they funded rehabilitation: I’m currently taking my son for physiotherapy and exercises on machines. 

Mobility remains a serious challenge, a struggle for Levan. But I believe that with help of God and your help, he will get better.

Even the slightest hope that he may someday walk on his own makes Levan glow with a smile.

But for now, everything remains the same: he goes through agony as he descends from the fifth floor on his knees just to get into his wheelchair and see the street.

– What assistance do you need right now?

Tamar: If it’s possible, I would like to ask for continued food assistance. It helps us significantly. And also my blood pressure medication –   I cannot skip taking it. May God bless you!

 Tamar: “May my prayer be with each of you!” 

Your involvement mends Levan’s soul and shields him from bitter thoughts of being an outcast. Thanks to your dedicated efforts, the everyday life of Levan and his mother Tamara has become more comfortable, easier, and many domestic issues have been resolved. Levan’s life could potentially see numerous happy changes, especially in light of the recent news from the doctor. However, this is a long journey towards realizing the dream of standing on his own two feet, and at every step, our support is needed.   Right now, you can provide help with groceries.

We thank you for the essential work you do, driven by the call of your heart and the inspiration received from the Lord.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, and talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy!

Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:

  – In Bank of Georgia GE42LB0115113036665000

  – In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003;

  – In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000;

  (Purpose: Levan Toliashvili)

You can also transfer money from our website: TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Let’s believe that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them! 

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Dec 04, 2023
Dec 04, 2023
Jan 04, 2024
Feb 01, 2024
Feb 16, 2024

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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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08.10.2023 20:00:00



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They need your help urgently